.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine


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CASUISTICAL DIVIN:rrY,~&c.- 869<br />

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~mandment given for. a trial of his obedience, to forbear eating<br />

of the tree of kno~ledge of good and ivil; called fo, hecaufe<br />

Adam by eating- thereof came to know experimentally the<br />

good of obedience, and the evil of difobedience; what good<br />

,he had fallen from, and had 10ft, namely, the iiTlage and<br />

.favour of GOD; and wh-at, evil he was fallen into, namely,<br />

,the evil of fin and mifery. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> bleffing or'reward prop1ifr.d to Adam u.pon obedien~e,<br />

Was life temporal, fpiritual,and. eternal: and it is concluded,<br />

from theI}ce, that he would 'not' only have e9joyed a long~'<br />

pleafa~t and happy life here, with GOD'S [pectal favour and<br />

prefence, but, after a certain period of time, he would have<br />

b~en tranfiated to an eternal and celeftial life with GOD<br />

above. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> threatning and penalty of this covenant, in qtfe of<br />

difobedience, was'.death, tempo~l, fpiritual and et~rnal, 'to<br />

Adam and all his pofierity.<br />

2. Man having broken-the covenant of works, and thereby'<br />

being incapabJe of life by that covenant, and having funk<br />

himfelf into the depth of fin and mifery, GOD in his free<br />

mercy was pleafed to make a new covenant for Caving perifhing<br />

finn_ers, called the tovenant ofgrace, which is revealed to<br />

us in the' gofpel, ~here we have good news and glad t)dings<br />

of falvation to fallen {inners through JESUS CHRIST the<br />

Metliator of the new covenant. '.•<br />

<strong>The</strong> foundation _of all this grace, was a gracious compatl:<br />

or agreement betwixt the Father and the Son from all eter-<br />

I .<br />

nity, upon. the forcfight of man's fall; whereby the Father_<br />

gives to the Son .a certain number . of Adam's fallen<br />

pofterity, the cletl:, to redeem from fin and hell; and<br />

. prom-ifes to him, upon his fatisfying divine jullice {or them,'<br />

by paying a fufficient ranfom .in their room, that he would<br />

accept it, -and.reward him witll.. gre~t honour, and al(o give<br />

grace and g~ory tq his pepple;~ And the Son readily unUertakes<br />

to be the Eletl:'s Mtdiatorand Surety, to take upon him<br />

'plan's natu're; that he may do ;md fqffer ~1l that jufiice oe,"<br />

VOL. Ill. A a ;l - roandei

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