CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History


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CIIESTEI{,<br />

PE~r\SYLV"~J".<br />

TRA~:-;l'nRTATIO~.<br />

Chester has unusually good facilities for the shipment of<br />

merchandise. Three competing railroads and the river lines<br />

a(fi:lrd ample accommodation for the rapid and safe conveyance<br />

of the products of our factories. Large steamships carry the<br />

raw material and the finished productions of our dyewood,<br />

steel, and oil works directly to and from our city to foreign<br />

countries. Two express companies, and numerous messengers<br />

who daily transact business in Philadelphia for Chester merchants,<br />

also facilitate commercial intercourse.<br />


The proximity and case of comlllunication with the commercial<br />

centers of the countn' .. should not be overlooked. New<br />

York can be reached in three hours, Boston in nine, Baltimore<br />

in two and a-half, \Vashington in threc, and Philadelphia, fourteen<br />

miles distant, in se\'cnteen minutes. The passenger<br />

service of the Philadelphia. \Vilmington & Baltimore Railroad<br />

and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad is not excelled between Chester<br />

and the points named by any other roads in the country. They<br />

have the finest road-bed, the most superb rolling stock, and the<br />

fastest trains of any road.<br />

Chestcr prcsents advantages that should be well considered<br />

by every intending investor in manufacturing enterprises.<br />

There is plenty of ground suitable for manufilcturing sites, and<br />

the facilities for receh'ing and dispatching goods aloe first-clclss.<br />

I .q~itimate enterprises will always find a wal'ln welcome from<br />

our people, ,and ample capital is constantly ready for investment.<br />

The stock of our main industries is largely held by our<br />

own citizens, :\IId we doubt not the)' will always be ready to<br />

forward the interests of Chester by subscribing liberally toward<br />

the establishment of any enterprise that promises a fail' return,<br />

and gives employment to our mechanics.<br />

Nor could any business man or corporation, seeking a place<br />

to start an industryt find one with greater attractions. \\lith<br />

labor and material so reasonable in cost, with unexcelled facili-

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