Lisa Troyer

Lisa Troyer

Lisa Troyer


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(August 2011)<br />

Department of Sociology Phone: (319) 335-2502<br />

University of Iowa Fax: (319) 335-2509<br />

W140 Seashore Hall E-Mail: sanghag-kim@uiowa.edu<br />

Iowa City, IA 52242<br />



Ph.D. 2011 Sociology, University of Iowa<br />

Dissertation: “Sociological Studies on Happiness in Cross-National Contexts:<br />

Effects of Economic Inequality and Marriage”<br />

Area Exams: Social Psychology, Stratification<br />

M.A. 2002 Sociology, Korea University, South Korea<br />

Thesis: “Social Distance toward Minority Groups and the Application of<br />

Affirmative Action”<br />

B.A. 2000 Sociology, Korea University, South Korea<br />

2011-present Postdoctoral Research Scholar<br />

Department of Psychology, University of Iowa<br />


Social Psychology (Social Structure and Personality, Self and Identity)<br />

Human Development and Socialization (Gene-Environment Interaction, Positive Socialization)<br />

Happiness (Mental Health, Quality of Life, Quality of Society)<br />

Quantitative Methodology (Multi-Level Model, Structural Equation Model)<br />


Kim, Sanghag and Grazyna Kochanska. Forthcoming. “Child Temperament Moderates Effects<br />

of Parent-Child Mutuality on Self-Regulation: A Relationship-Based Path for Emotionally<br />

Negative Infants.” Child Development.<br />

Kochanska, Grazyna, Sanghag Kim, Robin A. Barry and Robert A. Philibert. 2011. “Children’s<br />

Genotypes Interact with Maternal Responsive Care in Predicting Children’s Competence:<br />

Diathesis-Stress or Differential Susceptibility?” Development and Psychopathology 23(2): 605-<br />

616.<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 1

Kochanska, Grazyna, Jarilyn Woodard, Sanghag Kim, Jamie L. Koenig, Jeung Eun Yoon and<br />

Robin A. Barry. 2010. “Positive Socialization Mechanisms in Secure and Insecure<br />

Parent-Child Dyads: Two Longitudinal Studies.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry<br />

51(9): 998-1009.<br />

Kochanska, Grazyna, Jamie L. Koenig, Robin A. Barry, Sanghag Kim and Jeung Eun Yoon.<br />

2010. “Children’s Conscience during Toddler and Preschool Years, Moral Self, and a Competent,<br />

Adaptive Developmental Trajectory.” Developmental Psychology 46(5): 1320-1332.<br />

Kim, Jae-On and Sanghag Kim. 2006. A Study of American Family and Adolescent<br />

Socialization. Korea Institute for Youth Development. Seoul. South Korea. [In Korean]<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2004. “Attitude and Social Distance towards the Minority Group in the Korean<br />

Society." Korean Journal of Social Issues 7: 169-206. [In Korean]<br />

Yoon, In-Jin and Sanghag Kim. 2003. “Perception and Attitudes toward Affirmative Action: A<br />

Survey of College Students’ Opinion about the Disable and North Korean Defectors.” Economy<br />

and Society 58: 222-248. [In Korean]<br />


Kochanska, Grazyna and Sanghag Kim. “Early Attachment Organization with Both Parents and<br />

Self-Reported Behavior Problems: From Infancy to Middle Childhood.” Revise and resubmit to<br />

Child Development.<br />

Kim, Jae-On, Jin Wang and Sanghag Kim. “Index of National Power Potential: How to Assess<br />

the General Capacity of a Nation.” Under review.<br />

Kochanska, Grazyna, Sanghag Kim, Lea J. Boldt, Jamie L. Koenig, and Jeung Eun Yoon.<br />

“Effortful Control in “Hot” and “Cool” Tasks Differentially Predicts Children’s<br />

Psychopathology and Academic Performance.” Under review.<br />


Kim, Sanghag and Mary Noonan. “Marriage and Subjective Well-Being: New Findings from<br />

Cross-National Data.” (draft available)<br />

Kim, Sanghag. “A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between Marriage and Happiness:<br />

The Case of South Korea” (draft available)<br />

Kim, Sanghag. “Economic Inequality and Happiness: Gini Index, Subjective Evaluation on<br />

Inequality and Nation-Level Happiness” (draft available)<br />

Kim, Sanghag. “Who Decides What in a Family? A Cross-National Study of Women’s Marital<br />

Power.” (draft available)<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 2


Kim, Sanghag. 2011. “Interaction of Children's Genotypes and Parents' Discipline in the<br />

Development of Prosocial Behavior and Academic Competence.” (Poster) Presented at the<br />

biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, March, Montreal, QC,<br />

Canada.<br />

Kim, Sanghag and Grazyna Kochanska. 2010. “Children’s Genotypes Interact with Maternal<br />

Responsive Care in Predicting Competencies and Problems: Diathesis-Stress or Differential<br />

Susceptibility?” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and<br />

Adolescent Psychiatry, October, New York, NY.<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2010. “Marriage and Subjective Well-Being: New Findings from Recent Cross-<br />

Nation Data.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August,<br />

Atlanta, GA.<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2010. “The Effects of Objective and Subjective Inequality on Happiness in<br />

Cross-National Context.” Presented at the joint annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological<br />

Society and the North Central Sociological Association, April, Chicago, IL.<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2010. “Are the Married Happier than the Single? A Cross-National Study on the<br />

Marriage and Subjective Well-Being.” Presented at the annual James F. Jakobsen Graduate<br />

Conference, March, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.<br />

Kim, Jae-On, Jin Wang, and Sanghag Kim. 2009. “Index of National Power: How to Assess the<br />

General Capacity of a Nation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological<br />

Association, August, San Francisco, CA.<br />

Kim, Parang and Sanghag Kim. 2009. “Intermarriage and Intercohabitation of Asian Americans:<br />

Interpreting Contemporary Trends.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological<br />

Society, April, Des Moines, IA.<br />

Kim, Sanghag and In-Sue Oh. 2008. “A Meta-Analysis on Correlates of Turnover Intention in<br />

South Korea." Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, August,<br />

Anaheim, CA.<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2008. “Who Decides What in a Family? A Cross-national Study of Women’s<br />

Marital Power.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, March,<br />

Saint Louis, MO.<br />

Kim, Sanghag and Jae-On Kim. 2006, “Family Structure and Adolescent Socialization in<br />

America.” Presented at the International Symposium: Family Socialization of Youth. August,<br />

Korea Institute for Youth Development, Jeju, South Korea.<br />

Kim, Sanghag. 2002. “Stereotypes, Emotions and Social Distance toward Minority Groups.”<br />

Presented at the annual meeting of the Korean Sociological Association, December, Seoul, South<br />

Korea.<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 3

Yoon, In-Jin and Sanghag Kim. 2002. “Perception and Attitudes toward Affirmative Action: A<br />

Survey of College Students’ Opinion about the Disable and North Korean Defectors.” Presented<br />

at the annual meeting of the Korean Association of Industrial Sociology, September, Seoul,<br />

South Korea.<br />


GRANT<br />

2010-2011 Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Year Fellowship<br />

Graduate College, University of Iowa<br />

2010 First Place Award in Social Science & Education Division<br />

James F. Jakobsen Conference, Graduate College, University of Iowa<br />

2008, 2010 Graduate Studies Travel Award<br />

Department of Sociology, University of Iowa<br />

2003 Distinguished Paper Award and Scholarship<br />

Korea Social Research Center, South Korea<br />

1998-1999 The First Class Honors and Scholarship<br />

Department of Sociology, Korea University, South Korea<br />

2006 Comparative Study of Family and Youth Socialization. Sponsored by Korea Institute for<br />

Youth Development. Jae-On Kim(Principal Investigator), Sanghag Kim(Co-Investigator)<br />

in charge of US survey (February 2006 – August 2006), about $40,000.<br />


Summer 2009 “34:002:001 Social Problems” (Instructor with full responsibility)<br />

Fall 2008 “34:002:008 Social Problems” (Instructor with full responsibility)<br />


Spring 2008 “34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Kevin Leicht)<br />

“34:190 Selected Topics in Sociology” (Dr. Michael Lovaglia)<br />

Fall 2007 “34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Fall 2006 “34:066 Social Inequality” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

“34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Spring 2006 “34:001 Introduction to Sociology Principles” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

“34:066 Social Inequality” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Fall 2005 “34:066 Social Inequality” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

“34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Spring 2005 “34:001 Introduction to Sociology Principles” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 4

“34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Fall 2004 “34:066 Social Inequality” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

“34:150 Political Sociology” (Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Spring 2004 “34:061 The American Family” (Dr. Mary Noonan)<br />

Fall 2003 “34:011 Theory Research and Statistics” (Dr. Wayne Santoro)<br />


2009-2011 Project Title: Developmental Pathways to Antisocial Behavior<br />

(Principal Investigator: Dr. Grazyna Kochanska)<br />

Summer 2007 Project Title: Constructing a Basic Index of National Power<br />

(Principal Investigator: Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Spring 2007 Project Title: Race, Immigration and Homogamy<br />

(Principal Investigator: Dr. Mary Campbell)<br />

Summer 2006 Project Title: Adolescent Socialization in the Family<br />

(Principal Investigator: Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Summer 2005 Project Title: Constructing a Basic Index of National Power<br />

(Principal Investigator: Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Summer 2004 Project Title: Dimensionality of Affective Meaning<br />

(Principle Investigator: Dr. Jae-On Kim)<br />

Spring 2004 RA for Dr. Jennifer Glanville<br />

2000-2001 RA for Dr. In-Jin Yoon, Korea University, South Korea.<br />


2001-2003 Researcher, Asiatic Research Center, Korea University, South Korea<br />

(Worked at the division of Global Korean Community Studies)<br />



2010-present Society for Research in Child Development<br />

2004-present American Sociological Association<br />

2004-present Midwest Sociological Society<br />

2008-2009 Department Computer Committee, University of Iowa<br />

2006-2008 Department Resource Development Committee, University of Iowa<br />

2004-2006 Department Computer Committee, University of Iowa<br />


Qualification: National Certificate of Survey Analyst Junior (in South Korea)<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 5


Dr. Jae-On Kim Dr. Mary Noonan<br />

Distinguished Professor Associate Professor<br />

Department of Sociology Department of Sociology<br />

University of Iowa University of Iowa<br />

W140 Seashore Hall W140 Seashore Hall<br />

Iowa City, IA 52242 Iowa City, IA 52242<br />

jae-on-kim@uiowa.edu mary-noonan-1@uiowa.edu<br />

319-335-2488 319-335-2490<br />

Dr. Mary Campbell Dr. Grazyna Kochanska<br />

Associate Professor Stuit Professor of Developmental Psychology<br />

Department of Sociology Department of Psychology<br />

University of Iowa University of Iowa<br />

W140 Seashore Hall E18 Seashore Hall<br />

Iowa City, IA 52242 Iowa City, IA 52245<br />

mary-e-campbell@uiowa.edu grazyna-kochanska@uiowa.edu<br />

319-335-2495 319-335-0191<br />

Sanghag Kim (C.V.) 6

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