Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee


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Mr Nathanaell sould be adjoyned to him in the said charge, had procured youre Majesties patent thairupoun under<br />

your Majesties hand; and the other becaus the said Mr Nathanael had misknowne thame in that particulair and<br />

intendit to intrude him selff upoun thame without thair knowlege, to thair grite greif, thay haveing speciall interesse in<br />

the choise and nominatiou:n <strong>of</strong> a Conservatour, inrespect he is thair judge and hes his fees and dewtyis payit be thame,<br />

and that thair must be suche a mutuall harmonie and correspondence betuix him and thame as may procure your<br />

Majesties honnour, his credite, and thair weele; in whilk, point they constantlie afferme that the said Sir Robert had<br />

evir bene and still is so respective as thay wer nevir better used nor thay haif bene and still ar be him and his deputis,<br />

whereas by the contrair thay haif mony pregnant objectionis aganis Mr Nathanaell. And thay bothe desirit that we<br />

wald gif notice heir<strong>of</strong> unto your Majestie and interpone our humble requeist unto your Majestie that no forder way<br />

sould be gevin to this patent till thay wer first hard. And, quhairas in materis <strong>of</strong> this kynd proceding frome the just<br />

greevis <strong>of</strong> your Majesties subjectis, who hes not the occasioun thame selffis to present thair greevis unto your Majestie,<br />

we could not in justice refuse thame, we haif thairfoir presoomed to send up thair petitionis heirwith unto your<br />

Majestie, to the intent that your Majestie, after dew consideratioun and examinatioun thair<strong>of</strong>, may oute <strong>of</strong> your<br />

singulair and princelie wisdome gif suche directioun thairanent as your Majestie shall holde fitting. And so, praying<br />

God to blisse your Majestie with mony lang and happie yeiris, we rest,-Chan.r, Mar, Murray, Perthe, Wigtoun,<br />

Roxburgh, Melros, Lauderdaill, Dunkeld, Dunblane, Melvill, Carnegye, S. R. Cokburne, Edinburgh, 27 January 1624"<br />

Theobalds 6 th April 1624<br />

"Right trustie and right weilbelovit counsellour, right trustie and right weilbelovit cosines and counsellouris, and<br />

otheris our trustie and weilbelovit counsellouris, we greete yow Weele.- Haveing ressaved your letter <strong>of</strong> the 27th <strong>of</strong><br />

Januair last [ante, p. 408], togidder with the petitionis thair inclosed preferred unto yow by Sir Robert Dennystoun<br />

and the Burrowis <strong>of</strong> that our kingdome for representing unto us thair greiffis aganis Mr Nathanael Uddart as<br />

incrotcheing upoun the ones <strong>of</strong>fice and the otheris privilegeis by keeping a Courte as oure Conservatour at his laite<br />

being in Camphere and substituting a deputie in the said <strong>of</strong>fice, treulie we could not bot think it verie strange to heir<br />

that he had so summarlie possest him <strong>of</strong> that <strong>of</strong>fice, where<strong>of</strong> we onlie intendit the reversioun to him after the said Sir<br />

Robertis deathe and not that he sould presentlie joyne in <strong>of</strong>fice with the said Sir Robert, as his signatour signed be us<br />

doeth (as we ar credibillie informed) importe. And thairfoir these ar to require yow to call for the said signatour and to<br />

considder the qualitie and natur thair<strong>of</strong>; whiche, yf it importe ony forder then a reversioun or securitie <strong>of</strong> the said<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice to him after the present possessouris deathe, is consaved otherwayes nor we meaned. And howsoevir it be<br />

conceaved, our pleasour is that yow gif ordour to the <strong>of</strong>ficiaris whome it concernis not to gif way thairto, nor suffer the<br />

same to pas at our seallis till our Burrowis be hard for thair interesse, or making suche objectionis as thay haif to<br />

propone for opposing the said Mr Nathanaels admissioun to that <strong>of</strong>fice, according to thair petitioun preferred unto<br />

yow. And, for doing <strong>of</strong> the premissis as these salbe unto yow a sufficient warrand, so we bid yow fairwell. Frome our<br />

Courte at Tbeobaldis, the saxt <strong>of</strong> Aprile 1624."<br />

Holyrood-house, 15 th June 1624<br />

“Most Sacred Soverane.-The importatioun <strong>of</strong> forreyne victuall hes bene so frequent and commoun and in so exceiding<br />

grite abundance and quantitie thir tua or thrie yeiris bygane as the most pairt <strong>of</strong> the moneye <strong>of</strong> this kingdome hes bene<br />

exportit and bestowit to that use; wherupoun hes followit suche ane skairstie and penurie <strong>of</strong> moneyis that nomberis <strong>of</strong><br />

your Majesteis subjectis <strong>of</strong> all rankis, whose burdeynis straitit thame at this terme and who wer willing and responsall<br />

in landis and guidis to have givin unto thair creditouris satisfactioun, wer to thair greif dishablit throw the skarstie <strong>of</strong><br />

money to do the same. The consideratioun quhair<strong>of</strong> moved us, upoun the humble petitioun <strong>of</strong> Williame Dick and<br />

Williame Wilkie, burgesses <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, who wer speciall importaris <strong>of</strong> this victuall, and haid suche ane quantitie<br />

thair<strong>of</strong> lying upoun thair handis, and lyke to spill be ressoun it wes so soone broght in and thair wer few or nane to buy<br />

it, to grant unto thame ane licence for exportatioun <strong>of</strong> ane certane quantitie <strong>of</strong> the said victuall, especiallie quhite,<br />

whilk wes the grayne the countre stoode least in neid <strong>of</strong>, and wherwith thay undertook to bring in money or, gif the<br />

necessitie <strong>of</strong> the countrey sould require, the dowble quantitie <strong>of</strong> ony uther soirt <strong>of</strong> victuall whilk wes moir usefull for<br />

the countrey. And, thay haveing leadnit tua shippis with this victuall and being upoun course towardis thair port,<br />

expecting nothing les then ony hurt frome any with whome your Majestie yitt standis in termes <strong>of</strong> frendship and<br />

correspondence, thair schippis wer notwithstanding persewit, buirdit, and tane be tua weare schippis <strong>of</strong> Dunkirk, and<br />

carved into the toun <strong>of</strong> Dunkirk, wher the shippis and guidis ar maid lawfull pryse. This is a mater quhilk in our<br />

humble opinioun wald be narowlie advertit and looked unto, not so meikle for the privat interesse <strong>of</strong> the tua honnest<br />

men, who ar heirby verrie far damnefeit, as for the publict interesse <strong>of</strong> the whole merchant estait. For, gif this be<br />

tollerat, and yf the forder course and progres thair<strong>of</strong> be not interruptit, the whole forreyne commerce <strong>of</strong> this<br />

kingdome, whilk for the most pairt is intertenyed with Holland, wilbe shaikin louse and cutt <strong>of</strong>, to the undoing not<br />

onlie <strong>of</strong> the mercheant estait, bot to the grite hurt <strong>of</strong> the rest <strong>of</strong> the kingdome. And thairfoir we will in all humilitie<br />

presoome to recommend this matter to your Majesteis wyse and princelie consideratioun, beseiking your Majestie to<br />

tak suche ordour thairin as in the excellencie <strong>of</strong> your princelie wisdome yow sall hold fitting, quhairthrow the honnest<br />

men may[be] redrest and restoirit to thair shippis and guidis, and the lyk <strong>of</strong> this attempt forborne heirafter. And so,<br />

&c. Halyrudhous, xv Junij 1624. Sic subscribitur: Geo. Hay, Mar, Lauderdaill, Jo. Erskene, Carnegie, A. Mr<br />

Elphinstoun, Ar. Naper, S. R. Cockburne, Kilsayth, Jo. Harnmiltoun, S. A. Hammiltoun, W. Oliphant, A. Gibsoun."<br />


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