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Marc DAUWE, Belgium <br />

Antwerp Maritime Academy <br />

Micha LIBERT, Belgium <br />

Antwerp Maritime Academy <br />

Axel ANNAERT, Belgium <br />

Antwerp Maritime Academy <br />

Topic L: the hydrographic profession <br />

Hydrographic Training in Belgium <br />

<strong>INTRODUCTION</strong> <br />

Nautical charts for mariners, tidal predictions and information on changes in navigational <br />

areas are indispensable to the global merchant marine, and offshore, dredging and <br />

underwater projects. Collecting data on the world’s oceans and seas is the responsibility of <br />

hydrographers. Their expertise is essential to modern society and economic systems, <br />

underlining the importance of quality education in this field. <br />

Recent survey studies in the Netherlands 1 and Belgium 2 however, have pointed to a <br />

weakness in hydrographic training in both countries, with a shortage of both suitable <br />

programmes and institutions offering such training. In Belgium, most hydrographers are <br />

engineers who are trained within a company. This implies a potentially unnecessarily long <br />

period of training before they are fully employable as hydrographers. 3<br />

A market study on hydrographic surveyors in Belgium revealed that over 300 hydrographic <br />

surveyors are active in Belgium, of whom a large portion are not certified. Moreover, the <br />

industry would need another 35 new hydrographic surveyors annually. With this in mind, the <br />

present system of companies using in-­‐house training of existing engineers risks inefficiency, <br />

as well as missing the benefits of a healthy academy in support of the industry. <br />

Investigations on a global scale underline the shortage in hydrographic surveyors even <br />

further. 4<br />

Only few institutes in Europe offer programmes in hydrography, especially in English or the <br />

advanced category. In such a globalised set of industries as professional hydrographic <br />

expertise is required in, the lack of adequate training in English at the highest level <br />

represents a serious weakness. The Antwerp Maritime Academy (HZS) responded to the <br />

growing need with postgraduate programmes in hydrography. The institute established the <br />

postgraduate programmes Cat. B and Cat. A. <br />

1 Annelies Claeys, “Rapport hydrografieonderzoek” (Ma diss., Ghent University, 2009). <br />

2 Rodrigue Bijlsma, “Hydrografie” (Ba diss., Antwerp Maritime Academy, 2011); Rodrigue Bijlsma, “Hydrografie. <br />

Het in kaart brengen van de Belgische hydrografische sector, de Europese IHO gecertificeerde opleidingen en <br />

Het Institute For Hydrography” (Ma diss., Antwerp Maritime Academy, 2012). <br />

3 Bijlsma, “Hydrografie. Het in kaart brengen van …”, p. 83.<br />

4 Ibid.

METHODS <br />

History and the establishment of a programme <br />

Some situations underlined the need for a proper programme in hydrography. The <br />

continuous interest in the introductory course in hydrography at the HZS, and the results of <br />

the market research, indicating a deficiency in top level professional qualification and <br />

certification, revealed a niche for setting up the first full programme of hydrography in <br />

Belgium. <br />

The HZS organised a round table discussion concerning the absence of proper education for <br />

professional hydrographers. Several higher education institutes, Flanders Hydrographic <br />

Services, Flanders Hydraulics and the industry attended the discussion in March 2010. The <br />

conclusion of the meeting was clear: there is a need for hydrographic training in Belgium and <br />

the new programme should put a strong emphasis on international recognition and <br />

accessibility. <br />

During several meetings over the course of two years, continuous deliberation led to the <br />

definition of the programmes. The entry requirements and duration of the courses were also <br />

discussed and finalised, allowing lecturers to be identified and commissioned. Throughout <br />

proceedings, the flexibility of the course was held as the key criteria for the success of this <br />

new training programme. <br />

As a result of careful management the postgraduate programmes were established by the <br />

HZS in close collaboration with Ghent University (UGent), Flanders Hydraulics, and partners <br />

from the maritime industry. The official launch of the ‘Institute for Hydrography’ within the <br />

HZS took place in March 2012. <br />

Programme <br />

The postgraduate programmes in hydrography were established in full accordance with the <br />

IHO Standards of Competence S-­‐5: a category B programme for hydrographic surveyors and <br />

a category A programme for chief hydrographic surveyors. Both programmes consist of a <br />

two year training course, during which the HZS provides a solid theoretical framework <br />

complemented by practical and hands-­‐on experience.

The timetables of the two, 2 year postgraduate programmes in hydrography run along <br />

similar lines. The first semester consists of 14 weeks of theory courses followed by <br />

examinations in January. This theory is then put into practice during a semester of practical <br />

projects, workshops, seminars and visits during which the students are rotated between <br />

different organizations, both industry practitioners and training establishments. <br />

This approach provides the students with the opportunity to put their theoretical framework <br />

to good use in a practical environment. After successfully finishing this year of the <br />

programme, students are awarded a declaration. <br />

The second year focuses on fieldwork at a company or institute, from amongst the partner <br />

organizations, to further develop the student’s practical skills. During this year students <br />

experience real work as a hydrographer and prepare themselves thoroughly for their future <br />

careers. <br />

After completion the student receives a category B or category A certificate depending on <br />

the programme they have been following. <br />

Quality and certification <br />

The Antwerp Maritime Academy is certified ISO 9001:2008 5 . All activities of the Institute for <br />

Hydrography are incorporated into the Maritime Academy’s quality system. As such, the <br />

school vouches for the high quality and excellence of its students, including hydrography <br />

postgraduates. <br />

5 ISO 9001 are a set of standardized requirements for a system of quality control employed by a firm or <br />

institution. More info on www.iso.org.

A crucial element that grants accreditation and lends validity to a programme and <br />

certification such as this one is its acknowledgement by an institution of note, respected in <br />

the field. The HZS is in the process of acquiring acknowledgement by the International <br />

Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in Monaco, the authority in the field of hydrographic <br />

survey. This vital recognition will allow the programme to fully develop its reputation <br />

through excellent training, and to be at the forefront of development in the industry. <br />

To continuously monitor the quality of the programme, an interactive correspondence with <br />

students and industry has been made an integral part of the programme. This results in a <br />

constant upgrading of the course and practical training, keeping all aspects of the <br />

programme fully up to date and on the leading edge of industry methods and thinking. For <br />

this purpose a steering council has been established within the Institute to ensure quality <br />

and innovation. The steering council is responsible for decision-­‐making, oversight, <br />

monitoring and follow-­‐up of the programmes. <br />

Furthermore all courses are delivered by lecturers expert in their fields. The cooperation <br />

between the different partners allows specific knowledge and skills to be taught by those <br />

individuals best qualified to do so; leaders in their fields. The collaboration between the HZS <br />

and UGent results in an immediate concentration of collective knowledge and experience, <br />

which enables it to become one of the leading institutes of hydrography globally. <br />

Compatibility and Flexibility <br />

Candidates for the postgraduate programme cat. B are required to present a Bachelor’s <br />

degree. There is no field of study specified so any Bachelor can be admitted. Candidates <br />

have to prove their knowledge of Mathematics and Physics, as well as sufficient English <br />

proficiency. The knowledge of basic sciences is essential as science is the basis of most <br />

courses and this minimum of scientific accomplishment should be established at the <br />

beginning of the course. <br />

Participants with relevant competences may be eligible for exemptions for certain modules. <br />

Based on documentary proof, the extensive application portfolio and personal interviews, a <br />

selection committee decides on exemptions for each candidate on an individual basis. <br />

The programme structure allows the students great flexibility. Because of the modular <br />

system, the theoretical courses take place during the first semester of the first programme <br />

year. The second, third and fourth semester consists of fieldwork, during which the students <br />

engage in a specialized placement in the industry as trainees. <br />

STCW educational decrees enable already active hydrographers to take up a flexible and <br />

individual curriculum. The candidate can choose to extend the programme courses over a <br />

period of maximum five years, thus allowing part-­‐time work at one’s own pace. This serves <br />

to ensure as seamless as possible an integration between existing in-­‐house training <br />

arrangements and a more institution based approach. <br />


The HZS as an educational institution focuses on the future with a scientific and innovative <br />

approach. Its aim is to provide outstanding programmes that answer to both the institute’s

standards and the international IHO standards of competence. Establishing a course in <br />

hydrography and meeting the demands of both the industry as well as the professional-­‐to-­be,<br />

was therefore a logical step. In addition to freeing up industry training resources and <br />

streamlining the process of becoming a hydrography professional, the benefits of <br />

centralised, concentrated yet easily accessible expertise are not to be underestimated. <br />

Only a few institutes in Europe offer English language programmes in hydrography. With <br />

English as the course language, we are able to accommodate students from all over the <br />

world. With this, the Antwerp Maritime Academy underlines another element of its mission: <br />

international purveyance of education. <br />

Continuous quality control and upholding high standards is a priority. The HZS pays extra <br />

attention to partnerships to safeguard the excellence of its training programmes. With a <br />

team of experts from academic and industry backgrounds, supported by specialized <br />

equipment, students receive a solid theoretical framework. The negotiated training <br />

opportunities enable students to practice their learnt skills in a professional environment, <br />

ensuring graduates are in the best possible position to thrive as hydrographers from the <br />

start of their careers. <br />

Students can create an individual curriculum and study relevant subjects at a time most <br />

convenient and sensible for them in relation to their individual studies. Students may be <br />

eligible for exemptions from particular modules when they have previous knowledge or <br />

experience in a field. To ensure an open, international approach and increase accessibility, <br />

all courses are taught in English. This flexibility puts the programmes in an exceptional <br />

position to cater for students and active hydrographers alike. <br />


The delivery of certified and capable hydrographers is the principle aim of these educational <br />

programmes. For a field that is in constant need of qualified people, in a country lacking any <br />

hydrographic training, the creation of the postgraduate programmes is a direct solution to <br />

the problems of this demand. <br />

During the start-­‐up of both programmes, its workings are closely monitored to evaluate and <br />

improve processes. The partnership with other educational facilities and interested parties <br />

within the maritime sector will ensure constant feedback and keep the training relevant at <br />

all times. At the same time the documentation needed for IHO accreditation will be finalized <br />

in order to validate the certificates issued by the HZS. <br />

In the coming years the HZS envisions that the hydrography programmes will be promoted <br />

amongst students, interested people and people that are already active in the field. <br />

Academically, the postgraduate programmes would evolve towards a more standard <br />

academic structure to become more embedded and accepted as a field of study. <br />

In the long run, the programmes aim to contribute to hydrographic institutions, the <br />

participating industry and the international nautical community as a whole. By employing <br />

high standards, the HZS aspires to deliver competent professionals, help build on the quality <br />

of education and make sea and subsea activities better and safer.


Hydrography is an important field that should not be neglected by academic institutions, <br />

which through close links with industry are uniquely placed to drive forward expertise in this <br />

field. The demand for certified hydrographers calls for a programme that can provide this <br />

highly qualified personnel trained for the specific and demanding task at hand. <br />

In just two years Belgium has gone from an optional introductory master course to a full-­fledged<br />

programme with the collaboration of higher education institutes, governmental <br />

bodies and the industry itself. The quality, flexibility and international allure of this course <br />

provides present and future candidates from any background with an attractive set of skills <br />

and prospects. <br />

The aim of the HZS is to equip their students with the necessary knowledge and abilities to <br />

become competent and confident hydrographic surveyors. Extensive practice and fieldwork <br />

combined with an approved theoretical framework will enable graduates to successfully <br />

pursue their professional careers in the hydrographic field. <br />


Bijlsma, Rodrigue. “Hydrografie. Het in kaart brengen van de Belgische hydrografische <br />

sector, de Europese IHO gecertificeerde opleidingen en Het Institute For Hydrography.” Ma <br />

diss., Antwerp Maritime Academy, 2012. <br />

Bijlsma, Rodrigue. “Hydrografie.” Ba diss., Antwerp Maritime Academy, 2011. <br />

Claeys, Annelies. “Rapport hydrografieonderzoek.” Ma diss., Ghent University, 2009. <br />

International Hydrographic Organization. Standards of competence for Hydrographic <br />

Surveyors S-­‐5. Monaco: The Hydrographic Bureau, 2011. Accessed May 30, 2012. <br />

http://www.iho.int/iho_pubs/standard/S-­‐5_Ed_11.0.1_06May2011_Standards-­‐Hydro.pdf. <br />

International Organization for Standardization. ISO 9000 essentials. Accessed June 6, 2012. <br />

http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_9000_essentials. <br />


Micha LIBERT <br />

Antwerp Maritime Academy <br />

Noordkasteel Oost 6 <br />

B-­‐2030 Antwerpen <br />

BELGIUM <br />

Tel.: +32 3 205 64 81 <br />

Fax.: +32 3 225 06 39 <br />

Email: micha.libert@hzs.be <br />

Web site: www.hzs.be/hydrography <br />

LinkedIn account: http://be.linkedin.com/pub/micha-­‐libert/46/b46/32

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