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DRIVE-IN<br />



OWNER: Walter Reade Theatres ARCHITECT: Leon M. Emhorn<br />

URIVE-rN<br />

iH WAiJ£RRLu)E Theatre<br />


•<br />



A pylon resembling a lighthouse adds an interesting touch to the design of the attraction board at the new Absecon Dri*e-ln<br />

Theatre in Absecon, N. J. The lighthouse is symbolic of the seashore resort area, and there is a revolving light at the top<br />

,SS«1<br />

Illuminated Lighthouse Pylon Dominates Attraction Board<br />

I HE 1,000-CAR Absecon Drlve-In<br />

Theatre, newest of the eight outdoor theatres<br />

in the Walter Reade circuit was officially<br />

opened June 11. Located in Absecon.<br />

N. J., it Is just two miles from Atlantic City.<br />

A lighthouse pylon and attraction board,<br />

Inspired by the nautical atmosphere of<br />

Each of the twin boxoffices can service<br />

two lanes of cars, and each contains office<br />

space behind the cashier posts; one used<br />

by the manager for an office, and the<br />

other is used as a storeroom. Both box-<br />

offices are finished in attractive Califo<br />

nia Redwood, and are amply lit by cluste<br />

of baby spots. The boxoffices are situat*}<br />

approximately 200 yards from the hlglf<br />

way. The ticket -taker's booth Is about nl<br />

yards behind the boxoffices and Just prli<br />

to the point where cars turn off to enU<br />

the ramps.<br />

the Atlantic City seashore resort area, is<br />

a feature of the Absecon. The board utilizes<br />

19-inch-hlgh wood letters, and the light<br />

at the top of the pylon revolves similar to<br />

a lighthouse. The same type of design<br />

was al.so used at Atlantic Drlve-In, the<br />

other Walter Reade outdoor theatre serving<br />

the other .side of Atlantic City's area.<br />

There are lights behind "Ab.secon Drlve-<br />

In," and lights above and below the three<br />

panels of the attraction titles.<br />

I20m80FOOT<br />

screen<br />

One of the large.sl curved .screens In the<br />

east serves the theatre. It measures 120<br />

feet In width and l.s approximately 80 feet<br />

high. The tower Is of wood frame construction<br />

set In concrete, and Is covered with<br />

Mnsonlte.<br />

tfMzs^mJ<br />

A pickup trucit which normally carts m»nhandise,<br />

runs errands and pushes stalled cars, does double<br />

duty OS an advertising vehicle lor the Absecon<br />

and Atlantic Drive In theatres, both Walter Reade<br />

properties The frames ore usually used to plug<br />

picturtt rather than institutional copy as shown here.<br />

Is<br />


A free kiddie playground at the Ab.seeoi<br />

placed in a different location than tha<br />

In other Walter Reade theatres where tl'<br />

play area Is in front of the screen. Th)<br />

one was placed at the rear of the bulldln<br />

housing the R*'freshery and projeetio<br />

bootli In the Ix-lief that the central Ux-i<br />

tlon might be more convenient for pntroi<br />

and would al.so keep them near tlie foe!<br />

counters.<br />

A mechanical merry-go-round, swing<br />

slldi'.s and a self-propelled merry-go-roiir<br />

are among the play e

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