CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History


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TilE POLICE nm'AIfJ'MENl t •<br />

The Policc Dcpartment consists of a Chief and fourtecn<br />

officers-scven day and sc\'en night officers. That this small<br />

forcc is amplc for thc protcction (,f the pcacc and propcrty of<br />

our pcoplc spcaks morc e10qucntly than words that wc arc a<br />

lu\\'-abiding community.<br />


Thc city is conncctcd by telephonc with Philadelphia and<br />

\Vilmington, and all other places within a radius of twcnty<br />

milcs. In Chester thcrc arc 165 subscribcrs, avcmging 1000<br />

calls pCI' day and rcquiring 125 miles of wire, Thc scrvice is<br />

uniformly good. The means for telegraphic communication<br />

arc excellent, as it must needs be to accommodate so large an<br />

industrial community.<br />


Gas was introduccd into Chestcr in 1856, and the company<br />

opcrating thc works havc tanks capablc of storing 160,000<br />

cubic fcct.<br />

The Chcstcr Elcctric Light and Powcr Compan)' was organizcd<br />

in J885, and its pl'cscnt (;apital stock is '$70,000. Thcy<br />

havc an cxcecdingly finc plant, consisting of six boilers, four<br />

cngincs of 600 horse-powcr, and dynamos with Cl capacity of<br />

55,800 candlc pOWCI" Two hundl'cd and scvcnt}'-six cit}'<br />

lights, of 32 candle powcr, to burn all night, arc furnishcd, and<br />

260 business houscs, dwcllings and mClnufilctol'ics a1'C supplicd<br />

with 2,640 lights, and 22 motors arc in daily opcration,<br />

cHEs'nm's NEWSI'Al'lms.<br />

Thcrc are six ncwspapcrs--two daily a1id fOUl' wcckly-pub­<br />

IishcCl in thc City of Chcstcr, in ol'Clcr of scniol'it)' as follows:<br />

Thc <strong>Delaware</strong> <strong>County</strong> Nt/moltl-tlll, startcd in 1833 by Y. S,<br />

\Valtcr, now published by \VaI'd R. Bliss; Thc DclawaI'c<br />

<strong>County</strong> lJt'l1It}Crat, startcd in 1S35 by Caleb Picrcc, now owncd<br />

by HCIll'}' F. Frysingcr; Thc DelawaI'c <strong>County</strong> Ad1localt',<br />

startcd in 1866 by ) 01111 ~pencer, and still publishcd b}' him;<br />

The Chcstcr 1£1Jt'In'lIg ,Vi:ws, startcd in 1872 by F, Stanhope<br />

Hill, now published by 'V. H, Bowcn; Thc Chestcl' lJaili

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