A, Page - Public Service Commission

A, Page - Public Service Commission

A, Page - Public Service Commission


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XVII. Disconnection of Existing End User Ser(ice<br />

A. 6ellSou:h will accepl reSuCS:S frcz US LEC Io disccr,r.ecl lke sewice of<br />

an exis:ing 6ellSou:h end user. EeliSoulh will a x e ;.I a :equesl direc:ly frcm an end<br />

user for conversion of :he end user's service ::tn US LEC :o BellSoc:h or will accepl a<br />

reqvesl from anolher ALEC or US LEC for coziersio n of :?.e Sewice Proviler Nur;,ter<br />

PoCabilily service associa!ed wi:h an end useis ser vice from US LEC 10 :e seccnd<br />

ALEC. BellSoulh will noli? US LEC lhat scz? , a reqsesl kas teen processed.<br />

@ellSou;h will no1 require end user cor.C,rr;,a!l;n srio r :o discmr.ec:l,ng :he end users<br />

service. US LEC musl. however, prcvite p:ocf c! as:) -ccr::a:lzn upon reqsesl.<br />

6. If eilher pany de:er-ires :tal sa ',-at ~:b:r,zed Lh.a,nGe In kcal sergice<br />

prcviler P,as occurred, it WI/I :ees!abllsh se?.i:e VI ,i;h :ke acprc9r:a:e lccal service<br />

provider as requested by the er,d user and will asses s 1P.e c:hr Fa,?y an uraulhoriied<br />

chinse cF,arcje of $13.41 per line or :rur,k :or :esilen ce or Susiress. The a;prcpr:a:e<br />

non:ecurring ckarses lo rees:aSlish 1t.e cus:o,y,er's ! service wilh 1r.e apprsprlee local<br />

service provider will also be assessed because of 1 he unauthorized chanse. These<br />

charps may be adjusted il salisfaclory proof cf autho rization is provided.<br />

C. Eilher party may designate ilself as<br />

exchange service for ils own pay lelephones.<br />

-.<br />

.A XVllL Implementation of Agreement<br />

The parties agree lhatwithin 90 days of Lhe ex( !cution of lhis Agreement they will<br />

adOpt'a schedule for l!?e implemenlalion of lhis Agre ement. The schedule shall Sale<br />

wilh specificity, conversion, reconfiguration. orlering, , lesting. and full operational time<br />

frames. BoLh parties agree to provide the appropriali 3 staff support Io ensure effective<br />

implementation, administration of lhis Agreement and conversion of existing services 10<br />

lhe appropriate rates contained in this Agreement 1 b y changes in billing to US LEC<br />

shall be as of the effective dale of this Agreement. TI he implemenlalion schedule shall<br />

be altac9ed to this Agreement as an addendum and s pecifically incorporaled herein by<br />

lhis referen-.<br />

XIX. Auditlng Procedurar<br />

. A. Upon thirty (30) days witen nolica. ead 1 parry mLs1 provide lhs olher lhe<br />

abili!y and opportunity lo conduct an annual audit to t msure the proper billing of rrafic<br />

befwveen :he parties. The panies agree to retain rmr 13 cf call letail :or a minimum of<br />

nire mo,nik from *ic? the PLU can be ascecai;ed. l h aulit stall te accmphshed<br />

during ,norral business hours a1 an c5ce desisr,a:ed ! :y :re cap te1n5 aud!:ed. Ad!l<br />

request stall no1 be submilled more frquenlly :an o m (1) :ime per caienlar year.<br />

Audits skall be performed by a mutually accep:aSle I ndepndent auditory paid for by<br />

24<br />

lhe prefened provider of local

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