Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome

Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome

Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome


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W urmoil The crazed w<br />

Izard<br />

Blurgh has emerged fro<br />

r2000<br />

years of solitude, his<br />

dwarped<br />

mind set on overth<br />

wing<br />

the State and ruling Weird-<br />

oworld.<br />

But one person is man<br />

renough<br />

to stand up against<br />

Blurgh and beat the charlatan at<br />

l<br />

his own game. So. with magic<br />

d<br />

gun in hand and flying "Monkey'<br />

i<br />

cloud underfoot, off you go to<br />

s do battle with Blurgh's warriors.<br />

I And what a motley crew<br />

n they are, too! Throughout the<br />

a game you encounter, amongst<br />

sother<br />

things, formation-flying<br />

tcorn<br />

flakes bowls (complete<br />

awith<br />

natty red stripe around the<br />

t<br />

middle), winged Chinese waiters.<br />

cats heads (the remnants<br />

e<br />

of Blurgh's supper) and armoured<br />

turtles, each packing a<br />

powerful punch In the form of<br />

unlimited bursts of merciless<br />

gunfire.<br />

Luckily for you. you're not<br />

alone in the fight, for throughout<br />

the battle you are able to enter<br />

hidden shops and borrow an<br />

item of well-powerful weaponry.<br />

Extra firepower is also<br />

available by clearing away certain<br />

waves of baddies, but guns<br />

are useless If you aren't fleet of<br />

foot and nifty with the old cloud.<br />

And at the end of each level you<br />

are tested to the full by an enormous<br />

end-of-stage monster<br />

which throws shots at you faster<br />

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than you can say "Help, help I'm<br />

going to dieeee.<br />

Although the Cloud Master<br />

offers little in the way of innovative<br />

features, perseverance reveals<br />

a rather enjoyable little<br />

blast. It's important not to let<br />

your mind wander while playing<br />

as, due to the vast amount of<br />

bright colours on-screen. the<br />

eye can easily be lured away<br />

from impending doom in the<br />

shape of a stray bullet.<br />

Playability is generally high.<br />

apart from one annoying facet<br />

which is that, when shot, you<br />

are sent back to the beginning of<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

c<br />

)<br />

9<br />

4<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

the level. I have never und<br />

stood why this "feature" <strong>Is</strong> included<br />

in games, as it puts the<br />

player off progressing further<br />

after he has spent ages battling<br />

to get where he is.<br />

Still, shoot 'em up fans<br />

should enjoy the action.<br />


W Z M Z M I fi<br />

GRAPHICS 8<br />

SOUND 4 2 %<br />

VALUE 6 8 %<br />

LAYABILITY 75%<br />

frustrating, but neyertheenjoyable<br />

shoot 'em up<br />

features the weirharacters<br />

you'll ever<br />

mp full of loser,<br />

139<br />

11<br />

1<br />

1<br />

11<br />


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