university college - Fairleigh Dickinson University

university college - Fairleigh Dickinson University

university college - Fairleigh Dickinson University


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Curti, L. M., & Armeli, S. (October 2011). Perceived organizational control over work stressors<br />

and its effect on perceived organizational support and negative affect Poster presented at<br />

the annual meeting of the Northeastern Psychological Association, Fairfield, CT.<br />

Prokhovnik, A., Nadel, A., & Feinberg, S. (March 2012). College students’ attitudes toward<br />

dating violence. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,<br />

Pittsburgh, PA.<br />

Iskander, E, Braden-Maguire, J. Feinberg, S., & Feinberg, J. (March 2012). Attitudes towards<br />

physical and verbal bullying in middle school. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern<br />

Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA.<br />

Freer, B. D., Lorch, E. P., Lorch, R., & Calderhead, W. (September 2011). Deconstructing the<br />

instruction of the control of variables strategy: Key components of science instruction.<br />

Presented at Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.<br />

Nguyen, C. T., Green, D., Barr, W. B. (April 2012). Neuropsychological impairment in disability<br />

claimants as a function of affective symptom severity and effort. Paper presented at the<br />

Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health. Miami, Florida.<br />

Reddy, H. B., Green, D., Belfi, B., & Jankowitz, R. (March 2012). Predictive Utility of the MMPI-2-<br />

RF Validity Scales in a Pretrial Criminal Forensic Sample. Paper presented at the Annual<br />

Conference of the American Psychology – Law Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br />

Lam, J., Belfi, B., Green, D., Klaver, J., Reddy, H. B., Roth, C. J., & Kamens, S. (March 2012).<br />

Cross-cultural applicability of the TOMM: Comparison of US and non-US born English-speaking<br />

forensic inpatients. Paper presented the Annual Conference of the American Psychology –<br />

Law Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br />

Belfi, B., Klaver, J., Tussey, C. M., Green, D. (March 2012). Validation of the Test of Competency<br />

Evaluation Effort (TO-CEE) within a sample of pretrial defendants. Paper tpresented the Annual<br />

Conference of the American Psychology – Law Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br />

Rohlehr, L., Rosenfeld, B., Green, D., & Belfi, B. (August 2011). Malingered Incompetence to<br />

Stand Trial: Do Psychiatrists Rely on Certain Symptom Patterns When Assessing Potential<br />

Malingering? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological<br />

Association. Washington, DC.<br />

Green, D. Nguyen, C. T., & Barr, W. B. (June 2011). Impact of Premorbid Intelligence on<br />

Measures of Cognitive Effort. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American<br />

Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. Washington, DC.<br />

Nguyen, C. T., Green, D., & Barr, W. B. (June 2011). Evaluation of the Validity Scales of the<br />

MMPI-2-RF in a Civil Forensic Setting. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the<br />

American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. Washington, DC.<br />

Markowitz, S., Chu, C., & Kaufman, J. (October 2011). Becoming a person: Identity<br />

development in emerging adulthood. Presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging<br />

Adulthood, Providence, RI.<br />


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