Athena Developer Guide

Athena Developer Guide

Athena Developer Guide


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<strong>Athena</strong> Chapter 5 Writing algorithms Version/Issue: 2.0.0<br />

Listing 5.1 The definition of the Algorithm base class.<br />

1: class Algorithm : virtual public IAlgorithm,<br />

2: virtual public IProperty {<br />

3: public:<br />

4: // Constructor and destructor<br />

5: Algorithm( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator *svcloc );<br />

6: virtual ~Algorithm();<br />

7:<br />

8: StatusCode sysInitialize();<br />

9: StatusCode initialize();<br />

10: StatusCode sysExecute();<br />

11: StatusCode execute();<br />

12: StatusCode sysFinalize();<br />

13: StatusCode finalize();<br />

14: const std::string& name() const;<br />

15:<br />

16: virtual bool isExecuted() const;<br />

17: virtual StatusCode setExecuted( bool state );<br />

18: virtual StatusCode resetExecuted();<br />

19: virtual bool isEnabled() const;<br />

20: virtual bool filterPassed() const;<br />

21: virtual StatusCode setFilterPassed( bool state );<br />

22:<br />

23: template<br />

24: StatusCode service( const std::string& svcName, Svc*& theSvc );<br />

25: IMessageSvc* msgSvc();<br />

26: void setOutputLevel( int level );<br />

27: IDataProviderSvc* eventSvc();<br />

28: IConversionSvc* eventCnvSvc();<br />

29: IDataProviderSvc* detSvc();<br />

30: IConversionSvc* detCnvSvc();<br />

31: IHistogramSvc* histoSvc();<br />

32: INtupleSvc* ntupleSvc();<br />

33: IChronoStatSvc* chronoSvc();<br />

34: IRndmGenSvc* randSvc();<br />

35: ISvcLocator* serviceLocator();<br />

36:<br />

37: StatusCode createSubAlgorithm( const std::string& type,<br />

38: const std::string& name, Algorithm*& pSubAlg );<br />

39: std::vector* subAlgorithms() const;<br />

40:<br />

41: virtual StatusCode setProperty(const Property& p);<br />

42: virtual StatusCode getProperty(Property* p) const;<br />

43: const Property& getProperty( const std::string& name) const;<br />

44: const std::vector& getProperties() const;<br />

45: StatusCode setProperties();<br />

46:<br />

47: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, int& reference);<br />

48: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, float& reference);<br />

49: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, double& reference);<br />

50: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, bool& reference);<br />

51: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name,<br />

52: std::string& reference);<br />

53: // Vectors of properties not shown<br />

page 24<br />

54: private:<br />

55: // Data members not shown<br />

56: Algorithm(const Algorithm& a); // NO COPY ALLOWED<br />

57: Algorithm& operator=(const Algorithm& rhs); // NO ASSIGNMENT ALLOWED};

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