.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine


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M l S C_E ;L L. A NE 0 U S. 375<br />

contraries. In the fir,il: work of creation, he made all, things<br />

of nothino-; h.e commanded light to fhine out of darkners;<br />

b, .. "<br />

he formed the body of map, h1s moil: excellent earthJr<br />

creature,' 'of the Dafeil: matter; duil:/;;,nd- clay; of the vileil:<br />

creature he made the moil: honourable" and all to fhew the<br />

glory of his power., ' \ . ,<br />

In the wurk of redemption 'in ·like Illanner;" our Saviour<br />

JESUS, by fufl:aining 1hame, hath acqui/ed to 'u's ,glory; by<br />

'induring the crors, hath obtained the crown; by fJffering<br />

death, hath deil:royed death, and him who had the power<br />

'thereof;' and after the fame manner; of working, he is yet<br />

daily m.arvelous in his faints: by death'he brings them unto<br />

life; he kills and makes alive: through doubtings he leads<br />

them to affurance; by temporal defpair he brino-s them to<br />

.b<br />

abound.in hope; he frights them with his terrors to make<br />

them the more capable of his Gonfolations. , It is il:range and<br />

marvtlous in our eyes! May we not learn it daily by ex-<br />

,perien~e, that GOD delivereth US from fatan, by letting ratby<br />

gathering all Ollr fins againil: us, and laying them to. th;<br />

charge of our confciences; and by a prefent feeling of his<br />

wrath, he maketh us flee that terrible wrath, which is to<br />

come.<br />

I<br />

Be not therefore difcouraged, ye wh~ find this.working<br />

of the LORD; faint not, though the LORD after this manner<br />

do exercife you, that when ye cry for mercj\" yet to your<br />

feeling, ye apprehend 'noth~ng but anger; reverence \ the<br />

workiHg of-GoD: 'fuppofe for the pre{ent ye underil:and it<br />

nof; let the LORD walk _ori his own way, and wait tho,u<br />

with patience for ~omfort in the end: " <strong>The</strong> LORD will fend<br />

" a gracious rain upon his inheritance to refrelh it, when it<br />

,', is weary: though he kill ~s, he fhall make lIS' live again."<br />

When he hath humbled us to the grave, yet he .will raire 'us<br />

again: "After two days he will revive us, and in the third'<br />

" he (hall raire us up, and we fhall live in his fight." It is~<br />

po rotten foundation we lean to; ': the foundation of th~.<br />

,-,Lo~JI)<br />


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