Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins


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<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Introduction<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong><br />

<strong>Amino</strong> acids are the building blocks of proteins. In class you learned the structures of the 20<br />

common amino acids that make up proteins. All amino acids have the general structure shown<br />

below.<br />

H O<br />

H3N + C C<br />

R<br />

O -<br />

<strong>Peptides</strong><br />

<strong>Peptides</strong> are short chains of amino acids, each one connected to the next by an amide linkage<br />

called a peptide bond.<br />

Below is the chemical reaction by which two amino acids become connected by an amide<br />

linkage (the circled O <strong>and</strong> two H‟s are eliminated as a water molecule during the reaction):<br />

H<br />

O<br />

H 3N + C C<br />

R<br />

O -<br />

H<br />

H<br />

O<br />

N + + H C C<br />

H3N + H2O + C C N C C O -<br />

A tripeptide (composed of three amino acids):<br />

H O H O H O<br />

H 3N + C C<br />

R<br />

H<br />

N C C<br />

H<br />

R<br />

R<br />

two peptide bonds<br />

N<br />

H<br />

O -<br />

C C<br />

R<br />

O -<br />

H<br />

R<br />

O<br />

H<br />

H<br />

R<br />

peptide bond<br />

The artificial sweetener aspartame (br<strong>and</strong> name Nutrasweet) is an example of a modified<br />

peptide. The structure of aspartame is shown below.<br />

H<br />

H3N + C C<br />

CH2<br />

O<br />

C<br />

O O -<br />

N C C<br />

H<br />

H<br />

CH2<br />

O<br />

O<br />

CH3<br />

O<br />


<strong>Proteins</strong><br />

<strong>Proteins</strong> are the work horses of living cells. They act as microscopic cellular machines that<br />

function in much the same manner as human-built machines. Protein molecules are long chains<br />

of amino acids connected to each other in the same manner as in peptides. Very small proteins<br />

may be composed of 50 to 100 amino acids, while large proteins may contain thous<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

amino acids. In a normal functional protein, the long chain of amino acids is “folded” into a 3dimensional<br />

shape (imagine the long amino acid chain as a piece of string that has been<br />

crumpled up into a 3-D ball/blob). Every protein has a unique 3-dimensional shape that is suited<br />

to its biological function in a living organism. If the 3-dimensional shape “unfolds” for some<br />

reason, the protein will no longer be able to carry out its biological function <strong>and</strong> will usually be<br />

destroyed by the cell. (Unfolding is like the crumpled up blob of string being unwound again.)<br />

The unfolding of a protein structure is called denaturation.<br />

Chemical Tests<br />

In this experiment you will perform three chemical tests to distinguish between free amino acids,<br />

peptides, <strong>and</strong> proteins in the lab.<br />

Biuret Test<br />

The Biuret reagent contains copper ions which give it a blue color. The copper ions will interact<br />

with a compound that contains two or more peptide bonds, resulting in the formation of a<br />

violet/purple-colored product. When a compound does not have at least two peptide bonds, it<br />

will not react with the Biuret reagent, <strong>and</strong> no purple color will appear (solution will remain a<br />

shade of blue due to the copper ions).<br />

Positive Biuret test: violet/purple product forms<br />

Negative Biuret test: no violet/purple product formed<br />

Ninhydrin Test<br />

The ninhydrin reagent will react specifically with a primary (1 o ) amino functional group on a<br />

compound, resulting in the formation of a violet/purple-colored product. When a compound does<br />

not have a primary amino group, it will not react with the ninhydrin reagent, <strong>and</strong> no purple color<br />

will appear (solution will remain colorless).<br />

Positive ninhydrin test: violet/purple product forms<br />

Negative ninhydrin test: no violet/purple product formed<br />

Denaturation Test<br />

Strong acid will often denature (unfold) proteins. <strong>Proteins</strong> that are properly folded into their<br />

normal 3-dimensional shape tend to be soluble in aqueous solution. However, proteins that<br />

have been denatured tend to clump together <strong>and</strong> come out of solution as a precipitate because<br />

they are no longer soluble when they are denatured <strong>and</strong> clumped together. In the denaturation<br />

test, strong acid is used to test a solution for the presence of protein. When strong acid is<br />

added, the formation of a white precipitate (composed of denatured protein molecules) is<br />

considered a positive denaturation test <strong>and</strong> indicates the presence of protein in the solution. If<br />

no precipitate forms, the denaturation test is negative, <strong>and</strong> indicates that no protein is present in<br />

the solution.<br />


<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Prelab Name_______________<br />

1. Draw the structures of alanine <strong>and</strong> glycine. (Refer to the figure showing the 20 amino acids<br />

which is included in your In-Class Biochemistry Notebook.)<br />

2. Show the structure of the peptide that would result from a chemical reaction between glycine<br />

<strong>and</strong> alanine.<br />

3. A. Indicate whether each of the following is an amino acid, a peptide, or a protein.<br />

B. Indicate whether each will give a positive or negative Biuret test.<br />

A. aa, pept, prot? B. Biuret test? (+ or - )<br />

aspartic acid (a.k.a. aspartate) ____________ ___________<br />

phenylalanine ____________ ___________<br />

Nutrasweet (aspartame) ____________ ___________<br />

4. Examine the structure of aspartame (Nutrasweet) in the introduction, paying careful attention<br />

to the side chains. Which two amino acids would be released if the peptide bond was<br />

„hydrolyzed‟ (broken by a reaction with H2O)?<br />


<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Procedure<br />

Isolation of the Protein Casein from Milk<br />

1. Put 50 mL of skim milk into a 250 mL beaker. While stirring gently, add a solution of 10%<br />

acetic acid dropwise to the milk. As the mixture becomes acidic (at approximately pH 5.5), the<br />

milk protein casein becomes insoluble <strong>and</strong> begins to precipitate. Add acetic acid until you see<br />

no further precipitation forming.<br />

2. Prepare a simple filtration apparatus as follows. Place a square of cheese cloth (about 3<br />

layers thick) over the top of a large beaker—the cheesecloth square should be just large enough<br />

to cover the top of the beaker with a little overlap at the edges. Secure the cheesecloth using a<br />

rubber b<strong>and</strong>.<br />

3. Pour your precipitated casein mixture through the cheesecloth. Wash the casein with 25 mL<br />

of ethanol. Scrape the casein off the cheesecloth <strong>and</strong> press it between some paper towels to<br />

dry it.<br />

4. Take about half of your casein <strong>and</strong> put it in a 50 mL beaker. Add 10 mL of 0.1 M NaOH to<br />

the casein <strong>and</strong> stir to dissolve. This is the solution of dissolved casein you will use in the<br />

following steps.<br />

Biuret Test<br />

1. Use the dilute soap solution in the bottles near the sinks (bottles with blue lids) to thoroughly<br />

clean 5 test tubes. Rinse them well with distilled water. It is very important that the test tubes be<br />

clean in order to prevent anomalous results in the chemical tests you will carry out. The test<br />

tubes do not have to be completely dry, but shake them to remove as much water as possible.<br />

2. NOTE: glycylglycine is a dipeptide composed of two glycine‟s linked together.<br />

Place the following chemicals into four test tubes as indicated:<br />

Tube 1: 1 mL distilled water (water will serve as a control)<br />

Tube 2: 1 mL 1% alanine solution<br />

Tube 3: 1mL 1% glycylglycine solution<br />

Tube 4: 5 drops of your casein solution (from step 4 above) + 1 mL distilled water<br />

NOTE: It may take more than 5 drops of the casein. Start with 5 drops <strong>and</strong><br />

show your results to the instructor to see if this is enough.<br />

Tube 5: 1 mL of the unknown<br />

Then add 1 mL of the biuret solution to each of the five test tubes. Allow the contents to st<strong>and</strong><br />

for 10 minutes. While waiting, fill a 250 mL beaker about 1/3 full with distilled water <strong>and</strong> place it<br />

on a hot plate, but don‟t turn on the hot plate yet (you‟ll need it for the ninhydrin test below). If<br />

you wish, you may also do step 1 of the ninhydrin test below while you are waiting.<br />


3. At the end of 10 minutes, observe <strong>and</strong> record the color of the test tube contents on the report<br />

sheet. Answer the questions regarding interpretation of the test results. The contents of the test<br />

tubes can then be discarded down the drain.<br />

Ninhydrin Test<br />

1. Your casein solution is acidic (pH below 7), but it needs to be neutral (pH ≈ 7) to conduct a<br />

ninhydrin test. Neutralize your casein solution as follows. Put 3 drops of the casein solution<br />

from step 4 above into a clean test tube <strong>and</strong> add 1 mL of distilled water.<br />

Test the pH of the solution by dipping a glass stirring rod into the solution <strong>and</strong> then touching the<br />

end of the rod onto a piece of pH paper.<br />

If the pH is too high (above 7-8), add a drop of 0.3 M HCl to the test tube, mix the<br />

contents of the tube, <strong>and</strong> test the pH again.<br />

If the pH is too low (below 7-8), add a drop of 0.3 M NaOH to the test tube, mix the<br />

contents of the tube, <strong>and</strong> test the pH again.<br />

Use more drops of HCl or NaOH as needed to achieve a pH of 7 to 8.<br />

2. Turn the hot plate on high to start heating the water—you will need boiling water for the<br />

ninhydrin test.<br />

3. Wash the five test tubes from the Biuret test thoroughly so they can be re-used now. They<br />

need not be completely dry. Place the following chemicals into the five clean test tubes:<br />

Tube 1: 1 mL distilled water (water will serve as a control)<br />

Tube 2: 1 mL 1% alanine solution<br />

Tube 3: 1mL 1% glycylglycine solution<br />

Tube 4: 1 mL of neutralized casein solution from step 1 directly above<br />

Tube 5: 1 mL of the unknown<br />

Then add 1 mL of 0.2% ninhydrin solution to each test tube. Label the tubes clearly using a<br />

grease pencil. Don‟t use tape to label the tubes because the tape will fall off in the boiling water<br />

bath in the next step.<br />

4. Once the water is boiling moderately, place the tubes in the boiling water bath for 5<br />

minutes—be sure that the water level is not so high that water boils over into the test tubes.<br />

At the end of 5 minutes, turn off the hot plate. Observe <strong>and</strong> record the color of the tube contents<br />

on the report sheet. Answer the questions regarding interpretation of the test results. The<br />

contents of the test tubes can then be discarded down the drain.<br />


Denaturation with Acid<br />

1. Wash the five test tubes from the ninhydrin test thoroughly so they can be re-used now. Be<br />

sure to use a test tube brush <strong>and</strong> soap in order to remove any purple residue from the ninhydrin<br />

test. The tubes need not be completely dry. Place the following chemicals into the five clean<br />

test tubes:<br />

Tube 1: 1 mL distilled water (water will serve as a control)<br />

Tube 2: 1 mL 1% alanine solution<br />

Tube 3: 1mL 1% glycylglycine solution<br />

Tube 4: 10 drops of your solution of dissolved casein in the 50 mL beaker from step<br />

4 under “Isolation of the Protein Casein from Milk”<br />

Tube 5: 1 mL of the unknown<br />

Then add 1 mL of 20% trichloroacetic acid to each tube. Mix the contents of the tubes by flicking<br />

them with your finger. NOTE: if you see purple color in any of the solutions, the test tube was<br />

not thoroughly cleaned after the ninhydrin test.<br />

2. Observe <strong>and</strong> record your observations on the report sheet. (There may be nothing to<br />

observe—no changes—in some of the tubes.) Answer the questions regarding interpretation of<br />

the test results. The contents of the test tubes can then be discarded down the drain.<br />

3. All other solutions can be discarded down the drain. The solid casein can be discarded in the<br />

trash.<br />


<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Report Sheet Name ___________<br />

Biuret Test Color observed<br />

water (control)<br />

1% alanine<br />

1% glycylglycine<br />

casein<br />

unknown<br />

Interpretation of Biuret Test Results<br />

It will be helpful to review the structures of alanine <strong>and</strong> glycylglycine (see Postlab #1, #2) in<br />

order to interpret the results of the test.<br />

What do the results of the Biuret test tell you about alanine?<br />

What do the results of the Biuret test tell you about glycylglycine?<br />

What do the results of the Biuret test tell you about casein?<br />

Ninhydrin Test Color observed<br />

water (control)<br />

1% alanine<br />

1% glycylglycine<br />

casein<br />

unknown<br />


<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Report Sheet Name ___________<br />

Interpretation of Ninhydrin Test Results<br />

It will be helpful to review the structures of alanine <strong>and</strong> glycylglycine (see Postlab #1, #2) in<br />

order to interpret the results of the test.<br />

What do the results of the ninhydrin test tell you about alanine?<br />

What do the results of the ninhydrin test tell you about glycylglycine?<br />

What do the results of the ninhydrin test tell you about casein?<br />

Denaturation Test Observations<br />

water (control)<br />

1% alanine<br />

1% glycylglycine<br />

casein<br />

unknown<br />

Interpretation of Denaturation Test Results<br />

What do the results of the denaturation test tell you about alanine?<br />

What do the results of the denaturation test tell you about glycylglycine?<br />

What do the results of the denaturation test tell you about casein?<br />


<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acids</strong>, <strong>Peptides</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Proteins</strong> Postlab Name_______________<br />

1. Draw the structure of glycylglycine (first refer to the “NOTE” on step 2 on page 4). Use an<br />

arrow <strong>and</strong> a brief description to indicate the structural feature that caused the glycylglycine<br />

solution to produce the Biuret test result that it did.<br />

2. Draw the structure of alanine. Circle the structural feature that caused the alanine solution to<br />

produce the ninhydrin test result that it did.<br />

3. Look at the structure of aspartame (Nutrasweet) in the introduction. Predict the results<br />

(+ or -) of the following tests on aspartame:<br />

Biuret test:___ Ninhydrin test:___ Denaturation test:___<br />

4. Oxytocin is a hormone; it is a 9-amino acid peptide. Predict the results (+ or -) of the<br />

following tests on oxytocin:<br />

Biuret test:___ Ninhydrin test:___ Denaturation test:___<br />

5. Hemoglobin is a protein composed of over 100 amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.<br />

Predict the results (+ or -) of the following tests on hemoglobin:<br />

Biuret test:___ Ninhydrin test:___ Denaturation test:___<br />

6. Look back at the test results you obtained for the uknown. Based on the test results, check<br />

the identity of your unknown.<br />

An amino acid ___<br />

A pentapeptide (composed of 5 amino acids) ___<br />

A protein (composed of several hundred amino acids) ___<br />

7. What was the purpose of having water as a control for each test?<br />

8. You have a test tube containing either a dipeptide or a large protein. What tests could you<br />

use to determine which is in the test tube?<br />


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