CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History

CHESTER, - Delaware County PA History


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The bank was fairly prosperous until J834, when a numbcr of<br />

the bank's redecmed notes got into circulation, and the)' had<br />

to pay them again. This causcd a suspcnsion of dividcnds from<br />

1834 to 1837. The bank recupcrated, howc\'cr, and soon ranked<br />

sccond to no other institution of likc charactcr in thc Statc.<br />

In 1864 the old Delawarc Count)r Bank ceascd as a Statc<br />

institution, and was chartercd as a National Bank. In 1882<br />

thc old bank on :Market Square was razcd to the ground, and<br />

on its cite thc prcscnt magnificent building erccted at a cost of<br />

$50,000. The capital stock of the bank is $300,000, and the<br />

surplus $2 J 5,O. The par valuc of thc stock is $100 pCI'<br />

sharc, and the selling pricc of what little stock has recently<br />

been sold is $246 a sharc.<br />

The present officcrs of the bank arc: Presidcnt, J. H. Roop;<br />

Cashicr, It T. Hall. Directors: David Traincr, John P. Crozcr,<br />

Thomas Applcby, J. O. Deshong', Jr., D. R. Esrey, J. P. Eyrc,<br />

Thomas Scattergood, John M. Broomall, Jr., J. H. Roop.<br />


Thc First National Bank, as its namc indicatcs, was thc<br />

earliest National bank formcd in the city. It was chartcred on<br />

thc J 2th of March, 1864, thc below-namcd gcntlemcn having<br />

signcd articles of association for thc bank: Samuel M. Felton,<br />

Thomas Rcancy, Samuel Archbold, Bcnjamin Gartside, Amos<br />

Gartsidc, Abram R. Pcrkins, L. T. Rutter, Samuel Ecclcs, Jr.,<br />

Jamcs Gartside, and \\Tm. \Vard. Thc bank organized by the<br />

election of Abram R. Pcrkins, prcsidcnt. 50on after its organization<br />

busincss was commcnced in thc building on thc southwcst<br />

corner of Sccond and Pcnn Strects, but the location being<br />

remotc from the business centre of the city, thc present building,<br />

adjoining thc City Hall, was purchased, and has bcen used<br />

to the present time (December, 1888). In August, 1888, the<br />

bank purchased the ground on the southwest corner of Fifth<br />

and Market Strcets, the location being considered one of the<br />

bcst in the city, and at an early day will ercct a handsome and<br />

commodious banking house, suitable to the rapidly increasing<br />

demands of the bank. This institution has becn managed by<br />

intelligent financiers, the venerable ex·Mayor, John Larkin, Jr.,

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