Kurmanji Lexicon

Kurmanji Lexicon

Kurmanji Lexicon


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repair, keep: wî çê dikine binê zindanê<br />

they keep him in the dungeon,<br />

min di serê xwe e plana ku … çêdikir<br />

I was making a plan in my head to …<br />

çêlik the young of any animal, puppy,<br />

kitten, cub, etc.<br />

çêl f subject, topic; ~î kirin v.t. to talk<br />

about<br />

çêre f grazing, pasturage<br />

çêrîn v.i. to graze<br />

çêtir better<br />

çi 1 what?; ~ bigire practically speaking,<br />

pretty much<br />

çi 2 no; ~ tiştî nothing<br />

çiçek = çîçek<br />

çiftexas m cotton batiste<br />

çik exhausted; ~ bûn v.i. to become exhausted,<br />

to sink down (into snow)<br />

çikandin v.t. to drip; to plant (tree); to<br />

push s.th. in as far as it will go<br />

çikîn v.t. to plant; to crackle; to dry up<br />

(mother’s milk): şîrê berê wê çikî her<br />

breast milk dried up<br />

çiko, çiku because<br />

çil 1 forty<br />

çil 2 greedy<br />

çil 3 only in çil û çiya hills and mountains<br />

çile f the coldest period of winter; ~ya<br />

paşîn January; ~ya pêşîn December<br />

çilmisandin v.t. to make wither<br />

çilmîsîn v.i. to wither<br />

çilvilîn = çilwilîn<br />

çilwilîn v.i. to gleam<br />

çima why?<br />

çimkî because<br />

çiqas how much<br />

çiqçiqî kirin v.t. to rip to shreds<br />

çir, çira why?<br />

çira f lamp, stove<br />

çirandin çirîn- v.t. to tear, tear up<br />

çirav f muck<br />

çire why<br />

çiriya paşê/paşîn f November<br />

205<br />

çiriya pêşê/pêşîn f October<br />

çirisîn = çirûsîn<br />

çirûsîn v.i. to sparkle, shine, glow<br />

çirûsk f spark<br />

çiv trick, game; ~ dan xwe v.t. to zigzag<br />

çivanok f a formula used in storytelling<br />

çivik, çivîk bird, sparrow<br />

çiwal m sack<br />

çiya m mountain; ~yî mountaineer, hillbilly<br />

çîçek f flower<br />

çîl bright<br />

çîmen m grassy meadow<br />

çîp f calf (of the leg)<br />

çîrîn v.i. to creak<br />

çîrok f story; ~van storyteller<br />

çîya = çiya<br />

çîzçîzik f buzz<br />

ço m stick<br />

çog = çok 2<br />

çok 1 m stream<br />

çok 2 f knee<br />

çol f desert, wilderness<br />

çong = çok 2<br />

çûçik f bird<br />

çûk f bird<br />

çûn ç- (subj. stem ç-/her-) v.i. to go<br />

çûr a type of sheep<br />

çûyîn v.i. to go<br />

da 1 a dialectal variant of de 1<br />

da 2 a preverb that forms compounds,<br />

generally indicating ‘down’<br />

da-anîn v.t. to set down, establish: Mam<br />

Reşîd satil danî û li dora xwe mêze<br />

kir Uncle Rashid set the bucket down<br />

and looked around himself; ~ li xwe<br />

(+ subj.) to lower oneself, deign,<br />

bring oneself to do s.th.: gelek ji wan<br />

jî li xwe danaynin bi vî zimanê xweş û<br />

şêrîn bipeyivin many of them can’t<br />

even bring themselves to speak this<br />

nice, sweet language<br />

da-avêtin v.t. to put together, throw

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