Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

Privy Council Acts 1565 - Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee


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nane <strong>of</strong> thair Actis, tuicheing ony <strong>of</strong> the saidis twa, except thay be ratifiit and apprevit be us and the Lordis <strong>of</strong> oure<br />

Secreit Counsall, and to stay all commissionis not direct to him and quhairin he is not first nominat; and quha ressavis<br />

or transportis ony fra the Law Cuntreis, by his advise, sall pay ten pundis. Item, it is statute and ordanit that<br />

quhatsumevir sowmes salbe debursit be the Conservatour in the effaris <strong>of</strong> the generall estate <strong>of</strong> marchantis, or in the<br />

effaris <strong>of</strong> quhatsumevir particular marchant, salbe refoundit and rambursit to him, besydis the consideratioun <strong>of</strong> his<br />

panis. Item, quhaevir injureis the Conservatour be word, gif he be <strong>of</strong> the natioun, sall pay ten pund, and be<br />

impressonit; gif he be ane strangeare, the natioun salbe dischargeit to by or sell with him under the lyke paine; gif be deid, salbe<br />

afoir ony jugement or counsall in the Law Cuntreis by the advise <strong>of</strong> the Conservatour, he sall pay fyve pundis; and<br />

ordanis everie man, besydis his defraying quhen he compeiris in jugement, to pay him dalie twentie schillingis. Item,<br />

we ratifie, apprevis and confermis all and quhatsumevir actis, statutis and ordinances maid and set doun be us or oure<br />

maist nobill progenitouris in ony tyme bipast, concerning, the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> conservatorie and privilegeis <strong>of</strong> this natioun<br />

within the Law Cuntreis, and commandis, oure said Conservatour to put the samyn in executioun upoun the<br />

contravenaris without respect <strong>of</strong> personis, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir utheris letters purchest or to be purchest<br />

in the contrair be quhatsurnevir persoun or personis, as he will answer to us upoun his <strong>of</strong>fice. Quhilkis actis,<br />

constitutionis and ordinances the Kingis Majestie ordanis to be actit and registrat in the bukis <strong>of</strong> Secreit Counsall to<br />

lestand memorie, and, the samyn being registrat, ordanis his Hienes greit signet to be appendit thairto."<br />

Holyrood House 8 th June 1592<br />

"Forasmeikle as it is undirstand to the Kingis Majestie and Lordis <strong>of</strong> Secrete Counsale that sindrie inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the<br />

town <strong>of</strong> Bommell in Gelder, undir the dominioun <strong>of</strong> the Esteates <strong>of</strong> Holland and Zeland, being addebtit to [blank]<br />

spous to Captain Alexander Wisheart, in divers soumes <strong>of</strong> money, and for payment thair<strong>of</strong> ane ordinance being maid<br />

and sett doun be the saidis Esteatis in the tyme <strong>of</strong> his wedouheid, that the personis and guidis <strong>of</strong> the haill inhabitantis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the said toun sould be arreisted quhairevir they mycht be apprehendit and remane undir stay and arreistment at hir<br />

instance ay and quhil sho wer compleitlie payit <strong>of</strong> the saidis debtis, and <strong>of</strong> all coistis, skaithis and expenssis to be<br />

sustenit be hir in the suteing thair<strong>of</strong> scho and hir said spous, divers tymes sen the making <strong>of</strong> the said ordinance, hes<br />

cravit and desyrit the saidis Esteatis to caus putt the same ordinance to dew executioun in all pointis, conforme to the<br />

tennour thair<strong>of</strong>, aganis the saidis inhabitantis ; quhilk the saidis Esteatis hes not onlie refused swa to do, bot<br />

uthirwayes to minister equall and indifferent justice in sindrie uthiris caussis persewit be the said Capitane and his<br />

said spous aganis divers uthiris personis, inhabitantis <strong>of</strong> the saidis cuntreyis <strong>of</strong> Holland and Zeland; at quhais<br />

instance, nocht withstanding, the said Capitane and his said spous hes bene persewit, and a maist rigorous and<br />

extreme forme <strong>of</strong> proceding usit aganis thame be the same Esteatis, expres contrair all ressoune, equitie and gude<br />

conscience, and to thair grite hurte and prejudice, compelling thame in this respect in end to have recours to his<br />

Majestie and Lordis <strong>of</strong> Secrete Counsale and Sessioun for remeid: quhair<strong>of</strong> thay takand consideratioun, his Majestie,<br />

the lieges by open proclamation at the market crosses <strong>of</strong> the head burghs not to reset or intercommune with the said<br />

Master, or with Robert Gray, his brother, both denounced rebels, but to shout and raise fray against them, under pain<br />

<strong>of</strong> treason. In respect that the General Assembly <strong>of</strong> the Kirk has directed Commissioners, in "certane boundis limitat to<br />

thame, to travell and tak ordourin all thingis that may serve to the glorie <strong>of</strong> God and advancement <strong>of</strong> his trew<br />

religioun, -and in speciall to plant kirkis and ministeris quhair thai laik, with prisbitereis quhair thay may be<br />

convenientlie had; to tak diligent inquisitioun <strong>of</strong> papistis, jesuitis, and all sic as trafficquis and travellis in ony thing<br />

contrair the trew religioun publictlie pr<strong>of</strong>essit be his Majestie and liegis <strong>of</strong> this realme, and ather putt ordour to thame,<br />

or uthirwayes, giff thai may nocht, to adjornay thame and charge thame to compeir befoir his Majestie and Secrete<br />

Counsale, that thai may be punist according to the lawis maid aganis sic personis; to see how the kirkis that ar decayit<br />

may be rapairit; to tak inquisitioun <strong>of</strong> the present estate <strong>of</strong> every particulair kirk, in quhais handis it is, and <strong>of</strong> the rent<br />

thair<strong>of</strong> present and <strong>of</strong> auld, and <strong>of</strong> all thingis that may sufficientlie informe the commissionaris depute be his Majestie;<br />

to tak ordour anent the particulair locall assignatioun <strong>of</strong> everie minister <strong>of</strong> his stipend, and quhatsumevir uther thing<br />

is directit in commissioun to the commissionaris <strong>of</strong> the Generall Assembly," - his Majesty, "willing, that the saidis<br />

commissionaris directit be the Generall Asserabley sall not be dissobeyit, be avise <strong>of</strong> his Prevey Counsale, ordanis<br />

commissionis to be past undir his Hienes signett and subscriptioun <strong>of</strong> the Clerk <strong>of</strong> the Prevey Counsale contening a<br />

blank for names <strong>of</strong> noblemen, baronis, gentilmen, and magistratis <strong>of</strong> burrowis to be insert thairin at the chois and<br />

discretioun <strong>of</strong> the saidis commissionaris <strong>of</strong> the Generall Assembley, makand thame his Hienes justiceis and<br />

commissionaris in that parte to the effect undirwrittin, gevand, grantand and committand to thame full pouer, charge<br />

and authoritie to assist the saidis commissionaris <strong>of</strong> the Generall Assembley in executioun <strong>of</strong> the commissioun thair<strong>of</strong><br />

grantit to thame in all the heidis and articlis thair<strong>of</strong> abonespecifeit, and to see that they be nocht dissobeyit; as alswa<br />

with pouer to thame to inquire the names suspectit and dilaitit <strong>of</strong> witchecraft, or seikand responssis or help <strong>of</strong> thame,<br />

and <strong>of</strong> all strang vagaboundis and idill beggaris, to examinat thame and committ thame to prisone, irnis or stokkis,<br />

and to caus prisonis, irnis and stokkis be maid to that effect at all placeis neidfull; to move the puir and impotent to be<br />

providit for within thair awne parrochynnis; to assist the commissioner or commissioneris <strong>of</strong> the General Assembley,<br />

and the prisbitereis, quhair thay ar wele constitute, in thair proceding to deprivatioun <strong>of</strong> all personis non-resident or<br />

unworthie that hes bene providit in title to beneficeis <strong>of</strong> cure undir prelaceis sen his Hienes coronatioun, according to<br />

the Actis <strong>of</strong> Parliament maid thairanent ; and to that effect to call befoir thame be thair awne preceptis all personis<br />

neidfull to be callit, summound, inquirit, examiriat upoun the heidis, pointis and articles foirsaidis or ony <strong>of</strong> thame, or<br />

to apprehend and putt in prisone sic as salbe thocht meit in the commoun prisone <strong>of</strong> the heid burgh <strong>of</strong> the shire or nixt<br />


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