GOSPET, - The Gospel Magazine

GOSPET, - The Gospel Magazine

GOSPET, - The Gospel Magazine


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a'r(l ver_v c{)r,si:tel:tlv th,.y exert tlreir utrnost to kcerr ilre Dil,lg gsa,,, tlre neoule. 'nui<br />

*hich if searched uith huurilitv, irr the fear of Go,l,'rvill rleliver the Jteufl.<br />

of their ha.ds, arrrl expose their airful heresi'es anrl blaspherny, anil gross<br />

idoi,rtr r'.<br />

U.dcl tire .\ar,rn'c pri'srh,r,d, tlr,'1111s Go,i rr.as Dreachetl in the ceremonial<br />

larv. as ltis r'otiltrtailtltirerrts serc {iven irr tlre rn,,r.trl ln,r,. Idolatrl waS e.\pres!;y<br />

a_ud rrrilutelv forlrirkleo-tlre con{es.ion to<br />

'flre lrriests, and priesrly ahsulutiu', u?<br />

s'rn ri'as not knog'n. Iliglr-priesr offered up hloorl o{]'erings iorhis orvrr sius<br />

ald for tlre sirrs ut tlre pcopir, h-e coufessed ove'r.the heud ofiire scape.goat the<br />

sins of ail Islael, rlhirjh rhe goat carried a,vav iirto au unl-lrrorvn lan,l.'irerebv<br />

t1'pf iy.i^ng Jesus rn1.-. Fligh-Priest nraking inrerression for rne; ako otiliri,'g up<br />

himself as a lvhole burnt-offerirrq, beaiirre arr'av all rny sius and r.asting lheur<br />

into the buttorrrless.a of Goti'. ererlasting l,rve arrrl rrrercj, so tlr,tt hc saith,<br />

I rill remenber lhetn no ntore.<br />

rvilat.is<br />

- .lJLrt<br />

nrirn, tliat he should tre a priest and mcdiator'! a priest must be<br />

faittrfui, ar;d one in rvhonr I rnay surcly iru.t; a priesr unrler the <strong>Gospel</strong> urrrst<br />

be liiur:elf withorrt sin, I'or lrorv can he'rlerliaie betrveerr a sinner and his God if<br />

he be hi.rself rr sinner arrd unholy ! A pliesr [rust he one wlro r:an have a feelinq<br />

for our infirrriiies, and sympathize rvith our alflicti'ns, n.t.nly such as rnav<br />

be nade kncrln bv the rrrruth,5ut suclr as are fi:lt in rlre ireart-apriest rnu-*t be<br />

acrluainted wirh our heart-sini also, and seeret faults. rhat no hriman eve can<br />

searclr-u'hat then is man that he should stand betrveen me and mv God t" Shall<br />

wc f!'rsake the lonutain rf living rvaters, and herv out such lrroken cisterrrs, lvhich<br />

can hold no water I Slrall I trust. in rrran, rvherr it is tvritten, ,. cursed is man<br />

that trustetb in man, and rvho nraketh flesh his arm, he olrall be like tlre beath<br />

irr the desert, he shall not see rlhen any qood cometb," .ler. xvii. .,But hlessed<br />

is the rnan that trusteth in the Lold, he shall he like a tree plarrted bv rhe<br />

watefs that spreadeth out her roots hy the tiver,,'&c. ..'fhe<br />

lreart is deceir-<br />

Iul above all things and desperately wicked,,, Jer. xvii., and the deceitfulnese<br />

.rf tlre lroart, is.1rerfrap., in rrothirrqinor.e glaiing, than ir is in religi,m-from ili.t<br />

lras ari"en irr all.ages of the rvorld, the crrr"ed s)stem, of priitst-braft. Priesrs<br />

are to be met rvith iu every country, Lry u,lrnse iristrumentality, Satan subjugates<br />

wbole nat ons; not onli the haiba;ous anrl the un, ivilizcil-hut the "mosr<br />

t'nligl;tened, as it respects hu'nan rvisdorn and the rnost civilized. What nation<br />

in Europe. is -not<br />

governed bv priest-crali? lrorv lrolds Napoleon his<br />

srvay iu France? rshat supi)orts thcdispotism of the corrIinental sovereignsl<br />

In one serrse indeed..rrrav priest-cralt.ay, [,v rle kirrgs rule and princes cleiree,<br />

n.ot jnstice. .<br />

Brrt blesserl be God, Jesus r*igns ove.-r ali, arrd in his appoirrtei<br />

tinr, he rviil trarrrple every anti-chrisI un(ler foot, and break ]ris en'ernies to<br />

pieees as a pottei's veisel.<br />

Brrt the evils ofthe confessional, anrl the priesthood connected rvith it, rvill<br />

appear mr're evideut, rvhen rye consider the state of everv natur.al rnan. arrd the<br />

nec_essity of legeneration, as staterl hy rlre L,rrrl Jesus Uhiirr, in the 3rd chaptcr<br />

o,t Jolru-" Eicepl.a rnan be born agairl, he cannot -see th; kingdorn ot Gorl.<br />

We are atare tlrat the Rornan C:tholic Church teaches. tbat this"nerv birtlr or<br />

re:1e neratiorr is eHer terl by.satcr.-baptisrn. 'flrc ahsurtlirv ol such te:rclring is<br />

sutficientlv proved bythe litc and corlversati,,n uf those rrlrir h;rve beerr banti.ed,<br />

rvhich difiers not in rhe least irorn orhers, rvlr,r proless no reliqiorr at all.' We<br />

rnal' then rvilhnut hleach of cl.rarity con,.lurle, thit tlre office ol the priesttrood is<br />

conferred up.c! lnen:.rvho.krrorv of no other change of elr*racter or positiol,<br />

than that rvhich is efl'ected hv rrarer-lraptism, conseouenrlv these men'are stili<br />

in tireil rratural or crrnal state. \1'haf tLat'stute is. rnav l,e learnI frorn tlre<br />

rvortl ,f {iod, even in the lerter, though no ,na,r ,u[rc, Iias not lriruse]f goue<br />

thlough .tltc<br />

chalfe rllri'.I our Lorrl speaks oll 1an duly errter intl r[e Jate-<br />

Inelli rvh;clr tlre Holv Glrost gives in rhe S,:ripiure, of the rlepravity of human<br />

nutrrre; rlre firsr accbunt is, ;; All flr'sh huth ctrrupted itself,," (ien.'vi..,Every<br />

imagination or the thousbts of the heart is only evii continuaily,', Gen. vi... Thi<br />

lreart is deceitful above-'all ttrings, and rlespeiately rricked, tulio crn knour it,"<br />

J.r. xvii. "'flie iuol hath sairl in his heartj no G,id, thevaie (orrupt,tlrev have<br />

rlone abominairlc rvorks, tliere is noue that doeth gootl. 'TLe Lorrl 'looketi fronr

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