Surname: Pica Ciamarra

Surname: Pica Ciamarra

Surname: Pica Ciamarra


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Given Name: Massimo<br />

<strong>Surname</strong>: <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong><br />

Address Via Posillipo 176, 80123, Naples, Italy<br />

Phone +39 081 5754709<br />

E-mail picaciam@gmail.com<br />

Nationality Italian<br />

Date of birth Apri 25, 1977<br />


Period 01/10/2007-present<br />

Researcher<br />

CNISM, National Consortium for Soft Condensed Matter<br />

Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy<br />

Period 2003 – 09/2007<br />

Post-Doc<br />

Department of Physical Science,<br />

University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.<br />

Period 01/01/2003 - 13/11/2003<br />



Visiting researcher – Fulbright scholar<br />

Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.<br />

Period 2002-2003<br />

Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.<br />

Teaching assistant – Classical Mechanics (First. Semester – lab)<br />

Teaching assistant – Classical Mechanics (Second. Semester - lab)<br />

Teaching assistant – Electromagnetism (First. Semester - lab)<br />

Teaching assistant – Electromagnetism (Second. Semester - lab)<br />

Period 2003-2009<br />

Supervisor of undergraduate students for their Master Degree thesis (8) and of Ph.D students (2).<br />

12/2003 Ph.D, Pure and applied Physics,<br />

Department of Physical Sciences,<br />

University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.<br />

Supervisor: Prof. A. Coniglio.<br />

2002-2003 Enrolled to the Ph.D. Program in Physics, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA<br />

I passed all of the exams of the first year with grade A.<br />

2002 Fulbright pre-academic training, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California,<br />

USA<br />

2002 ITA Teaching Workshop for an International Teaching Assistant/Assistant Instructor position<br />

Assessment, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.<br />

12/2000 Master Degree, Physics<br />

University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy<br />

Supervisor: Prof. G. Trautteur.<br />

Grade: 110/110 cum laude<br />

1994 High school degree (scientific disciplines)<br />

Grade: 60/60.


2001 Fulbright fellowship.<br />


TALKS<br />

2001 Admitted to a Ph.D course in Computer Science,<br />

University of Aahurs, Denmark.<br />

2001 “Young researcher” award,<br />

University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy<br />

2008 Experienced Researcher Prize - Marie-Curie EU-Network for Dynamical Arrest<br />

Mother tongue Italian<br />

Other languages English French<br />

Reading Excellent Good<br />

Writing Excellent Basic<br />

Oral Excellent Basic<br />

Communication Used to interact with people from different cultural background.<br />

Communication course: Fulbright pre-academic training, Monterey Institute of International Studies,<br />

Monterey, California, USA)<br />

Teaching course: ITA Teaching Workshop for an International Teaching Assistant/Assistant<br />

Instructor position Assessment, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.<br />

Organization Coordination of human resources:<br />

Experience from supervising undergraduate students for their Master Degree thesis, and<br />

Ph.D. students.<br />

− Coordination of project and budget:<br />

Used to administer research/conference founds.<br />

IT Theory: Theory of computation, Logic, Computational Complexity<br />

Operating systems: Linux, Windows<br />

Programming languages: c++, c, pascal,prolog, lisp, html, php, java<br />

Applications: Office, OpenOffice, Mathematica, Matlab, Povray, Latex, etc...<br />

Molecular Dynamics & Monte Carlo: strong experience<br />

Computational Fluid Mechanics: some experience<br />

Experience with parallel computing (MPI), GRID computing.<br />

GRE 2001<br />

Graduate record examination<br />

General Test: Quantitative 740/800; Analytical 690/800<br />

Subject test in Physics: 640/990.<br />

TOEFL 2000<br />

Test of English as a foreign language<br />

275/300 (computer based)<br />

1. Dynamics Days Europe 2009, Goetting, Germany. (Scheduled September 2009).<br />

2. Workshop on “Statistical mechanics of static granular media”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The<br />

Netherlands. 6/07/2009.<br />

3. Theoretical Physics Colloquia, University of Naples, 3/07/2009.<br />

4. Grid Computing for Materials, Naples, Italy, 3/05/2009.<br />

5. Award talk – Arrested Matter European Marie Curie Network conference, Taormina, Italy,<br />

26/11/2008.<br />

6. Max Plank Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization, Goettingen, Germany,<br />

26/09/2008.<br />

7. Theoretical physics workshop, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Naples<br />

Federico II, Naples, Italy, 18/06/2008.<br />

8. 31st Workshop: Modeling Geophysical Systems by Means of Statistical Mechanics<br />

Methods, Erice, Italy, 28/04/2008.<br />

9. Conference on “Pattern formation in particle systems”, University of Warwick, UK,<br />

28/02/2008.<br />

10. Workshop on “Crystallization and Jamming in Soft Matter under Driving”, Lorentz Center,<br />

Leiden, The Netherlands, 19/02/2008.



11. Theoretical physics weekly seminar, Department of Physical Sciences, University of<br />

Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, 25/10/2007.<br />

12. CECS, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, Cile, 29/08/2007.<br />

13. Statics and Dynamics of Granular media and colloidal suspensions, Satellite conference of<br />

Statphys23, Naples, Italy, 5/07/2007.<br />

14. Granular Matter, “20th Canberra International Physics Summer School and Workshop on<br />

Granular Materials”, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 4-8/12/2006.<br />

15. Workshop on Complex Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 4-6/10/2006.<br />

16. Dygram2006, Workshop “Granular dynamics, jamming, rheology and instabilities”.<br />

Rennes, France, 19-23/06/2006.<br />

17. Session of Granular Matter, Institute Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France, 2/02/2005.<br />

18. Statphys 22, Bangalore, India, 5/07/2004.<br />

19. Department of Physical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy,<br />

23/10/2003.<br />

20. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, 14/05/2003.<br />

1. Main organizer<br />

with Patrick Richard (Rennes, France), Matthias Schroeter (Goettingen, Germany) and<br />

Brian Tighe (Leiden, The Netherlands).<br />

Workshop on the statistical mechanics of static granular media<br />

July 6-10, 2009, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands,<br />

2. Co-organizer:<br />

Statics and dynamics of granular media and colloidal suspensions,<br />

July 4-6 2007, Naples, Italy.<br />

3. Co-organizer:<br />

DyGraM 2006 : Jamming, rheology and instabilities<br />

June 19-23 2006, Rennes, France<br />

Referee Physical Review Letters<br />

Physical Review E<br />

Europhysics Letters<br />

J. Physics C: Condensed Matter<br />

J. Physics D: Appl. Physics<br />

European Journal of Physics<br />

Physica A<br />

Physics Letter A<br />

Transportmetrica<br />

Granular Matter<br />

United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation<br />

ACS Petroleum Research Fund<br />

PUBLICATIONS (reviewed only)<br />

1. Jamming phase diagram for frictional particles<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, R. Pastore, M. Nicodemi and A. Coniglio<br />

Nature, under review<br />

2. Jamming at zero temperature, zero friction and finite applied shear stress<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong> and A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett., under review<br />

3. Random very loose packing<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 128001 (2008).<br />

4. Correlations and Omori Law in Spamming<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio, L. de Arcangelis<br />

Europhysics Letters 84, 28004 (2008).<br />

5. Flow, Ordering and Jamming of Sheared Granular Suspensions<br />

D. S. Grebenkov, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 07801, (2008).<br />

6. Comment on “Granular entropy: Explicit calculations for planar assemblies'<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong><br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 089401, (2007).<br />

7. Granular packs under vertical tapping: Structure evolution, grain motion, and dynamical<br />

heterogeneities<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. E 75, 021303, (2007).<br />

8. Phenomenology and theory of horizontally oscillated granular mixtures<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio, M. Nicodemi<br />

Eur. Phys. J. E 22, 227, (2007).

9. Shear and vibration induced order disorder transition in granular media<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio, M. Nicodemi<br />

Eur. Phys. J. E 24, 411, (2007).<br />

10. Universality in city morphology ...<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio<br />

Advances in Complex Systems 10, 372, (2007).<br />

11. Statistical mechanics of dense granular media<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Tarzia, A. Coniglio, M. Nicodemi<br />

Lect. Notes in Complex Systems 8, 217, (2007).<br />

12. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Dense Granular Media<br />

Massimo <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, Antonio Coniglio and Mario Nicodemi<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 158001, (2006).<br />

13. Dynamically Induced Effective Interaction in Periodically Driven Granular Mixtures<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio and M. Nicodemi<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 038001, (2006).<br />

14. Granular Species Segregation under Vertical Tapping: Effects of Size, ....<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M.D. De Vizia, A. Fierro, A Coniglio and M. Nicodemi<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 058001, (2006).<br />

15. Random walk, cluster growth, and the morphology of urban conglomerations M. <strong>Pica</strong><br />

<strong>Ciamarra</strong> and A. Coniglio<br />

Physica A 363, 551, (2006).<br />

16. Species segregation and dynamical instability of horizontally vibrated granular mixtures<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Sarracino, M. Nicodemi and A. Coniglio<br />

Proc. Traffic and Granular Flow 2005, Springer.<br />

17. Jamming in dense granular media<br />

A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, A. De Candia, M. Nicodemi, M. Tarzia, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong><br />

Lecture Notes in Physics 688, 53, (2006).<br />

18. Size Segregation in Granular Media Induced by Phase Transition<br />

M. Tarzia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, and A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 078001, (2005).<br />

19. Shear Instabilities in Granular Mixtures<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio and M. Nicodemi<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 188001, (2005).<br />

20. Shear-induced segregation of a granular mixture under horizontal oscillation<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A. Coniglio and M. Nicodemi<br />

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S2549, (2005).<br />

21. Statistical mechanics of dense granular media<br />

A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong> and M. Tarzia<br />

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S2557, (2005).<br />

22. Optimizing on-ramp entries to exploit the capacity of a road<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong><br />

Phys. Rev. E 72, 066102, (2005).<br />

23. Mean field theory of dense granular media<br />

A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong> and M. Tarzia<br />

Proc. Powders and Grains 2005, Taylor & Francis 1, 381, (2005).<br />

24. Shear induced instability and segregation of a granular mixture<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M. Nicodemi and A. Coniglio<br />

Proc. Powders and Grains 2005, Taylor & Francis 2, 779, (2005).<br />

25. On Edwards' theory of powders<br />

A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong> and M. Tarzia<br />

Physica A 339, 1, (2004).<br />

26. Dynamics of Drag and Force Distributions for Projectile Impact in a Granular Medium<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, A.H. Lara, A.T. Lee, D.I. Goldman, I. Vishik and H.L. Swinney<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 194301, (2004).<br />

27. Monodisperse model suitable to study the glass transition<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, and A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. E 68, 066111, (2003).<br />

28. Lattice glass model with no tendency to crystallize<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong>, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, and A. Coniglio<br />

Phys. Rev. E 67, 057105, (2003).<br />

29. Quantum Reversibility and a new model of Quantum Automaton<br />

M. <strong>Pica</strong> <strong>Ciamarra</strong><br />

Lec. Not. in Comp. Sci. 2138, 376, (2001).

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