Training Manual Development Of Cultivars And Seed ... - icrisat

Training Manual Development Of Cultivars And Seed ... - icrisat

Training Manual Development Of Cultivars And Seed ... - icrisat


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Reproductive Biology of Pearl Millet<br />

Faujdar Singh<br />

Pearl millet belongs to the family Poaceae, subfamily Panicoideae, tribe Paniceae, subtribe Panicinae,<br />

genus Pennisetum, and section Penicillaria (Pernes et al. 1984). Harlan (1971) has reported that the<br />

center of origin of pearl millet is in the Sahelian zone in Africa between western Sudan and Senegal.<br />

Pearl millet has also been described earlier as Pennisetum typhoides (Burm) Stapf and Hubb.,<br />

and Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke. It is primarily cultivated for grain purposes in India, New<br />

Mexico, Southeast Asia, and the West, East, and Southern African countries, and in the United States<br />

of America for fodder. Pearl millet is an annual plant, which grows well on light-textured soil under low<br />

moisture conditions. This chapter deals with the pearl millet plant and its reproductive system.<br />

Germination and <strong>Seed</strong>ling <strong>Development</strong><br />

Pearl millet seeds germinate in 3-5 days when sown at a depth of 3-5 cm in the soil with sufficient<br />

moisture and at optimum temperature. Germination begins with the absorption of moisture by the seed<br />

due to which it swells and ruptures the seed coat. A small coleoptile and a radicle emerge from the seed<br />

(Fig. 1). The coleoptile emerges out of the ground, and the first leaf develops from its tip.<br />

Pearson (1975) reported that final germination of pearl millet was independent of day/night<br />

temperatures when tested in a range of 15/10°C to 33/28°C. However, the rate of germination and<br />

emergence, seedling survival, leaf-area expansion, and dry-matter accumulation were highest at 33/28°C.<br />

Root System<br />

The pearl millet root system consists of three types of roots: primary, secondary, and brace roots (Fig.<br />

2).<br />

P r i m a r y r o o t s . The radicle roots or seminal roots after germination develop into the primary roots. These<br />

roots continue to develop for 45-60 days.<br />

S e c o n d a r y r o o t s . These are also known as adventitious roots. The first pair of secondary roots develops<br />

from the first node of the primary root at the two- or three-leaf stage. The next node gives rise to the<br />

second pair of secondary roots, and thereafter, four to six roots are produced at each node. These roots<br />

can penetrate up to a depth of 5 m into the soil.<br />

C r o w n or b r a c e r o o t s . These roots develop from the lower nodes of the stem at or above ground level.<br />

They provide anchorage to the plant.<br />

plant.<br />

The maximum root spread in pearl millet is confined to 25-30 cm<br />

of the soil area around the<br />

Shoot System<br />

The pearl millet shoot consists of a stem, tillers, and leaves during the vegetative stage (Fig. 3).<br />


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