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Lyrics - Naxos

Lyrics - Naxos


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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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Sometimes I Feel Alive<br />

Texts: E.E. Cummings (1894-1962)<br />

I. there is a moon sole<br />

there is a<br />

moon sole<br />

in the blue<br />

night<br />

amorous of waters<br />

tremulous,<br />

blinded with silence the<br />

undulous heaven yearns where<br />

in tense starlessness<br />

anoint with ardor<br />

the yellow lover<br />

stands in the dumb dark<br />

svelte<br />

and<br />

urgent<br />

(again<br />

love i slowly<br />

gather<br />

of thy languorous mouth the<br />

thrilling<br />

flower)<br />

II. as is the sea marvelous<br />

as is the sea marvelous<br />

from god’s<br />

hands which sent her forth<br />

to sleep upon the world<br />

and the earth withers<br />

the moon crumbles<br />

one by one<br />

stars flutter into dust<br />

but the sea<br />

does not change<br />

and she goes forth out of hands and<br />

she returns into hands<br />

and is with sleep....<br />

love,<br />

the breaking<br />

of your<br />

soul<br />

upon<br />

my lips<br />

III. somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond<br />

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond<br />

any experience,your eyes have their silence:<br />

in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,<br />

or which i cannot touch because they are too near<br />

your slightest look easily will unclose me<br />

though i have closed myself as fingers,<br />

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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens<br />

(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose<br />

or if your wish be to close me,i and<br />

my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,<br />

as when the heart of this flower imagines<br />

the snow carefully everywhere descending;<br />

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals<br />

the power of your intense fragility:whose texture compels me with<br />

the colour of its countries,<br />

rendering death and forever with each breathing<br />

(i do not know what it is about you that closes<br />

and opens;only something in me understands<br />

the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)<br />

nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands<br />

"there is a," "as is the sea marvelous," and "somewhere i have<br />

never travelled,gladly beyond" from COMPLETE POEMS: 1904-<br />

1962, by E. E. Cummings, Edited by George J. Firmage, are used<br />

with the permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. Copyright<br />

1923, 1931, 1951, 1959, 1991 by the Trustees for the E. E.<br />

Cummings Trust. Copyright © 1976, 1979 by George James<br />

Firmage.<br />

Rilke Songs<br />

Texts: Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)<br />

No. 1 Die Gazelle<br />

Gazella Dorcas<br />

Verzauberte: wie kann der Einklang zweier enwählter<br />

Worte je den Reim erreichen,<br />

der in dir kommt and geht, wie auf ein Zeichen.<br />

Aus deiner Stirne steigen Laub and Leier,<br />

und alles Deine geht schon im Vergleich<br />

durch Liebeslieder, deren Worte, weich<br />

wie Rosenblätter, dem, der nicht mehr liest,<br />

sich auf die Augen legen, die er schließt:<br />

um dich zu sehen: hingetragen, als<br />

wäre mit Sprüngen jeder Lauf geladen<br />

and schösse nur nicht ab, solang der Hals<br />

das Haupt ins Horchen hält: wie wenn beim Baden<br />

im Wald die Badende sich unterbricht:<br />

den Waldsee im gewendeten Gesicht.<br />

No. 2 Der Panther<br />

Im Jardin des Plantes, Paris<br />

Sein Blick ist vom Vorübergehn der Stäbe<br />

so müd geworden, daß er nichts mehr hält.<br />

Ihm ist, als ob es tausend Stäbe gäbe<br />

and hinter tausend Stäben keine Welt.<br />

Der weiche Gang geschmeidig starker Schritte,<br />

der sich im allerkleinsten Kreise dreht,<br />

ist wie ein Tanz von Kraft um eine Mitte,<br />

in der betäubt ein großer Wille steht.<br />

Nur manchmal schiebt der Vorhang der Pupille<br />

sich lautlos auf–. Darn geht ein Bild hinein,<br />

The Gazelle<br />

Dorcas Gazelle<br />

Enchanted soul! How can the harmony of two chosen words<br />

Ever equal the perfect rhyme,<br />

Which comes and goes in you, like a given sign?<br />

From your brow, ivy-like the lyre spirals,<br />

And all your essence already in comparison moves<br />

Through love-songs, whose words are smooth<br />

Like rose petals placed upon the lids of the man<br />

Who no longer reads, keeps his eyes shut, so that he can<br />

See you, carried yonder<br />

As though each step were charged with rebounding thunder,<br />

But would not be fired while the neck<br />

Still holds the head in listening attention, just like the nude,<br />

Bathing in a forest lake, will interrupt and glance,<br />

The lake’s reflection on her averted countenance.<br />

The Panther<br />

In the Jardin des Plantes, Paris<br />

After endless paces back and forth, along the iron bars,<br />

Before his tired eyes, every image turns to mist.<br />

He feels that in his world, there only are a thousand bars,<br />

And beyond those thousand bars, no world exists.<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

Smooth, puissant, and confident steps compose his elegant pace,<br />

Which neverendlingly circles within the most limited lap,<br />

Moves within a confining center, like a powerful dance of grace,<br />

In which a tired, yet mighty will cannot take even one step.<br />

Only at times, the pupil’s veil<br />

Is raised without a sound—an image then can enter.<br />

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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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geht durch der Glieder angespannte Stille–<br />

und hört im Herzen auf zu sein.<br />

No. 3 Die Flamingos<br />

Jardin des Plantes, Paris<br />

In Spiegelbildern wie von Fragonard<br />

ist doch von ihrem Weiß und ihrer Röte<br />

nicht mehr gegeben, als dir einer böte,<br />

wenn er von seiner Freundin sagt: sie war<br />

noch sanft von Schlaf. Denn steigen sie ins Grüne<br />

and stehn, auf rosa Stielen leicht gedreht,<br />

beisammen, blühend, wie in einem Beet,<br />

verführen sie verführender als Phryne<br />

sich selber; bis sie ihres Auges Bleiche<br />

hinhalsend bergen in der eignen Weiche,<br />

in welcher Schwarz und Fruchtrot sich versteckt.<br />

Auf einmal kreischt ein Neid durch die Volière;<br />

sie aber haben sich erstaunt gestreckt<br />

and schreiten einzeln ins Imaginäre.<br />

No. 4 Der Schwan<br />

Diese Mühsal, durch noch Ungetanes<br />

schwer and wie gebunden hinzugehn,<br />

gleicht dem ungeschaffnen Gang des Schwanes.<br />

Und das Sterben, dieses Nichtmehrfassen<br />

jenes Grunds, auf dem wir täglich stehn,<br />

seinem ängstlichen Sich-Niederlassen–:<br />

in die Wasser, die ihn sanft empfangen<br />

und die sich, wie glücklich and vergangen,<br />

unter ihm zurückziehn, Flut um Flut;<br />

wahrend er unendlich still und sicher<br />

immer mündiger and königlicher<br />

and gelassener zu ziehn geruht.<br />

No. 5 Schwartze Katze<br />

Ein Gespenst ist noch wie eine Stelle,<br />

dran dein Blick mit einem Klange stößt;<br />

aber da, an diesem schwarzen Felle<br />

wird dein starkstes Schauen aufgelöst:<br />

wie ein Tobender, wenn er in vollster<br />

Raserei ins Schwarze stampft,<br />

jählings am benehmenden Gepolster<br />

einer Zelle aufhört and verdampft.<br />

Alle Blicke, die sie jemals trafen,<br />

scheint sie also an sich zu verhehlen,<br />

um darüber drohend and verdrossen<br />

zuzuschauern und damit zu schlafen.<br />

Silently fluttering through his tightened limbs’ strain,<br />

Until it meets its end, at the heart’s very center.<br />

The Flamingos<br />

Paris, Jardin des Plantes<br />

Like reflections done by Fragonard<br />

Not more is presented of their white and red<br />

Than if someone said about his love:<br />

She was still soft with slumber.<br />

Because, once into the green they delve<br />

And stand on rosy stems in slightly turned order<br />

Together blossoming like within a border<br />

They tempt (more alluringly than Phryne) themselves;<br />

Until they bury the paleness of their eyes<br />

With twisted necks in their soft, feathery guise<br />

Where black and fiery red are hidden.<br />

And suddenly a jealous cry shrieks through the aviary,<br />

But they only stretch in amazement,<br />

And calmly stride alone into the imaginary.<br />

The Swan<br />

The sorrow to have to move on<br />

Burdened heavily by things still undone<br />

Compares to the ungraceful steps of the swan.<br />

And dying, this no-longer-grasping<br />

Of the grounds to which we are daily clasping<br />

Is like his apprehensive settling down<br />

Into the waters, where he softly is welcome<br />

And the waters, happy and bygone,<br />

Withdraw beneath him wave after wave<br />

While he, infinitely confident and calm,<br />

Assuming more and more majesty<br />

Decides to move on in serenity.<br />

Black Cat<br />

A figment of imagination is like a place, still,<br />

Where looks bounce off with a sound<br />

But there, at this black fur, the strongest gaze will<br />

Be utterly dissolved, and nowhere be found.<br />

Just like when an irate man, in his utmost rage,<br />

Stomps into the dark, furiously in large strides,<br />

But is abruptly stopped by the restricting pads of his cage<br />

And suddenly feels his anger subside.<br />

Within, she seems to conceal and defer<br />

All the glances that ever fell upon her,<br />

In a peevish and menacing way<br />

Reflects upon them, and then dreams away.<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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Doch auf einmal kehrt sie, wie geweckt,<br />

ihr Gesicht and mitten in das deine:<br />

und da triffst du deinen Blick im geelen<br />

Amber ihrer runden Augensteine<br />

unenvartet wieder: eingeschlossen<br />

wie ein ausgestorbenes Insekt.<br />

No. 6 Das Einhorn<br />

Der Heilige hob das Haupt, and das Gebet<br />

fiel wie ein Helm zurück von seinem Haupte:<br />

denn lautlos nahte sich das niegeglaubte,<br />

das weiße Tier, das wie eine geraubte<br />

hülflose Hindin mit den Augen fleht.<br />

Der Beine elfenbeinernes Gestell<br />

bewegte sich in leichten Gleichgewichten,<br />

ein weißer Glanz glitt selig durch das Fell,<br />

and auf der Tierstirn, auf der stillen, lichten,<br />

stand, wie ein Turm im Mond, das Horn so hell,<br />

and jeder Schritt geschah, es aufzurichten.<br />

Das Maul mit seinem rosagrauen Flaum<br />

war leicht gerafft, so daß ein wenig Weiß<br />

(weißer als alles) von den Zähnen glänzte;<br />

die Nüstern nahmen auf and lechzten leis.<br />

Doch seine Blicke, die kein Ding begrenzte,<br />

warfen sich Bilder in den Raum<br />

und schlossen einen blauen Sagenkreis.<br />

Introit for The Season of Epiphany<br />

Text: The Book of Common Prayer<br />

O Lord open thou our lips and our mouth shall show forth thy praise.<br />

The Lord hath manifested forth His glory.<br />

O come let us adore Him.<br />

The earth is the Lord’s and He made it.<br />

O come let us adore.<br />

Arise, my Love<br />

Text: The Song of Songs (King James version)<br />

Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.<br />

For, lo, the winter is past,<br />

the rain is over and gone;<br />

The flowers appear on the earth;<br />

and the time of the singing birds is come.<br />

Set me as a seal upon your heart,<br />

as a seal upon your arm:<br />

for love is strong as death.<br />

Many waters cannot quench love,<br />

neither can the floods drown it.<br />

Come, thou fount of every blessing<br />

Text: Robert Robinson (1735-90)<br />

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,<br />

Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;<br />

Streams of mercy, never ceasing,<br />

Call for songs of loudest praise:<br />

Teach me some melodious sonnet,<br />

But suddenly, as if abruptly stirred from her sleep,<br />

Turns her face, and looks straight into your eye<br />

And there, you meet again your own stare<br />

In the glowing amber of her eye’s glare<br />

Trapped, like an extinct insect,<br />

From a time gone by.<br />

The Unicorn<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

The saint raised his eyes and like a helmet from his head,<br />

A praying chant fell down, because without a sound<br />

The unbelievable white animal approached this very ground.<br />

The creature that like an abducted, helpless hind<br />

Silently pleads with her eyes.<br />

In delicate balances the ivory frame of<br />

Its gentle limbs moved<br />

A white gleam glowed holy on its coat so smooth<br />

And on the animal’s forehead still and light<br />

Stood like a tower in moonlight the horn so bright,<br />

And with every step it was proudly brought back into sight.<br />

The mouth with its fluff of pinkish-gray,<br />

Was slightly opened that a spec of white,<br />

(Whiter than anything) sparkled from its teeth,<br />

The nostrils sniffed and breathed away.<br />

But its glances, by nothing earthly impeded<br />

Cast images into the round<br />

And a blue saga-circle was completed.<br />

Translation © Copyright 2003 by<br />

Karin Grundler-Whitacre.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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Sung by flaming tongues above;<br />

Praise the mount!<br />

O fix me on it,<br />

Mount of God’s unchanging love.<br />

Here I find my greatest treasure;<br />

Hither by Thy help I’m come;<br />

And I hope, by thy good pleasure,<br />

Safely to arrive at home:<br />

Jesus sought me when a stranger,<br />

Wandering from the fold of God;<br />

He, to rescue me from danger,<br />

Interposed His precious blood.<br />

O to grace how great a debtor<br />

Daily I’m constrained to be!<br />

Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,<br />

Bind my wandering heart to Thee:<br />

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,<br />

Prone to leave the God I love;<br />

Here’s my heart,<br />

O take and seal it,<br />

Seal it, for thy courts above.<br />

Ave, dulcissima Maria<br />

Text: Latin, 12th century<br />

Ave, dulcissima Maria.<br />

Vera spes et vita!<br />

Dulce refrigerium.<br />

O Maria, flos Virginum.<br />

Missa Brevis<br />

Texts: Mass<br />

Kyrie<br />

Kyrie eleison.<br />

Christe eleison.<br />

Kyrie eleison.<br />

Gloria<br />

Gloria in excelsis Deo,<br />

et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.<br />

Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te.<br />

Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.<br />

Domine Deus, Rex cœlestis,<br />

Domine, pater omnipotens,<br />

Domine fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.<br />

Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris.<br />

qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.<br />

Qui tollis peccata mundi,<br />

Suscipe deprecationem (nostram).<br />

Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris.<br />

Quoniam tu solus sanctus,<br />

Quoniam tu solus Dominus,<br />

Tu solus altissimus (Jesu Christe).<br />

Cum sancto spiritu in gloria Dei Patris.<br />

Amen.<br />

Hail, sweetest Mary<br />

Hail, sweetest Mary.<br />

Fount of hope and life!<br />

Sweet refreshment.<br />

O Mary, Virgin flower.<br />

Kyrie<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

Christ, have mercy.<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

Gloria<br />

Translation by Stanley M. Hoffman<br />

© Copyright 2002 by<br />

E.C. Schirmer Music Company.<br />

Used by permission.<br />

Glory to God in the highest,<br />

And on earth, peace to all those of good will.<br />

We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee.<br />

We give thanks to thee according to thy great glory.<br />

Lord God, heavenly King,<br />

God, the Father almighty.<br />

Lord Jesus Christ the most high, the only begotten son.<br />

Lord God, Lamb of God, son of the Father.<br />

Thou who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.<br />

Thou who takest away the sins of the world,<br />

Receive our prayer.<br />

Thou who sittest at the right hand of God, have mercy upon us.<br />

Thou alone art the most holy,<br />

For thou alone art the Lord,<br />

Thou alone art the most high, Jesus Christ.<br />

With the holy spirit in the glory of God the Father.<br />

Amen.<br />

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WACHNER, J.: Choral Music, Vol. 1 8.559607<br />

http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.559607<br />

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Sanctus et Benedictus<br />

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus,<br />

Dominus (Deus) sabaoth.<br />

Pleni sunt cœli et terra gloria tua<br />

hosanna in excelsis.<br />

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.<br />

Hosanna in excelsis.<br />

Agnus Dei<br />

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,<br />

miserere nobis.<br />

Dona nobis pacem.<br />

(Words in parentheses do not appear in this setting.)<br />

Aaronic Benediction<br />

Text: Numbers 6: 24-26<br />

The Lord bless you, and keep you;<br />

The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;<br />

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and grant you peace.<br />

Amen.<br />

Behold the Tabernacle of God<br />

Text: Revelation<br />

Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,<br />

For the Spirit of God dwelleth within you:<br />

For the temple of God is holy,<br />

Which temple are ye:<br />

For the love of whom ye do this day<br />

celebrate the joys of the temple with a season of festivity.<br />

This is the house of God,<br />

This is the gate of heaven.<br />

Amen.<br />

Sarum Antiphon for the Dedication of a Church<br />

J. W., alt.<br />

Sanctus et Benedictus<br />

Holy, holy, holy,<br />

Lord God of Hosts.<br />

Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.<br />

Hosanna in the highest.<br />

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.<br />

Hosanna in the highest.<br />

Agnus Dei<br />

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,<br />

Have mercy on us.<br />

Grant us peace.<br />

Translation from Public Domain Sources<br />

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