.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine


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'I'he Life of 0 1{ T G E 'N. 359<br />

were taken clown from his mou'rh, and ~f(e;wards publifh,?d.<br />

He wa~ for fame time in great ,grief and diHrefs of rmncl, and<br />

wrote a mo£l: penitential tupplicatiun and prayer, wh ch is<br />

called,. Tbe lamentation.•<br />

Under the per[el:urion of Delius, Origen fuffered with great<br />

c0nfrancy for the faith of the gofpel of CH,RIST. He' was<br />

feized, put into prifon, loaded with irons, and had t-:is ft-et<br />

in the !tacks for {everal oays, where they were cr,uelly extended<br />

beyond their natural. dil101enflOlls. He was threatne!<br />

to be burned alive, racked with \ arious torrures, btJ [ he<br />

wellt,tffi-ough all withrefolution and nTmncf~. Belllg rei,:f cl<br />

from prifon. he held feveral co"ferences, and behaved in<br />

every r~rpea like a tonfeffor of JEsUS CRiH.ST ~ And, laflly,<br />

after havincr<br />

~<br />

laboured {a mll

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