Athena Developer Guide

Athena Developer Guide

Athena Developer Guide


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<strong>Athena</strong><br />

Chapter 14 Tools and ToolSvc Version/Issue: 2.0.0<br />

Listing 14.1 The definition of the AlgTool Base class<br />

1: class AlgTool : public virtual IAlgTool,<br />

2: public virtual IProperty {<br />

3:<br />

4: public:<br />

5: // Standard Constructor.<br />

6: AlgTool( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,<br />

const IInterface* parent);<br />

7:<br />

8: virtual const std::string& name() const;<br />

9: virtual const std::string& type() const;<br />

10: virtual const IInterface* parent() const;<br />

11:<br />

12: virtual StatusCode setProperty(const Property& p);<br />

13: virtual StatusCode getProperty(Property* p) const;<br />

14: virtual const Property& getProperty( const std::string& name) const;<br />

15: virtual const std::vector& getProperties( ) const;<br />

16:<br />

17: ISvcLocator* serviceLocator();<br />

18: IMessageSvc* msgSvc();<br />

19: IMessageSvc* msgSvc() const;<br />

20:<br />

21: StatusCode setProperties();<br />

22:<br />

23: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, int& reference);<br />

24: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, double& reference);<br />

25: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, bool& reference);<br />

26: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

std::string& reference);<br />

27: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

std::vector& reference);<br />

28: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

std::vector& reference);<br />

29: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

std::vector& reference);<br />

30: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

std::vector& reference);<br />

31:<br />

32: protected:<br />

33: // Standard destructor.<br />

34: virtual ~AlgTool();<br />

Access to Services - A serviceLocator() method is provided to enable the derived tools to<br />

locate the services necessary to perform their jobs. Since concrete Tools are instantiated by the<br />

ToolSvc upon request, all Services created by the framework prior to the creation of a tool are<br />

available. In addition access to the message service is provided via the msgSvc() method. Both<br />

pointers are retrieved from the parent of the tool.<br />

page 125

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