Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni


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fctLireStrongFr - 2<br />

End If<br />

frmParse2.Text1.Text = ""<br />

Open ofile For Input As #lfile<br />

Do<br />

rr:<br />

pres:<br />

lose<br />

On Error GoTo err:<br />

Line Input #lfile, ligne<br />

If Left(ligne, Len(mot)) = mot Then<br />

frmParse2.Text1.Text = frmParse2.Text1.Text & ligne<br />

Do While Not EOF(lfile)<br />

Line Input #lfile, ligne<br />

If Mid(ligne, 1, 1) = "0" Then<br />

GoTo apres:<br />

End If<br />

frmParse2.Text1.Text = frmParse2.Text1.Text & ligne<br />

Loop<br />

End If<br />

Loop While Not EOF(lfile)<br />

oad frmResultatStrong<br />

commenc = 2 * Len(mot) + 1<br />

exte = Trim(Mid(frmParse2.Text1.Text, Len(mot) + 1, Len(frmParse2.Text1.Text)))<br />

space = InStr(1, texte, " ")<br />

exte = Mid(texte, espace + 1, Len(texte))<br />

epere = InStr(1, texte, "\~")<br />

trong = mot<br />

f repere 0 Then<br />

mot = Trim(Mid(texte, 1, repere - 1))<br />

texte = Mid(texte, Len(mot) + 1, Len(texte))<br />

repere2 = InStr(1, texte, "\~ ")<br />

mot = Mid(texte, 1, repere2)<br />

mot = Trim(mot)<br />

mot = Mid(mot, 3, Len(mot) - 1)<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "\", "")<br />

If Right(mot, 1) = "v" Then mot = Mid(mot, 1, Len(mot) - 1) & "j"<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "y", "q")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "c", "x")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "Ioa", "Iwa")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "pho", "fw")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "-", "")<br />

If Left(mot, 3) = "Ies" And mot "Iessai" Then mot = Replace(mot, "Ies", "Ihs")<br />

lse<br />

espace = InStr(1, texte, " ")<br />

mot = Trim(Mid(texte, 1, espace))<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "ch", "x")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "Ch", "x")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "Ioa", "Iwa")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "pho", "fw")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "ph", "f")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "Ph", "f")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "-", "")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "s ", "j")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "y", "q")<br />

mot = Replace(mot, "c", "x")<br />

If Left(mot, 3) = "Ies" And mot "Iessai" Then mot = Replace(mot, "Ies", "Ihs")<br />

nd If<br />

If Right(mot, 1) = "s" Then mot = Mid(mot, 1, Len(mot) - 1) & "j"<br />

If Right(mot, 1) = "o" Then mot = Mid(mot, 1, Len(mot) - 1) & "w"<br />

If Left(mot, 1) = "h" Then mot = Mid(mot, 2, Len(mot))

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