New Image Annual Report 2012 concept.indd - NZX

New Image Annual Report 2012 concept.indd - NZX

New Image Annual Report 2012 concept.indd - NZX


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Notes to and forming part of the financial<br />

statements (continued)<br />

For the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong><br />

30<br />

Inter-entity sales<br />

Inter-entity sales are recognised based on an<br />

internally set transfer price as set from time to<br />

time. This pricing aims to reflect what the<br />

business operation could achieve if they sold their<br />

output and services to external parties at arm’s<br />

length.<br />

Segment assets and liabilities<br />

Segment assets and liabilities are shown net of<br />

intra-group balances, as these are a function of<br />

operational cash management and funding<br />

arrangements intra-group, and are not regarded<br />

as a part of each segment’s operational balances,<br />

even though they may form part of a particular<br />

geographical entity’s financial position.<br />

Inter-segment reconciliations to Group totals<br />

For the Group, the total for all operating<br />

segments, adjusted by any inter-segment<br />

eliminations, equals the total reported for the<br />

entity. Inter-segment eliminations include intragroup<br />

sales, cost of sales, commissions,<br />

management services fees, and profit on stock<br />

still held at reporting date sold at intra-group<br />

transfer prices.<br />

Income tax expense<br />

Income tax expense is calculated based on the<br />

segment operating profit using a notional charge<br />

of 28% (2011: 30%), except for Malaysia which is<br />

at 25% (2011: 25%). Partial adjustment (shown<br />

wholly in the Head Office Segment) is given for<br />

taxable or deductible temporary differences as<br />

estimates only to get a total Group position.<br />

W <strong>New</strong> Accounting Standards and<br />

Interpretations<br />

i) Changes in Accounting Policy and Disclosures<br />

The accounting policies adopted are consistent<br />

with those of the previous financial year except<br />

as follows:<br />

The Group has adopted the following new and<br />

amended <strong>New</strong> Zealand Equivalents to Financial<br />

<strong>Report</strong>ing Standards and interpretations as of 1<br />

July 2011.<br />

NZ IAS 24 – Related Party Disclosures<br />

– effective 1 July 2011<br />

NZ IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments<br />

Disclosures – effective 1 July 2011<br />

NZ FRS 44 – <strong>New</strong> Zealand Additional<br />

Disclosures – effective 1 July 2011<br />

The Group has not elected to early adopt any<br />

new standards or interpretations that are issued<br />

but not yet effective.<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> Improvements Project [2009 - 2011]:<br />

In 2009 to 2011 various amendments to NZ IFRS<br />

were issued as part of the <strong>Annual</strong> Improvements<br />

Project, primarily with a view to removing<br />

inconsistencies and clarifying wording. There are<br />

separate transitional provisions and application<br />

dates for each amendment. The adoption of the<br />

amendments resulted in changes to accounting<br />

policies but did not have any impact on the<br />

financial position or performance of the Group.<br />

ii) Accounting Standards and Interpretations<br />

Issued but Not Yet Effective<br />

At the date of authorisation of these financial<br />

statements, the following Standards and<br />

Interpretations were in issue but not yet effective:<br />

NZ IAS 12 – Amendments to Income Taxes<br />

– effective for periods on or after 1 January<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

NZ IAS 1 – Amendments to Presentation of<br />

Financial Statements – effective for periods<br />

on or after 1 July <strong>2012</strong><br />

NZ IAS 19 – Employee Benefits – effective<br />

for periods on or after 1 January 2013<br />

NZ IAS 27 – Separate Financial Statements<br />

– effective for periods on or after 1 January<br />

2013<br />

NZ IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and<br />

Joint Ventures – effective for periods on or<br />

after 1 January 2013<br />

NZ IFRS 7 – Amendments to Financial<br />

Instruments: Disclosures – effective for<br />

periods on or after 1 January 2013<br />

NZ IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial<br />

Statements – effective for periods on or<br />

after 1 January 2013<br />

NZ IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements – effective<br />

for periods on or after 1 January 2013<br />

NZ IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other<br />

Entities – effective for periods on or after 1<br />

January 2013<br />

NZ IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement<br />

– effective for periods on or after 1 January<br />

2013<br />

NZ IAS 32 – Amendments to Financial<br />

Instruments: Presentation – effective for<br />

periods on or after 1 January 2014<br />

NZ IFRS 9 (2010) – Financial Instruments<br />

– effective for periods on or after 1 January<br />

2015<br />

The directors expect that the standards and<br />

interpretations above may impact the Group in<br />

the next financial year. The directors have not yet<br />

made an assessment of the impact of these<br />

standards and interpretations. These standards<br />

and interpretations are likely to affect disclosure<br />

rather than measurement of transactions.<br />

All standards and interpretations will be adopted<br />

at their effective date (except for those<br />

Standards and Interpretations that are not<br />

applicable to the entity).<br />

X Investments in Associates<br />

The Group’s investment in its associates is<br />

accounted for using the equity method of<br />

accounting in the consolidated financial<br />

statements and at cost in the parent. The<br />

associates are entities over which the Group has<br />

significant influence and that are neither<br />

subsidiaries nor joint ventures.<br />

The Group generally deems it has significant<br />

influence if it has over 20% of the voting rights.<br />

Under the equity method, investments in<br />

associates are carried in the consolidated<br />

Statement of Financial Position at cost plus<br />

post-acquisition changes in the Group’s share of<br />

net assets of the associates. Goodwill relating to<br />

an associate is included in the carrying amount of<br />

the investment and is not amortised. After<br />

application of the equity method, the Group<br />

determines whether it is necessary to recognise<br />

any impairment loss with respect to the Group’s<br />

net investment in associates. Goodwill included in<br />

the carrying amount of the investment in<br />

associate is not tested separately, rather the<br />

entire carrying amount of the investment is<br />

tested for impairment as a single asset. If an<br />

impairment is recognised, the amount is not<br />

allocated to the goodwill of the associate.<br />

The Group’s share of associate’s profits or losses<br />

is recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive<br />

Income, and its share of movements in other<br />

comprehensive income is recognised in Other<br />

Comprehensive Income. The cumulative<br />

movements are adjusted against the carrying<br />

amount of the investment. Dividends receivable<br />

from associates are recognised in the parent<br />

entity’s Statement of Comprehensive Income as a<br />

component of other income.<br />

After application of the equity method, the<br />

Group determines whether it is necessary to<br />

recognise an additional impairment loss on the<br />

Group’s investment in its associate. The Group<br />

determines at each reporting date whether there<br />

is any objective evidence that the investment in<br />

the associate is impaired. If this is the case the<br />

Group calculates the amount of impairment as<br />

the difference between the recoverable amount<br />

of the associate and its carrying value and<br />

recognises the amount in the “share of profit of<br />

an associate” in the Statement of Comprehensive<br />

Income.<br />

31<br />



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