Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni

Microsoft Visual Basic - Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni


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fctLireATFrN - 2<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2b)", vbCrLf & "2b) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2c)", vbCrLf & "2c) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2d)", vbCrLf & "2d) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2e)", vbCrLf & "2e) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2f)", vbCrLf & "2f) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3a)", vbCrLf & "3a) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3b)", vbCrLf & "3b) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3c)", vbCrLf & "3c) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3d)", vbCrLf & "3d) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3e)", vbCrLf & "3e) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3f)", vbCrLf & "3f) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "1)", vbCrLf & "1) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "2)", vbCrLf & "2) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "3)", vbCrLf & "3) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "4)", vbCrLf & "4) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "5)", vbCrLf & "5) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, "6)", vbCrLf & "6) ")<br />

texte = Replace(texte, " ", " ")<br />

If Left(strong, 3) = "000" Then strong = Mid(strong, 4, Len(strong))<br />

If Left(strong, 2) = "00" Then strong = Mid(strong, 3, Len(strong))<br />

If Left(strong, 1) = "0" Then strong = Mid(strong, 2, Len(strong))<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "f", "j")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "c", "f")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, ":", "'")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, ";", "'")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "Ò", ".")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "]", ".")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "x", "c")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "!", "~")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "@", "!")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "$", "#")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "/", "o")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, ">", "/")<br />

mothebreu = Replace(mothebreu, "¿", "")<br />

'¿<br />

frmResultatStrong.lblNStrong.Caption = "Strong : " & strong<br />

frmResultatStrong.Font = "Bwhebb"<br />

frmResultatStrong.FontSize = 16<br />

frmResultatStrong.lblMotH.Caption = Mid(mothebreu, 2, Len(mothebreu))<br />

texte = Replace(texte, " ", "")<br />

frmResultatStrong.txtStrong.Text = texte<br />

If frmAutomatos.Visible = False Then<br />

frmResultatStrong.Show<br />

End If<br />

ofile = App.Path & "\tools\temp2.txt"<br />

lfile = FreeFile<br />

Open ofile For Output As #lfile<br />

Print #lfile, texte<br />

Close<br />

End Function

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