Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni


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frmRechercheMorphologique - 2<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Command1_Click()<br />

Unload Me<br />

End Sub<br />

Public Sub Command2_Click()<br />

lstPassages.Clear<br />

mot = txtcode.Text<br />

If Mid(mot, 1, 1) = "n" Then<br />

If nveaucodecas = "" Then nveaucodecas = Mid(mot, 2, 1)<br />

If nveaucodegenre = "" Then nveaucodegenre = Mid(mot, 3, 1)<br />

If nveaucodenombre = "" Then nveaucodenombre = Mid(mot, 4, 1)<br />

ElseIf Mid(mot, 1, 1) = "v" Then<br />

If nveaumode = "" Then nveaumode = Mid(mot, 2, 1)<br />

If nveautemps = "" Then nveautemps = Mid(mot, 3, 1)<br />

If nveauvoix = "" Then nveauvoix = Mid(mot, 4, 1)<br />

If nveaupersonne = "" Then nveaupersonne = Mid(mot, 5, 2)<br />

ElseIf mot = "tp" Then<br />

nveaucode = "tp"<br />

GoTo apres:<br />

End If<br />

If Mid(mot, 1, 1) = "n" Then<br />

nveaucode = "n" & nveaucodecas & nveaucodegenre & nveaucodenombre<br />

ElseIf Mid(mot, 1, 1) = "v" Then<br />

nveaucode = "v" & nveaumode & nveautemps & nveauvoix & cboPersonne.Text<br />

End If<br />

apres:<br />

txtNouveauCode.Text = nveaucode<br />

vientde = frmAnalyseMorphologique.lblvientde.Caption<br />

recherche = vientde & " (" & nveaucode & ")"<br />

Call RechercheMorphologique(recherche, nveaucode)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Form_Load()<br />

mot = frmAnalyseMorphologique.lblanalyse2.Caption<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub lstPassages_Click()<br />

passage = Trim(lstPassages.Text)<br />

premierespace = InStr(1, passage, " ")<br />

deuxpoints = InStr(1, passage, ":")<br />

livre = Mid(passage, 1, premierespace - 1)<br />

chapitre = Mid(passage, premierespace + 1, deuxpoints - 1)<br />

chapitre = Mid(chapitre, 1, InStr(1, chapitre, ":") - 1)<br />

verset = Trim(Mid(passage, deuxpoints + 1, 2))<br />

'MsgBox livre & " " & chapitre & " " & verset<br />

If livre = "Mat" Then<br />

chercher = "Matthieu"<br />

ElseIf livre = "Mar" Then<br />

chercher = "Marc"<br />

ElseIf livre = "Luk" Then<br />

chercher = "Luc"<br />

ElseIf livre = "Joh" Then<br />

chercher = "Jean"<br />

ElseIf livre = "Act" Then<br />

chercher = "Actes"<br />

ElseIf livre = "Rom" Then<br />

chercher = "Romains"<br />

ElseIf livre = "1Co" Then

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