A, Page - Public Service Commission

A, Page - Public Service Commission

A, Page - Public Service Commission


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:he in:crr,a:ion will relurr,ed lo :re t,'~:e: within a rezsxal'e :,re 8o*h<br />

par,ies agee lP.at Ihe In!ormalion skail XI be ccc eb cr recrcd-ced in 2r.y !or3 @c:h<br />

pacies agree lo receive such ln?c:mlicn and -:: c:si!cse such l,-~fcr~~~a:icn. Ec:h<br />

paz:;es acjree !o prc:ect the 1r.tc:na:icn rete:'. ed trcn l:s::,k:icn. c;sc!csu:e or<br />

blssei;iin.?!ion to anyone except ezployees cf :?e Far,:es with a r,eed to knew sir~9<br />

Ir.!cr;nalton and whiLh employees acjree to Ce tc:rj Cy lP,e :er-,s cf :C:s Sec:!cn. Ec:h<br />

par.:es will Lse Ire sar,e s:andard of tare to ,:':!eel ir,!ofr.at!cn :eCe!ved 2s :r,ey<br />

wculd use 15 pro!ec! their cwn con5lenlial and p:c;r;e!ary In:orr,alion.<br />

8. No?,vi!hs:anding Ihe foregoing. bc3 Fafiles acj!ee :P,at :r,e:e wiil td no<br />

cSii5a:ion lo p:o:ec: any por,ion of :P,e 1nforr.a: sn :La! is e er. 1) r;ale ;uSl~cly<br />

avai!ab!e ty the cwrer cf the Infcrcation or !;*'~lly 6:sclcsed ty a r,cr;aq :a this<br />

Ag:ee;r.ent wtlhout resiriclion on Cise!csure: 2) :z.~':l!y o'.:air.ec! :rem ary s:srce c:?.er<br />

:t.an the c;Yr.er Of :P.e lnfor.xIion w~thovt res:: r:icn cn c:sC:tsu:e: cr 3) ;I:EVICLS!Y<br />

kncm 1s :re receiving party wilhoul an obii5a;:cn :s keep it ccri'lCer,:.al, C) :s :ec,ui:ed<br />

to be' disclcsed by ]uc!icial or adninis:ra:ive ac:icn prcvded tral :?,e ;a,? >r.:enClng IO<br />

dlsclose :?,e information pursuant IO this Ag:ee;r;ent s5all Pave 5rst aCv:sed :be c:r,er<br />

pany o! the propcsed disclosure and shall have laken :easor.ak!e s:eps to er,sure the<br />

csnfilentiality of the Information.<br />

XXIII. Resolution of Disputes<br />

Except as otherwise staled in this Agreement, the panies agree :hat if any<br />

dispi:+~arises as lo the interpretation o! any provision of this Agreement or as to the<br />

proper implementation of this Agreement, the paflies will initially refer the issue Io the<br />

individuals in each company that negotialed the Agreement. If the issue is not resolved<br />

within 30 days. either party may petilion the Commissi0.n fof a resolution of Ihe dispule.<br />

Hwever. each party reserves any rights it may have lo seek judicial review of any<br />

ruling made by the <strong>Commission</strong> wncerning lhis Agreement.<br />

XXIV. Limitation of Usa<br />

The parties agree that this Agreement shall not be proffered by either party in<br />

another jurisdiction as evidence o! any concession or as a waiver of any position laken<br />

by the other party in that jurisdiction or for any other purpose.<br />

XXV. Waiven<br />

Any failure by either pam to insist upon :he strict perfonance by *,e omer paw<br />

of any cf !ke prcvisions of this Agreement shall not be Ceer,ed a waiver of any of the<br />

7rcvisici.s sf !Psis Agreement. and ea& par,', -.c:,vitP.s:anding suc-h failure. s:.all mV.3<br />

:Ce ri5': ::erea:.er :o ir.sist upsn :he s;ec:fc ce.

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