October 06, 1995 - Glebe Report

October 06, 1995 - Glebe Report

October 06, 1995 - Glebe Report


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NEWS<br />

Regional Councillor report<br />

cost but we would be still seeking<br />

agreement in the year 2000. The<br />

Region has a responsibility to help<br />

develop a solid economy for our<br />

citizens and this could be an area<br />

to augment one of our regional<br />

By<br />

Regional<br />

Councillor<br />

Brian McGarry<br />

Expo 2005 will not be part of Ottawa-Carleton's<br />

future. Gone is the<br />

early clean-up of Lebreton Flats,<br />

the waterfront islands and lands on<br />

both sides of the Ottawa River.<br />

Many millions of visitors will be<br />

lost to Calgary or Japan. Officials<br />

from 'Expo 86' (Vancouver) verified<br />

that the resurged economy of<br />

British Columbia's lower mainland<br />

has never looked back since their<br />

World's Fair...yes a deficit on paper<br />

but a tourist industry now<br />

much expanded and much new investment<br />

resulting in part from the<br />

focus on the Vancouver Region in<br />

1986.<br />

In Ottawa-Carleton we had some<br />

Regional Councillors leading a<br />

protest against Expo 2005 while the<br />

International Panel examining our<br />

site were present in Ottawa. I hope<br />

the same Councillors will now point<br />

the way to a recovered economy in<br />

the National Capital Region.<br />

A high-tech research park is being<br />

discouraged by some ("not in<br />

my back-yard"). A casino in the<br />

downtown core will be studied to<br />

death while Windsor and other<br />

cities (i.e. Hull) move forward.<br />

Ditto a possible convention-centre<br />

to complement and support the<br />

Congress Center...attempts are being<br />

made to de-rail or postpone a<br />

feasibility study until we have all<br />

levels of government onside<br />

(whenever that might be!).<br />

Such negative attitudes prevail<br />

and at a time when our federal government<br />

is downsizing by 15,000<br />

jobs. When will our 'nay-sayers'<br />

turn the corner and come up with<br />

solid economic development for<br />

Ottawa-Carleton in general and our<br />

city centre specifically?<br />

There is hope. Private industry<br />

(Minto) has agreed to pay one-half<br />

of the $250,000 feasibility study<br />

for a convention-centre; indeed<br />

they offered to pay the whole<br />

amount but we can only imagine the<br />

cries of conflict of interest, attempt<br />

to bribe the study outcome etc.<br />

(Minto would build a 21 million<br />

dollar hotel as part of the overall<br />

68 million dollar project). The Region<br />

will fund the remaining<br />

$125,000 portion of the study.<br />

Yes...we could have pleaded with<br />

the Federal Government, Ontario<br />

Provincial Government, Ottawa and<br />

on and on to share in the study's<br />

<strong>October</strong> 6, <strong>1995</strong> Globe <strong>Report</strong>-14<br />

strengths...tourism.<br />

On the subject of a casino (part of<br />

the convention-centre? part of Le-<br />

Breton Flats? part of a revived<br />

Sparks Street?) Mayor Holzman recently<br />

hosted Dr. Michael Brude<br />

and Paul Twigg, two citizens of<br />

Windsor, Ontario who were early<br />

proponents of that city's casino. In<br />

brief, the interim facility<br />

(eventually to be expanded into 6<br />

city blocks with 2,500 in-house<br />

jobs) will gross $500,000,000 this<br />

coming year. This permanent<br />

structure will be a $400,000,000<br />

facility which will complement, not<br />

compete with, other businesses.<br />

The goal from the outset was to<br />

revitalize their city centre. Hotel<br />

occupancy rates are up by 15-30%<br />

and traffic into other businesses<br />

downtown has increased too. This<br />

isn't to say there are no negatives<br />

with such initiatives...compulsive<br />

gambling must be recognized as<br />

well as the possible attraction of<br />

'undesirables' into the community.<br />

On the latter point, Windsor has<br />

not experienced an increase in<br />

crime except what would be normally<br />

expected with 16,000 more<br />

visitors per day into their 'downtown.'<br />

The Casino (i.e. not the taxpayer)<br />

has funded 25 more police<br />

officers into the region to ensure a<br />

continuation of a safe environment<br />

in Windsor.<br />

To return for a moment to the<br />

feasibility study for a convention<br />

centre (which may overlap into a<br />

casino facility?), Regional Councillors<br />

must, of course, ascertain how<br />

any such project affects our neighborhoods.<br />

Our downtown area must<br />

be a healthy mix of residential and<br />

business in order to remain the vibrant<br />

city we have known for years.<br />

Sandy Hill, Ottawa East, Old Ottawa<br />

South, the <strong>Glebe</strong>, Centretown, Ottawa<br />

U Campus etc. can all be adversely<br />

affected by decisions which<br />

benefit business only. This is not<br />

the record as of late however; in<br />

fact the opposite is true. More and<br />

more business people are moving<br />

away from the Region to the U.S. or<br />

off-shore as we all (average citizen<br />

and entrepreneur alike) experience<br />

heavy municipal, provincial and<br />

federal taxes. Many elected (and<br />

non-elected) officials seem to have<br />

forgotten that 75% of jobs throughout<br />

Canada are created by small<br />

business. Regulations in the extreme<br />

discourage new investment<br />

and can drive away present.<br />

I remain optimistic. In the main<br />

we have a well educated understanding<br />

constituency in Ottawa<br />

Centre. With the Quebec Referendum<br />

soon behind us (hopefully with<br />

a vote in favour of renewed federalism)<br />

we can start to re-build. The<br />

Premier of Ontario has delayed his<br />

Government's economic statement<br />

until after the Referendum and understandably<br />

so. A constituent recently<br />

wrote to me to say forget<br />

Quebec and get on with more important<br />

matters. The letter was none<br />

too polite but that aside, we all<br />

must remain hopeful for a united<br />

Canada and do all we can in the remaining<br />

weeks to let our Quebec<br />

neighbours know how that Canada is<br />

still the best country in the world.<br />

Please watch for Dialogue Canada's<br />

efforts as we approach <strong>October</strong> 30<br />

and take part if you are so inclined.<br />

A positive outcome by November 1<br />

will be a good kick-start to rebuilding<br />

our region and country.<br />

I welcome your thoughts on any of<br />

Tutorial<br />

Services____r<br />

of Ontario<br />



the above: Convention Centre,<br />

Casino, our Regions economic future<br />

following the Referendum etc.<br />

On other matters within our<br />

constituency:<br />

1) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 is the<br />

AGM of the Ottawa South Community<br />

Association, 7:30pm, at the<br />

Old Fire Hall. Among other<br />

matters, the reconstruction of Bank<br />

Street through " Old Ottawa South"<br />

will be discussed.<br />

2)LANDSCAPING plans around<br />

the Dunbar Bridge and Bronson<br />

Place are moving forward but we<br />

await N.C.C. cooperation.<br />

3)The contaminated property at<br />

160 LEES AVENUE in Ottawa East<br />

remains a concern.<br />

More on these items next month.<br />

Ottawa-Carleton, Regional<br />

Headquarters, 111 Lisgar Street,<br />

Ottawa, K2P 2L7 fax (560-1268).<br />

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