North Country News, May, 2009.

North Country News, May, 2009.

North Country News, May, 2009.


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4<br />

BOOKS<br />

Reviewed by Ray Stanley, Rio<br />

Linda Library<br />

“the terminal Spy”<br />

by Alan S. Cowell<br />

Perhaps some you remember the<br />

now famous photograph of a bald,<br />

sickly looking Alexander Litvinenko<br />

staring accusingly at the camera<br />

from his deathbed, a hospital room<br />

in London’s University College<br />

Hospital. Poisoned and just days<br />

from dying, Litvinenko’s image<br />

would be used to launch a PR campaign<br />

against Putin’s Russia and its’<br />

apparent resurgent brutality. Did<br />

Putin have a hand in his demise?<br />

Was this claim merely a smear attempt<br />

by the expatriate Russian<br />

community in Britain? Did Alexander<br />

naively try to hobnob and<br />

do business the wrong people? We<br />

may never know, but Cowell does<br />

his best to unravel this complicated<br />

story in this compelling book.<br />

One of my life changing moments<br />

happened my junior year at Oakmont<br />

High School. Out of the blue<br />

my history teacher pulled a book of<br />

his shelf and recommended I check<br />

it out. Little did he know how big<br />

an impression this book would have<br />

on my world view and my view of<br />

Communism’s horrors. The book<br />

was “A Day in the Life of Ivan<br />

Denisovich” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.<br />

I couldn’t put it down.<br />

It made the fall of the Berlin Wall, a<br />

mere four years away, all that much<br />

sweeter and momentous.<br />

Now fast forward to 2000 and the<br />

election of Vladimir Putin as Russia’s<br />

President. Boris Yeltsin had<br />

just resigned unexpectedly. What<br />

direction or course would Putin<br />

pursue for Russia? At first, the U.S.<br />

and Russia shared a common struggle;<br />

that of terrorist attacks from<br />

Muslim extremists. Soon, however,<br />

tensions began to arise between the<br />

two former Cold War opponents.<br />

When journalists began disappearing<br />

or dying in increasing numbers<br />

throughout Putin’s two terms (type<br />

“Russian journalists killed” into<br />

Yahoo and see the list) accusations<br />

surfaced that the former KGB, now<br />

the FSB, was resurrecting its old<br />

ways once again. While journalist<br />

Anna Politkovskoya’s shooting<br />

death near her apartment was notable,<br />

it was Litvinenko’s demise later<br />

that year that shone the spotlight directly<br />

onto Putin. Personally, I felt<br />

like the possibility of the horrors<br />

outlined in Solzenitsyn’s book was<br />

creeping back, if they had ever left.<br />

Cowell meticulously researched the<br />

key players in the story surrounding<br />

Alexander. In the wake of the breakup<br />

of the Soviet Union opportunistic<br />

entrepreneurs, often currying<br />

favor of politicians with bribes and<br />

large financial gifts, made a financial<br />

killing off of the former state-<br />

run industries that were handed to<br />

them in return. When Putin came to<br />

power, not all of these sudden billionaires<br />

were in his good graces.<br />

Britain, with its lax immigration<br />

laws (landing at Heathrow required<br />

no transit visas so one could buy<br />

tickets for a second destination then<br />

simply roam the airport and fail to<br />

fly further) soon became home to<br />

many of these newly minted rich<br />

who found themselves out of favor<br />

with Putin who was now attempting<br />

to reclaiming the former stateowned<br />

industries and appointing his<br />

friends in charge. Much of the PR<br />

after Litvinenko’s death was crafted<br />

and distributed by these expatriates<br />

who had no love lost for Putin’s<br />

leadership in an attempt to embarrass<br />

him on the world’s stage.<br />

Putin, a former KGB agent, had an<br />

ax to grind with Litvinenko as well.<br />

Allegations of faking a Chechen<br />

terrorist attack to muster support<br />

for the Chechnya invasion, the rumor<br />

of the mining of an Italian harbor<br />

by a Russian submarine, and a<br />

myriad of other plots hinted at by<br />

Litvinenko during his time with the<br />

KGB, didn’t sit well with him. Was<br />

Alexander the patriot he liked to be<br />

considered? Was he a traitor that<br />

the FSB considered him? Did his<br />

naivety and aloofness doom him to<br />

his fate as some, including his wife<br />

and abandoned children claim? Did<br />

a former associate of “Sasha”, Andrei<br />

Lugovoi, bring the polonium<br />

210 to England and put in Litvinenko’s<br />

tea? The souring of Britain<br />

and Russia’s relationship grew from<br />

Putin’s refusal to extradite Lugovoi<br />

for a trial. Was “Sasha” stealing<br />

state secrets? Was Putin’s FSB bent<br />

on getting back at the expatriate<br />

community in London? Did Litvinenko<br />

cross the wrong businessman?<br />

The truth may never be fully<br />

uncovered.<br />

If you’re seeking the ultimate truth<br />

and will be disappointed when it<br />

isn’t delivered, you may be frustrated<br />

with the book. However, I<br />

still encourage you to give it a try.<br />

The cast of characters, back story,<br />

and the inner-workings of Russian<br />

society are all quite interesting. If<br />

you’re into “cloak and dagger” fiction<br />

or like spy books I recommend<br />

giving this a try.<br />

For more reviews please sign up for<br />

Sacramento Public Library’s free<br />

“Book Bulletin” to have reviews<br />

e-mailed to your home. Visit our<br />

website http://www.saclibrary.org<br />

and click on “Read” and sign up for<br />

the “Book Bulletin.” See you in the<br />

stacks!<br />

The Rio Linda Library<br />

Welcomes You<br />

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For info about programs at the library please visit:<br />

http://www.myspace.com/riolindalibrary<br />

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http://groups.myspace.com/FriendsoftheRioLindaLibrary<br />


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“Marley & Me” by John Grogan<br />

Reviewed by Viv<br />

Last month I read “Marley & Me” by John Grogan. I ran out of time and<br />

did not write my review. Well here it is.<br />

The story is about a new married couple and their first puppy, “Marley.” It<br />

is very funny, fast paced and really keeps you turning pages. Every page<br />

was another adventure sometimes so wild you could barely believe it if<br />

you had never had such a dog.<br />

Marley is a Golden - Labrador Retriever. It seems the AKC is near to splitting<br />

the breed into two breeds. The English Lab. is a less active dog, also a<br />

smaller one than the American Lab. Seems the American Lab. is far more<br />

active, needing a large area to run and is a much larger dog. Marley was<br />

over 100lbs. Seems the American Lab. has been bred as a hunting dog,<br />

they love the water.<br />

The story covers the thirteen years of Marley’s life and all the outrageous,<br />

fun things that happened along the way. As Marley ages I am sure you will<br />

remember some of your own dogs and how sharing your life with them has<br />

made some very special memories.<br />

Something I found interesting, the author had spent a few years working<br />

for the Rodale Press as Managing Editor for their flagship magazine,<br />

“Organic Gardening.” Rodale also published “The Mother Earth.” Both<br />

magazines I have enjoyed for years.<br />

“Marley & Me” was made into a movie and it was fun to watch but I felt<br />

so many events were skipped over, to keep the movie within a reasonable<br />

time frame I am sure. Guess it would be better to see the movie then read<br />

the book.<br />

You cannot help but cry at the ending, as all of us pet owners know, their<br />

lives are short but they touch us in so many ways. All they ask is for food,<br />

love and a nice place to sleep in exchange they greet you with joy each<br />

day, give you their heart, share your sadness and teach you some very good<br />

lessons (if you are willing to learn). Read “Marley & Me” it is one for the<br />

heart…………….Viv<br />


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