CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History


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CnESTER,<br />


under the powers granted by a recent Act of Assembl)', there<br />

has been a popular demand for mOl'e and bctter thol'Oughfarcs,<br />

and the mileage of paved strects has nearly doubled thc figurcs<br />

abovc quoted, The strcets paved during the past year have<br />

bcen eithcr asphaltum or Belgian blocks, according to the<br />

exprcssed wishes of a majority of the pl'Operty owners on the<br />

respective thoroughfares. No city of its sizc, cast or west, has<br />

more or bctter paved streets than the City of Chester.<br />

SI':\\'lmAGE,<br />

The plan of our sewcr system was pcrfected some twenty<br />

ycars ago, and with but few cxccptions has been adhered to,<br />

but so great has bccn the growtI,1 of the city, notably in the<br />

Second \Vard, that it is HOW dcemed cxpedient, at'an eal'l)' date,<br />

to build a main sewcl' for that section of thc cit)'. Thc pavcd<br />

strcets of the cit)' arc all sewercd, and according to a report of<br />

the City Surveyor, dated February 6, .888, we have nearl)' ten<br />

miles of scwers in the city,<br />

II EA I.TII,<br />

There are, unfortunately, no health statistics available by<br />

means of which thc death ratc of thc city might bc obtained,<br />

Leading physicians state that the cit)' is very frcc f!'Om any<br />

form of local disease. The land l'ises from the l'ivcr in a gradual<br />

ascent, affording excellent drainage, Chestcr and Ridley<br />

creeks also form natural channels for carrying off the city's<br />

waste, and Olll' sewers, well·built and llumel'OUS, and )'eal'ly<br />

increasing, are an important factor in pl'esel'ving the health of<br />

our city, 1\ Board of Health looks after all matters pertaining<br />

to the ph)'sical well-being of the pcople.<br />

'I'll E 1~lIm J)J~I'AR'J'MHNT,<br />

In I'oopect to the equipment and efficiency of the Fire Department,<br />

Chester will compare favorably with any city of its<br />

size in the State, It is composed of four v.~lunteer companies.<br />

The apparatus consists of three steam fire engines of standard<br />

make, five hose cill'riages and one hook and laddel' truck, The<br />

city makes an annual appl'Opriation of $2,000 each to three of<br />

the companies, and the bOl'Ough of South Chester S.,200 to thc<br />

one located within its limits,

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