Light V1 May 1881 - Iapsop.com

Light V1 May 1881 - Iapsop.com

Light V1 May 1881 - Iapsop.com


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llay 7, <strong>1881</strong>.J LIGHT. iii<br />


The following ia a list of eminent persona, who, after careful<br />

inveetigation, have fully satisfied themselves of the reality of<br />

aome of the phenomena of modem Spiritualism :-<br />

Archbishop Whately ; the late Lord Brougham ; the Earl of<br />

Dunra ven ; the late Lord Lytl9n ; the late Mr. Serjeant Cox, President<br />

-of the Psychological Society of Great Britain ; the late William<br />

Howitt ; the late George Thompson ; the late Harriett Martineau ;<br />

·Gerald Ma.ey; T. Adolphus Trollope ; S. C. Hall, F.S.A.<br />

The late Abraham Lincoln, President U.S.A. ; the late W. Lloyd<br />

·Garrlaon; the late Hon. R. Dale Owen, sometime Minister of U.S.A.<br />

at the Court of Naples; the late Hon. J. W. :Edmunds, sometime<br />

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New York; the late Professor<br />

llapes, the eminent chemist, U.S.A.; the late Dr. Robert Hare,<br />

Profeaeor of Chemistry at Harvard University, U.S.A.; Bishop<br />

·Clarke, of Shooe Island, U.S.A. ; Darius Lyman, of Washington.<br />

William Crookes, editor of the Quarterly Jqurnal of &ience,<br />

Fellow, Gold Medallist, and Member of the Council of the Royal<br />

Society; Cromwell Varley, F.R.(j., C.E.; A. R. Wallace, F.R.G.S., the<br />

·eminent natnraliat, sometime President of the Biological Section of<br />

the British Association for the Advancement of Science; W. F.<br />

Barrett, Profeeaorof Physics in the Royal College of Science, Dublin ;<br />

Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., Profeaaor of Physics in the University of<br />

Ounbridge ; the Earl of Crawford and Balcarrea, F.R.S., President of<br />

the Royal Astronomical Society ; Dr.Lockhart Robert.eon, F.R.S., long<br />

·one of the editors of the Jo1'rttal of ScUmcc; the late Dr. J . Elliot.eon,<br />

F.R.S., sometime President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical<br />

&ciety of London ; the late Professor de Morgan, President of the<br />

Mathematical Society of London ; the late Dr. Wm. Gregory, F.R.S.E.,<br />

Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh ; the late<br />

Dr. Ashbnrner ; the late Dr. Robert Chambers, F.R.S.E. ; Profesaor,<br />

-ch. Casaal, LL.D.; Captain R. F. Burton, the celebrated traveller.<br />

The late Emperor of RUBBia; the late Emperor Napoleon; President<br />

'Thiera ; the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, RUBBian Imperial Councillor ;<br />

the late Prince Emile de Sayn Wittgenstein ; His Imperial<br />

Highneaa Nicholas, Duke of Leuchtenberg ; the late Baron L. de<br />

-Guldenstllbbe ; Count A. de Gasparin ; the Baron and Baroness von<br />

Vay ; the Baron du Potet ; Mons. Leon Favre, Consul-General of<br />

Ftance.; Victor Hugo.<br />

Professor Friedrich ZOllner, of Leipzig, the eminent physicist,<br />

.author of "Scientific Treatises," "Transcendental Physics," kc.,<br />

whoee recent reeea.rohes in this subject have attained a world:wide<br />

fame ; Gustave T. Fechner, Professor of Physics in the University<br />

-of Leipzig, also the author of many volumes bearing on the general<br />

. subject of Psychology ; Professor Scheibner, the renowned teacher of<br />

mathematics in the University of Leipzig; W. E. Weber, Professor<br />

of Physics in the University of GOttingen, and known as one.of the<br />

main work11r11 in connection with the doctrine of the Conservation<br />

of Energy; Immanuel H. Fichte, Professor of Philosophy at Leipzig ;<br />

Professors Wagner and Butlerolf, of the University of St. Petersburg<br />

; Dr. Maximilian Perty, Professor of Natural Science in the<br />

University of Berne ; Dr. Franz Hoffman, Professor of Philosophy,<br />

Wnrzburg ; Dr. Robert Fri~, of Breslau ; Mons. Camille Flammarion,<br />

the well-known astronomer ; and ma1tg other member.t of<br />

kol"Mtl M>Cietia i7l thu and other eotmtrie1, and a t:ut 1'Umber of<br />

per11nu emiiu·nt ill literatvre, 1cilne1', a1ul art, a11d itt tkd raft.V 1:f<br />

ltleial life, "'"- namu nie are not at liberty to numtioll..<br />



Is.uc B. Rica ................ .. .................. Buannas X.a.11.a.oaa,<br />

Is it CollJurlng ?<br />

t.UT1111a CoLBr .. .. ... .. ... ............... .... ... .. Bn1roa,<br />

Jou W . D.t.Y ...... ................................. Aaa1au11T BnITOa,<br />

It ia eometimea confidently alleged that mediums are only<br />

A.lded b7 a large co~ of able writera.<br />

-elever conjurers, who easily deceive the simple-minded and<br />

unwary. But how, then, about the conjurers themselves, some THE BANNER 11 a ftr~lua , eight-pa.go Family New1paper, containing<br />

POBTY COLUKlll8 or lllTJ:Blil8TIXO AlllD IX8TBUcrIY8 BlliDlllO, embracing<br />

of the most ac<strong>com</strong>plished of whom have declared that the<br />


.. manifestations " are utterly beyond the resources of their art 1- REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LECTURES.<br />

RoBEBT HouDIN, the great French conjurer, investigated the ORIGINAL EBBA YB-Upon Spir!tnal, Philot0phical, and SolentUlc Subject•.<br />

subject of clairvoyance with the sensitive, Alexis Didier. In the EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT.<br />

result he unreservedly admitted that what he had observed was SPIRIT·XE88AGE DEPARTMENT.<br />

wholly beyond the resources of his art to explain. See '' Psychische CONTRIBUTIONS b7 the most talented wrltere in the world, etc., etc.<br />

Studien" for January, 1878, p. ~3.<br />

Terms of Subscription, in Advanoe :<br />

PBoVESSOB JACOBS.-Licht, mdr Licht, in its number of <strong>May</strong><br />

Fifteen Shilllnga per Annum.<br />

16th, 1880, gave a letter from the well-known professional conjurer,<br />

Jacobs, to the Psychological Society in Paris, avowing himself a<br />

Spiritualist, and offering suggestions for the discrimination of<br />

OOLBY & RIOH<br />

PnbU.h and keep for sale at Whol-1.e and Betall a <strong>com</strong>plete a.uortment of<br />

.ft1Mii11e from spurious manifestations.<br />



BOOKS.<br />

declare it to be a rash action to give decisive judgment upon the ••• C&talognee of Boob PubliAhed and for Bale b7 CoLBr & Rica aent free.<br />

objective medial performance of the American medium, Mr. Remittances and orderaoan be oent to the PDbll.ahere to the abon &ddre.,, or<br />

Henry Slade, after only one sitting and the observations so made. to our Agent, Kr. J. J . Hone, 53, Sigdon.ro&d, Dalaton, London, En&' land.<br />

After I had, at the wish of seveml highly esteemed gentlemen of<br />

rank ahd position, and also for my own interest, tested the physical<br />

TEA I TEA 11 TEA ! I!<br />

media.mahip of Mr. Slade, in a series of sittings by full daylight,<br />

.u well as in the evening in his bed-room, I must, for the sake of COMMONWEALTH TEA STORES .<br />

truth, hereby certify that the phenomenal occurrences with Mr.<br />

Slade have been thoroughly examined by me with the minutest<br />

PaoVINCliL Ao ENT : E. W. W .ALLIS,<br />

obeervation and investigation of his surroundings, including the<br />

table, and that I have 1t0t in tkd nnallllt degree found anything to<br />


be l)l'Oduced by means of prestidigitative manifestations, or by<br />

Soperior Quality at Sa. 4d. per lb.<br />

mechanical apparatus; and that any explanation of the experiment.<br />

which took place under tkd cir01'

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