Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba

Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba

Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba


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i4<br />

The rnal e w¡nhe¡. haE ti,p ira.ì ì y' and tnad it ionel I y r_rnden=t.no,l<br />

this sepsr.af-ion withaltt qr_rsl i{icatisn (f,heeseman, 1gE5) . F¡r thi=<br />

neåscln. thet'e åpFEar to be ieurer con{l icts bef-ween tradrtr¡nal<br />

maleE ¡nd the rnaseul ine organiretianal environrnent since<br />

traditronal rnales do not admit to having obligations outside <strong>of</strong><br />

the worl': envinonrnent. The tnaditional rnal e nol e -rnd the mascul ine<br />

Ðngani:ationai nol e åne so simiì ar that there iE I if_il e<br />

opportunity or neåson {on confl ict.<br />

I'lal e wonl,:ers report I ittle spil loven f nnrn thein f ;inil y to<br />

thein r.ronh icnor-rter, 1gË4) since they hå'¡e been social i:e,J tcr<br />

f oclr= attentÍon on worþ: conrer-ns (Fiapoport Ír Rapopont, lr-zo) . In<br />

onder to be Eltccessf t-tl , the rnascurl ine ongan iret ional ethos ,lerlands<br />

cornpantraental iration oi wur[': and family. Tn*rditionalìy, maìes,<br />

and the iemal e= who ernulated thern, have bor-teht into this systern<br />

¡nd given priority to thein wsrh noìes fiTonnison et aì.n 1gB7:<br />

Fr'\'or E¿ Fieer¿es, ltBi) . They eqlrated slrccess at- r.lor[,: with ¡ total<br />

rornmitment <strong>of</strong> the sel f to the ongåni:ation ilfandelbarr¡r, 1gg1i .<br />

I'lcFnoorn (198ô) stated that the separation o{ wonl: and iamil',, is ån<br />

accepted tnurth by mal es who have neven fEl t it neceEsany to<br />

chal I enqe this idiom.<br />

An adoption o{ the rnascul Íne ongåni:ationaì ethos, bel ie{ in<br />

the myth <strong>of</strong> sepsnate wonl ds, by rnai es on f erna.ì es, is co=il y<br />

(l{ornison et ål ., 1gB7) . It nequrines t_he ernpl oyee to give I or.,r<br />

priot-ity to f ami I y. spor-lses/pantnens, and ir-iends.<br />

þ.ane ¡nd<br />

F'anEonE (qr-roted in lr.eor.in ,c¿ liìeor.,n, 1gB5) iound that ôJ;{ oi the<br />

wL.1men execlttives sltnvpYed said that sutrcess within the ¡l-is,:lrl ine<br />

Ðrgåni¡atinn r.equined the sbendonment ol rnanniaEes, iarnil v _rnd

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