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11<br />

Similarly, later NA references employing an approximate collocation via māt H˘ atti<br />

frequently refer to the Neo-Hittite states rather than the general populace of the west. Though this<br />

last point has been debated, Cogan has cogently demonstrated that “Māt H˘ atti originally signified<br />

the Hittite Empire and the geographical sphere under Hittite rule; later, it came to serve as the<br />

name for the states of Anatolia and Upper Syria that were the political and cultural heirs of the<br />

imperial Hittites. It never seems to have lost this meaning” (2002, 89; see Singer 2006, 726).<br />

Fifth, in 2 Sam 24:6 the Lucianic recension reads “and to the land of the Hittites at<br />

‏ְוֶאל־ֶאֶרץ ( Taḥtîm-ḥod¯šî” Kadesh” (καὶ εις γηñν Χεττιεὶµ Κα' δης) for the obscure “and to the land of<br />

in the MT. That the recension is essentially stylistic in character and that the reading ‏(ַּתְחִּתים·ָחְד ‏ִׁשי<br />

ואל under discussion is a place name favors a Vorlage unique from the traditional text (perhaps<br />

Contextually it falls in David’s census of Israel which begins from Aroer in ‏.(ארץ החתים קדשה<br />

southern Gad and moves northward ultimately to Gilead, then “into the land of the Hittites, that<br />

is, Kades,” 17 and from there loops southward to Dan, around to Sidon, to Tyre, etc. The context<br />

indicates a northerly location. Perhaps the best candidate is Kadesh-on-the-Orontes (so Fisher,<br />

Smith and Rummel 1975, 279, 8§34f). It is both well known and possesses continued historical<br />

importance for its political and military roles during the LBA. It functioned as a royal city during<br />

the Amarna period and the location for the conflict over Amurru territory between Ramesses and<br />

Muwatalli. 18 Wherever the place might have been, it was apparently located in the north. 19 Direct<br />

———————————<br />

17 See the modern versions which adopt this reading, such as the NRSV and the ESV (“and to Kadesh in<br />

the land of the Hittites”; also HCSB, NJB), as well as the Lutherbibel („und zum Land der Hetiter nach Kadesch“)<br />

and a few French translations (e.g., «dans le pays des Hittites, à Cadès», BFC).<br />

18 Egyptian Qidšu, Akkadian Kinsa. For bibliography and historical-geographic discussion see BDB (s.v.<br />

2.), and Rainey (2006, 62, 68–69, 78–80, 96–98). The strongest manuscript support קד ‏ׁש (s.v. HALOT ‏,(חד ‏ׁשי<br />

(Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) provides εις γηñν Θαβασων η« ε στιν Αδασαι, which Rainey interprets as a reference to<br />

Bashan via the -βασων element and its location along the route toward Dan (2006, 163–164).<br />

19 Rainey’s argument is based on the order of locations cited in the census, the key being his interpretation<br />

of the phrase ‏ָּדָנה ‏ַּיַען in the sense of “to Dan ‏(ָּדָנה)‏ at the foot of Mount Hermon, and on to Jaan ‏,(ַּיַען)‏ an obvious<br />

metathesis for Ijon (2006, ‏”(ִעֹּין)‏ 163). He therefore concludes that in order for the Lucianic reading to be correct it<br />

‏ָּדָנה·ַּיַען would necessarily have to come after Ijon in order of presentation. However, it is also possible to interpret<br />

as the territory of Dan, specifically Ijon, which would then provide a reasonable route from Gilead northward to<br />

Kadesh-on-the-Orontes and then southward to Ijon in the territory of Dan, around to Sidon, to Tyre and so forth.

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