Curriculum Vitae Michaela M. Schaffhauser-Linzatti - Lehrstuhl für ...

Curriculum Vitae Michaela M. Schaffhauser-Linzatti - Lehrstuhl für ...

Curriculum Vitae Michaela M. Schaffhauser-Linzatti - Lehrstuhl für ...


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<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Personal Data<br />

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong><br />

Name: Mag. Dr. <strong>Michaela</strong> Maria <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong><br />

Status: Married (Olt. Ing. Mag. Markus H. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>, Siemens, Management);<br />

1 child<br />

Languages: German, English, French, Latin<br />

Affiliation: University of Vienna<br />

School of Business, Economics and Statistics<br />

Department for Business Administration<br />

Chair Externes Rechnungswesen<br />

Bruenner Str. 72<br />

A-1210 Vienna, Austria<br />

Phone: +43 1 4277 38055, Fax: +43 1 4277 38124<br />

E-mail: michaela.linzatti@univie.ac.at<br />

Web: http://www.bwl.univie.ac.at/bwl/revi/home.htm<br />

Education<br />

1980 – 1987 High School in “Maria Regina”, Hofzeile, private catholic school,<br />

6/1987 final exam with distinction<br />

1987 – 1993 Studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration,<br />

10/1993 graduation as Master of Business Administration (Mag. rer. soc.oec.)<br />

1991 Studies at Bell College, Saffron Walden, Great Britain<br />

1993 Member of the Center of Excellence at the Vienna University of Economics and<br />

Business Administration<br />

1994 – 1999 Doctoral program at the School of Social and Economic Sciences of the University<br />

of Vienna, 3/2000 graduation as Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences<br />

(Dr. rer. soc. oec.) with distinction<br />

2007 graduation “eCompetence” at the University of Vienna, 2 semesters<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Academic history<br />

Professional experience at universities<br />

2004 – today Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna, Department “Revision und<br />

Treuhand”, chair O.Univ.Prof. Otto A. Altenburger<br />

2002 – 2004 University Assistant at the University of Vienna, Department “Revision und<br />

Treuhand”, chair O.Univ.Prof. Otto A. Altenburger<br />

2000 – 2004 Full guest lecturer/guest professor at the Europa Universität Viadrina,<br />

Frankfurt/Oder, Germany<br />

1994 – 2002 University Assistant at the University of Vienna, Department of Finance and<br />

Banking, chair O.Univ.Prof. Engelbert J. Dockner<br />

1993 Student Assistant at the Vienna University of Economics and Business<br />

Administration, Institute of Transportation<br />

Academic functions<br />

Participation in the organization of scientific conferences and additional study programmes:<br />

• Member of the conference “Wissensbilanz: Bilanz des Wissens?” by the Austrian Rectors´<br />

Conference, in charge of the programme, 2003<br />

• Member of the organizational staff for the conference of the DGF in Vienna, 2001<br />

• Member of the organizational staff for the annual conference of the EFA in Vienna, 1998<br />

• Staff of the Ph.D.-program CCEFM (Center for Central European Financial Markets),<br />

responsible for foreign students, since 1998<br />

Other academic memberships:<br />

• Member of the “Wissenschaftsbeirat”<br />

• Member of the working group “Wissensbilanz” of the Federal Ministry of Education<br />

Current memberships in the following commissions of the University of Vienna according to UG<br />

2002:<br />

• Member of the Works Council of the University of Vienna<br />

• Member of the Curricular-Commission of the Constituent Convention<br />

• Member of the Assistants´ Union in charge of anti-discrimination<br />

• Designated deputy member of the senate<br />

• Involvement in the re-organization of accounting and reporting systems of the University of<br />

Vienna<br />

Former memberships in the following commissions of the University of Vienna according to UG<br />

2002:<br />

• Member of the Constituent Convention<br />

• Deputy speaker of the Assistant Professors at the School of Business, Economics, and<br />

Computer Science<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Memberships in the following commissions of/in charge of the University of Vienna according to<br />

UOG 1975 and UOG 1993:<br />

• Member and deputy member of the General University Assembly<br />

• Member of the Assistants´ Union in charge of anti-discrimination<br />

• Member of the Bundeskonferenz (federal representation of all Assistant Professors in Austria)<br />

• Member of the Commission of Studies Matters in the Institute of Business Administration.<br />

Hereby, I was provisionally in charge of the operational students´ matters and the<br />

organization of the commission to develop a new curriculum for International Business<br />

Administration for more than one semester.<br />

• Member of the Conference of Budget Matters in the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences<br />

• Member of the Conference of Personnel Matters in the Faculty of Social and Economic<br />

Sciences<br />

• Member of the Conference of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences<br />

• Member of the Conference of the Institute of Business Administration<br />

• Member of the Conference of the library of the Institute of Business Administration<br />

• Member in several commissions for open positions for full professors and habilitations<br />

• Deputy member of the General University Assembly<br />

• Deputy member of the senate<br />

• Deputy speaker of the Assistant Professors´ representatives in the Faculty of Social and<br />

Economic Sciences<br />

• Deputy speaker of the Assistant Professors´ representatives in the Institute of Business<br />

Administration<br />

• Head of the working group "personnel development" at the Faculty of Social and Economic<br />

Sciences<br />

Project Director:<br />

• 2007-2009: eLearning in Accounting, a project of the Faculty of Business, Economics and<br />

Statistics, University of Vienna<br />

Teaching experience<br />

Courses given at the University of Vienna<br />

• Principles of Accounting (Grundzüge ABWL: Rechnungswesen)<br />

• Revision Course Accounting (Repetitorium Grundzüge Rechnungswesen)<br />

• Financial Accounting (ABWL: Bilanzierung)<br />

• Financial and Managerial Accounting (Rechnungswesen <strong>für</strong> Wirtschaftsinformatiker)<br />

• Management<br />

• Working group for the seminars, including rhetoric topics (Master)<br />

• Regular participation in seminars on Business Administration and Financial Accounting<br />

• Use of Accounting Software: SAP (Einsatz von Rechnungslegungssoftware: SAP)<br />

Courses given at the Medical University of Vienna<br />

• Financial Accounting (MBA)<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

• Managerial Accounting (MBA)<br />

• Balance Sheet Analysis (MBA)<br />

• Controlling<br />

Courses given at the Vienna University of Technology<br />

• Business Administration<br />

• Procurement<br />

• Investment&Finance<br />

Courses given at the Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, 2000-2004<br />

• Accounting I (in English)<br />

• Accounting II (in English)<br />

Courses given at the Summer Academy, Vienna University of Economics and Business<br />

Administration, 2002<br />

• Transportation and Logistics (in English)<br />

Courses given with supplement of PHARE/TACIS program by the European Community in<br />

Lithuania, 1996<br />

• Financial Accounting (in English)<br />

• Managerial Accounting (in English)<br />

• Finance (in English)<br />

Courses given at bfi, 2004<br />

• Accounting for Transportation Companies<br />

Courses given outside universities, 1990 – 2002<br />

• Preparatory classes for students at the Vienna University of Economics and Business<br />

Administration<br />

• Rhetoric and political classes for members of the Students´ Union<br />

Publications<br />

Monographs<br />

(1) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) Grundzüge des Rechnungswesens, Bilanzierung,<br />

Bilanzanalyse und Kostenrechnung, 2nd edition, Facultas, Vienna<br />

(2) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Bilanzierung, Bilanzanalyse und Kostenrechnung,<br />

4 th edition, Facultas, Vienna<br />

(3) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2000) Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Privatisierung in<br />

Österreich, Deutscher Universitätsverlag Gabler, Wiesbaden<br />

(4) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1996) ABC der Bilanzierung und Bilanzanalyse, Linde-Verlag, Vienna<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Teaching material<br />

(1) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Grundzüge der ABWL: Rechnungswesen, current<br />

edition, Facultas, Vienna<br />

(2) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Betriebliches Rechnungswesen im<br />

Gesundheitswesen, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna<br />

(3) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Rechnungswesen <strong>für</strong> Verkehrsbetriebe II, bfi-<br />

Vienna<br />

(4) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Accounting II, 4 th edition, Frankfurt/Oder (in<br />

English)<br />

(5) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Accounting I, 4 th edition, Frankfurt/Oder (in<br />

English)<br />

(6) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Klausurenrechnung, 4 th edition, Facultas, Vienna<br />

(7) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1996) Bilanzierung und Bilanzanalyse, 4 th edition, Department of<br />

Banking and Finance, Vienna<br />

(8) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1996) Rechnungswesen <strong>für</strong> Anfänger, 2 nd edition, Department of<br />

Banking and Finance, Vienna<br />

Journal articles<br />

(1) Leitner, K.-H., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Stowasser, R., Wagner, K. (forthcoming)<br />

The impact of size and specialisation on universities' department performance: A DEA<br />

analysis applied to Austrian universities, Higher Education<br />

(2) Leitner, K.-H., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Stowasser, R., Wagner, K. (2005) Data<br />

Envelopment Analysis as method for evaluating Intellectual Capital, in: Special Issue<br />

"Management Consulting Practice on Intellectual Capital" of the Journal of Intellectual<br />

Capital, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 528–543<br />

(3) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) Public Private Partnership im<br />

österreichischen Verkehrswesen, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift <strong>für</strong> Verkehrswissenschaft<br />

(4) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Privatisierung in<br />

Österreich, in: Zeitschrift <strong>für</strong> Betriebswirtschaft, Nr. 1, January 2003, pp. 49–72<br />

(5) Rauner, M.S., Zeileis, A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Hornik, K. (2003) Modelling<br />

the effects of the Austrian inpatient reimbursement system on length-of-stay distributions,<br />

OR-Spectrum, Vol. 25, pp. 183–206<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(6) Leonard, K.J., Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Yap, R. (2003) The effect of<br />

funding policy on day of week admissions and discharges in hospitals: the cases of<br />

Canada and Austria, Health Policy, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 239–257<br />

(7) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Impact of the new Austrian inpatient<br />

payment strategy on hospital behaviour: a system-dynamics-model, Socio-<br />

Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 161–182<br />

(8) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Standortwahl von Güterverkehrszentren, in:<br />

Österreichische Zeitschrift <strong>für</strong> Verkehrswissenschaft, No. 2, pp. 14–23<br />

(9) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Interplay between in-patient<br />

reimbursement systems and healthcare technology management: the Austrian case,<br />

International Journal of Healthcare Technology Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1–23<br />

Papers in collective volumes<br />

(1) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>, M., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) Das elektronische Archiv<br />

im Bereich eJustiz, IRIS2008 Tagungsband, Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion<br />

Salzburg, February 21-23, 2008.<br />

(2) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) Learning from the European Champion:<br />

Electronic Archiving of Original Documents, in: Chinyio, E., Olomolaiye, P. (eds)<br />

Construction Stakeholder Management, Blackwell Publishing.<br />

(3) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) Das Berichtswesen österreichischer<br />

Universitäten gemäß UG 2002 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der<br />

Wissensbilanzierung, in: Laske, St. (ed) Universitätsentwicklung – quo vadis?<br />

(4) Altenburger, O. A., Novotny-Farkas, Z., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005)<br />

Intellectual capital reports for universities – A trial intellectual capital report at the<br />

university of Vienna, in: 3 rd Conference on Public Sector – Conference Proceedings,<br />

Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana: pp. 110 – 118, paper presented at the 3 rd<br />

Conference on Public Sector, 30 June – 1 July 2005, Faculty of Economics, University of<br />

Ljubljana, Ljubljana<br />

(5) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005) Welches Interesse verbindet Sie mit der<br />

universitären Wissensbilanz? in: Finanzwesen und Controlling der Universität Wien (eds)<br />

Wissensbilanzierung, Beiträge der Universität Wien, pp. 46–60<br />

(6) Leitner, K.-H., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Stowasser, R., Wagner, K. (2004)<br />

Revealing the true story behind statistical information: a Data Envelopment Approach<br />

(DEA) to analyse Austria´s universities´ research performance, in: Emrouznejad, A.,<br />

Podinovski, V. (eds) Data Envelopment Analysis and performance management, 4th<br />

International Symposium of DEA, pp. 332–338<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(7) Kuntner, M., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Consideration of Human Resources<br />

in Accounting Systems: an International Comparison of HGB, US-GAAP, and IAS,<br />

IFSAM, May 2004, http://www.handels.gu.se/ifsam/Streams/fia/fia.htm<br />

(8) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Intellectual Capital Reporting for Austrian<br />

Universities – a Thrilling Work in Progress, January 2004,<br />

http://www.eiasm.org/documents/abstracts/2824.doc<br />

(9) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Die Berücksichtigung von intellektuellem Kapital<br />

in der Rechnungslegung zur Ermöglichung einer umfassenden Unternehmensbewertung,<br />

in: Geberl, St., Weinmann, S., Wiesner, D. (eds) 5. Liechtensteinisches<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik-Symposium 2004 sowie 3. Finanzdienstleistungs-Syposium,<br />

Liechtenstein, Springer/Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 99–118<br />

(10) Roth, K., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) The Presentation of Public<br />

Private Partnership Models in the Internet: an Austrian Survey, in: Montanheiro, L. et al.<br />

(eds) Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Axis of Progress, SHU Press, Sheffield<br />

(11) Ratajczik, M., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (forthcoming) Polnische Public Private<br />

Partnership-Modelle im Autobahnsektor als Erfahrungswerte <strong>für</strong> Österreich, in: Gürtlich,<br />

G., Kummer, S. (2003) PPP-Modelle <strong>für</strong> die Infrastrukturfinanzierung – Anforderungen,<br />

Methoden, Möglichkeiten, Vienna<br />

(12) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Zusammenfassung "Wissensbilanz: Bilanz des<br />

Wissens?, Die Wissensbilanz <strong>für</strong> Universitäten im UG 2002", in: Österreichische<br />

Rektorenkonferenz (eds) Wissensbilanz: Bilanz des Wissens?, Die Wissensbilanz <strong>für</strong><br />

Universitäten im UG 2002, Vienna, pp. 76–86<br />

(13) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Faißt, M. (2003) Possible application of the Balanced<br />

Scorecard at the University of Vienna, in: Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds) Public and Private<br />

Sector Partnerships: Sustainable Success, SHU Press, Sheffield, pp. 383–402<br />

(14) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Moderne und effiziente Strukturen, Die<br />

Aulandschaft, in: Köhler, Th. et al. (eds) Stromaufwärts, Böhlau-Verlag, Vienna<br />

(15) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Risk management in an Austrian standardised<br />

public private partnership model, in: Akintoye, A. et al. (eds) Public Private Partnerships,<br />

Managing risks and opportunities, Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K., pp. 245–261<br />

(16) Blaschke, S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Zur Verankerung feministischer<br />

Theorie und Genderforschung an der Fakultät <strong>für</strong> Wirtschaftswissenschaften und<br />

Informatik, in: Universität Wien (ed) Quo vadis Universität, Perspektiven aus der Sicht<br />

der feministischen Theorie und Gender Studies, StudienVerlag, Vienna, pp. 119–124<br />

(17) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Is the Balanced Scorecard a suitable instrument for<br />

installing Public Private Partnership projects?, in: Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds) Public and<br />

Private Sector Partnerships: Exploring Co-operation, SHU Press, Sheffield, pp. 514–430<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(18) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Developing public private partnership models – the<br />

experience of Austria, in: Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds) Public and Private Sector Partnerships:<br />

The Enterprise Governance, SHU Press, Sheffield, pp. 457–468<br />

(19) Rauner, M.S., Leonard, K.J., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Green, B. (2001) Does<br />

funding policy impact on day of week admissions and separations of inpatients? A<br />

Austrian-Canadian comparison, Proceedings of the Glasgow 2000 meeting of the<br />

European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, Glasgow,<br />

Great Britain, July 31 – August 4, Caledonian University Press, Glasgow, U.K., pp. 154–<br />

167<br />

(20) Leonard, K.J., Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2000) The effect of funding<br />

policy on day of week admissions and separations in hospitals: the cases of Canada and<br />

Austria, On-Line/CD-Rom Conference Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the<br />

INFORMS international meeting, Seoul, Korea, 18–21 June 2000<br />

(21) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2000) Lexicographical notes to selected keywords, in:<br />

Eichhorn, P. et al. (eds) Verwaltungslexikon, Germany<br />

(22) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1999) Evaluation of the new Austrian<br />

inpatient reimbursement system, in: De Angelis, V., Ricciardi, N., Storchi, G. (eds.),<br />

Monitoring, evaluating, planning health services, 24 th Meeting of the European Working<br />

Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, Roma, Italy, 19–24 July,<br />

1998, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 221–233<br />

Other publications<br />

(1) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005) Rechtliche Grundlagen des Berichtswesens<br />

österreichischer Universitäten gemäss UG 2002, in: UNILEX<br />

(2) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Die Wissensbilanz am Beispiel der<br />

österreichischen Universitäten, in: KM-Journal 1/2004, http://www.kma.net/44/artikel/156/156.html<br />

(3) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Das universitäre Berichtswesen – ein versteckter<br />

Sprengstoff?!, Mitteilungsblatt des Österreichischen Universitätslehrerverbandes,<br />

Vienna, pp. 12–14<br />

(4) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Stellungnahme zum Universitätsreform-Entwurf<br />

"Rechnungswesen an den österreichischen Universitäten", Universität Wien, Vienna<br />

(5) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Stellungnahme zum Universitätsreform-Entwurf<br />

und dem Auftragsprojekt "Wissensbilanz" des Bundesministeriums <strong>für</strong> Bildung,<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Wissenschaft und Kunst, Sektion VI, VIII, aus Sicht des externen Rechnungswesens,<br />

Universität Wien, Vienna<br />

(6) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Wieviel ist Universitätspersonal wert?, in: BUKO-<br />

Info 2002/2<br />

(7) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Pripfl, H. (1999) Die zukünftige Struktur des<br />

Kombinierten Verkehrs in Mitteleuropa, in: Scientific Publications Series of the Ministry<br />

of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(8) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Spera, K. (1998) Kostenanalyse im Güterverkehr, in: Scientific<br />

Publications Series of the Ministry of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(9) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Pripfl, H. (1998) Privatisierung von Güterterminals, in: Scientific<br />

Publications Series of the Ministry of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(10) Dockner, E., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1998) Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Privatisierung in<br />

Österreich, Vienna.<br />

The project was financed by the Austrian National Bank.<br />

(11) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1997) Initial Public Offerings at the Vienna Stock Exchange, Vienna.<br />

The project was financed by the Vienna Stock Exchange.<br />

(12) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Spera, K. (1996) Machbarkeitsstudie einer neuen Eisenbahnverbindung<br />

Ungarn-Slowenien, in: Scientific Publications Series of the Ministry of Transportation,<br />

Vienna<br />

(13) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Spera, K. (1995) Gemeinschaftsbahnhöfe Österreich – Slowenien, in:<br />

Scientific Publications Series of the Ministry of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(14) Werner, H., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. et al. (1993) Verkehrsanbindung Flughafen Wien-<br />

Schwechat, Vienna.<br />

The project was financed by the Vienna Airport.<br />

(15) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1993) Verbesserung der S7, in: Scientific Publications Series of the<br />

Ministry of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(16) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Spera, K. (1994) GUS-Studie: Zukünftige Gestaltung der<br />

Eisenbahntransporte zwischen Österreich und den Nachfolgestaaten der UdSSR, in:<br />

Scientific Publications Series of the Ministry of Transportation, Vienna<br />

(17) Faller, P., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. et al. (1993) Verkehrsinfrastrukturbedarf - Bedarfsermittlung<br />

<strong>für</strong> die ehemaligen Hexagonalestaaten des Ostens, in: Österreichische<br />

Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (eds) Spezial Band 36, Vienna.<br />

The project was financed by the Austrian National Bank.<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Conference talks and presentations<br />

(1) Michalski-Karl, R., Pernsteiner, S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2008) eAccounting at<br />

the University of Vienna – Developing applicable eLearning tools to deal with the<br />

problems of large-scale classes, 7 th European Conference on e-Learning, Cyprus, 6 – 7<br />

November<br />

(2) Pernsteiner, S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Michalski-Karl, R. (2008) eAccounting –<br />

Development of a Dynamic Learning Management System (LMS), 66th International<br />

Atlantic Economic Conference, Montreal, Canada, 9 – 12 October<br />

(3) Rauner, M. S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Zeileis, A. (2008) Using statistical models<br />

to analyze the incentives of the Austrian performance-oriented reimbursement system,<br />

GOR-Tagung, September, Augsburg<br />

(4) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2008) eAccounting – ein integrierendes Konzept, Friday<br />

Lectures – eLearning Schwerpunktprojekte, Mai, Universität Wien<br />

(5) Kuntner, M., Michalski-Karl, R., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2008) Enlargement of<br />

the scope of disclosure in Austrian management reports - Improvement of financial<br />

reporting behaviour?, 31 st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association,<br />

Rotterdam, 23 – 25 April 2008<br />

(6) Rauner, M. S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2008) Steuerung und Kontrolle mittels<br />

neuer Instrumente der Krankenhausfinanzierung, 8. Internationales NPO-<br />

Forschungscolloquium, Linz, 17 – 18 April 2008<br />

(7) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Michalski-Karl, R., Pernsteiner, S. (2008) Reporting on<br />

Public Private Partnership Projects, 65 th International Atlantic Economic Conference,<br />

Warsaw, Poland, 9 – 13 April 2008<br />

M. M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> also organized the conference’s session “Public Private<br />

Partnership” as member of the program committee.<br />

(8) Rauner, M. S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Zeileis, A. (2008) Anreizwirkungen der<br />

österreichischen Leistungsorientierten Krankenhausfinanzierung auf die Behandlung von<br />

stationären Patienten mit Binnenschädigungen des Kniegelenks, GOR Arbeitsgruppe<br />

“Health Care Management” Frankfurt am Main, 29 February 2008<br />

(9) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2008) Erkenntnisse aus den Wissensbilanzen<br />

österreichischer Universitäten, Workshop Hochschulmanagement des VHB, 27 – 28<br />

February, 2008, Munich<br />

M. M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> could not attend the conference due to health reasons.<br />

(10) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Might the Future Management<br />

Commentary Standard of the IASB Influence National Intellectual Capital Reporting in<br />

Austria and Germany?, 3 rd EIASM Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

Intangibles & Intellectual Capital, October 29 th – 31 st , 2007, University of Ferrara,<br />

Ferrara, Italy<br />

(11) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>, M. M., Schauer, B. (2007) A Real Options Approach to Measure the Total<br />

Value of a PPP Project, 25 th Anniversary Construction Management and Economics<br />

Conference, 16 – 18 July 2007, University of Reading, Reading<br />

(12) Karl, R., Kuntner, M., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Do the Latest Legal<br />

Developments Concerning Management Reports really improve Capital Market<br />

Communication?, 11 th Annual FRBC Research Unit Conference, 5 – 6 July, Cardiff<br />

Business School, Cardiff<br />

(13) Karl, R., Pernsteiner, S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Reporting on Public<br />

Private Partnership Projects, 13th International PPP Conference, 30 May – 2 June,<br />

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City<br />

(14) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) About scope and focus of notes<br />

– a new approach to highlight intangibles, 30 th Annual Congress of the European<br />

Accounting Association, 25 – 27 April 2007, Lisbon<br />

(15) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2007) Instrumente zur Steuerung von<br />

intellektuellem Kapital – eine Analyse anhand österreichischer Universitäten,<br />

9. Workshop der Kommission „Hochschulmanagement“ im VHB, 23 – 24 February 2007,<br />

Münster<br />

(16) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) Controlling Universities’<br />

Intellectual Capital: Are the Recently Implemented Austrian Instruments Adequate?,<br />

2 nd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual<br />

Capital, 25 – 27 October 2006, Maastricht<br />

(17) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) The Reporting System as an Instrument of<br />

University Management – The Austrian Public Universities, 4 th Conference on the Public<br />

Sector, 7 – 8 September 2006, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana<br />

(18) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) Conference "Quality Assurance in Higher<br />

Education and Vocational Education and Training" at the University of Graz, 11/12 May<br />

2006<br />

(19) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) The Order on the Intellectual<br />

Capital Statements of Austrian Universities – A Critical Analysis, 2 nd Workshop on the<br />

Process of Reform of University Systems, 4 – 6 May 2006, Cini Foundation, Venice<br />

(20) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) Das universitäre Berichtswesen als Instrument des<br />

Hochschulmanagements, Berufungskommission „Hochschulmanagement“, 3 April 2006,<br />

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(21) Altenburger, O. A., Novotny-Farkas, Z., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006)<br />

Intellectual capital reports for universities – A trial intellectual capital report at the<br />

university of Vienna, 29 th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association,<br />

22 – 24 March 2006, University College Dublin, Dublin<br />

(22) Altenburger, O. A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2006) Die Verordnung zur<br />

Wissensbilanzierung der österreichischen Universitäten – eine kritische Analyse,<br />

8. Workshop der Kommission „Hochschulmanagement“ im VHB, 24 February 2006,<br />

Innsbruck<br />

(23) Altenburger, O. A., Novotny-Farkas, Z., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005)<br />

Intellectual capital reports for universities – A trial intellectual capital report at the<br />

university of Vienna, 1 st Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles<br />

and Intellectual Capital, 18 – 20 October 2005, Faculty of Economics, University of<br />

Ferrara, Ferrara<br />

(24) Borrmann, J., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005) Franchise Bidding with Differences<br />

in Demand, 4 th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, 8 October 2005, Berlin<br />

(25) Borrmann, J., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005) Franchise Bidding with Differences<br />

in Demand, Jahrestagung des Vereins <strong>für</strong> Socialpolitik, 29 September 2005, Bonn<br />

(26) Altenburger, O. A., Novotny-Farkas, Z., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2005)<br />

Intellectual capital reports for universities – A trial intellectual capital report at the<br />

university of Vienna, 3 rd Conference on Public Sector, 30 June – 1 July 2005, Faculty of<br />

Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana<br />

(27) Leitner, K.-H., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Stowasser, R., Wagner, K. (2004)<br />

Revealing the true story behind statistical information: a Data Envelopment Approach<br />

(DEA) to analyse Austria’s universities´ research performance, 4 th International DEA<br />

Symposium, 5–6 September 2004, Birmingham<br />

(28) Kuntner, M., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Consideration of Human Resources<br />

in Accounting Systems: an International Comparison of HGB, US-GAAP, and IAS,<br />

IFSAM, VIIth World Congress – Management in a world of diversity, 5–7 July 2004,<br />

Göteborg<br />

(29) Borrmann, J., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Franchise bidding with differences<br />

in demand, Business&EconomicsSocietyInternational, 2004 Conference, Island of<br />

Rhodes, 19–22 July, Rhodes<br />

(30) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Wissensbilanzierung; Jahresforum<br />

Unternehmensbewertung, 28–30 June, Frankfurt/Main<br />

(31) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Intellectual Capital Reporting for Austrian<br />

Universities – a Thrilling Work in Progress, EIASM, workshop on the process of the<br />

reform of the university across Europe, 24–26 May, Siena, Italy<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(32) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Die Berücksichtigung von intellektuellem Kapital<br />

in der Rechnungslegung zur Ermöglichung einer umfassenden Unternehmensbewertung,<br />

5. Liechtensteinisches Wirtschaftsinformatik-Symposium 2004 sowie 3.<br />

Finanzdienstleistungs-Syposium, 15 May, Liechtenstein<br />

(33) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) The Presentation of Public Private Partnership<br />

Models in the Internet: an Austrian Survey; Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Axis<br />

of Progress, 4–7 April, Faro, Portugal<br />

(34) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2004) Das externe Berichtswesen österreichischer<br />

Universitäten gemäß UG 2002 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der<br />

Wissensbilanzierung, 7. Workshop der Kommission „Hochschulmanagement“ im<br />

Verband der Hochschullehrer <strong>für</strong> Betriebswirtschaft e.V., 20–21 February, Innsbruck<br />

(35) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Human Resource Accounting, Berufungsvortrag<br />

auf der TU Berlin, 11 July, Germany<br />

(36) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Human Resource Accounting, EURO/INFORMS,<br />

July, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey [I could not participate due to the “Berufungsvortrag” in<br />

Berlin]<br />

(37) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Zusammenfassung "Wissensbilanz: Bilanz des<br />

Wissens?, Die Wissensbilanz <strong>für</strong> Universitäten im UG 2002", Conference of the<br />

Österreichische Rektorenkonferenz, 24 June, Vienna<br />

(38) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) The Teaching-Balanced Scorecard at the<br />

University of Vienna – an attempt to introduce a higher management orientation? 9 th<br />

Conference for Public and Private Sector Partnerships, 28–31 May, Katowice, Poland<br />

(39) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2003) Human Resource Accounting, invited presentation<br />

at the Research Seminar in Bratislava, Comenius University, Mathematical Faculty, 12<br />

February, Bratislava, Slovakia<br />

(40) Rauner, M.S., Zeileis, A., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Hornik, K. (2002) Modelling<br />

the effects of the Austrian inpatient reimbursement system on length-of-stay distributions,<br />

Operations Research 2002, International Conference on Operations Research, 2–5<br />

September, Klagenfurt, Austria<br />

(41) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2002) Is the Balanced Scorecard a suitable instrument in<br />

the setting up of Public Private Partnership projects? 8 th Conference for Public and<br />

Private Sector Partnerships: Exploring Co-operation, 12–15 June, Karlstad, Sweden<br />

(42) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Economic consequences of privatization in<br />

Austria, EUNIP conference, 29 November – 1 December, Vienna, Austria<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(43) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Public Private Partnership in Austria, 7 th<br />

Conference for Public and Private Sector Partnerships: The Enterprise Governance, 6–9<br />

June, Enschede, Netherlands<br />

(44) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Leonard, K.J., Green, B. (2001) Beeinflusst<br />

das Vergütungssystem die Wochentage der Aufnahmen und Entlassungen von<br />

Krankenhauspatienten? Ein austro-kanadischer Vergleich, Arbeitsgruppentreffen der<br />

Deutschen Arbeitsgruppe "Operations Research im Gesundheitswesen", 2 March, Trier,<br />

Germany<br />

(45) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2001) Public Private Partnership – Algorithmus, Von der<br />

Projektidee zum Vertrag, SCHIG, February, Vienna, Austria<br />

(46) Rauner, M.S., Leonard, K.J., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M., Green, B. (2000)<br />

Differences of day of week admissions and separations between Canadian and Austria<br />

inpatients: the role of funding policy, 26 th meeting of the European Working Group on<br />

ORAHS, 30 July – 4 August, Glasgow, Scotland<br />

(47) Leonard, K.J., Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (2000) The effect of funding<br />

policy on day of week admissions and separations in hospitals: the cases of Canada and<br />

Austria, INFORMS/KORMS international meeting, 18–21 June, Seoul, Korea<br />

(48) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1999) Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Privatisierung in<br />

Österreich, seminar at the Technical University of Vienna, May, Vienna, Austria<br />

(49) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1999) A New Concept to Measure the Success of<br />

Privatization: The Austrian Experience, INFORMS spring meeting, 2–5 May, Cincinnati,<br />

USA<br />

(50) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1999) Strategische Analyse der<br />

leistungsorientierten Krankenhausfinanzierung von Oesterreich anhand eines System-<br />

Dynamics-Modells, meeting of the German working group for Operations Research in<br />

Public Health, 12 March, Berlin, Germany<br />

(51) <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1998) Privatization by Going Public, The Austrian<br />

Experience, INFORMS fall meeting, 25–28 October, Seattle, USA<br />

(52) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1998) Evaluation of the new Austrian in-patient<br />

reimbursement system, 24 th meeting of the European Working Group on ORAHS, Italy,<br />

19–24 July, Rome, Italy<br />

(53) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1998) Impact of international in-patient payment<br />

strategies on health technology management: the new Austrian reimbursement system,<br />

INFORMS international meeting, 28 June – 1 July, Tel Aviv, Israel<br />


<strong>Michaela</strong> M. <strong>Schaffhauser</strong>-<strong>Linzatti</strong> University of Vienna, April 2008<br />

(54) Rauner, M.S., <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1998) Interplay between in-patient reimbursement<br />

systems and health technology management: the Austrian case, Third International<br />

Conference on Management of Healthcare Technology (MHT), 24–25 June, Haifa, Israel<br />

(55) <strong>Linzatti</strong>, M. M. (1997) Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Privatisierung in Österreich,<br />

Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance, Graz, Austria<br />

Editorial Boards and Referee Tasks<br />

(1) Zeitschrift <strong>für</strong> Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfBF)<br />

(2) Zeitschrift <strong>für</strong> Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB)<br />

(3) International Journal of Public Private Partnerships<br />

(4) Journal of Construction Management and Economics<br />

(5) Finanzwesen und Controlling der Universität Wien (2005) Wissensbilanzierung, Beiträge<br />

der Universität Wien<br />

(6) Österreichische Rektorenkonferenz (2003) Wissensbilanz: Bilanz des Wissens?, Die<br />

Wissensbilanz <strong>für</strong> Universitäten im UG 2002<br />

(7) Blackwell Publishing<br />


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