.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine


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M l'S eEL ,L A: N E 0 U 'S.-<br />

_3~79,<br />

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<strong>The</strong> LORD therefore in-ereafe in us' this deljght and difl'0fition<br />

!o pray~ that we may efieem it a",benefit anil<br />

advantage to us to have the leafi: occafion to pray; for it was<br />

ne.wr yet feen hut that a heart to pray, hath ever been ~an.<br />

;u.~bted forcrunner of a {pecial bleffing of GOD.. to enfu~;<br />

ifwe open our· Illouth wide the 'LORD wilJ fill it. 'Seeklhg<br />

'mufi: go before find1ng, and we mufi: knock before it ~<br />

()pened; if w~ have the firH we may !>e fure of, the fecond.<br />

Our Saviour hath atTuredus, :that .our, ~eave!1ly Father will<br />

gi~e his HOl.y·SPIRIT ,to ~hem- who def!re him. When<br />

Abr"lham prayed- to the LoRD,- &e ,LoRD anfwered him in<br />

{uch f6et, ~hat ~eFY petition he fent forth, returned back<br />

~ith fame new ~.ain: at fix petitions he brough~ the LORD<br />

from fifty to ten~ that the L,ORD 'Pl'Qmifed to-fpare ~ all Sodom<br />

for ten righteous.: And that which is molt comfortable, the<br />

LORD left not 'off anf~eo:;ing.., till firfi: Abraham ceafed from<br />

praying. As that oil, miraculoully multiplied by Elijha,<br />

c9fitinu~d 10 long as the poor widow had an empty vdfel<br />

wh~ein'to receive it i fo may we be fure that t~e. grace of<br />

()ur GoD lhall without ~eaftDg be multiplied upon us, fo long<br />

as our hearts are enlarged to eall upon ·him. -" Bleffed are<br />

" they who hunger amfthirft after rigbteoufnefs, for thcry fhall "<br />

~, be latis4ied.H ," ' ' . /<br />

CHAP. V. <strong>The</strong> ft~ond'cjr;umJl"tut;. the perfrnu~ httw;en who';' the.'<br />

. wreJlling is: /. '<br />

T<br />

HE fecond thing_that h~re comes to be confidered, i~<br />

the perfons between whom the 'Y'rrfiling; is., He that<br />

wrefiles here with ]l1cob, is not ~ mim, albeit MOfts -fo calleth<br />

him becaufe fo, he appears: neither i~_ he ~cr{'ated'angel,<br />

-albe.it/Jofea calls him an angel of GOD. But he who wrefi:le3<br />

·is the Son/C?f GOD, the_ great Angel of· the ~oyenant: This<br />

Man is,truly'Gon, not by denomination only, but by nature.;<br />

~e it is, who i~ this com~at is the wre~J.erwith]tUQb. !<br />

B b, b.2'<br />

Wnere<br />

. ,<br />

'-<br />


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