Ontario Division Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Ontario Division Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Ontario Division Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
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mssociety.ca<br />
Fall 2007<br />
o n t a r i o d i v i s i o n 2 0 1 0<br />
impact report<br />
You above<br />
everything<br />
You above<br />
everything<br />
When you read a story, what gets your attention? For most<br />
<strong>of</strong> us, it is the people in the story that matter the most.<br />
The 2010 <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong> – You above<br />
Everything – shares with you stories <strong>of</strong> people who have<br />
made a difference for people living with MS.<br />
People living with MS are at the centre <strong>of</strong> all that we do to<br />
end MS. In these pages, we present snapshots <strong>of</strong> activities<br />
from 2010 that demonstrate the need, action and impact<br />
<strong>of</strong> our work to support people living with MS.<br />
Be inspired by the demonstration <strong>of</strong> the positive impacts<br />
<strong>of</strong> our client services programs on those living with MS.<br />
These programs are made possible by the fundraising<br />
efforts <strong>of</strong> many individuals, corporations and sponsors.<br />
Highlighted in this report are A&W store owner Priya Dhanoa’s<br />
efforts to support MS and the generous donation <strong>of</strong><br />
the Co-operators Group to our leadership giving program.<br />
Read about our research and advocacy activities such<br />
as those in relation to CCSVI. Throughout 2010, the MS<br />
<strong>Society</strong> listened to the needs and hopes <strong>of</strong> people with MS<br />
and their interest in CCSVI, and took urgent action on a<br />
number <strong>of</strong> fronts to pursue answers on the relationship<br />
between CCSVI and MS.<br />
On the cover:<br />
Ralph Cochrane, the founder <strong>of</strong> the adventure hiking program MS<br />
Climb, has committed to raising $1 million dollars over five years<br />
through the program to support the MS <strong>Society</strong>. Now in its fourth<br />
year, MS Climb has already raised more than $720,000. This image<br />
features Cochrane in Nepal at Everest Base Camp.<br />
Our Mission: To be a leader in finding a cure<br />
for multiple sclerosis and enabling people<br />
affected by MS to enhance their quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
2 OntariO divisiOn <strong>Impact</strong> RepoRt 2010<br />
You above<br />
everything<br />
Discover what inspires Betty Davis, one <strong>of</strong> the founding<br />
members <strong>of</strong> WAMS (Women Against MS). Women are<br />
three times more likely to develop MS than men. Celebrating<br />
its fifth anniversary in 2010, WAMS was established<br />
as a networking and fundraising opportunity to support<br />
women living with MS. From its beginnings, WAMS has<br />
had a positive impact on women with MS.<br />
Our work in supporting people with MS is carried out by<br />
many dedicated volunteers, and we thank all <strong>of</strong> you who<br />
contribute your time and energy to the important work<br />
that we do, with a special thank you to Bill Ebel and Sean<br />
Foran who retired from the <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> board <strong>of</strong> directors<br />
after serving their 2010 terms.<br />
Over the past year <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> volunteers and staff<br />
have worked diligently to reflect the needs <strong>of</strong> all Ontarians<br />
living with MS. With our focus on people living with MS,<br />
our path to end MS is firmly set.<br />
John Clifford Yves Savoie<br />
Chair, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors President
CCSVI<br />
Supporting choice, ensuring care, pursuing answers<br />
Yassemin Cohanim with fellow MS <strong>Society</strong> volunteer Joan Gallagher-Bell work to advance positive political change for people with MS.<br />
Need<br />
In November 2009 Italian researcher Dr. Paolo Zamboni<br />
made headlines with his study <strong>of</strong> chronic cerebrospinal<br />
venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and its potential link to multiple<br />
sclerosis. Members <strong>of</strong> the MS community responded<br />
with great hope, excitement and a call for immediate action.<br />
“When news <strong>of</strong> CCSVI broke my immediate reaction was<br />
that there was a need for investigation and that we needed<br />
to move ,” said Yassemin Cohanim, who has lived with MS<br />
for 30 years and who is a volunteer with the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong>. “An important part <strong>of</strong> this was<br />
acknowledging and supporting every person with MS in<br />
choosing their own way. It was important to ensure that<br />
the necessary information to make informed decisions<br />
about individual care and well being was made available.”<br />
ACtION<br />
Supporting people with MS is at the heart <strong>of</strong> what we do,<br />
and we announced a special research competition in CCSVI<br />
and MS in December 2009. Recognizing the need for collaboration,<br />
we contributed $2.4 million in research funding in<br />
June 2010 with our US counterpart, the National MS <strong>Society</strong>,<br />
to help answer questions about the link between CCSVI<br />
and MS. We also called on governments to earmark funds<br />
for a pan-Canadian therapeutic trial on CCSVI, so that an<br />
immediate infusion <strong>of</strong> funding will be available if and when<br />
such a trial is warranted based on scientific evidence. We set<br />
the stage by being the first to earmark $1 million.<br />
Together with the government <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong>, and other gov-<br />
ernments, we worked to better understand the level <strong>of</strong> evidence<br />
required to provide treatment in <strong>Canada</strong>, and to ensure<br />
that those who have travelled abroad for treatment receive<br />
much-needed follow-up care when they return home.<br />
IMpACt<br />
The tremendous outreach <strong>of</strong> the MS community as a<br />
result <strong>of</strong> CCSVI helped draw public attention to MS in<br />
unprecedented ways that will benefit not just those who<br />
undergo treatment for CCSVI but the MS community<br />
at large. In responding to requests from the MS <strong>Society</strong>,<br />
in 2011 the federal minister <strong>of</strong> health announced a new<br />
monitoring system for MS, which will capture information<br />
to help identify disease patterns and track treatments and<br />
long-term outcomes for people living with MS, including<br />
those who have undergone treatment for CCSVI.<br />
Several other governments acted, including the government<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong>, which created an expert advisory group<br />
to provide advice on follow-up care and develop best practice<br />
guidelines on treatment for people with MS who return<br />
to <strong>Ontario</strong> after undergoing CCSVI treatment abroad.<br />
“When it comes to CCSVI and MS, there are still many<br />
questions to be answered and a need for ongoing research.<br />
I am very appreciative <strong>of</strong> the support and services provided<br />
by the MS <strong>Society</strong>. What matters to me is knowing that the<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> will be there for me, to support me, regardless<br />
<strong>of</strong> my personal treatment choices,” said Yassemin. “What<br />
also matters is knowing that I played a part in making<br />
all <strong>of</strong> this happen. What may come <strong>of</strong> these actions will<br />
ultimately benefit me and others who are living with MS.”<br />
To find out more about CCSVI and MS visit<br />
www.ccsvi.ca<br />
A&W<br />
Breaking down boundaries<br />
2010 National MS/A&W Ambassador Amanda Piron, who lives with MS, shows her appreciation to A&W’s Great Root Bear.<br />
Need<br />
<strong>Ontario</strong> is home to between 21,000 – 29,000 people living<br />
with MS. With 38 chapters and units across the province,<br />
the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> aims to provide<br />
as many services as possible to those with multiple<br />
sclerosis and their families, but it is our volunteers, sponsors<br />
and partners who help us unite communities and<br />
spread awareness even further.<br />
"On this one day, there are<br />
only smiles and good will by<br />
our customers, our staff<br />
and the entire community.<br />
The event is a success but<br />
we are always looking for<br />
ways to be more involved<br />
and make it even better."<br />
Priya Dhanoa, A&W franchisee<br />
4 OntariO divisiOn <strong>Impact</strong> RepoRt 2010<br />
ACtION<br />
In <strong>Ontario</strong>, and across the country, A&W is one <strong>of</strong> these<br />
partners. On one day every August, more than 700 A&W<br />
stores from coast to coast donate $1 to the MS <strong>Society</strong><br />
from the sale <strong>of</strong> every Teen Burger sold through Cruisin’<br />
for a Cause. In addition, coin boxes are at every cash register<br />
and cut-outs are sold at every store throughout the<br />
summer. Priya Dhanoa, a Mississauga-based A&W franchisee,<br />
representative <strong>of</strong> Dhanoa Hospitality Group and<br />
an Inspirational Champion for the event, says, “On this<br />
one day, there are only smiles and good will by our customers,<br />
our staff and the entire community. The event is<br />
a success but we are always looking for ways to be more<br />
involved and make it even better.”<br />
Priya contacted her local chapter in Mississauga, and<br />
together they added several activities, such as selling<br />
paper carnations each May to promote MS Awareness<br />
Month. In addition, Priya and her employees at several<br />
store locations have also begun participating in the MS<br />
Walk each April; in their first year the group had over<br />
21 team members at the Mississauga/Streetsville Walk.<br />
“The MS Walk is such a great event for our staff to attend.<br />
They can attend with their entire families,” Priya commented.<br />
IMpACt<br />
Across <strong>Canada</strong>, Cruisin’ for a Cause raised over $720,000<br />
for the MS <strong>Society</strong>, including over $140,000 in <strong>Ontario</strong>,<br />
which helps provide much needed services and support<br />
to people in communities throughout the province. Priya<br />
and her family take great pride in giving back to their<br />
community. “Now that we are in a place to do so, we love<br />
seeing the impact we are making in our community.”<br />
For Priya giving back is a first priority.
Need<br />
Women are three times more likely than men to develop<br />
multiple sclerosis. The MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> recognizes<br />
the need for a platform dedicated to women whose lives<br />
have been touched by MS, or who want to learn about<br />
becoming better philanthropists for the MS <strong>Society</strong>.<br />
ACtION<br />
Celebrating its fifth anniversary in 2010, Women Against<br />
MS (WAMS) is a powerful collective <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
women dedicated to raising funds to end MS. Initially<br />
sponsored by EMD Serono (which remains a key sponsor),<br />
sponsors now include Anne Klein and Collega Aveda.<br />
WAMS events engage women in the business community<br />
through networking receptions and its cornerstone gala<br />
luncheon. Each year, the sold-out luncheon honours a<br />
woman for her commitment to philanthropy. In 2010,<br />
over 600 women attended the luncheon in Toronto to<br />
honour Phyllis Yaffe, former CEO <strong>of</strong> Alliance Atlantis<br />
and chair <strong>of</strong> the WAMS committee, and express their<br />
dedication to finding a cure for MS.<br />
Women Against MS<br />
Strength in numbers<br />
Left to right: Phyllis Yaffe, Betty Davis, Helga Schnider, Susan Latter, Michelle Capobianco and Terri Garr<br />
Fact: Three out <strong>of</strong> four people with MS are women.<br />
IMpACt<br />
Since its inception, WAMS in <strong>Ontario</strong> has raised over $1.7<br />
million for the Transitional Career Development Award,<br />
an endMS Research and Training Network grant. This<br />
five-year research grant, worth $500,000, is awarded to an<br />
outstanding postdoctoral or clinical fellow to fund the last<br />
two years <strong>of</strong> their postdoctoral study, as well as their first<br />
independent MS or MS-related faculty position within a<br />
Canadian university or teaching hospital.<br />
WAMS events in <strong>Ontario</strong> have created a ripple effect across<br />
the country and throughout the MS community, spreading<br />
to Montreal, Vancouver and Victoria. Additionally, the<br />
initiative has inspired WAMS fundraising teams for the<br />
MS Walk and RONA MS Bike tours.<br />
WAMS also provides a safe space for women with MS to<br />
talk about their disease. Betty Davis, WAMS co-founder<br />
and Group Account Director at Klick Pharma says, “Increasingly<br />
more women have self-identified. I am happy<br />
and proud to know that WAMS has helped these women<br />
come forward to say ‘I have MS and this has given me the<br />
forum to tell you about it.’”<br />
How to Engage: Learn more about how to get involved with WAMS at<br />
womenagainstms.com<br />
Client Services<br />
A helping hand<br />
Catherine Calvert, like many others, has found help and support with the MS <strong>Society</strong>.<br />
Need<br />
MS is a complex and unpredictable disease. Each individual<br />
living with MS faces challenges that are unique and that<br />
change over time, including the need to access accurate<br />
information about the disease, finding a friendly ear and<br />
obtaining financial assistance for services and equipment<br />
that provide increased mobility and independence.<br />
ACtION<br />
Catherine Calvert, an independent woman living with<br />
MS since 1990, has seen her needs change over the years.<br />
Early in her diagnosis, Catherine made use <strong>of</strong> a walker to<br />
assist her mobility. Today, Catherine moves from place<br />
to place with the aid <strong>of</strong> a power wheelchair. Catherine,<br />
like many on the MS journey, faces these challenges with<br />
courage, determination and with support from family<br />
and friends and the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />
Catherine first contacted the MS <strong>Society</strong>’s <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong>fice in 1996. Her initial inquiry into MS <strong>Society</strong> services<br />
and support was the beginning <strong>of</strong> a long and supportive<br />
relationship with our client services team. The MS <strong>Society</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong>fers Catherine and all Ontarians living with the daily<br />
challenges <strong>of</strong> MS a wide variety <strong>of</strong> programs and services<br />
that promote personal independence and contribute to an<br />
enhanced quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
The Equipment Program provides financial support<br />
for the purchase <strong>of</strong> safety equipment for the home and<br />
for mobility aids. It also provides long-term loans for<br />
a variety <strong>of</strong> medical equipment and covers the cost <strong>of</strong><br />
equipment repairs and servicing. The Special Assistance<br />
Program provides clients with financial assistance for<br />
services that may include housecleaning, yard care, snow<br />
removal, transportation, respite care and attendant care.<br />
6 OntariO divisiOn <strong>Impact</strong> RepoRt 2010<br />
These are two <strong>of</strong> the programs Catherine – and many<br />
others – has accessed. The MS <strong>Society</strong> also provides information<br />
and referral services, support groups and other<br />
programs that make a positive and significant impact<br />
on the lives <strong>of</strong> people living with MS, and their families,<br />
friends and caregivers.<br />
IMpACt<br />
“The MS <strong>Society</strong>’s financial assistance for my daily attendant<br />
care needs and towards the purchase <strong>of</strong> home<br />
safety aids means I have fewer financial barriers to face,”<br />
says Catherine Calvert. “You can always find help and<br />
support from the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>. They are always<br />
there to extend a hand to help me through this battle.<br />
It takes stress <strong>of</strong>f my shoulders knowing that someone<br />
understands what I am going through and is there to<br />
make my journey easier.”<br />
The Equipment Program provides<br />
financial support for the purchase <strong>of</strong> safety<br />
equipment for the home and for mobility aids.<br />
The Special Assistance Program provides<br />
clients with financial assistance for services that may<br />
include housecleaning, yard care, snow removal,<br />
transportation, respite care and attendant care.
Community Capacity Builders<br />
The Co-operators<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> The Co-operators team Kathy Krammer, Leona Spruyt, and Michelle Chubak, from left to right.<br />
Need<br />
<strong>Canada</strong> has one <strong>of</strong> the highest rates <strong>of</strong> MS in the world.<br />
There are between 55,000 – 75,000 Canadians who have<br />
been diagnosed with MS; 21,000 – 29,000 <strong>of</strong> these individuals<br />
reside in <strong>Ontario</strong>. MS is most <strong>of</strong>ten diagnosed in<br />
young adults: individuals who are finishing school, starting<br />
careers and beginning families. During their lifetime,<br />
on average, each individual with MS will need an estimated<br />
$1.6 million in care and support to deal with their<br />
illness. A diagnosis <strong>of</strong> MS impacts the entire family, our<br />
communities and society as a whole.<br />
ACtION<br />
The Co-operators Group Limited is a Canadian-owned<br />
co-operative with more than $42 billion in assets under<br />
administration. Through its group <strong>of</strong> companies it <strong>of</strong>fers<br />
home, auto, life, group, travel, commercial and farm insurance,<br />
as well as investment products. The Co-operators is<br />
well known for its community involvement and its commitment<br />
to sustainability and is committed to making a<br />
meaningful difference in the communities where they live<br />
and work.<br />
“When we approached the MS <strong>Society</strong>, we wanted to have<br />
an impact on the lives <strong>of</strong> people living with MS in our communities,<br />
but we soon realized that we could help people<br />
now and in the future,” said Glenn Bohay, manager, community<br />
relations, Co-operators Life Insurance Company.<br />
Between 2002 and 2010, The Co-operators pledged over<br />
$8,000 to numerous event participants across the country<br />
and provided over $18,000 to help the MS <strong>Society</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong><br />
<strong>Division</strong> provide help and hope to people living with MS.<br />
IMpACt<br />
Through dedicated, ongoing support, The Co-operators<br />
has built a strong relationship with the MS community and<br />
has helped them benefit from the services and support the<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> provides.<br />
Realizing the impact <strong>of</strong> their contributions, The Co-operators<br />
team was motivated to do more and in 2010 announced<br />
at $60,000 gift to support the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s<br />
research program. The Co-operators MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Canada</strong> PhD Studentship will support one PhD studentship<br />
award annually from 2011-2014.<br />
As Barbara Turley-McIntyre, director, sustainability and<br />
corporate citizenship, Co-operators Life Insurance Company<br />
noted, “Through this award, we can make a real difference<br />
in a young researcher’s life, who can potentially make<br />
all the difference in the lives <strong>of</strong> those who live with MS.”<br />
"When we approached the<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong>, we wanted to<br />
have an impact on the lives<br />
<strong>of</strong> people living with MS<br />
in our communities..."<br />
Glenn Bohay, manager, community relations<br />
Co-operators Life Insurance Company<br />
donor Recognition<br />
<strong>Ontario</strong> leadership giving donors<br />
The MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> is proud to celebrate the following<br />
individuals, corporations and foundations that provided generous gifts to the<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong>’s Leadership Giving program to support research and client services.<br />
$25,000+<br />
The <strong>Ontario</strong> Trillium Foundation<br />
Alanne O'Gallagher<br />
Airoute Cargo Express<br />
The Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation<br />
$10,000-$24,999<br />
Pfizer <strong>Canada</strong> Inc.<br />
Jason Mann<br />
Mary Gendron<br />
J.P. Bickell Foundation<br />
Jason Park<br />
R. Mackenzie Barford<br />
Medtronic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> Ltd.<br />
RBC Financial Group, through the RBC Foundation<br />
The Lawrason Foundation<br />
Scotia Capital<br />
Novartis Pharmaceuticals <strong>Canada</strong> Inc<br />
$5,000-$9,999<br />
The Alice & Murray Maitland Foundation<br />
Paloma Foundation<br />
Patrice Walch-Watson<br />
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited<br />
Leon's Furniture Limited<br />
The Arthur and Audrey Cutten Foundation<br />
The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation<br />
John Clifford<br />
Gale Kelly<br />
8 OntariO divisiOn <strong>Impact</strong> RepoRt 2010<br />
$1,000-$4,999<br />
Anonymous (2)<br />
Ken Kavanagh<br />
Bill Needles Memorial Golf Tournament<br />
CN Employees’ and Pensioners’ Community Fund<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Graham Hill<br />
Four Seasons Hotels Limited<br />
Kreiner Family Fund at the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation<br />
John & Patricia McGugan<br />
EMD Serono<br />
OPG Employees' & Pensioners' Charity Trust<br />
Audrey Jackson Charitable Gift Fund at the<br />
Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation<br />
Gene Kosmyna<br />
DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd.<br />
Collombin Family Flow Through Fund at the Toronto<br />
Community Foundation<br />
The BLG Foundation<br />
Macquarie Private Wealth<br />
Harvey & Leah Fruitman<br />
Hutchinson Charitable Fund at the Strategic Charitable<br />
Giving Foundation<br />
Joe & Joan Koole<br />
Gor-Fay Realty Co. Ltd.<br />
Mark Whitmore<br />
Mary Jane Ferguson<br />
Stoute-Hill Family Fund<br />
Joan Lowden<br />
BMO Employee Charitable Foundation<br />
David Chernos<br />
Sybrand Koole<br />
Jackman Foundation<br />
Paul Faynwachs In Trust<br />
The Powis Family Foundation<br />
Paediatric Associates - Women's College Hospital<br />
McLeish Containers<br />
Isberg Family Foundation at the Charitable Gift Funds<br />
<strong>Canada</strong> Foundation<br />
Jim Ruyter
endMS Circle ($1,000,000 +)<br />
The Waugh Family Foundation<br />
Breakthrough Circle ($500,000 - $999,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
CIBC<br />
EMD Serono<br />
Garrett Herman<br />
Louis J. Maroun<br />
Scotiabank<br />
Women Against MS (WAMS)<br />
discovery Circle ($250,000 - $499,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation<br />
Bob Decker<br />
The Goodman Family and the Dundee Group <strong>of</strong> Companies<br />
Rogers Communications<br />
Knowledge Circle ($100,000 - $249,999)<br />
Sandy & Margot Aird<br />
Biogen Idec <strong>Canada</strong> Inc.<br />
Ian & Kiki Delaney<br />
Deloitte & Touche Foundation <strong>Canada</strong><br />
endMS Gala Corporate Challenge<br />
Ernst & Young LLP<br />
Susan A. Murray<br />
Robert H. Pitfield<br />
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP<br />
Research In Motion Limited<br />
Kevin & Sandra Sullivan<br />
Richard & Heather Thomson<br />
donor Recognition<br />
endMS donors<br />
We are proud to recognize the following donors who made<br />
pledges and gifts to the endMS campaign in 2010.<br />
patron ($50,000 - $99,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
The Co-operators<br />
Costco Wholesale <strong>Canada</strong> Ltd.<br />
Purdy & Bea Crawford<br />
John Feld & Phyllis Yaffe<br />
Alistair M. Fraser<br />
IBM <strong>Canada</strong><br />
Peter & Allison Jelley<br />
Kenneth Macgowan<br />
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP<br />
Bruce & Sylvia Richmond<br />
Mark & Sarah Wellings<br />
Benefactor ($25,000 - $49,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Stewart Busbridge<br />
John F. Clifford<br />
Cuddy Farms Corporation, in memory <strong>of</strong> A.M. Cuddy<br />
Rueben & Rhonda Devlin<br />
George Fine<br />
David & Beverly Garton<br />
Helen Kearns<br />
David L. Knight<br />
John & Gail MacNaughton<br />
McMillan LLP<br />
Kathleen Murphy & Harry Joosten<br />
J.E. Panneton Family Foundation<br />
Honourable Madam Justice Sarah Pepall<br />
Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd.<br />
Sun Life Financial<br />
William D. Swisher<br />
Trudell Medical International, in memory <strong>of</strong> A.M. Cuddy<br />
Gabriel Tsampalieros<br />
donor Recognition<br />
endMS donors<br />
We are proud to recognize the following donors who made<br />
pledges and gifts to the endMS campaign in 2010.<br />
Leader ($10,000 - $24,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Paul Atkinson<br />
Rob Barbara<br />
Michael Bernstein & Nandini DasGupta<br />
Frances Carmichael & Jack Cashman<br />
Elan Pharmaceuticals<br />
Stanley H. Hartt<br />
Highland Farms Inc.<br />
Ramsay Holmes<br />
In honour <strong>of</strong> Susan Huycke & Sylvia Bosworth<br />
Andy Kent<br />
Macquarie Group Foundation<br />
Ken & Suzanne Mayhew<br />
Nixon Charitable Foundation<br />
Leslie Noble<br />
Daniel Nowlan<br />
Yves Savoie<br />
Scotia Capital<br />
Michael Shuh & Michelle Fiebig<br />
Investor ($5,000 - $9,999)<br />
Yolanda Bronstein<br />
Mike den Haan & Family<br />
Dominique Hansen<br />
Douglas C. & Ann Mackay<br />
Mike McClintock<br />
Sassafraz<br />
We apologize for any errors or omissions.<br />
10 OntariO divisiOn <strong>Impact</strong> RepoRt 2010<br />
Supporter ($1,000 - $4,999)<br />
Anonymous (3)<br />
Joshua Arbuckle<br />
Chris Breen<br />
Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.<br />
Jonathan Ehrlich<br />
Ian Fraser<br />
Jeff & Sandra Goldstein<br />
Rohit & Aimee Gupta<br />
Kevin Li & Lori Sugarman<br />
Fred & Gail Pamenter<br />
Paul Pathak<br />
Jeremy Rakusin<br />
Allen Stern<br />
John Walsh<br />
Waterloo Chapter, MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> -<br />
Fall Fashion Fantasy Show<br />
Mark Whitmore<br />
The endMS campaign and the research it supports<br />
gives us great hope that we will one day end this<br />
disease that affects our friends and family.<br />
We would like to personally thank all <strong>of</strong> those<br />
who have contributed to the campaign.<br />
Your support will make a tremendous impact<br />
on the lives <strong>of</strong> people with MS and on<br />
future generations <strong>of</strong> MS researchers.<br />
Richard E. Waugh<br />
Honorary chair, endMS national campaign cabinet<br />
Alexander R. Aird<br />
National chair, endMS campaign cabinet<br />
David A. Garton<br />
<strong>Ontario</strong> chair, endMS campaign cabinet
Financial Statement<br />
<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong> Financial Summary (unaudited)<br />
Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenue and Expenditures for year ended December 31<br />
Please see the following page for explanatory notes to the Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenue and Expenditures presented below.<br />
<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> (<strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong>)<br />
Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenue and Expenditures (Unaudited)<br />
Twelve Four Twelve<br />
months ended months ended months ended<br />
Dec. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Aug. 31, 2009<br />
Revenue<br />
Leadership giving activity<br />
endMS Research & Training Network 1,349,742 692,013 419,023<br />
Individual giving 764,024 259,116 854,557<br />
Corporate giving and major donors 250,199 146,946 271,517<br />
Bequests 609,297 280,176 1,192,756<br />
Grants from pharmaceutical companies 52,100 16,000 35,508<br />
Government grants 154,308 24,391 207,247<br />
Other grants 211,086 90,011 207,983<br />
Total revenue from leadership giving 3,390,756 1,508,653 3,188,591<br />
Community based fundraising events 10,112,435<br />
Dinners, tournaments, and third party events 2,325,468<br />
Gaming 744,981<br />
Sale <strong>of</strong> goods 137,234<br />
Public awareness activities 448,275<br />
United Way and HealthPartners 660,382<br />
Investment income 275,937<br />
Memberships 48,265<br />
Miscellaneous 5,175<br />
Total revenue 18,148,908<br />
Direct fundraising expenditures<br />
Leadership giving 273,780<br />
Community based fundraising events 4,324,755<br />
Dinners, tournaments, and third party events 849,583<br />
Gaming 267,924<br />
Cost <strong>of</strong> goods sold 87,491<br />
Total direct fundraising expenditures 5,803,533<br />
Funds available for programs and support activities 12,345,375<br />
Expenditures<br />
Client services 3,319,466<br />
Research 1,465,405<br />
Research - endMS Research & Training Network 1,652,025<br />
Research - CCSVI 121,151<br />
Public education and awareness 1,832,424<br />
Chapter and volunteer support and development 1,524,625<br />
Government and community relations 316,882<br />
MS Clinics 686,404<br />
Administration 1,141,032<br />
Indirect fundraising 215,881<br />
Total expenditures 12,275,295<br />
Excess (deficiency) <strong>of</strong> revenue over expenditures for the period 70,080<br />
638,302<br />
703,301<br />
226,901<br />
130,277<br />
3,065<br />
156,970<br />
120,266<br />
21,143<br />
2,765<br />
3,511,643<br />
93,806<br />
1,241,093<br />
234,245<br />
81,989<br />
84,557<br />
1,735,690<br />
1,775,953<br />
1,102,171<br />
146,146<br />
808,463<br />
-<br />
414,965<br />
407,797<br />
60,103<br />
229,804<br />
299,583<br />
65,931<br />
3,534,963<br />
(1,759,010)<br />
10,208,251<br />
2,173,920<br />
862,728<br />
180,512<br />
516,768<br />
738,839<br />
25,657<br />
52,679<br />
2,495<br />
17,950,440<br />
287,683<br />
4,868,425<br />
890,740<br />
349,415<br />
124,511<br />
6,520,774<br />
11,429,666<br />
3,610,232<br />
2,318,914<br />
691,833<br />
-<br />
1,430,412<br />
1,332,413<br />
225,601<br />
673,093<br />
1,007,439<br />
166,224<br />
11,456,161<br />
(26,495)<br />
expLANAtORy NOteS<br />
to the Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenue and Expenditures<br />
The previous page presents the statement <strong>of</strong> revenue and expenditures for the <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong><br />
<strong>Division</strong> for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010. There are three columns <strong>of</strong> financial data this year because <strong>of</strong> the<br />
decision approved by the national board <strong>of</strong> directors to change the year-end <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> from<br />
August 31 to December 31 to better match our business cycle and to match the taxation year for the majority <strong>of</strong> our donors.<br />
As a result <strong>of</strong> this change, a short fiscal year running from September to December 2009 was necessary as <strong>Canada</strong> Revenue<br />
Agency requires a reporting period that is no longer than 12 months. The four months <strong>of</strong> operating results are not a normal<br />
fiscal year because most fundraising events happen from the spring to the fall but this period was necessary to bridge from<br />
our year ending August 31, 2009 to our new fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. The deficit for this short fiscal year was<br />
anticipated and there was sufficient cash and net assets within the organization to absorb this shortfall. The most appropriate<br />
comparison <strong>of</strong> our financial performance is between the two 12 month fiscal years.<br />
March 2010 – March 2011<br />
John Clifford, chair<br />
Linda Lumsden, past chair<br />
Valerie Hussey, vice-chair<br />
Niranjan Vivekanandan, vice-chair<br />
John Ellis, honorary legal counsel<br />
Karen Torrie-Racine, secretary<br />
Robert Blais, treasurer<br />
ONtARIO ChApteRS ANd uNItS<br />
Brampton and Caledon Chapter<br />
Brant County Chapter<br />
Bruce County Unit<br />
Cambridge Unit<br />
Chatham-Kent Chapter<br />
Cornwall and District Chapter<br />
Durham Regional Chapter<br />
Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Chapter<br />
Haldimand-Norfolk Unit<br />
Halton Regional Chapter<br />
Hamilton Chapter<br />
Hastings County Chapter<br />
Kapuskasing Unit<br />
Leeds Grenville Chapter<br />
London-Middlesex Chapter<br />
Markham/Stouffville Chapter<br />
Mississauga Chapter<br />
Niagara Peninsula Chapter <strong>of</strong> Hope<br />
North Bay and District Unit<br />
Fall 2007<br />
impact report<br />
<strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong>, 2011<br />
Published by the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Division</strong><br />
175 Bloor St. E., Suite 700, Toronto ON M4W 3R8<br />
Tel: (416) 922-6065 Fax: (416) 922-7538<br />
Toll free: 1-866-922-6065<br />
Website: mssociety.ca/msontario<br />
Kathleen Carr, director<br />
Bill Ebel, director<br />
Scott Ewart, director<br />
Elizabeth Flavelle, director<br />
Sean Foran, director<br />
Harold Lenfesty, director<br />
Patricia McQuillan, director<br />
Marie Vaillant, director<br />
Asad Wali, director<br />
Northumberland County Chapter<br />
Ottawa Chapter<br />
Oxford County Chapter<br />
Peterborough Chapter<br />
Prince Edward County Unit<br />
Sarnia-Lambton Chapter<br />
Sault Ste. Marie-Algoma Chapter<br />
Scarborough Chapter<br />
Simcoe County Chapter<br />
Simcoe-Norfolk Unit<br />
Sudbury Chapter<br />
Thunder Bay Chapter<br />
Timmins Chapter<br />
Toronto Chapter<br />
Waterloo District Chapter<br />
Wellington County Chapter<br />
Windsor-Essex Chapter<br />
York North Chapter<br />
York South Chapter<br />
o n t a r i o d i v i s i o n 2 0 1 0<br />
Chair: John Clifford<br />
President: Yves Savoie<br />
Editor-in-chief: Kim Steele<br />
Managing editor: Tiffany Regaudie<br />
Charitable registration no. 10774 6174 RR0004