Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba

Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba

Sh¿ron F.L" Hunter - MSpace - University of Manitoba


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i8<br />

eliPress sådnesg r ången ånd {r'ustrat ion in rnaEclrl ine wê.ys Eurch àE<br />

thnough dispia,v.'= o{ -rggnession or complet-e nepression oi the<br />

ern¡l-íon itsel i. l'len e;rperience the sårne ernotions å3 worïen<br />

(colwii I t 19Él; trJil I iams, 1gE¿-) and yet f or mÊn, teans åre not<br />

considered as eppnopniate a t.esponse ås is ângel^ (licFnoorn, 1g86;<br />

Fhiìi ips. 1çË5) " Ernotional expnes=iveness in rnen is not tol enated<br />

by f-he dicta <strong>of</strong> the tnadítional mal e gende¡- nt¡l= in oLrF soriety<br />

(ú'Neiì , i98{J) unl ess it con+orrns to rnal e standarde.<br />

lfaìeE typicalìy view engeF, r.rhich symbol í:es dorrinåncer ås a<br />

mÊre Er-ritable eripnessinn o{ their emotions. trying by mal es in<br />

oLr súr:iety sÍgni{ies a f erninine nespon=e and there{one is f eì t to<br />

denote r.¡ea[':ness, ernotiona] ity, passivity, irnrnstnnity and a lec¡ oi<br />

powen (.Jor-rnard, 19,531 Mernit, lgBE; ü,Neil, 1gE(J). Ihr_ts, tnr<br />

rnales, crying represents a thneat to thein rnascnl inity (Jounsnd,<br />

i9å3).<br />

The candoned expressions oi {nr:stnat ion in the m¡scr-rl ine<br />

Drgåni¡-rtion, Ëuch ås ångpn and aggre=siun, åre Ínore {amÍliar to<br />

males since they have been socialired to react to inustnation Ín<br />

this rnanner. Females åre sorial i:ed t': desl with +nr_rstnation in<br />

wavs which are not al I owed r.lithin the organi:ation. For {ernales.<br />

tears ,lr-E one al ternate e:.rpres=ion o{ f ru=t-ration lhat is n¡t<br />

ålllå'/s a.r,ailable to rnales (sr-tpìer, 1gg4), The emotions oi<br />

pr'oiessionaì þ,Ðr'nEn, and rren, ¡re subjr_ts¡.ted to the organi:ation,E<br />

appnoval . McEnoom i 1986) stated that r.Jorïen år.e theneione urnabl e<br />

to +tt I ly e:rpress thein errotions which can ìead to disillLtsionrnent<br />

with the nnganr¡ation and their sr-rb=equent withdne¡lal .

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