Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni


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fctLireStrongHebreuEn - 1<br />

Public Function LireStrongHebreuEn(mot)<br />

If Len(mot) = 4 Then<br />

mot = "0" & mot<br />

ElseIf Len(mot) = 3 Then<br />

mot = "00" & mot<br />

ElseIf Len(mot) = 2 Then<br />

mot = "000" & mot<br />

ElseIf Len(mot) = 1 Then<br />

mot = "0000" & mot<br />

End If<br />

Dim ofile$, lfile%, ligne$, secondeligne$, mothebreu$, espace%, repere%<br />

ofile = App.Path & "\modules\Strong\Stronghebrew.dat"<br />

lfile = FreeFile<br />

recherche = "\" & mot & "\"<br />

frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = ""<br />

Open ofile For Input As #lfile<br />

oad frmResultatStrong<br />

Do<br />

Input #lfile, ligne<br />

If ligne = recherche Then<br />

frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text & ligne<br />

Do<br />

Line Input #lfile, ligne<br />

If Left(ligne, 2) = "$$" Then Exit Do<br />

frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text & ligne<br />

Loop<br />

End If<br />

Loop While Not EOF(lfile)<br />

lose<br />

repere = InStr(1, secondeligne, " ")<br />

espace = InStr(repere + 1, secondeligne, " ")<br />

mothebreu = Mid(secondeligne, repere + 1, espace - 1)<br />

exte = Trim(frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text)<br />

exte = Replace(texte, "~", ",")<br />

epere = InStr(1, texte, " ")<br />

rmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = texte<br />

mot = Mid(texte, 1, repere - 1)<br />

rmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = Mid(texte, Len(recherche) + 1 + Len(mot) + 1, Len(texte))<br />

f Left(mot, 1) = "0" Then mot = Mid(mot, 2, Len(mot))<br />

echerche = Replace(recherche, "\", "")<br />

rmResultatStrong.lblNStrong = "Strong : " & recherche & " [cliquez ici -> déf. en français]*"<br />

rmResultatStrong.Show<br />

nd Function

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