Ethiopia - Country Progress Report - unaids

Ethiopia - Country Progress Report - unaids

Ethiopia - Country Progress Report - unaids


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<strong>Report</strong> on <strong>Progress</strong> towards Implementation of the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS<br />

Phase 2:<br />

• Speed: sustainable approaches need to be defined and implemented in an accelerated manner to support<br />

maintaining the created momentum out of phase 1. This includes the acceleration towards appropriate<br />

supply management systems to support the increased volume of people making use of the services<br />

• Volume: the accelerated rollout of sustainable approaches coincides with required scales to maintain the<br />

campaign pace. Examples; the placement of 743 community counselors and the implementation of reliable<br />

bottom up and target driven supply management systems throughout the country and up to facility level.<br />

Scale also relates to the number of people involved in the management of the program; health facility<br />

directors – Woreda, zonal and regional health desk officers and experts<br />

• Quality: the monitoring systems in all disciplines need to be turned into routine and must increasingly make<br />

use of data – strengthening of M&E systems in order to allow for effective decentralized monitoring of the<br />

increased client and patient load<br />

Phase 3:<br />

• The emphasis is a combination of phase 1 and 2 but applicable an intensified focus in areas that have not<br />

been the primary focus in phase 1 and 2.<br />

5.3. Campaign Targets<br />

The targets of each phase are based on earlier trends and the accomplishments of the preceding phase. On the<br />

assumption of the previous achievement trends, the targets for Phase I was set with three-fold performance increment.<br />

The previous trend of HIV counseling and testing showed an average of 40,000 people tested per month. Due to<br />

increased and intensified social mobilization efforts exerted in the campaign, however, this number has remarkably<br />

gone up to 350,000 per month—an eight-fold increase.<br />

Phase Program Target Achieved % of target<br />

achieved<br />

I HIV Testing and Counseling (HCT) 320,000 705,619 220.5%<br />

ART 22,000 (new) 11,582 52.6%<br />

II HCT 1,864,654 982,452 52.7%<br />

Pre-ART 97,234 55,084 56.7%<br />

ART 40,710 31,359 77.0%<br />

III (Sept.11 –<br />

Nov.11,2007)<br />

HCT 500,000 306,582 61.2%<br />

(monthly)<br />

ART 13,100 (new) 6,100 46.2%<br />

HIV+ pregnant women identified through HCT 6,462 983 15.0%<br />

Pregnant women receiving ARV-full course 4,273 320 7.5%<br />

Figure 14: Performance during the Millennium AIDS Campaign<br />

Enrollment of more patients for ART is one of the major targets for the Millennium AIDS Campaign. About 11,581<br />

adults and children (52.6% of the target) received ART during phase I. The experience gained from this has led to a<br />

proper set of targets and tremendous achievement in Phase II during which 31,359 adults and children (77% of the<br />

target) have accessed ART.<br />

During Phase II, it was also planned to enroll 97,234 individuals for chronic (pre-ART) care. However, the achievement<br />

for this phase was 55,084 PLHIV enrolled for pre-ART care (57% of the target).<br />

In Phase III, PMTCT seems a critical and difficult area to achieve the target. As the achievement is very low this has to<br />

be examined and alternative measures taken to upscale the performance of the PMTCT program. In some sites there<br />

has been shortage of PMTCT drugs and confusion as to who is handling this task; as a result, it is necessary to ensure<br />

the responsibility and accountability for PMTCT ARV combination therapy at each site.<br />


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