Inese Grava-Gubins, MA

Inese Grava-Gubins, MA

Inese Grava-Gubins, MA


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<strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<strong>Gubins</strong>, <strong>MA</strong><br />

"Dear Doctor . . .<br />

<strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<strong>Gubins</strong> is Director<br />

of Research, The College of Family<br />

Physicians of Canada. Requests for<br />

reprints to: Ms. <strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<br />

<strong>Gubins</strong>, The College of Family<br />

Physicians of Canada, 4000 Leslie<br />

Street, Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2R9<br />

T HE DAILY <strong>MA</strong>IL arrives on your<br />

desk. Amid the plethora of junk<br />

mail, magazines, bills, medical journals,<br />

Speedy-Pizza coupons, more<br />

junk mail, and more bills, there's an<br />

envelope! It looks important-or at<br />

least, it's not addressed to "Occupant"!<br />

You open it, and what falls<br />

out? A questionnaire! Before you<br />

groan, "'Oh no, not another survey!",<br />

you decide to look it over quickly and<br />

see if it is worth your time to answer<br />

these questions. Actually, as you read<br />

the covering letter, you realize that the<br />

topic of this one is important to you.<br />

Let us assume that this one is from the<br />

CFPC, and the questions pertain to the<br />

role of family physicians in their community<br />

hospitals. You decide to fill it<br />

out and mail it back.<br />

At this point, your involvement<br />

stops, right? Wrong! While it may be<br />

the last time you actually put pen to<br />

paper concerning this survey, your involvement<br />

has just begun! Your opinions/experiences,<br />

reflected in your responses,<br />

have but started their journey<br />

towards affecting College policy.<br />

How does this happen? Well, let's<br />

follow what happens to your questionnaire.<br />

First, as the envelopes containing<br />

completed questionnaires reach<br />

our office, they are opened and<br />

counted. All of the (closed-ended) responses<br />

must be coded, according to<br />

pre-defined criteria, while open-ended<br />

questions are dealt with individually.<br />

This means that several trained people<br />

must read through every questionnaire<br />

and assign the appropriate code<br />

numbers to each of your responses.<br />

These numbers are then entered into<br />

the computer, and other people set up<br />


.i<br />

MEIN<br />

the statistical analyses required for this<br />

survey. First, however the data must<br />

be cleaned and prepped (so to speak!).<br />

After the data analyses are completed,<br />

the fun part starts: What have all of the<br />

respondents said?<br />

Our questionnaires are usually returned<br />

anonymously, and if they are<br />

not to be anonymous, that fact is<br />

clear/y indicated. We honestly do not<br />

need to know how any specific individual<br />

has responded, as only the entire<br />

group's responses are to be reported.<br />

All of the responses are<br />

considered for each question (for example,<br />

the per cent agreeing/disagreeing<br />

with a statement). I know it sounds<br />

contradictory, as the more questionnaire<br />

that is returned makes my job<br />

easier. How can that be? Simply because<br />

as more readers respond, the answers<br />

to our questions become clearer.<br />

A11 of the results are then compiled<br />

into a report, which is sent on to the<br />

College committee that originated the<br />

survey.<br />

Here your responses start to work in<br />

earnest! The committee members carefully<br />

consider the responses, and what<br />

these responses imply for College activities.<br />

Should we, for example, encourage<br />

the planners of family-medicine<br />

programs to increase hospital<br />

exposure for their residents? Should<br />

we complain to the appropriate bodies<br />

about restricted hospital privileges?<br />

(Do family physicians even want these<br />

privileges?) Our questionnaires are<br />

sent to small, but representative, random<br />

samples of College members and<br />

that is why every returned questionnaire<br />

counts! As an analogy, let us pretend<br />

that you have a very heavy bag<br />

full of 8,000 marbles in various colours.<br />

For some obscure reason, it is<br />

important to know how many of these<br />

marbles are blue. Any statistician will<br />

tell you that there is no point in wasting<br />

your time counting 8,000 marbles!<br />

If you were randomly to pull out approximately<br />

370 marbles ("the ran-<br />

i.<br />

iissimism<br />

MINE<br />

dom sample"), and determine the proportion<br />

of blue marbles in your<br />

sample, you would have a fairly reliable<br />

estimate of the total number of<br />

blue marbles in your bag.<br />

Now, there is a bit more involved in<br />

planning a survey sample, but the<br />

theory on which it operates is basically<br />

the same! On the basis of the responses<br />

of a random sample of College<br />

members, committees have fairly reliable<br />

information about what our membership<br />

thinks about various issues.<br />

Once the committee completes its discussions,<br />

other projects are sometimes<br />

implemented, or motions are sent to<br />

the Board of Directors for action.<br />

Those responses you provided on that<br />

questionnaire five or six months ago<br />

have now found their way into the<br />

hands of the members who determine<br />

College policy! It probably took you<br />

no more than five to 10 minutes to<br />

complete that questionnaire, but your<br />

response will continue to work for the<br />

next year.<br />

In short, the next time a questionnaire<br />

(at least one from the CFPC!)<br />

lands on your desk-and, I hope, before<br />

you deposit it in your overflowing<br />

"circular file"-take a moment, at<br />

least, to think about it. We do not send<br />

out questionnaires to pry into your life.<br />

Each one of our questionnaires has a<br />

defined purpose, often they are intended<br />

to help shape the future of family<br />

medicine.<br />

Yes, I agree with your protest every<br />

questionnaire represents yet another<br />

piece of tedious paperwork, deviously<br />

prepared to consume more of your precious<br />

free moments, but why not consider<br />

it an investment, both for yourself<br />

and for family medicine. It<br />

provides an easy way to make your<br />

voice heard, and it should provide a<br />

large return on a small investment.<br />

Think about it!<br />

And, to everyone who has ever returned<br />

a CFPC survey, my sincere<br />

thanks! CO)<br />


<strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<strong>Gubins</strong>, <strong>MA</strong><br />

Cher docteur<br />

<strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<strong>Gubins</strong> est<br />

Directrice de la recherche au<br />

College des medecins de famille du<br />

Canada. Les demandes de tires-apart<br />

peuvent etre adressees a': Mme<br />

<strong>Inese</strong> <strong>Grava</strong>-<strong>Gubins</strong>, Le College des<br />

medecins de famille du Canada,<br />

4000 rue Leslie, Willowdale, Ont.<br />

M2K 2R9<br />

E COURRIER de chaque jour atterrit<br />

sur votre bureau. Parmi la<br />

plethore d'envois de toutes sortes, de<br />

periodiques, de comptes, de revues<br />

medicales, de coupons de rabais de la<br />

pizzeria du coin, de correspondance<br />

heteroclite et d'autres comptes se<br />

trouve une enveloppe ! Elle a I'air<br />

d'etre importante, ou du moins elle<br />

n'est pas adressee 'a < l'occupant )) !<br />

Vous l'ouvrez et qu'est-ce que vous y<br />

trouvez ? Un questionnaire ! Avant de<br />

grommeler, "( Ah, non, pas une autre<br />

enquete !, vous decidez d'y jeter un<br />

coup d'oeil pour voir s'il vaut la peine<br />

de repondre 'a ces questions. Effectivement,<br />

'a la lecture de la lettre d'introduction,<br />

vous constatez qu'il s'agit<br />

d'un sujet d'importance pour vous.<br />

Presumons qu'il provient du CMFC et<br />

que les questions ont trait au role des<br />

medecins de famille dans les hopitaux<br />

de leur localite. Vous decidez de le<br />

completer et de le poster.<br />

Votre implication s'arrete la, n'estce<br />

pas ? Faux ! Meme si c'est la<br />

derniere fois que vous avez a compl6ter<br />

quoi que ce soit concernant cette<br />

enquete, votre implication vient tout<br />

juste de commencer ! Vos opinions/<br />

exp6riences, que refletent vos reponses,<br />

viennent 'a peine de se frayer un<br />

chemin pour influencer dans l'avenir<br />

les politiques du College.<br />


1.<br />

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Comment cela se produit-il ? Suivons<br />

ensemble le cheminement du<br />

questionnaire. D'abord, des l'arrivee<br />

des enveloppes contenant les questionnaires<br />

completes, elles sont ouvertes<br />

et comptees. Toutes les reponses<br />

(fermees) doivent etre codifiees selon<br />

des criteres predetermines, alors que<br />

les reponses ouvertes seront traitees<br />

individuellement. Cela implique que<br />

plusieurs personnes formees pour<br />

cette tache doivent lire entierement<br />

chaque questionnaire et determiner les<br />

numeros de code appropries pour chacune<br />

des reponses. Ces chiffres sont<br />

alors transf6res dans l'ordinateur et<br />

d'autres personnes entreprennent<br />

l'analyse statistique requise pour cette<br />

etude. Mais les renseignements doivent<br />

d'abord etre passes au peigne<br />

fin. Une fois l'analyse des donnees<br />

completee, la partie interessante commence:<br />

qu'est-ce que les repondants<br />

ont dit ?<br />

Nos questionnaires sont habituellement<br />

retoume's dans le plus strict anonymat<br />

et, si tel n'est pas le cas, on<br />

l'indique clairement. Nous n'avons<br />

honnetement pas besoin de savoir<br />

comment tel individu a repondu puisque<br />

ce sont les reponses du groupe<br />

qui font l'objet d'un rapport. Toutes<br />

les reponses sont consider6es pour<br />

chacune des questions (par exemple,<br />

le pourcentage en accord/desaccord<br />

avec l'enonce). Je sais que ceci peut<br />

paraltre contradictoire, mais plus nous<br />

recevons de questionnaires, plus j'ai<br />

du travail qui m'attend mais plus chaque<br />

questionnaire retourn6 me facilite<br />

la tache. Comment est-ce possible ?<br />

Simplement du fait que plus il y a de<br />

gens qui repondent a nos questions,<br />

plus ces reponses deviennent claires.<br />

Tous les resultats sont alors compiles<br />

sous forme de rapport, lequel est<br />

envoye au Comite du College qui a<br />

prealablement elabore cette enquete.<br />

C'est ici que vos reponses commencent<br />

'a etre prises ou serieux ! Les<br />

membres du comite considerent soigneusement<br />

chacune des reponses et<br />

leur implication au niveau des activites<br />

du College. Devrions-nous, par<br />

exemple, encourager les planificateurs<br />

de programmes de medecine familiale<br />

a augmenter l'exposition hospitaliere<br />

des residents ? Devrions-nous denoncer<br />

la limitation des privileges hospitaliers<br />

aupres des organismes concernes<br />

? (Les medecins de famille<br />

sont-ils seulement interesses 'a conserver<br />

de tels privileges ?) Nos questionnaires<br />

sont achemines 'a de petits<br />

echantillonnages aleatoires de membres<br />

du College consideres comme<br />

tres representatifs, et c'est pour cette<br />

raison que chaque questionnaire retoume6<br />

a de l'importance ! Par analogie,<br />

supposons que vous avez un tres<br />

gros sac contenant 8,000 billes de<br />

diff6rentes couleurs. Pour quelque<br />

obscure raison, il est important de savoir<br />

combien de ces billes sont<br />

bleues. Tout statisticien vous dira<br />

qu'il est inutile de perdre votre temps<br />

a compter les 8,000 billes. Si vous retirez<br />

environ 370 billes au hasard<br />

(< l'echantillonnage au hasard >>) et<br />

determinez la proportion de billes de<br />

couleur bleue parmi cet echantillonnage,<br />

vous obtiendrez un estime passablement<br />

fiable du nombre total de<br />

billes bleues dons votre sac.<br />

La planification de l'echantillonnage<br />

d'une etude implique davantage<br />

de preparation, mais la theorie de son<br />

fonctionnement est fondamentalement<br />

la meme ! Sur la base des reponses<br />

obtenues par un echantillonnage de<br />

Suite page 2158<br />


Prolopa® (levodopa/benserazide)<br />

Rx Sunmtu<br />

Anlparkinsonism Agent<br />

Indicaens Treatment of Parkinson's syndrome when not druginduced.<br />

Conrandlcatons Known hypersensitivity to levodopa or benserazide;<br />

in pabents in whom sympathomimetic amines are contraindicated;<br />

concomitantly with, or within 2 weeks of, <strong>MA</strong>OI administration;<br />

uncompensated cardiovascular, endocrine, renal, hepatc,<br />

hematologic or pulmonary disease; narrow-angle glaucoma.<br />

Warnings Discontinue levodopa at least 12 hours before initiating<br />

'Prolopa'. See Dosage section for substituton recommendations.<br />

Not indicated in intention tremor, Huntington's chorea or druginduced<br />

Parkinsonism.<br />

Increase dosage gradually to avoid CNS side effects (involuntary<br />

movements). Observe patients for signs of depression with suicidal<br />

tendencies or other serious behavioural changes. Caution in patients<br />

with history of psychotic disorders or receiving psychotherapeubc<br />

agents.<br />

In patients with atrial, nodal or ventricular arrhythmias or history of<br />

myocardial infarction initiate treatment cautiously in hospital.<br />

Caution in patients with history of melanoma or suspicious undiagnosed<br />

skin lesions.<br />

Safety in patients under 18years has not been established. In women<br />

who are or may become pregnant, weigh benefits against possible<br />

hazards to mother and fetus. Not recommended for nursing mothers.<br />

Preations Monitor cardiovascular, hepatic, hematopoietic and<br />

renal function during extended therapy. Caution in patients with<br />

history of convulsive disorders. Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage<br />

possible in patients with a history of peptic ulcer.<br />

Normal activity should be resumed gradually to avoid risk of injury.<br />

Monitor intraocular pressure in patients with chronic wide-angle<br />

glaucoma. Pupillary dilation and activation of Horner's syndrome<br />

have been reported rarely. Exercise caution and monitor blood<br />

pressure in patients on antihypertensive medication. 'Prolopa' can be<br />

discontinued 12 hours prior to anesthesia. Observe patients on concomitant<br />

psychoactive drugs for unusual reactions.<br />

Adverse Ractions Most common are abnormal involuntary movements,<br />

usually dose dependent, which necessitate dosage reduction.<br />

Other serious reactions are periodic oscillations in performance (end<br />

of dose akinesia, on-off phenomenon and akinesia paradoxica) after<br />

prolonged therapy, psychiatric disturbances (including paranoia,<br />

psychosis, depression, dementia, increased libido, euphoria,<br />

sedation and stimulation), and cardiovascular effects (including<br />

arrhythmias, orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, ECG changes<br />

and angina pectoris).<br />

Neurologic, intellectual, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, hematologic,<br />

musculoskeletal, respiratory, genitourinary and ophthalmologic<br />

reactions have also been reported. Consult Product Monograph for<br />

complete list.<br />

Dotes Individualize therapy nd tIrat In small steps to masimiks<br />

ene wIthout dyW ne . Do ot excee the recommended<br />

dogsa rngs.<br />

Initially, one capsule 'Prolopa' 100-25 once or twice daily, increased<br />

carefully by one capsule every third or fourth day (slower in postencephalitic<br />

Parkinsonism) until optimum therapeutic effect obtained<br />

without dyskinesias. At upper limits of dosage, increment slowJy at<br />

24 week intervals. Administer with food.<br />

Optimal dose Is usually 44 'Prolopa' 100-25 capsules daily, In<br />

46 divded dms.<br />

'Prolopa' 200-50 capsules are intended for maintenance therapy<br />

once optimal dosage has been determined using 'Prolopa' 100-25<br />

capsules. No patient should receive more than 1000 - 1200 mg<br />

levodopa daily during the first year of treatment. 'Prolopa' 50-12.5<br />

capsules should be used when frequent dosing is required to<br />

minimize adverse effects.<br />

For patients previously treated with levodopa, allow a leat 12 hours<br />

to eslps and initiate 'Prolopa' at 15% of previous levodopa dosage.<br />

During maintenance, reduce dosage slowly, if possible, to a<br />

maximum of 600 mg Jevodopa daily.<br />

Supply 'Prolopa' 50-12.5 capsules containing 50 mg levodopa and<br />

12.5 mg benserazide.<br />

'Prolopa' 100-25 capsules containing 100 mg levodopa and 25 mg<br />

benserazide.<br />

'Prolopa' 200-50 capsules containing 200 mg levodopa and 50 mg<br />

benserazide.<br />

Bottles of 100.<br />

Product Monograph available on request.<br />

References: 1. Rondot P. Advantages of a Low Dosage of The<br />

Levodopa-Benserazide Combination in the Treatment of Parkinson's<br />

Disease. Med. et Hyg., 1981:39:3832-3835. 2. Data on file. 3.<br />

Mondal BK, Mondal KN. Parkinson's Disease in the Elerly: A Long-<br />

Term Efficacy Study of Levodopa/Benserazide Combination Therapy.<br />

Pharmather., 1986:4(9):571-576. 4. Ontario Drug Benefits Plan,<br />

December, 1986.<br />

a Registered Trade Mark<br />

© Copyright 1987 Hoffmann-La Roche Limited<br />

Hoffmann-La Roche Limited<br />

Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 5J4<br />

rPAAB<br />

7009<br />

Original Research in Medicine and Chemistry<br />

Suite de la page 1949<br />

membres du College, les comites<br />

regoivent des renseignements fiables<br />

sur les opinions de leurs membres<br />

concemant differents sujets. Lorsque<br />

le comite a termine ses discussions,<br />

d'autres projets sont parfois mis de<br />

I'avant ou encore des propositions<br />

sont faites au Conseil d'administration<br />

pour decision executoire. Les reponses<br />

que vous avez inscrites sur ce<br />

questionnaire il y a cinq ou six mois<br />

ont maintenant fait leur chemin<br />

jusqu'aux responsables des politiques<br />

du College ! Le questionnaire n'aura<br />

necessite que cinq 'a dix minutes de<br />

votre temps mais votre contribution<br />

continuera de generer du travail pendant<br />

un an encore.<br />

Bref, la prochaine fois que vous<br />

serez sollicite pour repondre 'a un<br />

questionnaire (du moins de la part du<br />

CMFC !)-et avant que vous n'ayez<br />

decide de le faire disparaitre dans<br />


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