Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee


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formed according to thair directioun and red in thair audience, thay all allowit <strong>of</strong> the missive, and in taikin thair<strong>of</strong><br />

subscryvit the same with thair handis."<br />

There had been no business <strong>of</strong> such public importance in Scotland for a long while as that which occupied the extraordinary conference <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Council</strong> and the<br />

Nobility begun on the 24th <strong>of</strong> November and ending in this unanimous resolution on the 27th. What had happened is clear enough from the Minutes, but may be<br />

here capitulated :-At the first meeting on the 24th, sixty-one persons in all being present, only a proportion <strong>of</strong> whom were <strong>of</strong> the regular <strong>Council</strong>, while the rest<br />

were Nobles who had obeyed the summons issued on the 25th <strong>of</strong> October preceding his Majesty's proposal <strong>of</strong> a voluntary contribution for the defence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Palatinate, to be raised<br />

among the Nobles in the first place, but with help, as Spotswood tells us, from the Judges <strong>of</strong> Session, the Town <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, and others willing, was evidently<br />

received with consternation. Out <strong>of</strong> respect to his Majesty, however, the matter was referred, for consideration and report, to a Committee, consisting <strong>of</strong> the fifteen<br />

named in the Minute <strong>of</strong> that day, with such others <strong>of</strong> the Nobility and <strong>Council</strong> as chose to attend. At the meeting <strong>of</strong> this Committee the next day, Chancellor<br />

Dunfermline, Secretary and President Melrose, the Earl <strong>of</strong> Morton, and Archbishop Spotswood "had their harauugs," as Calderwood expresses it (vii. 452), and<br />

there was, as Spotswood assures us (541), “a great forwardness to satisfy his Majesteis desire," but a unanimous agreement that his Majesty's proposed plan <strong>of</strong> a<br />

voluntary contribution would end in total failure, and that therefore the only feasible procedure would be to call a Parliament and impose a regular taxation in the<br />

ordinary way on all the Estates and all classes <strong>of</strong> the lieges. This resolution <strong>of</strong> the Committee having been reported to the whole body on the 27th, in a paper<br />

stating objections in detail, chiefly as they affected the Nobles, had now become the decision <strong>of</strong> the whole body, and a missive to that effect had been drafted for<br />

despatch to his Majesty.<br />

Edinburgh, 25th January 1621.<br />

Sederunt -Chancellor; Treasurer; Bishop <strong>of</strong> St Androis; Bishop <strong>of</strong> Glasgu; Angus; Rothes; Mortoun; Menteithe;<br />

Eglintoun; Buchane; Nithisdaill; Wyntoun; Kinghorne; Abircorne; Tullibairdin; Roxburgh; Bugeleugh; Melros;<br />

Lauderdaill; Bishop <strong>of</strong> Abirdeene; Bishop <strong>of</strong> Ross; Lord Erskine; Forbes; Cathcairt; Yester; Semple; Ogilvie; Ross;<br />

Torphichine; Spynie; Balmerinoch; Colvill; Scoone; Burlie; Coupar; Halirudhous ; Kintaill; Cranstoun; Carnegy;<br />

Ramsay; Master <strong>of</strong> Elphinstoun; <strong>Privy</strong> Seal; Treasurer Depute; Clerk <strong>of</strong> Register; Justice Clerk; Advocate; Kilsaythe;<br />

Bruntiland; Marchinstoun; Ridhous; Currihill; Fostersait; Sir Andro Ker; Sir PeterYoung; Mr Peter Rollok.<br />

The quhilk day Alexander, Erll <strong>of</strong> Dun[fermling, Lord High Chancellor] <strong>of</strong> Scotland, produceit and exhibite unto [the<br />

Nobilitie and Counsaill] presentlie convenit the Kingis Majesties first mi[ssive and propositioun] directit to the Lordis<br />

<strong>of</strong> his Majesties Pre[vie Counsaill anent a volun]tair contributioun to be grantit for defen[ce <strong>of</strong> the Pallatinat, being]<br />

the dowrie <strong>of</strong> his Majesteis darrest doght[er and patrimonie <strong>of</strong> his Majesteis] grandchildrene [ante, p. 366]; as alsua he<br />

produceit [blank] copie <strong>of</strong> the letter writtin and directit fra the [Nobilitie and Counsaill] present for the tyme to his<br />

Majestie in ansuer to his Majesteis letter foirsaid [ante, p. 380]; and in lyke maner he produceit his Majesteis missive<br />

letter writtin bak agane to the saidis Lordis in ansuer to the letter foirsaid directit, to his Majestie from his said<br />

Nobilitie and Counsaill [ante,p. 390]: quhilkis three letteris being all red in the saidis Lordis audience and dewlie<br />

considderit be thame, the said Lord Chancellor propouned to the Conventioun the equitie, expediencie, and necessitie<br />

<strong>of</strong> his Majesteis desire. And, sindrie <strong>of</strong> the Nobilitie and Counsallouris being desirit to delyver thair opinionis, quhilk<br />

faithfullie wes done be thame, and after some tyme spent [this] way it wes universallie thoght best that some xij or xiij<br />

<strong>of</strong> gritest judgement and experience sould conveene upoun the morne thairefter to advyse upoun the best and reddiest<br />

meanis to gif unto his Majestie most reall contentment. Quhairupoun the Lordis Chancellair and Thesaurair, the<br />

Archiebischopis <strong>of</strong> St Androis and Glasgu, the Erllis <strong>of</strong> Angus, Mortoun, Nithisdaill, Roxburgh, the Lordis Ogilvie,<br />

Scoone, Cranstoun, and Carnegie, and the Bishoppis <strong>of</strong> Abirdeene and Ross, without excluding suche otheris <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nobilitie as pleissis to come, wer nominat and appointit to that effect, and thay wer ordanit to reporte thair opinionis<br />

to the publict meeting upoun the morne, the xxvj <strong>of</strong> this instant."<br />

[The following notes from the Book <strong>of</strong> Sederunts add some particulars to the record <strong>of</strong> the proceedings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Convention <strong>of</strong> this day as just given from the Register <strong>of</strong> the Acta.]<br />

The Lordis nominatis and appointis the Lordis Chancellair, Thesaurair, St Androis, Glasgu, Angus, Mortoun,<br />

Nithisdaill, Roxburgh, Ogilvie, Scoone, Cranstoun, Carnegy, the Bishopis <strong>of</strong> Abirdene and Ross (not excluding suche<br />

otheris <strong>of</strong> the nobilitie as pleissis to come), to conveene and meete the morne at nyne <strong>of</strong> the cloke in the foirnoone in<br />

the Laigh Counsalhous <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, and thair to confer, ressoun, and mak overtouris upoun his Majesteis<br />

propositioun anent a voluntair contributioun to be grantit for defence <strong>of</strong> the Pallatinat and quhat is fitt to be done<br />

thairintill for his Majesteis satisfactioun and honnour <strong>of</strong> the cuntrey, and to reporte thair opinioun to the publict<br />

meeting." "The Lordis excuissis the absence <strong>of</strong> the Marques <strong>of</strong> Huntley, the Erllis <strong>of</strong> Errole, Mershaell, Craufurde,<br />

Montrois, Lynlythgw, Perthe, Murray, Wigtoun, Lotheane, Home, the Lord Gordoun, the Lordis Hereis, Lovatt,<br />

Loudoun, Elphinstoun, Madertie, Boyd, in respect <strong>of</strong> thair missives conteining thair laughfull excuissis."<br />

Edinburgh, 26th Jan. 1621.<br />

Antemeridiem:- The quhilk day the Lordis appointit for the conference [ante, p. 404], with sindrie otheris<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Nobilitie, haveing convenit and at lenth reasouned upoun the most probable and liklie meanis how to gif unto<br />

his Majestie contentment and satisfactioun in the mater demandit be his Majestie, and sindrie overtouris being maid<br />

thairanent, it wes propounit that this Conventioun myght appoint some <strong>of</strong> thair nomber to stent the Nobilitie and<br />

Counsaill : [QuhairuInto it wes ansuerit that this Conventioun had no pouer nor auctoritie [to] mak ony such<br />

impositioun nor to nominat stentouris to that effect, and that it wes aganis his Majesteis command and directioun to<br />


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