1963 - Huntington University

1963 - Huntington University

1963 - Huntington University


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<strong>1963</strong> Mnemosyne<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana

Progress evidences itself in many<br />

ways. <strong>Huntington</strong> College has shown its<br />

progress by its recent accreditation by<br />

the North Central Accrediting Association,<br />

by its constantly expanding curriculum<br />

and by its increase in grounds<br />

and buildings.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> College can, and should,<br />

be proud of its ability to produce teachers,<br />

pastors, and other leaders with a<br />

good Christian education.<br />

May <strong>Huntington</strong> College always continue<br />

to progress with Christ as her<br />

leader.<br />

Shown above is one of the three new Freedom Street Apartments, used at<br />

present for single men’s housing.<br />

The new Hall of Science, due to be completed by June, <strong>1963</strong>, is<br />

shown in various stages of its progress. At left is the building<br />

as it appeared in mid-October. Below left shows the building in<br />

late November, and the picture below at right was taken in March,<br />


Administration<br />

and Faculty 12<br />

Clubs 31<br />

Activities 49<br />

Sports 61<br />

Seniors 73<br />

Table of<br />

Contents<br />

Underclassmen<br />

and Seminary 81<br />

Student Directory 106<br />

Advertising 112<br />


“Classes and study should take most of your time,” we were<br />

told when we arrived on campus. And, whether we like it or not,<br />

we soon found it to be true. Sometimes we had to study<br />

intensively ( ?)...<br />

. . . but at other times we simply<br />

relaxed.<br />

Studios . . .<br />

. . . and laboratories soon<br />

became of great importance<br />

to those of us who were future<br />

artists, musicians and<br />

scientists.<br />


When we desired a stimulating evening, we attended one of<br />

the departmental club meetings, a library sponsored Coffee Hour, . . .<br />

... or a formal banquet<br />

(with the usual impatient<br />

waiting of the<br />

fellows for their dates).<br />

Striving to increase our dedication<br />

to Christ were the challenging<br />

programs . . .<br />

. . . and the Church and Sunday<br />

School services held at the church<br />

of our choice.

Receiving mail from home early<br />

became a part of our college life, . . .<br />

. . . and soon cheering the<br />

Foresters on to another victory . . .<br />

. . . and stopping by the Student<br />

Lounge for a “bite to eat" were almost<br />

as important.<br />


Intramural basketball furnished<br />

exercise and relaxation on Saturday<br />

mornings, . . .<br />

. . . while in the evenings we redecorated<br />

the lounge, . . .<br />

. . . “drove" our new type automobiles<br />

through the halls, . . .<br />

... or settled back to enjoy an<br />

evening of television.<br />


8<br />

Campus life is as varied as the students who<br />

make up <strong>Huntington</strong> College, each phase helping<br />

to mold and influence our lives with the hope<br />

of making us the more able leaders of tomorrow.

Dedication<br />

Professor and head of the Biology department, Professor Douglas F. Le-<br />

Master is an example of the progressive attitude manifested by members of the<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> College faculty. Never content to permit his students to receive or<br />

be satisfied with second best, Professor LeMaster is highly respected for his forceful,<br />

practical approach to learning.<br />

In improving <strong>Huntington</strong> College and bringing it into the community spotlight,<br />

he has done his share. One of his outstanding achievements was his participation<br />

in the Klutone Project during the months of November and December.<br />

At this time he took charge of testing the effects of Klutone, an agent used to<br />

combat Dutch Elm Disease, on hamsters and parakeets.<br />

Hence, in view of his many contributions, we, the Mnemosyne staff, dedicate<br />

the <strong>1963</strong> Mnemosyne to Douglas F. LeMaster, a man worthy of emulation.<br />


Mr. LeMaster studies one of the many<br />

botanical specimens on the campus.<br />

Mr. LeMaster, Robert Priddy, Mr. Howald, and Larry Johnson observe some of the animals they<br />

worked with during the Klutone Project.<br />



and FACULTY<br />


Dr. Elmer Becker, President<br />

In the twenty-two years of Dr. Becker's presidency,<br />

the <strong>Huntington</strong> College campus has<br />

undergone significant changes. The most obvious<br />

alteration is in the number of buildings comprising<br />

the college. Another area of accomplishment<br />

is the great increase of enrollment and<br />

faculty members during his administration. Yet,<br />

the outstanding achievement of Dr. Becker's<br />

years of service is the accreditation that the college<br />

received in 1961. At this time the college<br />

qualified for membership in the North Central<br />

Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.<br />

Hence, the college is now a recognized institution<br />

of higher learning.<br />

Students appreciate Dr. Becker’s chapel<br />

messages.<br />


Mrs. Irene Bealer serves as secretary to<br />

Dr. Becker.<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Heck is the Administrative Assistant<br />

to the Director of Student Relations and<br />

the Director of Counseling and Guidance.<br />

Mrs. Mary Ann Wagner acts as secretary to<br />

the Dean of the College, Dr. Byrne.<br />

Ray W. Zimmerman is the College Representative<br />

and coaches the baseball team.<br />


Mrs. Lois Cook acts as secretary to the Registrar,<br />

Carl D. Zurcher.<br />

Donald W. Dennie, Mrs. Gloria Dennie, Eugene<br />

W. Riebe and Miss Janet L. Peters manage the<br />

business affairs of the college.<br />

Miss Donetta Burkholder assists Mrs. Mildred<br />

Wagner, Supervisor of the Mailing Department.<br />

Dr. Galen A. Colclessor is Director of Admissions<br />

and Assistant to the President.<br />


Dr. Phil J. Gerringer is the Executive Director<br />

of the <strong>Huntington</strong> College Foundation.<br />

Harold Ranes and his secretary, Mrs. Irene Swoverland,<br />

handle the affairs of the Development and<br />

Public Relations Office.<br />

Mrs. Carol Skinner acts as secretary to Robert<br />

W. Mueller, Executive Secretary of the Alumni<br />

Association.<br />

Mrs. Martha Arganbright, assisted by Miss Barbara<br />

Wain and Mrs. Barbara Goodwin, performs<br />

the duties of receptionist.

Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Stucker contribute much to the students'<br />

well-being.<br />

The “Serving Seven” from left to right: Mrs. Rose,<br />

Mrs. Burkholder, Mrs. Stites, Kenneth Lupp, Mrs. Septer,<br />

Mrs. Taylor, and Glenda Edlin.<br />

Always ready with smiling service are Janet Harrington,<br />

Mrs. Zimmerman, and Carol Gates.<br />

H.C.’s invaluable maintenance men are Charles<br />

Wagner, Donald Evans, and William Saufley.<br />


Dean of the College<br />

Dean Byrne is constantly seeking benefits and improvements for the college.<br />


Dean of the College and<br />

Associate Professor of Education<br />

A.B., Asbury College<br />

B.D., Asbury Seminary<br />

M.S., Western Illinois Univ.<br />

Ed.D., Bradley <strong>University</strong><br />


Dean of the Seminary and<br />

Professor of Practical Theology<br />

A.B., B.D., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

Th.D., Northern Baptist<br />

Theological Seminary<br />

Dr. Burkholder discharges duties as dean of the seminary and teaches.<br />

Dean of the Seminary<br />


Director of<br />

Student Relations<br />


Assistant Professor of<br />

History and Economics<br />

A.B., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.A., Michigan State <strong>University</strong><br />

Mr. Buzzard consults his schedule for the day.<br />

Miss Bergdall carefully calculates the late minutes for each girl in the<br />

dorms.<br />


Associate Professor of<br />

Mathematics and Latin<br />

A.B., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.A., <strong>University</strong> of Michigan<br />

Director of Student<br />

Life for Women<br />



Assistant Professor of Bible<br />

A.A., Los Angeles City College<br />

B.A., U.C.L.A.<br />

B.D., Th.M., Fuller Theological<br />

Seminary<br />

M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis <strong>University</strong><br />

Dr. Brooks peruses a world map before meeting her History of Civilization classes.<br />


Professor of History<br />

A.B., Hastings College<br />

M.A., Ph.D., <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Nebraska<br />


Professors Hamm and Weekly study an advanced piano score.<br />


Assistant Professor of<br />

Music (Voice and Theory)<br />


Assistant Professor of Music<br />

B.S., M.M., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />


Assistant Professor of Art<br />

A.B., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />

M.A.T., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />

John Herron Art School<br />

Butler <strong>University</strong> Seminary<br />

Professor Hollis daubs a finishing touch onto the canvas.<br />



Assistant Professor of English<br />

and Speech<br />

Director of Drama and Forensics<br />

B.S., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.S., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />

English classes.<br />

Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Mueller, and Miss Patton check themes handed in by their freshman<br />


Assistant Professor of English<br />

A.B., M.A., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />


Assistant Professor of English<br />

A.B., Oklahoma Central State<br />

College<br />

M.A., Colorado State <strong>University</strong><br />

M.S., Oklahoma State <strong>University</strong><br />

Mrs. Scott is amused by some of the answers that appear on her literature tests.<br />



Associate Professor of History<br />

and Political Science<br />

Professor Paine takes time out to watch the birdie!<br />

A.B., Wheaton College<br />

A.M., <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania<br />


Assistant Professor of Psychology;<br />

Director of Counseling and Guidance<br />

B.S., Marion College<br />

M.A., Ball State Teacher's College<br />

Mr. Wimmer pores over a lesson outline.<br />

Professor Mueller instructs his philosophy class in valid reasoning<br />


Professor of Philosophy<br />

A.B., B.D., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />



Associate Professor of Biological<br />

Sciences<br />

B.A., M.S., State <strong>University</strong><br />

of Iowa<br />

Ph.D., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />

Dr. Jones examines a slide prepared by David Griffin.<br />

Miss Shipley checks the page number before giving her calculus class<br />

their assignment.<br />


Professor of Mathematics<br />

B.S., Denison <strong>University</strong><br />

M.S., <strong>University</strong> of Chicago<br />


class.<br />

Mr. Hale explains the function of some equipment to his physical science<br />


Assistant Professor of Physical<br />

Science<br />

B.S., Ball State Teacher’s<br />

College<br />

M.A., Western Michigan<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />


Assistant Professor of Chemistry<br />

B.S., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.A., Ball State Teacher's<br />

College<br />

Mr. LeMaster and Mr. Howald note the progress of the new Hall of Science.<br />


Associate Professor of<br />

Biological Science<br />

B.S., Purdue <strong>University</strong><br />

A.M., <strong>University</strong> of Michigan<br />



Professor of Sociology and<br />

Psychology<br />

A.B., Indiana State College<br />

M.A., M.R.E., D.R.E.,<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong><br />

Dr. Lefforge flashes a friendly smile as a student enters the classroom.<br />


Associate Professor of Psychology<br />

A.B., M.S., Syracuse <strong>University</strong><br />


Professor of Education;<br />

Director of Teacher Education<br />

A.B., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

A.M., Iowa <strong>University</strong><br />

Ed.D., Bradley <strong>University</strong><br />

Dr. Lange does some research on one of the many clocks in his collection.<br />



Assistant Professor of Business<br />

and Secretarial Science<br />

B.S., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.S., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />

Miss Betterly checks typing and form in her students’ letters.<br />

Mr. Brady waits for his next advisee to appear.<br />


Assistant Professor of<br />

Business Administration<br />

B.S., Northwest Missouri State<br />

M.A., Colorado State College<br />



Associate Professor of<br />

Biblical Languages and Literature<br />

B.A., Moravian College<br />

M.A., Christian Theological<br />

Seminary<br />

Mr. Bealer prepares to translate a few sentences for his Greek Class.<br />

Dr. Pfister mulls over a paper submitted by a theological student.<br />


Associate Professor of Theology<br />

and Christian Education<br />

A.B., B.D., D.D., <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

College and Seminary<br />


Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Kelly "team up" to promote physical fitness.<br />


College Nurse, Health Instructor<br />

R.N., Indianapolis Methodist<br />

Hospital School of Nursing<br />


Instructor of Physical<br />

Education for Women<br />

B.S., Indiana <strong>University</strong><br />


Associate Professor of<br />

Health and Physical Education;<br />

Coach<br />

B.S., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

B.S., P.E. Director, Indiana<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

Coach Klopfenstein diagrams strategy for the team.<br />



Head Librarian, Associate<br />

Professor of Library Science<br />

A.B., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.A., B.A., L.S., <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Michigan<br />

Miss Connor and Mrs. Dutcher carefully maintain order in the card catalog.<br />


Assistant Librarian<br />

B.S., <strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

M.A., Ball State Teachers'<br />

College<br />


Associate Professor of Modern<br />

Languages<br />

A.B., West Virginia <strong>University</strong><br />

A.M., <strong>University</strong> of Michigan<br />

Professor Winter consults a volume from his extensive language library.<br />


CLUBS<br />


Student Council<br />

From left to right are Jerry Smith, Richard Morrison, Doyle Clark, Dave Jackson, Janet Clark, Roger<br />

Skinner, Candy Rooney, Dave Griffin and Roger Buzzard, advisor.<br />

Student Union President<br />

Janet Clark and Candy Rooney served as secretaries, Jim Thompson as president,<br />

Roger Skinner as treasurer, and Larry Beverly as vice-president of the<br />

Student Council.

Religious Life and Service Committee<br />

Janet Bonewitz, Ed Moyer, Dr.<br />

Herbert Byrne, Jim Thompson, Dallas<br />

Weekley, Dr. Melvin Burkholder,<br />

John Goodwin and Jim Hotchkiss<br />

planned and coordinated the religious<br />

emphases on campus.<br />

Student Affairs Committee<br />

Karen Brown, Ralph Bealer, Robert<br />

Myers, Dr. Becker, David Wimmer<br />

Roger Buzzard, Paul Harrington<br />

and Irene Bergdall established<br />

rules and made decisions on the<br />

activities of the student body.<br />


Athletic Committee<br />

Guiding and regulating policies<br />

in the field of athletics were Roger<br />

Buzzard, Roger Skinner, Richard<br />

Klopfenstein and Eugene Riebe.<br />

Library Committee<br />

Works of art were observed<br />

in the display windows of<br />

the library as the result of<br />

the efforts of Carol Hough,<br />

Jill Van Deusen, Donetta<br />

Burkholder, Junior Mentzer,<br />

Barbara Myers and Wilma<br />

Dutcher.<br />


First row: Rebecca Tarr, Marvel Fleming, Doris Kreps, Nancy<br />

Daugherty, Barbara Booth, Ardith Martin, Barb Hess, Virginia<br />

Fisher. Second row: Gary Graham, Darlene Graham, Dorland<br />

Kuntz, Pat Morrison, Bob Kitely, Dorothy Lahr, Darlene Birdsall,<br />

Janet Clark. Third row: Delight Siedenburg, Donelle Birdsall, David<br />

Graham, Carol Hough, Kevin Bergdall, Donna Jean Ferner, Sharon<br />

Amsler, Sandy Cope. Fourth row: Bonnie Merkle, Gary Mastin,<br />

Pat Cook, La Doyt Rodeheaver, Doug Reahm, Karen Headley,<br />

Mary Lou Bickel, Tom Mills, Jo Burkholder.<br />

Choir<br />

The singing of the Alma Mater before the choir leaves on<br />

the Annual Spring Tour is traditional.<br />

Good food and spiritual thought mark the choir retreat.<br />


Seated: John Goodwin, Jim Wise, Dr. Melvin Burkholder, Keith<br />

Maxwell, Barb Hess, Ed Moyer, Lee Palmer, Carol Gates, Kent<br />

Maxwell. Standing: Ralph Bealer, Keith Smith, Lynn Mefford,<br />

Dave Jackson, Gary Graham, Dick Case, Doug Wing, Von Giessler,<br />

Bob Myers, John Lippe, Mark Rutledge.<br />

Clericus<br />

Clericus is responsible for the scripture<br />

in the Student Lounge.<br />


First row: Carol Gates, Lois Griffin, Barb Emmans. Second row: holder. Third row: Ed Moyer, Howard Bolen, Jim Hotchkiss, Roger<br />

Sandy Cope, Sharon Evans, Nondace Campbell, Donetta Burk- Burk, Kevin Bergdall.<br />

Gospel Volunteers<br />

Officers were: Ed Moyer, president;<br />

Nina Burke, vice president; Sharon Evans,<br />

secretary; and Kevin Bergdall, treasurer.

Seated: Lois Griffin, Pat<br />

Cook, Janet Bonewitz, Nondace<br />

Campbell, Miss Faye Connor,<br />

adviser. Standing: Jill Van<br />

Deusen, Susan Mills, Sharon<br />

Evans, Lynda Coppess, Barb<br />

Emmans.<br />

Y.W.C.A.<br />

Susie listens attentively as<br />

Lynda reads devotions.<br />

Gay decorations, good ice cream and many students<br />

combine to make a success of the "Y" sponsored old-fashioned<br />

ice cream social.<br />


Band<br />

Entertainment for programs<br />

and basketball<br />

games was provided by<br />

the band. Members were<br />

Barbara Booth, Delight<br />

Siedenburg, Mark McHenry,<br />

Lynda Coppess, Kevin<br />

Bergdall, Paul Harrington,<br />

Janet Harrington,<br />

Bob Thompson and Nancy<br />

Daugherty.<br />

W.R.A.<br />

Advancing the cause of physical fitness were Dorothy Lahr, Nellie Walters,<br />

Nina Burke, Barbara Booth, Glenda Edlin, Donna Rice, Janet Harrington, Sharon<br />

Evans, Beth Malson, Pat Morrison, Nancy Weaver, Sandy Miller, Sandy Cope and<br />

Marj Frisch.<br />

Women's Recreation Association?<br />

Janet Harrington,<br />

president;<br />

Sharon Evans,<br />

vice president;<br />

Nina Burke,<br />

treasurer;<br />

Karen Mattern,<br />

secretary.<br />


Marvel Fleming, feature editor; Darlene Birdsall, circulation Carol Hough, reporter; Duey Croff, news editor; and Jeff Edmonds,<br />

manager; Paula Lucas, feature editor, Dave McGinnis, reporter; reporter.<br />

Kirby Keller, devotional editor; Nondace Campbell, editor-in-chief;<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>ian<br />

David Graham, Tom Mills and Paul<br />

35mm camera.<br />

Gary Neterer keeps the books as business manager of the <strong>Huntington</strong>ian.<br />


Jerry Smith, copy editor; Phil Brumfiel, associate editor; Dave<br />

Fong, art editor; Karen Brown, editor-in-chief; Charles Brady,<br />

Mnemosyne<br />

advisor; Julia Howett, business manager; Nancy Daugherty,<br />

proof reader.<br />

Cunningham discuss the merits of a<br />

Professor Douglas F. LeMaster received the didication of the <strong>1963</strong> Mnemosyne<br />

from Karen Brown.<br />


Mark Crain, first semester president<br />

"There must be some mistake.<br />

First row: Gary Neterer, Paul Harrington, Rodger Slater, Dick<br />

Smith, George Bolton. Second row: Keith Clark, Duey Croff, Harold<br />

Ditmer, Gary Baker, Tom Potts, Arlyn Reinhard, Ed Moyer. Third<br />

row: Mark Crain, Steve Smith, Emmett Lippe, Steve Berghoff, Charlie<br />

Lippe, Gene Grogg, Garl Wetters. Fourth row; Don Hendrickson,<br />

Dallas Weekley, advisor; Norman Glass, Don Reifort, Roger<br />


The B.S.M. was responsible for building the Homecoming Queen Candidate's<br />

float in addition to building a magnificent float of their own.<br />

Emmett Lippe, second semester president.<br />

Roger serenades Sandy as the B.S.M.’s selection<br />

for the All-Campus Sing sponsored by the B.S.M.<br />

Fifty laps to victory by these Rough Riders around<br />

the campus oval on Clean-Up Day entitled them to the<br />

trophies. The winners were Harold Ditmer, Keith Clark,<br />

Bill Leiter, Gene Grogg, and Charlie Lippe, pit stop<br />


Seated: Jerry Smith, vice president;<br />

Karen Brown, secretary-treasurer;<br />

Paul Harrington, president.<br />

Standing: Augustine Stevens, Francis<br />

Jones, Lois Griffin, Jim Gunderson,<br />

Glenda Edlin, Richard Farmer, Phil<br />

Brumfiel, Alan Maxton, David Griffin,<br />

Paul Cunningham, Jerry Knoll,<br />

Jerry Farmer, Tin Yam Ng, Tom<br />

Mills.<br />

Science Club<br />

Scientists may also be musicians—they received the<br />

trophy for the All-Campus Sing.<br />

Lectures on space communications were a part of the<br />

varied series of programs.<br />


Seated: Donna Jean Ferner, Donelle<br />

Birdsall, Connie Johnson, Darlene<br />

Graham. Standing: John Pell,<br />

Ken Lupp, Jerry Smith, Bob Kaehr,<br />

Jim Hotchkiss, Phil Brumfiel, Alan<br />

Maxton.<br />

Campus Players<br />

Backstage view of the Fall Production.<br />

On tour with "Christ in the Concrete City" during summer '62.<br />


Young Republicans<br />

First row: Joan Steinfort,<br />

Barbara Booth, Steve<br />

Smith. Second row: Don<br />

Hendrickson, Rodger Slater,<br />

Jeff Edmonds, George<br />

Bolton.<br />

Student Lounge<br />

Lounge Committee: Richard Farmer, manager; JoAnn<br />

Fisher, Jerry Smith, Nina Burke.<br />

JoAnn gives some last minute instructions to<br />

workers Sandra Bowditch, Carol Loveless, and<br />

Sharon Evans.<br />


S.E.A.<br />

Seated: Esther Barber, Rebecca Tarr, Ruth Arenz, Pam Gamble, Ruth Baas,<br />

Candy Rooney, Pat Petre, Sharon Cox, Erma Burkholder, Janet Bonewitz, Rodger<br />

Slater, Jim Thompson, Harold Weaver, Keith Hippensteel. Standing: Dr. Corinth<br />

Lange, advisor.<br />

Dr. Corinth Lange, advisor; Sharon Cox, secretary-treasurer;<br />

Harold Weaver, president; Janet<br />

Bonewitz, vice president; Candy Rooney, state reporter.<br />

For the Critic Teacher Tea, we play school.<br />


An elite group limited to varsity letter winners, the<br />

Varsity Club develops good sportsmanship and promotes<br />

interest in intercollegiate athletics. Helping to sponsor<br />

such activities as the independent tourney were Kevin<br />

Bergdall, Dick Moyer, president; Steve Berghoff, Gary<br />

Mastin, Richard Klopfenstein, advisor; Ray Shank, Gene<br />

Grogg and Rollo Williams.<br />

Varsity Club<br />




‘Take your birdbath, tightwad!"<br />

Fall<br />

Production<br />

Comedy rides high, and for the 1962<br />

annual Fall Production, Robert E. McEnroe's<br />

comedy “The Silver Whistle" was chosen.<br />

This three-act play, with its setting in the<br />

atmosphere of an old folks home, contained<br />

a subdued moral tone.<br />

Watch it, Mr. Beebe.<br />

The cast takes a final bow.

“Eat up!"<br />

“What do you mean, the rope's stuck?"<br />

The 1962 Homecoming exuded clamor, frenzy<br />

and tension. But from it all Marty Henry<br />

emerged a triumphant, "All-American” queen.<br />

Her court was composed of Nancy Altman,<br />

Sandra Cope, and Barbara Waln. Their themes<br />

included a "hillbilly" heaven, a Western ranch<br />

atmosphere, and a typical "Gold Rush" saloon.<br />

Adding attraction to the yearly festivities<br />

were the newly-initiated parade, a smorgasbord,<br />

and the homecoming game.<br />

Party leader Jackson conducts a caucus for Marty.<br />

“Ride 'em, cowboys!"

Nancy Altman<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Sandy Cope<br />

Boise, Idaho<br />

Homecoming Queen<br />

and<br />

Court<br />

Queen Marty Henry<br />

Culver, Indiana<br />

Barbara Waln<br />

Newhall, California<br />


What Think Ye of Christ?<br />

LaDoyt Rodeheaver leads the congregation in song before the message of the evening.<br />

C.L.E.W.<br />

Dr. Harold H. Scanlin, bishop of the<br />

Evangelical Congregational Church in<br />

Reading, Pennsylvania, was the <strong>1963</strong><br />

speaker for Christian Life Emphasis<br />

Week, March 4-10.<br />

The choir inspired many.<br />


George and Martha were there.<br />

Appropriate decorations adorned the speaker's table.<br />

Washington<br />

Banquet<br />

Jack G. Brown, Indianapolis attorney, presented an<br />

inspiring personal challenge to each person attending<br />

the banquet held at the Masonic Temple. Mr. Brown's<br />

theme was “The Challenge of Today" in which he challenged<br />

each person to live for Christ. His topic followed<br />

very closely the banquet theme, which was "Righteousness<br />

Exalteth a Nation."<br />

Jack G. Brown, speaker<br />

The banquet was well attended by faculty, students and friends of the college.

Recognition Day<br />

High academic achievement scholastically receives recognition.<br />

Honors Day<br />

Mr. Charles Kaufman, city Guidance Director,<br />

addresses the honor students.<br />

Student Council Advisor, Roger Buzzard,<br />

receives gift.<br />

Francis Jones, Tom Mills and Paul Harrington receive chemistry, mathematics,<br />

and physics awards respectively.<br />

56<br />

Garden Day Queen, Candy Rooney,<br />

opens gift.

Athletic Awards<br />

At the annual Athletic Awards Banquet, the varsity<br />

letter winners are awarded their letters in<br />

their respective sports.<br />

Basketball<br />

Baseball<br />

Golf<br />

Congressman J. Edward Roush, speaker<br />

"An enjoyable banquet"<br />


Who’s Who<br />

Karen Brown was editor of<br />

the Mnemosyne, secretarytreasurer<br />

of the Science Club<br />

and was active in other organizations.<br />

Carol Gates was. a member of<br />

the Student Council, G. V.'s, and<br />

Clericus. She was also a member<br />

of the ladies' trio.<br />

Doyle Clark has been very active<br />

in the Student Council, senior<br />

class president and a member of<br />

G.V.’s.<br />

Janet Bonewitz has been president<br />

of the S.E.A. and Y.W.C.A.,<br />

class officer two years, and a<br />

member of the <strong>Huntington</strong>ian and<br />

G.V.’s.<br />

Sue Merryman was a member<br />

of the Student Lounge and Student<br />

Affairs committees, editor of the<br />

Mnemosyne and cheerleader.<br />

Howard Cherry has been<br />

very active in the Student<br />

Council and was president of<br />

his junior class.<br />

Jim Thompson has been<br />

president of the Student Union,<br />

freshman class president and<br />

active on the golf team.<br />


Junior-Senior Reception<br />

"Prove all things; hold fast that<br />

which is good.”<br />

A part of the crowd that enjoyed<br />

the reception at the Hobby<br />

Ranch House in Fort Wayne.<br />

The Juniors decorated the banquet area<br />

beautifully with an old-fashioned scheme<br />

to fit the decor.

Dr. William Eberly was speaker for<br />

Garden Day.<br />

Karen Mattern, Sharon Cox, Julia Howett, Carol Gates, Carol Loveless,<br />

Carol Hough, Pat Petre and Mary Lou Bickel wound the Maypole.<br />

Garden Day<br />

Queen Candy Rooney, Seneca, Kansas<br />

Mrs. Elmer Becker crowned the queen.<br />

The Queen and Her Court<br />


SPORTS<br />


Cheerleaders<br />

Leading the Forester fans during the<br />

'62-'63 basketball season were Sandy<br />

Miller, a freshman from <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

County, Janice Kline, also a freshman<br />

from <strong>Huntington</strong> County, and Marty<br />

Henry, a sophomore from Culver,<br />

Indiana.<br />

Cheerleaders Janice Kline and Sandy Miller pause in their practicing to pose for the camera.<br />

Forester fans display mixed emotions as the game<br />


Left to right: Dwight Simms, Bob Andrews, Roger Skinner, Kevin Bergdall, Dick Smith, Allen<br />

Kpenge.<br />

Tennis<br />

“A good beginning is half the battle.” However,<br />

the 1962 H.C. tennis team proved that this<br />

is not always true. After winning their first<br />

match, the team managed to lose every remaining<br />

match with the exception of two which<br />

were postponed because of bad weather and<br />

could not be rescheduled.<br />

Roger S kinner demonstrates<br />

good tennis form.<br />


Baseball<br />

Rains and a wet playing field plagued the baseball team of Forest Glen. Kneeling: Sam Kreigh,<br />

Kirby Keller, Gary Mastin, Gary Butz, Fred Johns, Dick Moyer, Bruce Potee, Booty Fahrnow. Standing:<br />

Elmer Stocker, Mark Crain, Gene Benner, Jim Searson, Bob Hostler, LaDoyt Rodeheaver, Ron Troyer,<br />

Roger Lake, Ray Zimmerman, coach.<br />

Coach Ray Zimmerman<br />

awaits the action.<br />

Dick Moyer gets set for the pitch.<br />


Tom McMahon tries to place one over the fence.<br />

“All the ingredients for a beautiful afternoon. . .sunny day. . .spectators.<br />

. .and a baseball game."<br />

‘‘The windup. . .and the pitch. .<br />

“And another run scores for<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>. .<br />

“A good bench is worth???"

First column: Bob Briggs, Ron<br />

Kline, Bill Leiter, Roger Skinner, Rollo<br />

Williams. Center: Coach Klopfenstein.<br />

Second column: Sam Kreigh,<br />

Tom McMahon, Larry Ummel, Mark<br />

Crain, Dick Underwood.<br />

“Get that ball"<br />

Rollo tosses one in with Roger<br />

looking on.<br />

"Pass it to me—I'm free.”<br />


Foresters<br />

Ron Kline, Roger Skinner, . . .<br />

. . .Sam Kreigh, Tom McMahon, Bob Sutton, . . .<br />

. . .Larry Ummel, . . .<br />

. . .Bob Hostler, . . .<br />

1962-<strong>1963</strong><br />


Nov. 17 Oakland City<br />

23 Rio Grande<br />

27 Anderson<br />

30 Taylor Tourney<br />

Dec. 1 Taylor Tourney<br />

6 Tri-State<br />

8 Manchester<br />

10 Bluffton<br />

13 Marian<br />

15 Taylor<br />

Jan. 5 Tri-State<br />

8 Concordia<br />

12 Indiana Tech.<br />

15 Goshen<br />

19 Hanover<br />

Feb. 5 Concordia<br />

9 Marian<br />

12 Grace<br />

14 Goshen<br />

19 Indiana Tech.<br />

21 Bluffton<br />

23 Oakland City<br />

25 Cedarville<br />

. . .and Rollo Williams warm<br />

up before a game.<br />


For the third consecutive year, Coach<br />

Richard Klopfenstein's Foresters finished<br />

the season with a 16-8 record. This gives<br />

him a ten year record of 136-92 or a<br />

.600 average, a record of which any<br />

coach can be proud.<br />

Coach Richard Klopfenstein<br />

One of the outstanding players of the<br />

'62- 63 season was Sam Kreigh, short<br />

senior guard who set five records during<br />

the season. He set an all-time high of<br />

633 points for one season at a recordbreaking<br />

pace of 26.4 points per game,<br />

good enough to be the state's leading<br />

scorer. In the process, he also established<br />

a record of most field goals per<br />

season at 235.<br />

In addition, Sammy set two records<br />

in conference play with a total of 244<br />

points in 8 games at a sizzling 30.5<br />

points per game.<br />

Wherever the action was thickest, you could always<br />

find Sam.<br />


Junior Varsity<br />

First row: Keith Clark, Dick Reed, Sam Bear, Elmer Stocker, Paul Bair. Second row: Gary Butz,<br />

Al Esterline, Jim Thorne, Bill Imes.<br />

Thorne lays it up for another two<br />

points.<br />

“If I could just get my hands on it. . . ."<br />


Members of the track team were Sam Bear, coach; Emmett Lippe, Gary Neterer, Jerry Farmer, Dennis<br />

Lynch, Gene Grogg, Augie Stevens and Delbert Graham.<br />

Track<br />

“I must practice my starts. . ."<br />

“On your mark. . .Get set. . .Bang!”<br />

April 27<br />

May 4<br />

<strong>1963</strong> TRACK SCHEDULE<br />

Grace, Conf. Meet<br />

Grace, Conf. Meet<br />

18 <strong>Huntington</strong>, Conf. Meet<br />


Golf<br />

Captain Jim Thompson takes a few<br />

practice strokes.<br />

Roger Skinner eyes a sure putt.<br />

Ray Shank gets set to sink a putt.<br />

"There's nothing like a good round of golf to make you feel ambitious.”<br />

<strong>1963</strong> GOLF SCHEDULE<br />

April 27 Tri-State<br />

30 Indiana Tech<br />

May 1 Taylor<br />

3 Manchester<br />

4 Conf. Golf Meet:<br />

Brookwood<br />

8 Indiana Tech<br />

13 Concordia<br />

18 Concordia<br />

21 Tri-State<br />


Foreign Students<br />

Tin Yam Ng, Hong Kong; David Fong, Shanghai; and Sai-Kee Wong, Hong<br />

Kong; are three Chinese students on campus.<br />

Samuel Strachan, Jamaica; Allen<br />

Kpenge, Augustine Stevens, and John Labor,<br />

Sierra Leone, West Africa, look over<br />

a library display.<br />

Graduation<br />

Senior<br />

Service<br />

Investiture<br />

Dr. Myron F. Boyd, Winona Lake, brought the sermon<br />

for the Baccalaureate service.<br />

Dr. Charles H. Malik, former president of the United<br />

Nations brought the Commencement address.



Raymond Franklin Adams<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Racine, Ohio<br />

B.S. in Business Education<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>ian 2,3; BSM Club 3,4; Young Republicans 3,4;<br />

Campus Players 3,4; S.E.A. 3,4; Gospel Volunteers 2.<br />

David Banayan<br />

Teheran, Iran<br />

Gene Ross Benner<br />

921 Evelyn Ave.<br />

Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada<br />

B.S. in Business Administration<br />

A Capella Choir 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3; Varsity Club 2,3;<br />

Campus Players 3.<br />

Rose Elkins Barkey<br />

Helmer, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Y.W.C.A. 1; <strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1.<br />

Larry Beverly<br />

Fowler, Illinois<br />

Janet Carole Bonewitz<br />

915 Elm St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

S.E.A. 1, Reporter 2, Pres. 3, V. Pres. 4; Y.W.C.A. 1,2,3,<br />

Pres. 4 ; Class Treas. 2; Class Sec. 3; <strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1,2;<br />

Gospel Volunteers 1,2,3,4; Junior Hayride Queen 4; Garden<br />

Day 2,3; Religious Life & Service Committee 4; Who's<br />

Who.<br />

Karen Elizabeth Brown<br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Mathematics<br />

Band 1; <strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1; Science Club 3, Sec.-Treas. 4;<br />

Mnemosyne Editor 4; Garden Day 3; Y.W.C.A. 4; Student<br />

Affairs Committee 4; Library Representative 3; Who's Who.<br />


Guiding the class of <strong>1963</strong> were Paul Harrington, Treas.; Howard Grogg, V. Pres.; Doyle<br />

Clark, Pres.; Julia Howett, Sec.<br />

Erma M. Burkholder<br />

1844 College Ave.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Y.W.C.A. 1,2; Gospel Volunteers 1,2; S.E.A. 4.<br />

Nelson Cairl<br />

403 E. Main St.<br />

Butler, Indiana<br />

Howard Cherry<br />

621 N. Cochran<br />

Charlotte, Michigan<br />

Doyle Paul Clark<br />

1855 Fruit St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

A.B. in Chemistry<br />

Gospel Volunteers 1,2,3; Student Council 2,3,4; Class Pres.<br />

4; A Capella Choir 1; Young Republicans 4; Who’s Who.<br />

Janet George Clark<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Y.W.C.A. 1, Sec. 2, Pres. 3,4; Gospel Volunteers 1,2,3;<br />

Class Sec. 2; S.E.A. 4; Religious Life & Service Committee<br />

3; Band 1,2; A Capella Choir 4; Student Council Sec. 4;<br />

Garden Day 1; Young Republicans 4.

Reynolds Markham Crain<br />

North Main St.<br />

Pierceton, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Physical Education<br />

BSM 3,4; Basketball 4; Baseball 4.<br />

Thomas Earlywine<br />

1745 Guilford St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Richard Ronald Farmer<br />

R.R. 2<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Mathematics<br />

Science Club 3,4; Class Treas. 3; Student Council 4; Student<br />

Lounge Committee 3, Manager 4; Track 3.<br />

Kenneth Clarence Fisher<br />

2106 Fruit St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

A.B. in Bible<br />

Clericus 1,2,3,4.<br />

David T. C. Fong<br />

Shanghai, China<br />

A.B. in Business Administration<br />

Mnemosyne Art Editor 4.<br />

Carol Elma Gates<br />

Erie Rd.<br />

Derby, New York<br />

A.B. in Christian Education<br />

Gospel Volunteers 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3; Clericus 1,2,3,<br />

Sec. 4; Ladies Trio 1,2; <strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1.<br />

Howard Grogg<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Ridgeville, Indiana<br />


Paul Harrington<br />

193 Church St.<br />

Coldwater, Michigan<br />

Keith C. Hippensteel<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Jerrold L. Hosterman<br />

Box 163<br />

Sycamore, Ohio<br />

B.S. in Physical Education<br />

Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Bowling 2; Intramural Basketball<br />

2,3,4.<br />

Julia Ann Howett<br />

256 S. Briant St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

A.B. in Foreign Languages<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1; Garden Day 2; Young Republicans 3;<br />

Mnemosyne 3, Business Manager 4; Class Sec. 4.<br />

Colleen Kay Keller<br />

718 Van Buren St.<br />

Berne, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

S.E.A. 4.<br />

John William Kennedy<br />

R.R. 8<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Social Studies<br />

Baseball 1951-1952.<br />

Robert F. Kiteley<br />

149 North Avery Rd.<br />

Pontiac, Michigan<br />

B.S. in Secondary Music Education<br />

Band 3; A Capella Choir 3, Student Conductor 4.

Jerry Knoll<br />

529 High St.<br />

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Joseph Allen Kpenge<br />

P. O. Box 20<br />

Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone<br />

West Africa<br />

A.B. in History<br />

Tennis 4.<br />

Samuel Kreigh<br />

Box 5<br />

Zanesville, Indiana<br />

Doris Ellen Kreps<br />

7547 Todd Rd.<br />

Temperance, Michigan<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Y.W.C.A. 1,2; A Capella Choir 1,2,3,4; Ladies Trio 1,3;<br />

Gospel Volunteers 1,2,3,4.<br />

Francis Lee Kurtansky<br />

133 Alexander St.<br />

Caro, Michigan<br />

A.B. in Philosophy<br />

Gospel Volunteers 1,2, Pres. 3,4; Y.M.C.A. 2,3; Clericus<br />

2,3, V. Pres. 4; Religious Life & Service Committee 3.<br />

Howard McGlennen<br />

Mulberry St.<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

Mark Lee McHenry<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

A.B. in Music<br />

Band 1,2,3,4; S.E.A. 4.<br />


Edwin Mast<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Antwerp, Ohio<br />

David Mead<br />

140 High<br />

Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania<br />

Sue Shelhamer Merryman<br />

2106 College Ave.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Mathematics<br />

Mnemosyne 2, Editor 3; Cheerleader 1,2,3; Student Affairs<br />

Committee 3; Student Lounge Committee 3; <strong>Huntington</strong>ian<br />

1,2; Class Sec. 4; Who’s Who.<br />

Robert Karl Morris<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Keystone, Indiana<br />

B.S. in History<br />

BSM 3,4.<br />

Barbara Schell Myers<br />

1855 Fruit St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>ian 1; S.E.A. 4.<br />

Eleanor Kahly Price<br />

620 Opal St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Richard Price

Candace Carol Rooney<br />

Seneca, Kansas<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Cheerleader 1,2; A Capella<br />

Choir 1,2; S.E.A. 3,4; Student<br />

Council Sec. 3.<br />

Mark Rutledge<br />

Box 134<br />

Wilshire, Ohio<br />

Graduate record examinations are a part of every student's senior year.<br />

Marlin Wendell Simms<br />

323 Hall St.<br />

Orrville, Ohio<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

Campus Players 1; Gospel Volunteers 1; Intramural Basketball<br />

1,2,3,4 ; S.E.A. 4.<br />

James Edward Thompson<br />

154 McCrum St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in History<br />

Class Pres. 1; Student Council 1, Pres. 4; Student Lounge<br />

Committee 1,2,3; Golf 1,2,3,4; S.E.A. 1,2,3; Varsity Club<br />

2,3,4; Religious Life & Service Committee 4; Who’s Who.<br />

Harold Lee Weaver<br />

R.R. 8<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Elementary Education<br />

S.E.A. 2,3, Pres. 4; Band 1,2.<br />

Amy Jo Wechter<br />

1855 Fruit St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

B.S. in Physical Education<br />

Robert Wechter<br />

B.S. in Physical Education<br />

S.E.A. 4.<br />


SEMINARY and<br />



John Lippe<br />

301 N.E. 15th St.<br />

Abilene, Kansas<br />

Junior Mentzer<br />

644 Opal St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong><br />

<strong>1963</strong> Seminary Graduates<br />

Harold Myers<br />

943 Warren St.<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Robert Myers<br />

1845 Freedom<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Douglas Wing<br />

Box 188<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong><br />


Seminary<br />

Directing seminary activities were Lee<br />

Palmer, Sec.-Treas.; Doug Wing, Student<br />

Council Rep.; Bob Myers, V. Pres.; and<br />

Dave Jackson, Pres.<br />

John Goodwin Keith Maxwell Kent Maxwell<br />

'Man shall not live by bread alone. . ."

Lee Palmer<br />

Paul Sheets<br />

Keith Smith<br />

Theron Smith<br />

Harold Wust<br />

Mr. Cecil A. Jeffery, Seminary Day speaker.<br />

On-Campus Seminary Day provided interesting<br />

seminars for two days around the theme<br />

of "Goals in Christian Youth Work." Cecil A.<br />

Jeffery from Columbus, Ohio, general secretary<br />

of the Ohio Christian Endeavor, was the<br />

guest speaker.<br />


Nancy Altman<br />

Junior class officers were Bruce Von Bargen, Treas.; Pam Gamble, Sec.; Bob Kaehr,<br />

V. Pres.; and Jerry Smith, Pres.<br />

Juniors<br />

Esther Barber<br />

Donetta Burkholder<br />

Philip Brumfiel<br />

Sharon Cox<br />

Ronald Cook<br />


Gary Danner<br />

Barbara Edwards<br />

Donna Jean Ferner<br />

Caralene Fishbaugh<br />

Mary Fisher<br />

Edna Gamble<br />

Pamela<br />

Sharon<br />

Gamble<br />

Germann<br />

Delbert Graham<br />

Judith Griffin<br />

Donald Hendrickson<br />

Barbara Hess<br />


Charles Johnson<br />

Robert Kaehr<br />

Kirby Keller<br />

John Labor<br />

Rodna Landis<br />

Emmett Lippe<br />

Byron Lucas<br />

Lynn<br />

Mefferd<br />

Thomas Mellott<br />

Richard Morrison<br />

Edgar Moyer<br />

Dennis Myers<br />


Gary Neterer<br />

All Juniors take great delight in cleaning up after their Penny Supper!<br />

Patricia Petre<br />

Janet Bonewitz and Mark Crain were crowned king and<br />

queen of the Junior Hayride.<br />

Royal Saufley<br />

Rodger Slater<br />

Gerald Smith<br />

Bruce Von Bargen<br />


Sophomores<br />

Officers of the sophomore class were<br />

Eugene Grogg, V. Pres.; Roger Skinner,<br />

Pres.; Connie Johnson, Sec.; Nondace<br />

Campbell, Treas.<br />

Gerald<br />

Richard<br />

Anderson<br />

Anderson<br />

Robert Andrews<br />

Ruth<br />

Arenz<br />

Ruth Baas<br />

Gary Baker<br />


Steven<br />

Berghoff<br />

Howard Bolen<br />

George Bolton<br />

Diana Bonewitz<br />

Sandra<br />

Bowditch<br />

Lawrence Boyer<br />

Rachael Brown<br />

Roger Burk<br />

Nina Burke<br />

M. Keith Clark<br />

Patricia<br />

Cook<br />

Sandra Cope<br />


Leland Custer<br />

Nancy Daugherty<br />

Glenda Edlin<br />

Barbara Emmans<br />

Sharon<br />

Evans<br />

Virginia Fisher<br />

Ronald Fletcher<br />

Richard Foy<br />

Jayne Frank<br />

Darlene<br />

Graham<br />

M. David Griffin<br />

Lois Griffin<br />


Mr. and Mrs. John Labor view some of the paintings.<br />

Eugene Grogg<br />

Some of the paintings by Professor Hollis exhibited<br />

at the Sophomore Art Exhibit.<br />

Rosalie Hale<br />

Janet Harrington<br />

Karen Headley<br />

Martha<br />

John<br />

Henry<br />

Holloway<br />

James Hotchkiss<br />


Friends of the college from the local community also attended the exhibit.<br />

Constance Johnson<br />

Dorland Kuntz<br />

Roger Lake<br />

Charles Lippe<br />

Carole<br />

Annette<br />

Loveless<br />

Lucas<br />

Kenneth Lupp<br />


Beth<br />

Malson<br />

Gary Mastin<br />

Karen Mattern<br />

Bonnie Merkle<br />

Roy<br />

Miller<br />

Susan Mills<br />

Judith<br />

Richard<br />

Morris<br />

Moyer<br />

Jay Musselman<br />

Jo<br />

Irma<br />

Palmer<br />

Pelzer<br />

Thomas Potts<br />


Gerald<br />

Pulliam<br />

Richard Raab<br />

Grant Ray<br />

Carol Seibert<br />

Delight<br />

Siedenburg<br />

Dwight Simms<br />

Roger<br />

Daniel<br />

Skinner<br />

Smith<br />

Eloise Smith<br />

Richard H. Smith<br />

Stephen Smith<br />

Beth Spencer

Augustine Stevens<br />

Alice Taylor<br />

Dick Smith takes his turn at returning Tech's ball the hard way.<br />

John Trook<br />

Jill Van Deusen<br />

Patrick Vejar<br />

Barbara<br />

Nellie<br />

Waln<br />

Walters<br />

Rollo Williams<br />


Fred Johns, President; Rex<br />

Somers, Vice President; Emily<br />

Carlson, Secretary; and David<br />

Graham, Treasurer; look over<br />

the minutes of the last freshman<br />

class meeting.<br />

Freshmen<br />

Mary Lou Bickel<br />

Darlene<br />

Birdsall<br />

Donelle Birdsall<br />

Barbara<br />

Nathan<br />

Booth<br />

Brown<br />

Samuel Brown<br />


Patricia Brumfiel<br />

De Etta Jo Burkholder<br />

Ilene Bush<br />

Gary Butz<br />

Emily<br />

Carlson<br />

Jerry Chapin<br />

Lynda Coppess<br />

Paul Cunningham<br />

Margaret Custer<br />

Diane Daugherty<br />

Ann Davidson<br />

Ronald DeWitt<br />


Arthur<br />

Ditmer<br />

Jeffrey Edmonds<br />

Nancy Emans<br />

Albert Esterline<br />

Marvel<br />

Fleming<br />

Marjorie Frisch<br />

James Geiger<br />

Lyle Gidner<br />

Paul David Graham<br />

James Gunderson<br />

Terry Harrell<br />

Ronald Hite<br />


Hangings . . .<br />

. . .and empty coffins. . .<br />

Carol<br />

Anne<br />

Hough<br />

Huber<br />

Judy Hughs<br />

Fred Jones<br />

Connie Jones<br />

Francis Jones<br />


. . .did not disturb the appetites of those attending the “Nightmare Project" sponsored by the<br />

Freshman Class.<br />

Mary Kelly<br />

Janice<br />

Dorothy<br />

Kline<br />

Lahr<br />

John Lawrence<br />

Ruthellen<br />

Love<br />

Alan<br />

Maxton<br />

Robert McClurg<br />


Ronald McReynolds<br />

Sandra Miller<br />

Thomas Miller<br />

Tillie Miller<br />

Thomas Mills<br />

Patricia Morrison<br />

Pamela Perrigo<br />

Bruce Potee<br />

Donna Rice<br />

Walter Roberts<br />

James Searson<br />

Lou Ann Shafer<br />


Sondra Shrock<br />

R. David Smith<br />

Walter Smith<br />

Rex Somers<br />

Joan Steinfort<br />

James Stewart<br />

Samuel Strachan<br />

Rozanne<br />

Stucky<br />

Kenneth Stuter<br />

Rebecca Tarr<br />

Robert Thompson<br />

James Thorne<br />


Ping pong games are a favorite pastime.<br />

Ronald Troyer<br />

Mary Ann Vance<br />

Billie Vielhauer<br />

Jerry<br />

Lynn<br />

Wagner<br />

Walter<br />

Richard Warner<br />


Taking pictures is part of a freshman’s<br />

life, but does it take this many cameras?<br />

Suzanne Wasmuth<br />

Nancy<br />

Thomas<br />

Weaver<br />

Wells<br />

Joanna Wheeler<br />

Loretta Whiting<br />

Patricia Will<br />

Denise Wills<br />


Student Directory<br />

Adams, Raymond<br />

74<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Racine, Ohio<br />

Altman, Nancy<br />

3,43,52,85<br />

1327 Poplar Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Amsler, Sharon<br />

54,55<br />

Box 146<br />

Knox, Pennsylvania<br />

Anderson, Darrell<br />

1721 Greenboy Road<br />

Highland Park, Illinois<br />

Anderson, E. Gerald<br />

89<br />

Platteville, Wisconsin<br />

Anderson, Richard<br />

89<br />

Markle, Indiana<br />

Anderson, Robert<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Auburn, Indiana<br />

Andrews, Robert<br />

51,63,89<br />

Perrinton, Michigan<br />

Arenz, Ruth<br />

47,89<br />

957 E. 167th Place<br />

South Holland, Ohio<br />

Arnold, Daniel<br />

R.R. 2<br />

AviIla, Indiana<br />

Arnold, Dean<br />

128 N. Bond<br />

Bluffton, Indiana<br />

Baas, Ruth<br />

89<br />

525 Wieland Road<br />

Lansing, Michigan<br />

Bair, Paul<br />

51,69,70<br />

119 Egolf Street<br />

Churubusco, Indiana<br />

Baker, Gary<br />

42,51,62,89<br />

3015 Searles<br />

Rockford, Illinois<br />

Banayan, Azizolah<br />

74<br />

Teheran, Iran<br />

Barber, Esther (Mrs.)<br />

47,85,88<br />

940 Ruth Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Barkey, Rose (Mrs.)<br />

74<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Barnett, John<br />

3300 Earlham Drive<br />

Dayton, Ohio<br />

Bear, Samuel<br />

57,69,70,73<br />

333 Main Street<br />

Roanoke, Indiana<br />

Becker, Carlson<br />

503 Wilkerson Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Benner, Gene<br />

45,50,57,59,64,65,7-2,74<br />

921 Evelyn Avenue<br />

Fort Erie, Ontario<br />

Canada<br />

Bennett, Dean<br />

1048 Wildwood Drive<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Bergdall, Kevin<br />

35,37,39,48,54,57,63,65<br />

203 E. Franklin<br />

Lanark, Illinois<br />

Berghoff, Steven<br />

42,48,62,90<br />

1407 Forest<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Beverly, Larry<br />

32,55,74<br />

Fowler, Illinois<br />

Bickel, Mary Lou<br />

38,60,77,97,101<br />

4901 South Anthony<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Birdsall, Darlene<br />

45,51,77,97<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Clare, Michigan<br />

Birdsall, Donelle<br />

35,50,77,97<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Clare, Michigan<br />

Bitner, Stephen<br />

61<br />

1829 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Bolen, Howard<br />

37,90<br />

German Valley, Illinois<br />

Bolton, George<br />

42,43,46,62,90<br />

725 E. Chicago<br />

Allen, Michigan<br />

Bomersback, Thomas<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Bonewitz, Diana<br />

50.90<br />

915 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Bonewitz, Janet<br />

33,38,47,54,58,60,74,80,88<br />

915 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Bonewitz, Karen<br />

62<br />

915 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Booth, Barbara<br /><br />

R.R. 2<br />

Howe, Indiana<br />

Boukes, Ladonna<br />

4440 Cornelius Avenue<br />

Indianapolis, Indiana<br />

Bowditch, Sandra<br />

38.46.90<br />

Laskey Road<br />

Toledo 13, Ohio<br />

Boyer, Lawrence Arden<br />

90<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Briggs, Robert<br />

66<br />

231 Oak Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Brown, Karen<br /><br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Brown, Nathan<br />

77.97<br />

R.R. 4<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Brown, Rachael<br /><br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Brown, Samuel<br />

4,97,100<br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Brumfiel, Patricia<br />

98<br />

407 E. Vine<br />

Van Buren, Indiana<br />

Brumfiel, Philip<br /><br />

407 E. Vine<br />

Van Buren, Indiana<br />

Burk, Roger<br /><br />

Caledonia, Michigan<br />

Burke, Nina<br /><br />

Derby, New York<br />

Burkholder, DeEtta Jo<br />

35.54.98<br />

800 Himes Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Burkholder, Donetta<br /><br />

Scotland, Pennsylvania<br />

Burkholder, Erma (Mrs.)<br />

47.56.75<br />

1844 College Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Burley, Arthur<br />

1140 Bechtol<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Burns, Sara<br />

434 Hasty<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Bush, Ilene<br />

98<br />

4889 N. Unionville<br />

Unionville, Michigan<br />

Butz, Gary<br /><br />

4502 Winston Avenue<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Cairl, Nelson<br />

75<br />

403 E. Main Street<br />

Butler, Indiana<br />

Caley, Everett Duane<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Campbell, Nondace<br />

7,37,38,40,89<br />

61 S. West<br />

Hillsdale, Michigan<br />

Cannon, Alice (Mrs.)<br />

1100 Gragg Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Carlson, Emily<br /><br />

808 Himes Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Carroll, David<br />

1703 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Chapin, Jerry<br />

98<br />

533 Mayne Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Cherry, Howard<br /><br />

621 N. Cochran<br />

Charlotte, Michigan<br />

Clark, Doyle<br /><br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Clark, Janet (Mrs.)<br />

32.35.75<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Clark, M. Keith<br /><br />

393 Washington<br />

Peru, Indiana<br />

Clements, Darrell<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Charlotte, Michigan<br />

Cole, George<br />

1925 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />


Cook, Patricia<br />

35.38.90<br />

920 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Cook, Ronald<br />

51.85<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Cope, Sandra<br /><br />

1721 W. Washington<br />

Boise, Idaho<br />

Coppess, Lynda<br /><br />

13112 Round Lake Road<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Cox, Sharon<br /><br />

Box 324<br />

Markle, Indiana<br />

Crain, Mark<br />

42,57,64,65,66,76,88<br />

Pierceton, Indiana<br />

Croff, Orin Duey<br />

40,42,43,50,62,104<br />

1160 60th Street<br />

Grand Rapids, Michigan<br />

Cunningham, Paul<br />

40,44,57,98,105<br />

1718 Jessie Avenue<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Current, Joseph<br />

1955 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Custer, Leland<br /><br />

154 Jackson Street<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Custer, Margaret<br />

4.98<br />

154 Jackson Street<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Dakin, Lowell<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Milton-Freewater, Oregon<br />

Danner, Gary<br />

50,86<br />

2967 N. 6th Street<br />

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Daugherty, Gloria Diane<br />

98<br />

Box 306<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Daugherty, Nancy<br /><br />

R.R. 7<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Davidson, Ann<br />

98<br />

1137 Ogan Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Davis, Larry<br />

5199 Little Richmond Road<br />

Dayton, Ohio<br />

Davis, Ray<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Gladwin, Michigan<br />

Dearduff, Gary<br />

422 Vine<br />

Roanoke, Indiana<br />

Deemer, Norma<br />

47<br />

R.R. 9<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

DeHaven, Glen<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Devall, Kelly<br />

246 Briant<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

DeWeese, Thomas<br />

1816 Alabama Avenue<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

DeWitt, Ronald<br />

98<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Roanoke, Indiana<br />

Ditmer, Arthur Harold<br />

42.43.99<br />

R.R. 8<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Doerscher, Stephen<br />

1713 Canfield Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Dolby, Richard<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Donaghue, Wayne<br />

2276 Shawnee Boulevard<br />

Lima, Ohio<br />

Drew, Helen (Mrs.)<br />

943 Cherry Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Dunlap, Raymond<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Earlywine, Thomas<br />

76<br />

1745 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Edlin, Glenda<br /><br />

830 Spruce<br />

Leavenworth, Kansas<br />

Edmonds, Jeffrey<br /><br />

308 E. Tipton<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Edwards, Barbara<br />

38.86<br />

3103 Gladstone<br />

Rockford, Illinois<br />

Eisenhauer, Mary Ann<br />

1277 Oak Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Ellis, Linda<br />

194 Walnut Street<br />

Wabash, Indiana<br />

Emans, Nancy<br />

99,101<br />

Box 215<br />

Celina, Ohio<br />

Emmans, Barbara<br />

37.38.91<br />

208 Jay Dee Street<br />

Elkhart, Indiana<br />

Esterline, Albert<br />

69.99<br />

R.R 5<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Evans, Daniel<br />

206 N. Market<br />

North Manchester, Indiana<br />

Evans, Sharon<br /><br />

1421 N. Jay Street<br />

Kokomo, Indiana<br />

Fahrnow, Glen<br />

57,61,64,65<br />

R.R. 9<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Farmer, Jerry<br />

44,70<br />

R.R. 2<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

Farmer, Richard<br /><br />

R.R. 2<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

Ferner, Donna Jean<br />

44,54,86,88<br />

8245 Cornell<br />

Chicago 17, Illinois<br />

Fishbaugh, Caralene<br />

45.55.86<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Uniondale, Indiana<br />

Fisher, Kenneth<br />

72.76<br />

1509 N. Buckeye<br />

Abilene, Kansas<br />

Fisher, Mary<br />

38.54.86<br />

1748 Barrows<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

Fisher, Virginia<br />

5.35.91<br />

1748 Barrows<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

Fleming, Marvel<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

Rockford, Ohio<br />

Fletcher, Ronald<br />

62.91<br />

4977 Little Richmond Road<br />

Dayton, Ohio<br />

Fong, David<br /><br />

Shanghai, China<br />

Foy, Richard<br />

3.91<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Poneto, Indiana<br />

Frank, Jayne<br />

91<br />

McCollum Road<br />

Montgomery, Michigan<br />

Frederick, Richard<br />

56<br />

Box 417<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Frewer, Jean (Mrs.)<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Frisch, Marjorie<br /><br />

509 General Steuben Road<br />

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania<br />

Fry, Dean<br />

728 N. LaFontaine<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Gallaway, Gerald<br />

2005 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Gamble, Edna (Mrs.)<br />

86<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Gamble, Pamela<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Gates, Carol<br /><br />

Derby, New York<br />

Gee, David<br />

581 Etna Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Geiger, James<br />

5.62.99<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Star City, Indiana<br />

Gerber, Philip<br />

Box 172<br />

Uniondale, Indiana<br />

Germann, Sharon (Mrs.)<br />

56.86<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Scott, Ohio<br />

Gidner, Lyle<br />

99,104<br />

Gidner Road<br />

Charlotte, Michigan<br />

Giessler, Von<br />

36<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Willshire, Ohio<br />

Ginty, James<br />

1239 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Glass, Norman<br />

42<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Bluffton, Indiana<br />

Goodwin, John<br />

33,36,83<br />

8561/2 Campus Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Graham, Darlene<br /><br />

6844 Minock Street<br />

Detroit, Michigan<br />


Graham, Delbert<br />

70.86<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Graham, Gary<br />

35,36<br />

765 N. School<br />

Colby, Kansas<br />

Graham, Paul David<br /><br />

6844 Minock Street<br />

Detroit, Michigan<br />

Griffin, Judith<br />

57.86<br />

414 Highland Boulevard<br />

Bremen, Ohio<br />

Griffin, Lois<br /><br />

2015 Bailey Road<br />

Toledo 16, Ohio<br />

Griffin, M. David<br /><br />

414 Highland Boulevard<br />

Bremen, Ohio<br />

Grobe, David<br />

928 N. Dement Avenue<br />

Dixon, Illinois<br />

Grogg, Donald Eugene<br /><br />

R.R. 2<br />

Ridgeville, Indiana<br />

Grogg, Henrietta (Mrs.)<br />

519V2 E. State Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Grogg, Howard<br />

51,75,76<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Ridgeville, Indiana<br />

Gunderson, James<br />

44.99<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Hobart, Indiana<br />

Hale, Rosalie (Mrs.)<br />

92.50<br />

R.R. 7<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Harmon, Joyce<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Harrell, Terry<br />

99<br />

843 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Harrington, Janet<br /><br />

193 Church<br />

Coldwater, Michigan<br />

Harrington, Paul<br /><br /><br />

193 Church<br />

Coldwater, Michigan<br />

Harris, Elsie (Mrs.)<br />

1330 Mishler Road<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Hathaway, Stephen<br />

2224 Bremer Drive<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Headley, Karen<br />

35.39.92<br />

R.R. 2<br />

West Unity, Ohio<br />

Hendrickson, Donald<br /><br />

4323 S. Madison<br />

Muncie, Indiana<br />

Henry, Martha<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

Culver, Indiana<br />

Hess, Barbara<br /><br />

4400 Prescott<br />

Dayton 16, Ohio<br />

Hippensteel, Keith<br />

47.73.77<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Hite, Ronald<br />

3,99<br />

829 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Holloway, John<br />

92<br />

732 Himes Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Hosterman, Jerrold<br />

77<br />

Box 163<br />

Sycomore, Ohio<br />

Hostler, Robert<br />

57,64,65,67<br />

R.R. 2<br />

KendalIviIle, Indiana<br />

Hotchkiss, James<br />

33,37,38,45,50,92<br />

R.R. 6<br />

Marion, Indiana<br />

Hough, Carol<br /><br />

12113 Sunfield Highway<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Houghton, William<br />

81<br />

1204 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Howett, Julia<br />

41,56,59,60,72,75,77,80<br />

256 S. Briant Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Huber, Anne<br />

100<br />

R.R. 4<br />

Lititz, Pennsylvania<br />

Hughs, Judy<br />

100<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Venedocia, Ohio<br />

Imes, William<br />

69<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Kendallville, Indiana<br />

Jackson, David<br />

7,32,36,51,62,83<br />

Derby, New York<br />

Jersey, Judith<br />

441 Pearl Street<br />

Boyne City, Michigan<br />

Johns, Fred<br /><br />

R.R. 2<br />

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Johnson, Charles<br />

87<br />

1001 E. Columbia<br />

Mason, Michigan<br />

Johnson, Connie<br />

45,59,89,93<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Rockford, Ohio<br />

Jones, Connie<br />

100<br />

1167 Ogan Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Jones, Francis<br />

44,56,100<br />

R.R. 7<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Kaehr, Robert<br />

45,59,85,87<br />

425 E. Spring<br />

Bluffton, Indiana<br />

Kahly, Robert<br />

German Valley, Illinois<br />

Kallenberger, Leon<br />

R R. 1<br />

Willshire, Ohio<br />

Keene, Roger<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Keller, Colleen (Mrs.)<br />

59,77<br />

718 Van Buren<br />

Berne, Indiana<br />

Keller, Kirby<br />

40,51,57,64,87<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Kelley, Mary Kathy<br />

1119 E. Tipton<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Kennedy, John<br />

56.73.77<br />

R.R. 8<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Kethcart, Robert<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Kinsey, Neil<br />

Box 193<br />

Markle, Indiana<br />

Kiracofe, John<br />

752 Charles<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Kiteley, Robert<br /><br />

149 N. Avery Road<br />

Pontiac, Michigan<br />

Kitzmann, Marie<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Kline, Janice<br />

60,101<br />

R.R. 4<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Kline, Ronald<br />

57,66,67<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Knittle, Carey<br />

405 Winchester<br />

Decatur, Indiana<br />

Knoll, Jerry<br />

44.72.78<br />

529 High Street<br />

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Kpenge, Joseph Allen<br /><br />

Box 20 Mattry<br />

Jong, Sierra Leone<br />

West Africa<br />

Kreigh, Samuel<br /><br />

Box 5<br />

Zanesville, Indiana<br />

Kreps, Doris<br />

35.72.78<br />

7547 Todd Road<br />

Temperance, Michigan<br />

Krider, Richard<br />

Churubusco, Indiana<br />

Kuntz, Dorland<br />

35.93<br />

R.R. 7<br />

Abilene, Kansas<br />

Kurtansky, Francis<br />

51.77<br />

133 Alexander Street<br />

Caro, Michigan<br />

Labor, John<br />

72,87,92<br />

Bumpe, Sierra Leone<br />

West Africa<br />

Lahr, Dorothy<br />

35,39,51,54<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Lake, Roger<br />

64.93<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Yoder, Indiana<br />

Lampman, Allan<br />

51<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Quincy, Michigan<br />

Landis, Rodna<br />

47,60,87<br />

1260 S. Jefferson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Lawrence, John<br />

101<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Kokomo, Indiana<br />


Leader, David<br />

710 E. Bannock Street<br />

Boise, Idaho<br />

Leiter, William<br />

43.66<br />

Box 163<br />

LaOtto, Indiana<br />

Lightner, Anne (Mrs.)<br />

612 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Lippe, Charles<br /><br />

Esbon, Kansas<br />

Lippe, Emmett<br />

42,43,44,51,70,87<br />

301 N.E. 15th<br />

Abilene, Kansas<br />

Lippe, John<br />

36,62,72,82<br />

301 N.E. 15th<br />

Abilene, Kansas<br />

Love, Ruthellen<br />

101<br />

Box 351<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Loveless, Carole<br /><br />

Box 218<br />

Rudyard, Michigan<br />

Lowe, Gary<br />

1212 S. 3rd Street<br />

Dayton, Washington<br />

Lucas, Annette<br />

93<br />

5965 W. Kentucky<br />

Denver, Colorado<br />

Lucas, Byron<br />

87<br />

5965 W. Kentucky<br />

Denver, Colorado<br />

Lucas, Paula<br />

5,40<br />

840 S. Harlan<br />

Denver, Colorado<br />

Lupp, Kenneth<br /><br />

Idaville, Pennsylvania<br />

Lynch, Dennis<br />

50<br />

3276 Comer Street<br />

Flint, Michigan<br />

McAhren, John<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

McClurg, Robert<br />

101<br />

269 S. Broadway<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

McGinnis, David<br />

40<br />

Box 66<br />

Jerry City, Ohio<br />

McGlennen, Howard<br />

73,78<br />

Mulberry Street<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

McHenry, Mark<br />

39,72,78,80<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

McIntyre, Larry<br />

1106 Pike<br />

Crawfordsville, Indiana<br />

McKibben, Virginia (Mrs.)<br />

R.R. 3<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

McMahon, Thomas<br /><br />

618 First Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

McReynolds, Ronald<br />

51,102<br />

628 Carter<br />

Platteville, Wisconsin<br />

Malson, Beth<br />

39,57,94<br />

6259 Richfield Road<br />

Flint, Michigan<br />

Manion, James<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Marsh, Charles<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Martin, Ardith<br />

35<br />

423 Wayne Avenue<br />

Defiance, Ohio<br />

Mast, Edwin<br />

79<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Antwerp, Ohio<br />

Mastin, Gary<br /><br />

370 S. Mission<br />

Colby, Kansas<br />

Mattern, Karen<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Mauger, Jack<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Maxton, Alan<br />

31,44,45,50,56,62,101<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Maxwell, Keith<br />

36.83<br />

1105 S. Third<br />

Dayton, Washington<br />

Maxwell, Kent<br />

36.83<br />

1105 S. Third<br />

Dayton, Washington<br />

Mead, David<br />

73.79<br />

140 High<br />

Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania<br />

Mefferd, Lynn<br />

36.87<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Willshire, Ohio<br />

Mellott, Thomas<br />

59.87<br />

316 E. Orange<br />

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania<br />

Mentzer, Junior<br />

34,72,82<br />

644 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Merkle, Bonnie<br /><br />

5021 Gennesse Avenue<br />

Dayton, Ohio<br />

Merryman, Sue (Mrs.)<br />

58.79<br />

2106 College Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Miller, Roy<br />

94<br />

7311 Burnside<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Miller, Sandra<br /><br />

R.R. 8<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Miller, Thomas<br />

102<br />

R.R. 2<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Miller, Tillie<br />

102<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Butler, Indiana<br />

Millner, Jean<br />

608 Wesley<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Mills, Susan<br />

38.94<br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Mills, Thomas<br /><br />

120 N. Cedar<br />

Cedarville, Illinois<br />

Minniear, Robert<br />

1110 Swan Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Morris, Judith<br />

60.94<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Greenfield, Indiana<br />

Moris, Robert<br />

79.80<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Keystone, Indiana<br />

Morrison, Patricia<br />

35,38,39,102<br />

308 Elm Street<br />

Harrison, Michigan<br />

Morrison, Richard<br />

31.32.87<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Waren, Indiana<br />

Morrow, John<br />

Box 383A<br />

Cedar Lake, Indiana<br />

Moyer, Edgar<br /><br />

3481/2 E. Orange<br />

Burbank, California<br />

Moyer, Richard<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

Churchville, Virginia<br />

Musselman, Bruce<br />

6652 Reynolds Road<br />

Mentor, Ohio<br />

Musselman, Jay<br />

51.94<br />

6652 Reynolds Road<br />

Mentor, Ohio<br />

Myers, Barbara (Mrs.)<br />

34.79.80<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Myers, Dennis<br />

87<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Myers, Harold<br />

73,82<br />

943 Warren Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Myers, Robert<br />

33,36,62,82,83<br />

1845 Freedom<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Neterer, Gary<br /><br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Netherland, Edwin<br />

650 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Ng, Tin Yam<br />

44,72<br />

Kings Road, Hong Kong<br />

Palmer, Jo<br />

12.94<br />

6110 Richfield Road<br />

Flint, Michigan<br />

Palmer, Lee<br />

36,83,84<br />

North Star, Michigan<br />

Paul, Kent<br />

1101½ Oak Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Pell, John, Jr.<br />

45<br />

832 N. Main<br />

Rushville, Indiana<br />

Pelzer, Irma<br />

94<br />

1200 Grant Street<br />

St. Joseph, Michigan<br />

Perrigo, Pamela<br />

102<br />

1361 Cherry<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Petre, Patricia<br /><br />

569 W. State<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />


Petre, Thomas<br />

569 W. State<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Petrie, Larry<br />

56<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Potee, Bruce<br /><br />

Brimfield, Indiana<br />

Potts, Thomas<br />

42,81,94<br />

218 Madison Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Price, Alfred<br />

218 E. Jefferson<br />

Blissfield, Michigan<br />

Price, Eleanor (Mrs.)<br /><br />

620 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Price, Richard<br />

44.65.79<br />

620 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Proffitt, David<br />

654 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Pulliam, Gerald<br />

95<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Dayton, Washington<br />

Raab, Richard<br />

62,95,100<br />

Eden, Michigan<br />

Randall, Willis<br />

1400 Grayston<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Ray, Grant<br />

95<br />

Box 71<br />

Corunna, Indiana<br />

Reahm, Douglas<br />

35<br />

1006 Guilford Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Reed, Richard<br />

36,69<br />

Lincoln Avenue<br />

Dunkirk, Indiana<br />

Reifert, Donald<br />

42<br />

184 Mechanic<br />

Dundee, Michigan<br />

Reinhard, Arlyn<br />

42<br />

302 S. Jefferson<br />

Ossian, Indiana<br />

Rice, Donna<br />

39.102<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Roanoke, Indiana<br />

Rinehart, Regina<br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Roberts, Walter<br />

102<br />

4441/2 Wilkerson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Rodeheaver, LaDoyt<br />

7,35,47,54,57,62,64<br />

954 S. Crissey Road<br />

Holland, Ohio<br />

Rogers, Robert<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Rooney, Candace<br /><br />

114½ N. 4th<br />

Seneca, Kansas<br />

Rutledge, Mark<br /><br />

Box 134<br />

Willshire, Ohio<br />

Saufley, Royal<br />

88<br />

Port Republic, Virginia<br />

Schwartz, Robert<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

Schweikhardt, Fred<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Van Buren, Indiana<br />

Searson, James<br />

4,57,64,102<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Garnett, Kansas<br />

Seibert, Carol<br />

95<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Spencerville, Ohio<br />

Seilhamer, Roy<br />

72,83<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Auburn, Indiana<br />

Sell, Larry<br />

45,50<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Rockford, Ohio<br />

Shafer, Lou Ann (Mrs.)<br />

102<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Shank, Raymond<br />

48,57,71<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Leslie, Michigan<br />

Sheets, Paul<br />

84<br />

2456 College Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Shelhamer, Paul<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Shockley, James<br />

71<br />

632 E. Washington<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Shortz, Ronald<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Sunfield, Michigan<br />

Shrock, Sondra<br />

103<br />

R.R. 4<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Siedenburg, Delight<br /><br />

R.R. 3<br />

Mt. Carroll, Illinois<br />

Simms, Dwight<br />

7,57,63,95,96<br />

323 Hall Street<br />

Orrville, Ohio<br />

Simms, Marlin<br />

80<br />

323 Hall Street<br />

Orrville, Ohio<br />

Sims, Chester<br />

South Whitley, Indiana<br />

Skeldon, William<br />

506 E. State<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Skinner, Roger<br /><br />

1030 Himes Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Slater, Rodger<br /><br />

721 Henry Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Smith, Alice (Mrs.)<br />

4<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Roanoke, Indiana<br />

Smith, Daniel<br />

95<br />

519 Washington<br />

Logansport, Indiana<br />

Smith, Eloise<br />

95<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Unionville, Michigan<br />

Smith, Gerald<br />

5,31,32,38,41,44,45,59,<br /><br />

R.R. 2<br />

Unionville, Michigan<br />

Smith, Keith<br />

36,84<br />

2128 College<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Smith, Linda (Mrs.)<br />

1214 Freedom Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Smith, Richard David<br />

103<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Warren, Indiana<br />

Smith, Richard H.<br /><br />

630 Hardin<br />

Freeport, Illinois<br />

Smith, Stephen<br />

42,46,62,95<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Keystone, Indiana<br />

Smith, Theron<br />

84<br />

2028 College<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Smith, Walter<br />

103<br />

5341 Post Road<br />

East Greenwich, Rhode Island<br />

Smriga, Michael<br />

1630 Parkview<br />

Whiting, Indiana<br />

Snider, James<br />

Wren, Ohio<br />

Snyder, Bruce<br />

7<br />

203 Walnut<br />

Lindsey, Ohio<br />

Somers, Rex<br />

77.97.103<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Ossian, Indiana<br />

Speas, Shirley<br />

35,39,47,54<br />

719 N. Wilson<br />

Hastings, Michigan<br />

Spencer, Beth<br />

95<br />

Box 1434<br />

Oakdale, California<br />

Staup, Robert<br />

S. Lane<br />

Blissfield, Michigan<br />

Steinfort, Joan<br />

46.103<br />

135 Casey Street<br />

Caledonia, Michigan<br />

Stetzel, Larry<br />

350 Himes Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Stevens, Augustine<br /><br />

Freetown, Sierra Leone<br />

West Africa,<br />

Stewart, James<br />

103<br />

677 Olinger<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Stewart, Rosada (Mrs.)<br />

677 Olinger<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Stillwell, Kenneth<br />

51<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Flemington, New Jersey<br />

Stocker, Elmer<br />

57,64,65,69<br />

801 E. Van Buren<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Stomoff, Chris<br />

1448 N. Grayston Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Stouder, Norman<br />

919 Williams Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Strachan, Samuel<br />

72.103<br />

Mt. James P.O.<br />

Jamaica, West Indies<br />


Stroh, Jack<br />

117 McKeever<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Stucky, Rozanne<br />

39.51.103<br />

Willshire, Ohio<br />

Stuter, Kenneth<br />

103<br />

W. Market Street<br />

Orrville, Ohio<br />

Surface, Eva (Mrs.)<br />

R.R. 5<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Swander, Carl<br />

42<br />

505 W. Columbus<br />

Rockford, Ohio<br />

Sutton, Robert<br />

57.67<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Tarr, Rebecca<br />

35.47.103<br />

R.R. 4<br />

Bluffton, Indiana<br />

Taube, Donald<br />

8342 Toledo-Wauseon<br />

Holland, Ohio<br />

Taylor, Alice (Mrs.)<br />

17.96<br />

767 Campus Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Thompson, James<br />

32,33,42,47,49,55,57,58,<br />

61,71,80,81<br />

154 McCrum Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Thompson, Robert<br />

5.39.103<br />

158 E. 2nd Street<br />

Rockford, Ohio<br />

Thorne, James<br />

69.103<br />

R.R. 2<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Trook, John<br />

3.96<br />

703 Oak Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Troyer, Ronald<br />

57,64,65,104<br />

Howe, Indiana<br />

Ummel, Larry<br />

57.66.67<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Underwood, Richard<br />

66<br />

478 Crystal<br />

Akron, Ohio<br />

Van Deusen, Jill<br />

34.38.96<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Hillsdale, Michigan<br />

Van Meter, Eldon<br />

443 Whitelock Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Vance, Mary Ann<br />

104<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Warsaw, Indiana<br />

Vejar, Patrick<br /><br />

9819 Beachy Avenue<br />

San Fernando, California<br />

Vielhauer, Billie<br />

104<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Vohs, Jerry<br />

606 Opal Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

VonBargen, Bruce<br />

56,85,88<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wagner, Jerry<br />

104<br />

R.R. 4<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wagoner, Edward<br />

R.R. 5<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Wain, Barbara<br /><br />

24756 Quigley Canyon Road<br />

Newhall, California<br />

Walter, Lynn<br />

104<br />

R.R. 1<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Walters, Nellie<br />

4.39.96<br />

4161 Rogers Avenue<br />

Clare, Michigan<br />

Walters, Robert<br />

R.R. 3<br />

Decatur, Indiana<br />

Warner, Donald<br />

637 S. Jefferson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Warner, Richard<br />

100,104<br />

637 S. Jefferson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wasmuth, Suzanne<br />

39,105<br />

520 Flaxmill Road<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Watson, Philip<br />

R.R. 1<br />

Andrews, Indiana<br />

Weaver, Harold<br />

47,80<br />

R.R. 8<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Weaver, Nancy<br />

39.60.105<br />

Sterling Street<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Wechter, Amy (Mrs.)<br />

56.80<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wechter, Robert<br />

56.72.80<br />

1855 Fruit Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wells, Thomas<br />

105<br />

1428 St. Peter Street<br />

Indianapolis, Indiana<br />

Wetters, Garl<br />

42,61<br />

1123 N. Jefferson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wheeler, Joanna<br />

40.105<br />

Box 246<br />

Geneva, Indiana<br />

Whiting, Loretta<br />

105<br />

Carleton Road<br />

Hillsdale, Michigan<br />

Will, Patricia<br />

105<br />

R.R. 4<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Williams, Rollo<br />

3,38,48,57,66,67,96<br />

946 Lake Street<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Wills, Denise<br />

51.105<br />

519 Quincy Street, N.W.<br />

Washington 11, D.C.<br />

Wing, Douglas<br />

36,82,83<br />

Box 188<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Winterhalter, Frank<br />

Box 99<br />

Corunna, Indiana<br />

Wise, James<br />

36<br />

1934 Roycroft Drive<br />

Holland, Ohio<br />

Wong, Sai-Kee<br />

72<br />

Hong Kong, China<br />

Workman, Lynn<br />

R.R. 2<br />

Columbia City, Indiana<br />

Wust, Harold<br />

84<br />

Box 22<br />

Lagro, Indiana<br />



INC<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Plants: <strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Dallas, Texas<br />

Lansdale, Pennsylvania<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />



<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Where Character and Culture Blend<br />


Our sincere congratulations and good wishes are extended to<br />

each member of the graduating class of <strong>1963</strong>. It has been a<br />

great joy to work with each one during the days of your<br />

preparation.<br />


<strong>Huntington</strong> College<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Your friends may secure a catalog<br />

at the Public Relations Office.<br />


MODEL<br />

Engineering & Manufacturing Corp.<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Electronic Instruments & Assemblies<br />

Tru-Ohm Vitreous Resistors<br />

Tru-Ohm Rheostats<br />

Airborne Instrumentation<br />

Micro-Wave Assemblies<br />

Precision Products<br />

Product Engineering and Development<br />

50 Frederick St. Phone 104<br />


Cakes<br />

Pies<br />

Phone 1602<br />


TO<br />



546 N. Jefferson<br />

MOON & MOON<br />

gives college students the fine quality<br />

laundry and dry cleaning they desire.<br />

335 Poplar Phone 840<br />


"Be Happy—Go Hoppe"<br />

Wholesale & Retail<br />

Gasoline—Motor Oils—Tires<br />

Batteries and Auto Parts<br />

"Get the Happy Hoppe Habit"<br />

1370 Etna Ave. Phone 3132<br />



Heating — Air Conditioning<br />

Sales & Service<br />

24 Hour Service in <strong>Huntington</strong> and Whitley Counties<br />

537 N. Line St. Columbia City Branch Office Phone 244-6406<br />

245 Erie <strong>Huntington</strong> Phone 4700—Nights 4704<br />

For the best in motorcycles, sure<br />

footed front end service and<br />

minor repair work, stop at<br />

HOFFY'S<br />

1249 1st St. Phone 1395<br />


12 Lanes—Air Conditioned<br />

Bowling is fun for the entire<br />

college crowd.<br />

350 S. Briant Phone 298<br />


Our Church<br />

“A room of quiet ... A temple of peace.<br />

A home of faith . . . Where doubtings cease.<br />

A house of comfort . . . Where hope is given.<br />

A source of strength ... To make earth heaven;<br />

A shrine for worship ... A place to pray—<br />

I found all this ... In my Church today.”<br />



<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Edmund C. Burkey, Pastor<br />

"The Friendly Church of Dedicated People"<br />

Clothing and furnishings for the<br />

college student<br />


Men's Town<br />

400 N. Jefferson Phone 1311<br />

"GAMBLES,<br />


Featuring such names as<br />

Sunbeam<br />

General Electric<br />

Corning Ware<br />

Auto Accessories<br />

Motorola Transistor Radios<br />

518 N. Jefferson Phone 778<br />

Dominion<br />

West Bend<br />

Toastmaster<br />

Pyrex<br />


Because FLAME cooking with GAS is<br />



&<br />

TOOL CO.<br />

Manufacturers of Full Time Shock<br />

Absorbers<br />

221 E. Washington Phone 888<br />



WATER CO., INC.<br />

347 W. State St. Phone 142<br />


<strong>Huntington</strong> — Andrews<br />


Ambulance Service<br />

35 W. Park Dr. Phone 851<br />

Member of the Federal Deposit<br />

Insurance Corporation<br />




Hotel LaFontaine Bldg. Phone 1125<br />

Take the whole gang out to<br />


for the late evening snack or a<br />

complete meal<br />

1001 W. Park Dr. Phone 377<br />

Compliments of<br />



Arrow Shirts<br />

Jantzen Sportswear<br />

Curlee Clothes<br />

Formal Wear<br />

Allen Edmonde Shoes<br />

Levis<br />

Dress Suit Rental<br />

Accessories<br />

Jarman Shoes<br />

"The Place To Go For The Brands You Know"<br />

926 S. Calhoun Anthony 6496<br />


For the best in electrical service<br />


of IND., INC.<br />

217 W. State Phone 3200<br />

suits<br />

overcoats<br />

If you want the very best suits,<br />

you should go to<br />

D. MARX & SONS<br />

socks<br />

shirts<br />

ties<br />

319 N. Jefferson Phone 456<br />

Chili<br />

Hot Dogs<br />


529 Warren St. Phone 3138<br />

Tenderloins<br />

Home Made Pies<br />

THE<br />


222 North Jefferson Phone 368<br />



"If Your Clothes Aren't Becoming To You,<br />

They Should Be Coming To Us."<br />

One Day Service<br />

837 E. Market Phone 4462<br />

At the<br />


there is a variety of foods from which<br />

to choose. YOU are always welcome.<br />

215 E. Franklin Phone 582<br />

For complete one-stop automotive<br />

service, plus sporting goods, go to<br />

HUMMER'S<br />

547 Guilford Phone 3198<br />

Call your Culligan man today and<br />

discover why "You Don't Have To<br />

Buy It To Try It"<br />



948 E. Tipton Phone 563<br />



Fulton's Finest Flavor Dairy Products<br />

''Where To Call"<br />

1500 Etna Avenue Phone 61W<br />


For ALL Your Needs<br />

817 E. Market Phone 1500<br />



1019 Salamonie Avenue<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong>, Indiana<br />

Phone 1506<br />

Visit<br />

THE SPOT<br />

Carry Out Service<br />

878 E. Market Phone 5359<br />

859 E. Market 678 or 5358<br />


Compliments of<br />



1230 Sabine Phone 4200<br />

If you want to buy the Greatest<br />

Name in Rubber, go to the<br />


44 E. Washington Phone 582<br />

salads<br />

pies<br />

When shopping downtown, stop at<br />


for fine foods<br />

sandwiches<br />

soups<br />

beverages<br />

506 N. Jefferson Phone 1094<br />


Flattering Footwear for all<br />

the Collegiate Crowd<br />

419 N. Jefferson Phone 4733<br />


Try a Dairy Queen. They're moo-licious!<br />

Eat at the First St.<br />


1105 First St. Phone 1317<br />

College students find that for complete<br />

coverage Mr. Richard Klopfenstein, the<br />

campus counselor, can supply their every<br />

need.<br />



Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

For the perfect gift<br />


411 N. Jefferson Phone 733<br />

Books<br />

Office Supplies<br />


Typewriters<br />

16 E. Market Phone 618<br />

Stationery<br />

Gifts<br />




32 E. Franklin Phone 145<br />


Houseware and Gift Department<br />

70 South Jefferson Phone 228<br />

It costs less to live with the help<br />

of electricity from the<br />


R.E.M.C.<br />

State Hwy. 5 S. Phone 135<br />

Get your "wheels" at<br />


Bicycles — Tricycles — Repairing<br />

422 Poplar Phone<br />



Your Franchised FIRESTONE<br />

Dealer & Distributor<br />

S. Jefferson at Riverside Phone 1200<br />

C. E. BASH & CO.<br />

feeds<br />

paint<br />

seeds<br />

hardware<br />

builder's supplies<br />

549 Warren Phone 279<br />


701 N. Broadway Phone 124 One Stop Service<br />


1747 N. Jefferson Phone 3060<br />




Your local FRIGIDAIRE dealer for<br />

20 years<br />

201 W. State Phone 818<br />


For all your household furnishings<br />

224 S. Jefferson Phone 970<br />

"Clothes for men who care what they<br />

wear" are available for all occasions<br />

at<br />

WISSEL'S<br />

401 N. Jefferson Phone 3266<br />


"For the Lady Who Cares What She Wears"<br />

438 N. Jefferson Phone 188<br />




&<br />

CAFE<br />

U.S. Hwy. 24 E. Phone 3706<br />


"The Country's FAVORITE Dairy Foods"<br />

1010 Flaxmill Road Phone 794<br />


first aid supplies<br />

cosmetics<br />

trusses<br />

photo finishing service<br />

braces<br />

Russell Stover candies<br />

24 Hour Free Pick-up & Delivery<br />

Prescriptions Correctly Compounded<br />

407 N. Jefferson Phone 205<br />

Don't Drive By<br />

Drive In<br />

We Welcome Call In Order Service<br />


1129 First Street Phone 3569<br />


For the finest in men's clothing,<br />

go to the<br />


522 North Jefferson Phone 3424<br />

Go to the<br />


where you don't have to pay for<br />

the brand name gas.<br />

40 W. Washington Phone 2026<br />


cement<br />

plaster<br />

lime<br />

brick<br />

has<br />

'If it's lumber, call our number'<br />

paint<br />

glass<br />

sash & doors<br />

builders' hdw.<br />

317 E. State Phone 6<br />


"everything in sporting goods"<br />

21 E. Market Phone 2870<br />


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