CHAPTER What Is Conflict Resolution?

CHAPTER What Is Conflict Resolution?

CHAPTER What Is Conflict Resolution?


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ing away from the computer, shutting off the monitor, closing<br />

e-mail. Focus your attention on him or her, not on yourself.<br />

Remember that there are always multiple levels of communication<br />

going on—the actual words, the tone of voice, and body<br />

language. Words are easiest, but even then you can be misled.<br />

Voice tone is not so much up for interpretation, but it is still<br />

important. For example, “Yeah, right” said in an agreeable tone is<br />

far diff erent than “Yeah, right” said in a sarcastic tone. The words<br />

are the same, but the change of tone makes a big diff erence.<br />

The same is true for many body postures, which can have<br />

multiple meanings. A good thing to keep in mind is the change<br />

of a body posture. For example, if we are talking and, in the middle<br />

of the conversation, I cross my arms, that posture change<br />

means something has probably changed in my perception of<br />

the conversation.<br />

Most important, explore the other person’s point of view.<br />

<strong>What</strong> is he or she talking about? Why are his or her beliefs what<br />

they are? Ask sincere questions to gain understanding so that<br />

you will be able to:<br />

■ Get more information on his or her point of view<br />

■ Communicate you care about how he or she sees things<br />

■ Move from the emotion-laden part of your brain to the<br />

rational side<br />

By asking questions, you can explore his or her point of view:<br />

■ Why do you think that?<br />

■ <strong>What</strong> makes you feel that way?<br />


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