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Light V1 May 1881 - Iapsop.com

Light V1 May 1881 - Iapsop.com


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.., 7, <strong>1881</strong>.) LIGHT. 139<br />

be brought clearly to our understanding. We are apt to aaso· Do you aak how 7 Let us follow Dr.Slade from place to place.<br />

ciate with wisdom an over-wrought refinement. True wisdom Wherever he appears the newsofhis "expoaure"has preceded him.<br />

judgee all methoda-not evil ~ ae-by their ability to ac<strong>com</strong>pliah<br />

ends. People are frequently ahocked by out~d Spirit large it is ample, and its influence with each individual not a<br />

However absurd the pretence of that ''expoeure," for the world at<br />

inanifeat.ations, little dreaming that the means employed correepond<br />

moat admirably to the end sought to be ac<strong>com</strong>plished. handicap tends to allay the excitement ; how it limits the result.<br />

Spiritualist, must be over<strong>com</strong>e. It ia readily aeen ho~ this<br />

A aublime law underlies all manifestation of Spirit, beside of Dr. Slade's work in large measure to the individuals he <strong>com</strong>es.<br />

which the mere act of manifestation i1 insignificant. Its greatest directly in contact with. It was the more desirable to do this<br />

force is in the direction of simplest form. It makes p~ because his converts were to be men of poeition and their<br />

belt when it is allowed to proceed in a direct line, as a smgle influence, added to that of the doctor,_ except fo; the Muk,<br />

shaft aimed at a Bingle object. The moment you seek to divide would have produced a tempest of excitement. .Aa it is the<br />

the light-say, ~y t.aking in a friend-too personal "conditions" doctor was permitted to do a very quiet but most effective ,;ork,<br />

moat be taken into account ; and as the other may present the excite!ll~nt due to the marvels wrought through him h8I!<br />

antagonisms of which you little dr~, the result is that the been a mlJWilum, and the course of safeat progreaa-by individual<br />

conversion-has been admirably maintained.<br />

spiritual circuit is broken ; while the moment you seek widivided<br />

individual <strong>com</strong>munication, it is instantly re-established. You It is generally aaaumed by Spiritualists that the only pre·<br />

cannot foru spiritual manifestations. You cannot dis~se them requisite to mediumahip ia an adapted organia&tion, and that the<br />

oat of their order, except at your peril. A single medium and a qualities that constitute this adaptation are rare. Now I firmly<br />

lingle aitter produce a maximum of direct spiritual force. It is believe that the organism, or material side of the caae, cuts a<br />

-if anything i&--the " Open &.ame '' to <strong>com</strong>munication. Two much s~aller figure than the " conditions," general and specific,<br />

sitters generally divide the force, and frequently nullify that surround the wideveloped sensitive. Not one in a dozen of<br />

it altogether. The presence of two mediums seldom results in those who are " mediumistic 11 is desired or choeen for active<br />

any 1111.tiafactory manifestation, and by following this to a work. There are thousands who "see"a little, are "impreued"<br />

"mediulllB' meeting" we enter the domain of Bedlam. now and then, or once in a while " controlled ; 11 but taken all<br />

I eanuot encumber a paper of this aort with details. If my in all, their ability to <strong>com</strong>municate, when summed up, is only a<br />

bearen are not prepared by aperie"ce to supply the argument source of annoyance, even to themselves. I take it that the<br />

necemary to 1upport these generalisations, I doubt if any further word "development" has a much wider significance than is<br />

elucidation would avail in bringing the subject into clearer li1?ht. related to the organism ; just as the "laws of control '' of which<br />

Society is a most <strong>com</strong>plex structure. The laws that widerlie Spirits tell us, mean something far beyond their 'dynamical<br />

if.I development elude the keenest intellects. A science of the relations. In fine, J believe that the physical is, indeed, seldom<br />

mind is as yet only a hope, hardly a prooµee. In <strong>com</strong>parative an obstruction to the 1piritual. The hindrances are nearly<br />

psychology there are at best but a few tentative studies. As a alway& mental. The same ph88e1 of mediumahip, including<br />

rule wrongs are still righted with the sword. It is only amongst materialisations, now observed, run down all along the line of<br />

a few styled sentimentalists and impractical reformers that the historical record, and cease only because history is voiceleu.<br />

potency of agitation receives due recognition. When mental Why these intermediate periods of spiritual silence, covering<br />

forces are so little understood, is it matter for wonder that a centuries of time 7<br />

mode of progrem, wisely adapted to man's myaterious self, should It seems essential to ultimate progress that now and then a<br />

fail of recognition 7<br />

veil should be drawn between the two worlds, that the human,<br />

Al r. result of careful investigr.tion of the problems that per· or embodied, rnind may properly digest the alien pabulum.<br />

plex moat inquirer&, I have be<strong>com</strong>e fully )>8rsuaded that a Periods of spiritual influx give birth and impetus to new lines<br />

majority of so-called "exposures" of recognised mediums are of thought. But they are alao apt to foster 1uperatiti11n. When<br />

ordained of the Spirit world ; and though they bring infinite the movement has received the force necessary to the aolution<br />

1uJfering to mediums, deep chagrin to fond believers, and now of the problems with which it is freighted, the spiritual powers<br />

and then a doubt, they are wise dispensations, as needed check. gradually withdraw, and the aggregate mind then paaaea through<br />

and tafety-ttaltJU. The whole movement is at present centred certain now clearly recognised changes, in their order expressed<br />

in medium.ship. Thia ii employed to further the cause, to hinder by scepticism, denial, pHBimism, nihilism.<br />

it, to &hake it, to sift, to sort it, and, in fine, to make it precisely But the whirligig of time sets all things right. In the divine<br />

whai it ia destined to be-and one cf the things it is NOT to be economy of the universe there is no 1uch word as " mistake."<br />

for aome timt1 to <strong>com</strong>e is " respectable."<br />

Wherever there is a need there will be a supply-this not alwaya<br />

Let us remember that in mediumahip the disease and the in a human, but a spiritual sense. Slowly, but surely, human<br />

cure reaide in the same person. If the medium is the cause of passions, under Spint guidance, are turning into gentler thought·<br />

a mental whirlwind, the medium alone may reatore the eq_uilibrium.<br />

How 1 What has been done must be at least partially spirit of doubt shall have performed it.a appointed work, it will<br />

lines, and .when in the wisdom of this beneficent over-eoul the<br />

undone. Aa a rule, the friend& and admirers of a medium are be withdrawn from the stage, and rep1aoed by spiritual bl~<br />

hi.a worst enemies. No sooner is mediumahip established than Progreaa knows no royal road. You cannot cheat it with<br />

straightway the columns of all acceaaible publications are filled " short cuts." Freedom reaide'I not in constitutions engroued<br />

with highly-coloured accounts of the marvels witneued. The on parchment, but in man'• development. The parchment ia<br />

excitement is wrought to fever-beat; the faithful are jubilant ; but an expreaaion of development ; ancJ unleaa it be this, in<br />

they are about to challenge the whole world, when, horrors ! natural order, it is only an instrument for mischief.<br />

there is a collapse. The medium has been "expo&ed." It is ever an unthankful task to dispel illusions. The hope<br />

Hence, I say, public mediums are martyrs. They expiate of a scientific Spiritualism has lured many into giving expression<br />

our ignorance. Where we ahould defend we denounce ; wnere to their belief in the manifestations who would othe?WlBe have<br />

we abould pity we execrate ; where we should love we hate. held their peace. Science is the bride of the nineteenth<br />

llediuma may be said to absorb the wrath of the movement, and century. Over-much petting has made her fastidious, not to<br />

hence are called upon to endure its suft'eri~. Over their sar conceited. The tributes laid at her feet she receives with a<br />

bruised bodies the world is unwittingly marching to a higher mien bordering on the insolent. To-day this much-favoured beauty<br />

civilisation. Somebody must suffer in a dispensation of this has only woida of acorn and contumely for the truth that<br />

kind Shall it be the few or the many 1 Usually it is the Spiritualist "authorities" would force on her. By-and-bye ahe<br />

multitude. They are blinded by excea1 of light, and rush will surely condescend to take an interest, and her baftled desire<br />

madly to their doom. In this new dispensation it is wisely for dominion in this perplexing realm will be the victory of<br />

ordered that the ma&&e11 shall make the transition utt~rly Eternal Spirit over Soulleaa Matter. ·<br />

oblivious to the fact that the world is ~ing through a<br />

revolution which, but for the " exposure' vent, would rend<br />


aociety with vo 1 cauic fury. m •1- Bd' ,, "LI "<br />

I desire now to call attention to an event with which all are "' 0 """ .tor 0 J GBT.<br />

oonvenant. I refer to the so-called " expoaure " of Dr. Slade Sm,-If there is anything more likely to promote belief in<br />

by Profeaaor Lankester and Dr. Donkin. In this case the Spiritualism than another, it is proofs of fpint Identity such u<br />

tid · uall receded h · All d ffi are given in the excellent book of M.A. Oxon, and in the fifth<br />

an ate virt Y P t e po1B0n. un ue e ecta were number of "LloBT." It is said that most interesting caaea of<br />

neutrali&ed before produced. A single act was so wisely<br />

ordered that it aerved an infinite variety of purpo&ef, and may tbe kind occur at private eeancea1 of which thoae interested in<br />

do tervice during the medium's lifetime. In this case there was Spiritualism beyond those circles .know nothing. Why should<br />

a work to do which could only- be done under certain that be ? It seems extremely exclusive and selfish where so<br />

"conditions." H wu to be a world's work, yet under the lav;s many are eager for a gleam of light in the all but impenetrable<br />

governing individual conversion. From any ordinary human darkneaa which invests Spiritualism. Could not such caae1 be<br />

point of view we have here an irreconcilable paradoL<br />

published without names, if that ahould be deaired, on their<br />

Let us suppose Dr. Slade making the trip round the gloLe genuineneaa being vouched for by any well-known and reliable<br />

wit.bout this handicap ; would not the excitement have paaaed Spiritualist, as the late Mr. Coleman cJid for an anonymous<br />

all reuonable bounds 1 On the one hand the opposition, ever pamphlet upon Spiritualism published some years since 1 The<br />

bitterand determined, would have taken a venomous tum, while utter untruthfulneaa and silly nature of the very great majority<br />

Spiritualist.a, on the other, would have been correspondingly<br />

of Spirit messages, as well as the falsification of namea, have to<br />

active and bellicoa.}. Unchecked, spiritual propaganda would my ce~ain. knol!l~ge_induced many who were at one time verr.<br />

have macJe way in directions most undesirable, and under con- enthus1aa~ic Spmtu~1sts now to rfgard i~ :with in~erence if<br />

ditiona ovpoeed to the proceaa of individualisation. But that not. aversion. I b.eli.eve that cases of ~pint Identity are the<br />

lingle •l exposure " brought all things into agreement. It !'ntidotes to Matenali~m and the uncertainty of a future 1tate ;<br />

81tabliahed the natural law of progress. I if so, why are they withheld 1 SBNU.<br />

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