.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine

.0 O·sp=-E L-MAGAZINE - The Gospel Magazine


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'I<br />

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M I' S .eEL L A N E '0 U, S. 3~ ~ ,<br />

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m·lght abide him, In this, 0 LoItD, thou haft fhewed thy'­<br />

goodnefs to man: in ,this our fathers Ahraham, '/(a(Jc, .and<br />

Jacob, had a proof of thy loving kindnefs; and in'this all,<br />

thy children may fee what great account thou make!b of them,<br />

who love and fear thy holy na'!l~'<br />

But what is all this, if it be comparedwith.that which<br />

after followed? I do mean, with that great love w.lic!-t now'<br />

in this Lfr age of the world, according to the truth of his<br />

promifes, he hath fhewed unto his church, in that he oath<br />

kept the. precife,,_ promifed and: appointed period -of tim,e,<br />

wherein he hath appeared to his church, not in,fhape of mallpniy,;<br />

as' he did to our fathers, b,ut in the very nature of.man<br />

A mah indeed, albeit not made man, aft,er the m~nner of·<br />

'other men; for he is the frone cut out of the.mouQ.tain w.ith-·<br />

~ut hands; he was not made man by the qperatjon. of man:<br />

'Ha is a flower ot the field, o'ot of the garden; h~ grew up<br />

~ik? a brapc.n.of tbe root of 71fe., but not by the ordinary<br />

labour 'Of:a gardiner; he ,is the fecond' 4dam, very man, but<br />

not begottel1 by man; ~'h.e being- the GOD. of ,gIQFy, made<br />

f' himfelf of no reputa~io~, he took. upon him th~ iqape, oJ a'<br />

.~, [ervant, and was m':lde J,ke ~ntQ ,IJlen:" and all ·this he<br />

did, that in our naturl': he might w~rk the work of our<br />

redemptiol}: He came down from the"bq[om of his Fat~'er,<br />

as die great Angel of his ~ot1nfel, ,to r~veal to us hrs Father's'<br />

will. concerning o~r fa.lvatio/1. It is not c;.u!J:oglary· that<br />

ponourable perfonages. fi}ou)d cOJ11e,~o the·po.orer, but his<br />

compaffion.o(.6ur n~ce~ti~s~oflftraincd him:' for ":c lying<br />

ftck ot the palf.y in,our couch, we.re not. able' tP... r~ach' u,nto<br />

that divi~c'and high Majefry ;' th~ref~r~;he ~uipbje?: llimfelf,<br />

to come unto' u~, becaufe ~~ were not ~1Jle to go. unto'<br />

him. . 'f - i . . " :<br />

.' And herein bath he uttered t~~~rd mar:J. his wonderful<br />

. 'iove. .Man bt:i~g' ~an OI1Jy, afpired ..~o be like' unto G~D,<br />

. and Co loft h;mfelf; [6 thaJ n~w -he is be~pm~' worfe th~n a­<br />

companion to beafr's: But J~sus being very GOD, was con­<br />

-tent to be,ome' man, that he might (a.ye' man, '. who wa,<br />

l,dt.<br />

'<br />

..,'<br />


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