Auction No 140 - Prestige Philately

Auction No 140 - Prestige Philately

Auction No 140 - Prestige Philately


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Oct 17, 2008<br />

<strong>Prestige</strong> <strong>Philately</strong> - <strong>Auction</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>140</strong> Page: 7<br />

The World's Most Comprehensive Country Index & Topical Cross-Reference Listing<br />

Cross Reference for Country and Regional Classification<br />

3d Surcharge On German-Type Registration Labels: 840-849<br />

3½-4mm Setting On High Values: 822-823<br />

5mm Setting On German New Guinea: 824-838<br />

5mm Setting On Marshall Islands: 852-860<br />

6mm Setting On German New Guinea: 809-821<br />

Additional Surcharges On Marshall Islands: 861-862<br />

Aden: 5, 322, 598, 681, 738<br />

Afghanistan: 599<br />

Aitutaki: 646<br />

Algeria: 79, 663, 763<br />

Antarctica: 600<br />

Arab States: 598, 782<br />

Argentina: 660, 760<br />

Armenia: 77<br />

Ascension: 601<br />

Australia, Commonwealth of: 24, 26-27, 39-40, 57-58, 64, 66-67, 71-74, 93, 99,<br />

102-104, 107, 110-250, 415-517, 599, 602, 611, 637, 641, 651-652, 654, 664, 674,<br />

681-682, 766, 773, 777-778, 781, 783-785, 802-892, 908, 914, 920, 943-944, 998, 1004,<br />

1019, 1033, 1035, 1046<br />

Australia, Commonwealth of - Kangaroo Issues: 120-154, 274-275<br />

Australia, Commonwealth of - KGV Issues: 155-177<br />

Australian Colonies - General: 246-597<br />

Austria: 98, 454, 602, 673<br />

Bahamas: 604<br />

Bahrain: 5, 769-770<br />

Barbados: 605<br />

Belgium: 239, 603, 673<br />

Bermuda: 606, 661-662<br />

Bhutan: 16<br />

Bohemia & Moravia: 602, 650<br />

Brazil: 23, 229, 733, 761-762<br />

British Antarctic Territory: 600<br />

British West Indies: 604-610, 993<br />

Brunei: 9<br />

Bulgaria: 611<br />

Burma: 612, 730, 739<br />

Canada: 57, 613-615, 979, 990, 1044<br />

Canada - Newfoundland: 7, 398<br />

Cape of Good Hope: 485<br />

Cayman Islands: 607, 993<br />

Ceylon: 476<br />

Chad: 763<br />

Chile: 650<br />

China: 11, 13, 81-86, 92, 94, 108, 616-640, 693, 695, 726-731, 907, 1019<br />

Christmas Island: 1, 641<br />

Cocos Islands: 1<br />

Colombia: 763<br />

Congo (Belgian): 603, 762<br />

Cook Islands: 15, 642-646<br />

Croatia: 686<br />

Cuba: 662, 764<br />

Cyprus: 647-648<br />

Czechoslovakia: 454, 602, 649-650<br />

Danish West Indies: 764<br />

Denmark: 452, 939<br />

Egypt: 238, 763, 771<br />

Eritrea: 654, 751<br />

Estonia: 80<br />

Ethiopia: 651-654, 751<br />

Federated Malay States: 767<br />

Fiji: 64, 78, 655, 918, 947<br />

France: 57, 79, 87, 180, 638, 656-676, 764, 851<br />

French Community: 85, 106, 663-676, 693, 700-701, 732, 763, 919, 947, 1043<br />

French Equatorial Africa: 665<br />

French West Africa: 666<br />

German (Deutsch) New Guinea: 788-801<br />

German Colonies: 85, 689-697, 788-801, 804-862<br />

German East Africa: 691, 696<br />

German Post Offices Abroad: 690, 695-696<br />

German Post Offices in China: 695<br />

German States: 677, 679<br />

Germany: 11, 13, 88, 221, 237, 548, 677-697, 700, 765-766, 788-801, 809-862, 1013<br />

Germany - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories: 683-684<br />

Ghana: 700-701<br />

Gilbert & Ellice Islands: 89, 641, 698-699<br />

Gold Coast: 700-701<br />

Great Britain: 14, 85, 90, 92-93, 224, 226, 229, 239-240, 347, 466, 501-502, 511, 514,<br />

517, 538, 550, 639, 641, 702-723, 764, 782, 785, 947, 984<br />

Great Britain - KGV Seahorses (including Overprints): 785<br />

Greece: 93, 611, 724-725<br />

Greenland: 51<br />

Hawaii: 550, 641, 1016<br />

Hong Kong: 85, 92, 94, 638, 659, 726-731, 768, 905<br />

Hungary: 732-733<br />

India: 323, 451, 483, 612, 649, 667, 730, 734-748, 757, 779, 1052<br />

India Used Abroad: 738-739<br />

Indian States: 740-748<br />

Indian States: 740-748<br />

Indo China: 667-668<br />

Iraq: 322, 738, 772<br />

Ireland: 421<br />

Italian Colonies: 751-752<br />

Italian States: 750<br />

Italy: 227, 749-752, 888, 890<br />

Jamaica: 608, 764<br />

Japan: 11, 13, 95-96, 659, 667, 753<br />

Japan Occupation: 86, 96-97, 731, 786, 910, 912, 1051<br />

Kenya: 733<br />

Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika: 754-756<br />

Korea: 97, 757, 1053<br />

Kuwait: 5<br />

Latin America: 23, 650, 660-662, 733, 758-765<br />

Latvia: 80, 766<br />

Libya: 751<br />

Macau: 108, 731, 1019<br />

Madagascar: 669-670<br />

Malaya: 9, 241, 767-768, 1026<br />

Malayan States: 99<br />

Manchuria: 86<br />

Marianas: 692-693<br />

Marshall Islands: 852-862<br />

Mexico: 661, 764<br />

Middle East: 5, 322, 738, 769-781<br />

Montserrat: 609-610<br />

Morocco: 671-673<br />

Morocco Agencies: 782<br />

Nauru: 783-785<br />

Nepal: 746<br />

Netherlands: 57, 100<br />

Netherlands Colonies: 786-787<br />

Netherlands Indies: 76, 224, 227, 768<br />

Netherlands New Guinea: 787<br />

New Caledonia: 78, 1035<br />

New Guinea: 804-862<br />

New Guinea: 40, 101-104, 107, 788-916, 1034-1035<br />

New Guinea - German: 101, 788-851<br />

New Guinea - Pacific Islands: 783, 844, 863-892<br />

New Hebrides: 917-920<br />

New South Wales: 62, 65-66, 219, 248-249, 251-308, 346, 430, 721, 994, 1032, 1046<br />

New Zealand: 15, 490, 500, 642-646, 774, 778, 911, 921-940, 942, 996, 1036, 1049<br />

Nigeria: 666, 941<br />

Nigeria - Oil Rivers Protectorate: 941<br />

Niue: 942<br />

<strong>No</strong>rfolk Island: 943-944<br />

<strong>No</strong>rthern Rhodesia: 1020<br />

<strong>No</strong>rthern Territory: 231<br />

Pakistan: 451<br />

Palestine: 98, 105, 218, 762, 775<br />

Papua: 106<br />

Papua: 945-1010<br />

Papua New Guinea: 24, 1011-1018<br />

Persia: 75, 697, 739, 777-778<br />

Pitcairn Islands: 16<br />

Portugal: 1019<br />

Portuguese Colonies: 108, 638, 1019<br />

Queensland: 67-68, 213, 225, 230-231, 249, 305, 309-323, 553, 945-955<br />

Russia: 109, 686, 905, 1022-1023<br />

Saar: 684<br />

Samoa: 1025<br />

Sarawak: 767, 1026<br />

Saudi Arabia: 770, 779-780<br />

Scandinavia: 51<br />

Senegal: 666<br />

Seychelles: 1027<br />

Singapore: 241, 641, 768, 771<br />

Solomon Islands: 885, 1028-1039<br />

Somaliland Protectorate (British): 664<br />

South Africa: 110, 598, 720, 1040-1042<br />

South Africa (Provinces): 1040<br />

South Australia: 69, 203, 249, 324-350, 1042<br />

South West Africa: 697, 1042<br />

Southern Rhodesia: 1020-1021<br />

Spain: 1016, 1043-1044<br />

Spanish Colonies: 1043-1044<br />

Spanish Guinea: 1044<br />

St. Helena: 1024<br />

St. Lucia: 993<br />

Straits Settlements: 241, 767, 771<br />

Sudan: 675<br />

Switzerland: 221<br />

Taiwan: 96<br />

Tanganyika: 756<br />

Tasmania: 70, 188, 220, 222-223, 238, 249, 351-517<br />

Thailand: 99, 1045-1053<br />

Tibet: 640<br />

Trucial States: 781<br />

Tunisia: 676<br />

Turkey: 96<br />

Tuva: 113, 1022-1023<br />

United States of America: 67-68, 219, 228, 239, 397, 430, 456, 546, 661-662, 664, 698,<br />

769-772, 782, 908, 989, 1037, 1044, 1051, 1054<br />

Victoria: 26, 57, 62, 71, 155, 219-220, 249, 418, 447, 453, 455, 457-458, 460, 469, 477, 479,<br />

481-482, 486, 499-500, 510, 518-564, 682<br />

Viet-Nam: 667<br />

Western Australia: 25, 72-74, 238, 249, 565-597<br />

Zanzibar: 322, 738, 1055-1056<br />

Cross Reference for Thematic and Topical Classification<br />

A.V.2: 653, 774<br />

Advertising: 243, 307, 365, 394, 505, 611, 673, 782, 953<br />

Africa: 651-654<br />

Airgraphs: 639<br />

Airmail Stamps: 669, 895-897, 908-909, 911, 995, 999-1005<br />

Airmails - Jusqua Markings: 725, 756, 760<br />

Alcohol: 205-207, 293, 307, 463, 560<br />

Animals: 16, 93, 226, 274-275, 284-285, 389, 391-392, 397, 439, 525, 628, 714-715, 1018<br />

Apparel: 1012<br />

Architecture: 72, 105, 613, 680, 723<br />

Art & Craft: 628, 719, 934<br />

Autographs: 26, 449, 469, 472, 499, 736, 934, 947, 999, 1001, 1003-1005, 1047<br />

Automobiles: 429, 649<br />

Aviators: 199<br />

Banking & Finance: 296, 461, 543<br />

Beer Duty Labels: 205-207, 293<br />

Birds: 180, 233, 266-267, 272-273, 502, 546, 560, 565-597, 611, 641, 674, 896, 906, 910-911,<br />

935, 994, 1042-1043<br />

Bisects: 610, 614<br />

Booklets: 201, 743<br />

Bridges: 181, 623, 627, 661<br />

Cancelled to Order (from Presentation Sets): 143, 175, 287, 352<br />

Captain Cook: 268-269, 642-646, 932<br />

Censored Mail: 221, 228-229, 612, 674, 768, 802-803, 886-887, 908-909, 911, 939, 988,<br />

995-996, 998, 1050-1051<br />

Charity: 26, 113, 314, 524-525, 1022<br />

Children: 629<br />

Christmas: 39, 93<br />

Cigarette Cards: 52-53<br />

Cinderellas: 22, 24-28, 75, 203-213, 290-303, 317-321, 333-343, 385-393, 528-544, 576-586,<br />

673, 697<br />

Classic (Pre-1860) Stamp Issues: 7, 251-260, 287, 306, 309, 324-327, 344, 347-348, 354,<br />

382-384, 396, 401, 420-421, 426-427, 429, 438, 445, 460, 462, 465, 467, 477, 481, 498, 501,<br />

514, 518-522, 545, 565-574, 610, 614, 677, 702, 708-710, 724, 922-929, 1024, 1040<br />

Coil Stamps: 173, 182, 189, 944<br />

Coins: 29-38<br />

Coins & Banknotes: 29-38<br />

combination covers: 57, 511, 538, 550, 636, 665-666, 782, 997, 1032<br />

Commemorative Covers: 231-232<br />

Consular Mail: 394, 659-660, 763<br />

Convict Mail: 463

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