Workshop Report - Ridge 2000 Program

Workshop Report - Ridge 2000 Program

Workshop Report - Ridge 2000 Program


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Strategies For Solving The Critical Problems<br />

We envision a strategy with four major components.<br />

1. Global Reconnaissance. The first component would<br />

include reconnaissance studies of substantial lengths of the<br />

mid-ocean ridge system in order to obtain a measure of the world<br />

wide variability of ocean ridge morphologic, structural and<br />

chemical characteristics. The reonnaissance would include<br />

bathymetric surveys over a distance of approximately 1000 km<br />

continuously along the strike of the ridge, with a swath width<br />

of several times the active accretion zone; multichannel seismiC<br />

(MCS) surveys along the axis to define the lateral continuity<br />

and width of the axial low velocity zone and any variations in<br />

seismically estimated crustal thickness; petrological sampling<br />

with approximately one station for every 10 to 20 km of ridge<br />

length, in order to determine the regional geochemical signature<br />

and to explore quantitative relationships among petrology,<br />

bathymetry, and the MCS axial reflector, and continuous<br />

surveying of along-axis water column temperature and chemical<br />

anomalies, in order to determine the distribution of<br />

hydrothermal activity. Such reconnaissance surveys should cover<br />

ridges which vary in their spreading rate, in their tectonic<br />

style (i .e., fracture zone spacing, presence or absence of rift<br />

valley, back-arc settings L and in the ambient mantle<br />

temperature (i.e., hot spots such as Ic.:land and cold spots such<br />

as the Australian!Antarctic Discordance). Approximately ten<br />

such surveys will be necessary to obtain adequate global<br />

coverage. These surveys will lead to coverage of about<br />

20 percent of the entire system of ocean ridges. They will<br />

determine the global distribution of magma chambers and provide<br />

the data necessary to develop quantitative relationships among<br />

spreading rate, gross tectonic fabric, magma chambers and<br />

geochemistry.<br />

2. Eruption Detection. The second component stems from<br />

the recognition that the ocean ridge volcano observatory should<br />

be located in an area of active volcanism. To find such a<br />

location we need to know the periodicity in space and time of<br />

volcanic eruptions on the sea floor, and the relationship of<br />

such eruptions to hydrothermal activity. There is at the moment<br />

no such information for submarine ocean ridges. Calculation of<br />

magma production rates and analogy with terrestrial volcanos<br />

suggests we should be able to find an active volcanic area which<br />

would remain active on the time scale of a decade. To find such<br />

a location, however, requires effective eruption monitoring.<br />

Two approaches could be explored: (a) long term monitoring of<br />

hydrothermal plumes and (b) acoustic monitoring. In addition to<br />

locating active ridge segments, such monitoring will provide<br />

data concerning regional eruption frequency and spatial<br />

systematics.<br />


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