CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History


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CHESTlm, PENNS\'I.VANIA. 55<br />


Fire "<br />

'Vater "<br />

Health II<br />

Public Property Department,<br />

Sinking Fund,<br />

Intcrest Dcpartment, ­<br />

Stationery and Printing, ­<br />

Contingcnt Fund,<br />

6,359 39<br />

1,595 00<br />

81 4 93<br />

2,185 14<br />

I 50<br />

23,996 00<br />

1,481 11<br />

7,081 92<br />

Total,<br />

I-lave in Sinking Fund,<br />

North Chester Bond,<br />

Cash,<br />

$10,000 00<br />

7,832 00<br />

$166,956 62<br />

Total,<br />

STlUmT<br />


The large alllount appropl'iatcd for paving has been wcll<br />

cxpended, and the cit}' can no\\' bc travcled from thc nOl,thern<br />

to its soutbcrn boundar}' on strects pavcd with substantial<br />

asphaltul11 or Belgian blocks. Thc pavcments havc also becn<br />

greatly impro\'cd, but as this cxpensc is borne b}' the individual<br />

no referencc is made to it abovc,<br />

Apparcntl)' the city has spcnt morc than its incomc, but<br />

whcn it is statcd that the burden of paring for thc paving of<br />

strects is borne by thc houscholders rcsiding thcreon it is<br />

at oncc scen that the grcatcr part of thc $85,000 so cxpcndcd<br />

will cvcntually be returned to thc cit), trcasul-y.<br />

STIWlrt'S.<br />

.<br />

Thc strccts and avcnues of Chester cxtcnd a distance east<br />

and west, including the adjaccnt borough of South Chcstcr,<br />

from Front to Ninth Stre~t, ncad)' threc miles, and for thc most<br />

part are opcned their entire lellRth. On the cast side of the<br />

Chestcr C.'cek the stJ'ccts m'c opcncd to Twcnt}'-fourth Stl'cet.<br />

Up to Fcbt'lJary last there werc 6,28 miles of paved strects<br />

(macadamizcd roadways not included), but dul'ing thc past year,

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