Schriften / Publications - Japan Zentrum - LMU

Schriften / Publications - Japan Zentrum - LMU

Schriften / Publications - Japan Zentrum - LMU


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Dr. phil. Steffen Döll<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Munich University <strong>Japan</strong> Center<br />

steffen.doell@lmu.de<br />

<strong>Publications</strong> (as of June 2013)<br />

Monographs<br />

Im Osten des Meeres. Chinesische Emigrantenmönche und die frühen Institutionen des japanischen<br />

Zen-Buddhismus (East of the Ocean. Chinese Emigrant Monks and the Early Institutions of<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>ese Zen Buddhism). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2010 (Münchener Ostasiatische Studien<br />

84).<br />

URL: http://www.steiner-verlag.de/titel/58195.html (Table of Contents, Introduction)<br />

Reviewed by Dieter Schwaller, History of Religions 52/2, 2012, pp. 187-189.<br />

Wozu also Suchen? Zur Einführung in das Denken von Ueda Shizuteru (Why Bother Searching? An<br />

Introduction to the Thought of Ueda Shizuteru). With a foreword by Klaus Vollmer. Munich:<br />

Iudicium, 2005.<br />

URL: http://paperc.de/17775-wozu-also-suchen-9783891297940 (registration required)<br />

Reviewed by James W. Heisig, <strong>Japan</strong>ese Journal of Religious Studies 33/1, 2006, pp. 208-211.<br />

URL: http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/publications/jjrs/pdf/743.pdf<br />

Translations<br />

Imamichi Tomonobu 今 道 友 信 . Eco-Ethica. Eine Einführung in die Umweltethik (Eco-Ethica. An<br />

Introduction to Environmental Ethics). Munich: Iudicium, 2007<br />

Original: エコエティカ― 生 圏 倫 理 学 入 門 . Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990.<br />

Kubota Nobuhiro 久 保 田 展 弘 . Das Klima des japanischen Polytheismus (The climate of <strong>Japan</strong>ese<br />

Polytheism). Munich: Iudicium, 2006<br />

Original: 日 本 多 神 教 の 風 土 . Tokyo: PHP shinsho, 1997.<br />

Articles<br />

Born Into a World of Turmoil: The Biography and Thought of Chūgan Engetsu. Gereon Kopf (ed.),<br />

Dao Companion to <strong>Japan</strong>ese Buddhist Philosophy. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Publishing,<br />

(accepted for publication).<br />

Chan. Nina P. Azari (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer<br />

Publishing, 2013.<br />

URL: http://www.springerreference.com/docs/html/chapterdbid/357432.html<br />

Manifestations of the Mountain: Preliminary Remarks to the Utopian Study of Potalaka in Premodern<br />

East Asia. Review of Asian and Pacific Studies 37 (2012), 2013, pp. 83-102.

Eine Überlieferung jenseits der Dogmatik? Der Zen-Buddhismus im Spiegel der Diskussion um<br />

Zugehörigkeit und Differenz (A Tradition Beyond Dogmatics? Zen Buddhism and the<br />

Discussion about Affiliation and Difference). Katja Triplett (Hg.), Religiöse Tradierung in<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>. Halle: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, 2012 (<strong>Schriften</strong> des <strong>Zentrum</strong>s für<br />

Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Band1), pp 55-82.<br />

URL: http://www.japan.uni-muenchen.de/download/doell/doell_2012_zen_tradierung.pdf<br />

Some Thoughts on ‘Brush Talks.’ CAPS Newsletter (The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei<br />

University), No. 113, 2012, pp. 10-11.<br />

URL: http://www.seikei.ac.jp/university/caps/japanese/04publication/newsletter_pdf/no113.pdf<br />

Self and World. Ueda Shizuteru in Dialogue with René Descartes, Martin Heidegger and Maurice<br />

Merleau-Ponty. Bret Davis et. al. (ed.), <strong>Japan</strong>ese and Continental Philosophy. Conversations<br />

with the Kyoto School. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2011 (Studies in Continental<br />

Thought), pp. 120-137.<br />

No Heart, No Illusions. Some Remarks on Mushin. James W. Heisig, Rein Raud (ed.), Classical<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>ese Philsophy. Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2010 (Frontiers of<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>ses Philosophy 7), pp. 169-199.<br />

URL: http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/publications/EJPhilosophy/PDF/EJP7%20Doell.pdf<br />

真 の 自 己 の 否 定 性 ―― 上 田 閑 照 の「 自 己 ならざる 自 己 」の 現 象 学 (The Negativity of the True<br />

Self. Ueda Shizuteru’s Phenomenology of the ‘Self as Not-Self’). 紀 要 『 日 本 哲 学 史 研 究 』.<br />

Bulletin ‘Studies in <strong>Japan</strong>ese Philosophy,’ No. 3, 2006, pp. 84-105.<br />

Papers<br />

Utopische Landschaften. Beispiele für die Repräsentation von Natur in buddhistischen <strong>Schriften</strong><br />

(Utopian landscapes. Examples for the representation of nature in Buddhist writings).<br />

Workshop “Mensch und Natur im vormodernen <strong>Japan</strong>. Ordnungsentwürfe und<br />

Repräsentationsformen,” Frankfurt University. June 15, 2013.<br />

Buddhistische Legenden im mittelalterlichen <strong>Japan</strong>. Auswahl und Überblick (Buddhist legends in<br />

medieval <strong>Japan</strong>. Selection and overview). <strong>Japan</strong>isch Intensivkurs, <strong>LMU</strong>. March 12, 2013.<br />

Chinese emigrant monks in medieval <strong>Japan</strong>. Thoughts on an alternative historiography of Zen<br />

Buddhism. Tradition and Modernity: Thinking Asia across Frontiers International<br />

Symposium, Saitama University. January 21, 2013.<br />

Der Wert des Schreibens. Zum Selbstverständnis japanischer Literaten im vormodernen und<br />

modernen Kontext (The Value of Writing. On the Self-Representation of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Literati in<br />

Pre-Modern and Modern <strong>Japan</strong>). Tübingen University. November 23, 2012.<br />

Zwischen Philologie, Intertextualitätstheorie und Narratologie. Überlegungen anhand des Kokon<br />

chomonjū (Between philology, intertextuality, and narratology. Reflections with a view to the<br />

Kokon chomonjū). 15. Deutschsprachiger <strong>Japan</strong>ologentag, Zurich University. August 28,<br />

2012.<br />

Aneignung und Übersetzung. Überlegungen zur Begriffsgeschichte von hon’yaku (Appropriation and<br />

translation. Thoughts on the conceptual history of hon‘yaku). Workshop “Vom Übersetzen,”<br />

Hamburg University. June 9, 2012.<br />


Paradigms of poetics. Revisiting the relation between Chinese and <strong>Japan</strong>ese poetry. “Rupturing<br />

Epistemes, Shifting Paradigms Workshop,” Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities,<br />

Young Academy. April 11, 2012.<br />

Überlegungen zur Rolle der Philologie in der <strong>Japan</strong>ologie (Thoughts on the Role of Philology in<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>ese Studies). <strong>Japan</strong> Center, <strong>LMU</strong>. February 2, 2012.<br />

「 筆 を 以 って 舌 を 傳 ふ、 眼 を 將 って 辭 を 聽 す」 中 世 東 亜 における 文 化 交 流 を 巡 って<br />

(‘Communicating My Tongue with the Brush, Hearing My Words with Your Eyes:’ On<br />

Cultural Exchange in Medieval East Asia). Seikei University, Tokyo. October 4, 2011<br />

五 山 文 学 における『 十 牛 図 』 その 歴 史 的 背 景 を 巡 って (The Ox-Herding Pictures in Five<br />

Mountains Literature: On Their Historical Background). Kokoro-ushi-kai Buddhist Studies<br />

Group, Kyoto. September 25, 2011.<br />

Fern der Welt. Einsiedelei und Klosterleben in <strong>Japan</strong> (Far from the World. Anchoritism and Monastic<br />

Life in <strong>Japan</strong>). <strong>Japan</strong>isch Intensivkurs, <strong>LMU</strong>. August 30, 2011.<br />

Tradition vs. Dogmatik. Problematiken in der Darstellung des Zen-Buddhismus (Tradition vs.<br />

Dogmatics. Problems in the Representation of Zen Buddhism). Hamburg University. July 9,<br />

2011.<br />

Fractures and Continuities in the Formation of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Zen Buddhism. XVIth Congress of the<br />

International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS), Dharma Drum Buddhist College,<br />

Taiwan. June 22, 2011.<br />

Tradition and Performativity. Tracks and Traces of the Ox-Herding Pictures in the Zen Buddhist<br />

Tradition. Bring Your Images working group, Leiden. October 06, 2010.<br />

No Heart, No Illusions. A Conceptual History of mushin. Classical <strong>Japan</strong>ese Philosophy conference,<br />

Tallinn. May 22, 2010.<br />

Literaten zwischen China und <strong>Japan</strong>. Eine Skizze (Literati between China and <strong>Japan</strong>. An Outline).<br />

Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Young Academy. May 10, 2010.<br />

Östlich des blauschwarzen Meeres. Aspekte der Translation vom Chan zum Zen (East of the Dark<br />

Blue Ocean. Aspects of the Translation of Chan to Zen). 14. Deutschsprachiger<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>ologentag, University Halle-Wittenberg. October 1, 2009<br />

Ein Überblick über die japanische Literaturgeschichte (An Overview of the History of <strong>Japan</strong>ese<br />

Philosophy). <strong>Japan</strong>isch Intensivkurs, <strong>LMU</strong>. September 26, 2008.<br />

本 朝 一 国 師 一 山 一 寧 と 日 本 五 山 前 期 (The Single Master of our Dynasty. Yishan Yining and the<br />

Early Years of Five Mountains Literature). Kufūkai Buddhist Studies Group, Kyoto. January<br />

27, 2008.<br />

And Emptiness Falls Down to Earth. Yi-Shan Yi-Ning and the Early Years of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Five<br />

Mountains Zen Literature. 11th Asian Studies Conference <strong>Japan</strong> (ASCJ), Meiji Gakuin<br />

University Tokyo. June 23, 2007.<br />

虚 空 落 地 一 山 一 寧 と 五 山 文 学 前 期 を 巡 って (And Emptiness Falls Down to Earth. Concerning<br />

Yishan Yining and the Early Years of Five Mountains Literature). Graduate Colloquium,<br />

Institute for the History of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Philosophy, Kyoto University. June 8, 2007.<br />


真 の 自 己 の 否 定 性 上 田 閑 照 の「 自 己 ならざる 自 己 」の 現 象 学 (The Negativity of the True Self.<br />

Ueda Shizuteru’s Phenomenology of the ‘Self as Not-Self’). Graduate Colloquium, Institute for<br />

the History of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Philosophy, Kyoto University. June 30, 2006.<br />

A Phenomenology of Self. Ueda Shizuteru’s Interpretation of the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures. 11th<br />

International Conference of the European Association of <strong>Japan</strong>ese Studies (EAJS), Vienna<br />

University. September 2, 2005.<br />

Book reviews<br />

Emptiness and Temporality. Buddhism and Medieval <strong>Japan</strong>ese Poetics by Esperanza Ramirez-<br />

Christensen. Pacific World Journal Third Series 13 (Fall 2011), 2012, pp. 263-271.<br />

URL: http://www.shin-ibs.edu/documents/pwj3-13/10Reviews.pdf<br />

The Aesthetics and Limits of Metacriticism. Dorsey on Kobayashi Hideo. (Review of: James Dorsey,<br />

Critical Aesthetics. Kobayashi Hideo, Modernity, and Wartime <strong>Japan</strong>. Cambridge,<br />

MA/London: Harvard University Asia Center 2009). JLTonline, 2010.<br />

URL: http://www.jltonline.de/index.php/reviews/article/view/264/815<br />

Interviews<br />

日 独 交 流 150 周 年 について (On 150 Years of <strong>Japan</strong>ese-German Exchange).<br />

エクセレントドイツ・イデー. Excellent GERMANY IDEE, No. 4, 2011, p. 17.<br />

Von Solarzellen und Literatengelehrten (On Solar Cells and Literati Scholars). Together with Carsten<br />

Deibel. Akademie Aktuell, No. 33, 2010, pp. 5-6.<br />

URL: http://www.badw.de/aktuell/akademie_aktuell/2010/heft2/02_Latzin_Fragebogen.pdf<br />

Conference panels, workshops, lectures<br />

Workshop: Rupturing Epistemes, Shifting Paradigms: Turning Points in <strong>Japan</strong>ese Intellectual,<br />

Aesthetic and Political History. Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Young<br />

Academy. April 11, 2012.<br />

Guest lecture by Abbot Kobayashi Gentoku (Shōkoku monastery, Kyoto): “A Zen master reads the<br />

Holy Scriptures. An Essay in the synthesis of the Bible and the Records of Linji.” April 10,<br />

2012.<br />

Conference panel: Narrative Strategies in Buddhist Historical Writings. Together with Marc<br />

Nürnberger. XVIth Congress of the IABS, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan. June 21-<br />

22, 2011.<br />


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