Kurmanji Lexicon

Kurmanji Lexicon

Kurmanji Lexicon


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dilovaniya nivîskarê dilovan bi salekê<br />

a year before the dear writer passed<br />

away<br />

diltezîn ???<br />

din other<br />

di nav … de ccmp. in the midst of: di<br />

nav wî erdî de in the midst of that<br />

land<br />

dinê = dinyayê (see dinya)<br />

dinya f (obl. dinyayê, dinê) the world,<br />

the weather: dinya pirr sar bû the<br />

weather was very cold; bi ~yê hatin<br />

v.i. to be born; ~dîtî worldly, sophisticated<br />

diran (dial. var.) = didan<br />

dirb track, path<br />

dirêj long, lengthy; ~ ajotin to last a<br />

long time; ~ kirin to lengthen; ~î f<br />

length; ~î … kirin to hand to …;<br />

dest ~ … kirin to stretch the hand out<br />

to<br />

diriyan v.i. to be ripped<br />

divabû, diviyabû (impersonal + pres.<br />

subj.) had to: diviyabû ku tiştekî bikin<br />

they had to do something; (impersonal<br />

+ past cond.) ought to have …, was<br />

supposed to have …, would have to<br />

…: diviyabû Sovyet ji Îranê derketa<br />

the Soviet ought to (was supposed to)<br />

have withdrawn from Iran, divabû ku<br />

ew kêzik bihata kuştin that bug would<br />

have to be killed<br />

divê (impersonal + pres. subj.) ought to<br />

dixan f smoke<br />

diyar clear; ~î f clarity<br />

diyarî f gift<br />

Diyarbekir f Diyarbekir<br />

diz m thief<br />

dizî secret, concealed; bi ~ secretly,<br />

stealthily; ~tî f secret<br />

dî other; yê ~ the other one<br />

dîl m prisoner; ~ girtin v.t. to take prisoner;<br />

~î f imprisonment<br />

dîlan f dance, dancing<br />

209<br />

dîmen f view, sight, aspect<br />

dîn 1 m religion; ~itî f religiosity; ~î,<br />

~dar religious; ~perwer religious<br />

dîn 2 crazy, mad; ~ bûn li ser to go crazy<br />

over; ~ kirin to drive s.o. crazy; ~ik<br />

slightly crazy, “screw loose”; ~itî f<br />

madness<br />

dîn 3 f gaze, attention<br />

dîrok f story, history; ~î historical<br />

dîsa(n) again, (+ neg) still…not<br />

dîtin bîn- v.t. to see<br />

dîwan f reception room; collected works<br />

of a poet; ~çe f (obl ~çê) small reception<br />

room<br />

dîwar f (obl dîwêr) wall<br />

dîz knee<br />

dîzik f pan<br />

do = dû<br />

dol valley<br />

dom kirin v.t. to continue<br />

doman v.i. to continue<br />

domandin domîn- v.t. to continue<br />

dor 1 f environs; li ~a (prep.) around;<br />

~hêl f environs, parts, region; ~a …<br />

girtin v.t. to surround<br />

dor 2 m turn; ~alî f circumference<br />

dorandor m circumference; li ~ê (prep.)<br />

all around<br />

dost friend; ~ane friendly; ~ayetî f<br />

friendship<br />

doş- → dotin<br />

doşab m/f grape molasses ???<br />

doşeg f mattress<br />

doşik = doşeg<br />

dot f daughter; ~mam f cousin<br />

dotin doş- v.t. to milk<br />

doz f cause, reason; aim, ideal; revenge;<br />

~a … kirin to aim for; ~ger vengeful,<br />

litigant<br />

du two<br />

du‘a f prayer; ~ kirin, ~ xwendin v.t. to<br />

pray<br />

ducar kirin v.t. to repeat<br />

dudil hesitant, of two minds; ~î f hesita-

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